11 research outputs found

    Partial discharge detection using low cost RTL-SDR model for wideband spectrum sensing

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    Partial discharge (PD) is one of the predominant factors to be controlled to ensure reliability and undisrupted functions of power generators, motors, Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) and grid connected power distribution equipment, especially in the future smart grid. The emergence of wireless technology has provided numerous opportunities to optimise remote monitoring and control facilities that can play a significant role in ensuring swift control and restoration of HV plant equipment. In order to monitor PD, several approaches have been employed, however, the existing schemes do not provide an optimal approach for PD signal analysis, and are very costly. In this paper an RTL-SDR (Software Defined Radio) based spectrum analyser has been proposed in order to provide a potentially low cost solution for PD detection and monitoring. Initially, a portable spectrum analyser has been used for PD detection that was later replaced by an RTL-SDR device. The proposed schemes exhibit promising results for spectral detection within the VHF and UHF band

    Partial Discharge Localization Based on Received Signal Strength

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    Partial Discharge (PD) occurs when insulation containing defects or voids is subject to high voltages. If left untreated PD can degrade insulation until, eventually, catastrophic insulation failure occurs. The detection of PD current pulses, however, can allow incipient insulation faults to be identified, located and repaired prior to plant failure. Wireless technology has paved the path for PD detection and monitoring. Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a promising technology. Signals from two PD sources are received at six outdoors locations using an SDR USRP N200 which is connected to a laptop. PD sources, thereafter, are localized based on received signal strengths

    Partial discharge detection and localization : using software defined radio

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    Partial Discharge (PD) occurs when insulation containing voids is subjected to high voltage (HV). If left untreated PD can degrade insulation until, eventually, catastrophic insulation failure occurs. The detection of PD current pulses, however, can allow incipient insulation faults to be identified, located and repaired prior to plant failure. Traditionally PD is detected using galvanic contact methods or capacitive/inductive coupling sensors. This article discusses the use of Software Defined Radio (SDR) for PD detection and localization, and presents proof of principle experimental results that suggest SDR can provide a simple and reliable solution for PD-based monitoring of HV insulation integrity

    Deteksi Partial Discharge Pada Isolasi Udara Dengan Menggunakan Loop Antenna

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    Isolator pada system tenaga listrik sangatlah penting untuk memisahkan dua ata lebih penghantar listrik yang bertegangan. Tujuan dilakukan pemisahan tersebut adalah menghindari lompatan listrik atau percikan. Isolasi udara merupakan salah satu isolasi yang umum digunakan pada peralatan tegangan tinggi. Peralatan dapat rusak saat terjadi kegagalan (breakdown) isolasi karena adanya arc, suhu yang sangat panas dan karbonisasi. Kegagalan akan ditandai dengan adanya fenomena Partial Discharge saat kondisi pre-breakdown. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut tugas akhir ini membahas metode deteksi Partial Discharge pada isolasi udara dengan menggunakan loop antenna. penelitian ini menganalisa pengaruh variabel jarak dan diameter dari elektroda pengujian. Analisa yang dilakukan menggunakan metode PRPD (Phase-Resolved Partial Discharge). Kondisi yang dianalisa mulai dari ketika normal hingga munculnya arus bocor (leakage current). Hasil analisa menggunakan loop antenna akan dibandingkan dengan metode leakage current. Analisa leakage current menggunakan High Frequency Current Transformer. Tujuan dan manfaat dari tugas akhir ini adalah mengantisipasi adanya kegagalan (breakdown) pada isolasi udara. Melalui pengujian ini diharahapkan dapat diketahui bahwa gelombang elektromagnetik yang dihasilkan ketika PD muncul, akan semakin jelas apabila tegangan dan jarak antar elektroda semakin tinggi. Selain itu dapat diketahui bahwa loop antenna lebih unggul dibandingkan metode leakage current dengan HFCT karena kondisi PD dapat dianalisa lebih mudah dengan sudut PD lebih besar. Tugas akhir ini juga diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan untuk menunjang kebutuhan industri di Indonesia. Selain itu, analisa Tugas akhir ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan referensi untuk penelitian selanjutnya. =============================================================================================================================== Isolator in electrical power system is crucial to separate two or more electrical conductors. Separation of electrical conductors is meant to prevent electrical current jump or sparks. Gas isolation is one of the most used types of isolators that are applicated in high voltage appliances. Harm to equipment may happen in result of failure or breakdown of isolator due to arc which is very high and carbonated air. Failure of isolators may be observed through the phenomenon called Partial Discharge (PD) in pre-breakdown state. Based on this condition, this research will analyze methods of Partial Discharge detection in gas isolator using loop antenna. This research will analyze the leverage of distance variable and diameter of electrode used. Analyzation will be done with the implementation of Phase-Resolved Partial Discharge (PRPD) method. Conditions to be analyzed will start from normal state until the signs of leakage current is evident. The output achieved from the loop antenna will be compared with leakage current method for validation. High Frequency Current Transformer (HFCT) will be implemented to analyze leakage current. The purpose of this research is to anticipate failure or breakdown in gas isolator. Through this research, it is expected that electromagnetic waves could be known when PD starts to show, will become more evident with the increase of voltage and distance from the electrodes. Moreover, validation that loop antenna is more accurate rather than the leakage current method with HFCT could also be proven since the condition of PD could be easier to analyze with higher degree of PD. This research is aimed to be implemented to answer the challenges of industrial needs in Indonesia. Lastly, this research is hoped to be a reference for next corresponding researches

    Pengaruh Jarak Antena Terhadap Performansi Deteksi Partial Discharge Pada Isolasi Udara

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    Isolasi adalah suatu peralalan yang mempunyai fungsi untuk memisahkan dua atau lebih penghantar listrik yang bertegangan sehingga antara penghantar-penghantar tersebut tidak terjadi lompatan listrik atau percikan. Apabila tegangan yang diberikan melebihi kuat medan isolasi, maka akan terjadi breakdown yang berakibat adanya arus yang mengalir antara peralatan tegangan tinggi. Contoh dari fenomena Pre-breakdown voltage yaitu partial discharge. Partial discharge atau peluahan sebagian adalah peristiwa pelepasan atau loncatan bunga api listrik yang terjadi pada suatu bagian isolasi sebagai akibat dari adanya potensial yang tinggi dalam isolasi tersebut. Aktivitas partial discharge memancarkan gelombang elektromagnetik yang mengandung Ultra High Frequency (UHF). Adanya gelombang elektromagnetik berfrekuensi ultra tinggi ini dapat terdeteksi oleh antena dengan kemampuan menangkap gelombang berfrekuensi ultra tinggi. Pengujian dilakukan pada isolasi udara berskala laboratorium menggunakan 3 antena yaitu antena loop, microstrip, dan monopole. Elektroda yang digunakan adalah elektroda point to plane dengan jarak 3 cm. Variasi jarak antena diberikan 15 cm, 25 cm, dan 35 cm. Pembangkit yang digunakan bertipe AC. Data hasil pengujian diolah menjadi Phase Resolved Partial Discharge (PRPD). Hasil menunjukan bahwa pengaruh jarak antena mempengaruhi besar amplitudo yang ditangkap antena, dimana semakin dekat jarak antena terhadap sumber partial discharge, maka semakin besar pula amplitudo tegangan antena. Jumlah titik PRPD pada jarak 15 cm lebih banyak daripada pada jarak 25 cm ataupun 35 cm. Hal ini disebabkan medan elektromagnetik yang ditangkap oleh antena makin besar. =============================================================================================================================== Isolation is an equipment that has a function to separate two or more electric conductors so that between the conductors there is no electric jump or spark. If the voltage given exceeds the strength of the isolation field, a breakdown will occur which results in a current flowing between high voltage equipment. An example of a Pre-breakdown voltage phenomenon is partial discharge. Partial discharge or partial discharge is the event of the release or jump of electric spark that occurs in a part of isolation as a result of the existence of high potential in the isolation. Partial discharge activity emits electromagnetic waves containing Ultra High Frequency (UHF). The presence of ultra high frequency electromagnetic waves can be detected by an antena with the ability to capture ultra high frequency waves. Tests carried out in laboratory scale air isolation using 3 antenas namely loop antena, microstrip, and monopole. The electrode used is the point to plane electrode with a distance of 3 cm. Antena distance variations are given 15 cm, 25 cm and 35 cm. The generator used is an AC type. The test data is processed into a Phase Resolved Partial Discharge (PRPD). The results show that the effect of antena distance affects the magnitude of the amplitude captured by the antena, where the closer the antena is to the source of the partial discharge, the greater the amplitude of the antena voltage. Number of PRPD points at a distance of 15 cm more than at a distance of 25 cm or 35 cm. This is due to the greater electromagnetic field captured by the antena

    Deteksi Partial Discharge pada Isolasi Udara dengan Teknik Ultra High Frequency (UHF)

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    Partial discharge (PD) atau peluahan sebagian termasuk dalam fenomena pre-breakdown voltage, yaitu peristiwa peluahan atau pelepasan muatan listrik yang terjadi pada sebagian atau seluruh bagian bahan isolasi. Aktivitas partial discharge ini menghasilkan sinyal elektromagnetik yang mengandung frekuensi ultra tinggi (UHF). Keberadaan sinyal/gelombang partial discharge ini dapat terdeteksi oleh antena yang memiliki kemampuan dapat menangkap sinyal/gelombang pada frekuensi ultra tinggi. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah diameter dan jarak elektroda mempengaruhi besar tegangan breakdwon. Adanya perubahan tegangan pada saat partial discharge hingga breakdown voltage yang semakin tinggi ini menghasilkan frekuensi ultra tinggi yang pada pengujian ini keberadaanya berhasil terdeteksi dengan antena dilihat dari perubahan bentuk sinyal frekuensi dan spektrum warna yang terjadi. ============== Partial discharge (PD) is a phenomenon of pre-breakdown voltage, such as discharging occurrence of electrical capacity in partial or entire insulating material. This partial discharge activity produces electromagnetic signals that contains ultra high frequencies (UHF). The presence of these partial discharge signals/waves can be detected by antennas that capable of capturing signals/waves at ultra high frequencies. The results shows that the diameter and distance of the electrode affected the breakdwon voltage. The existence of increasing voltage alteration at the time of partial discharge until breakdown shows that it produces ultra high frequency. In this test, ultra high frequency is successfully detected with the antenna. The detection is seen by the significant changes of frequency signal form and occurrence of color spectrum

    Deteksi Partial Discharge pada Isolasi Cair dengan Teknik Ultra High Frequency (UHF)

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    Partial Discharge (PD) merupakan suatu fenomena yang terjadi pada peralatan tegangan tinggi ketika pre-breakdown. Kondisi ini menghubungkan dua elektroda yang seharusnya terpisah. Partial Discharge dapat terjadi pada isolasi minyak sehingga menyebabkan penurunan kualitas dari transformator dan circuit breaker tegangan tinggi. Kerusakan tersebut terjadi karena setelah PD akan terjadi breakdown voltage yang akan menghasilkan panas, arc dan karbonisasi. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi PD pada beberapa kondisi serta memvalidasi hasil sehingga dapat menghindari fenomena breakdown yang menghasilkan arc. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pembangkitan tegangan tinggi AC berelektroda point to plane. Partial Discharge yang dihasilkan pada isolasi cair akan dideteksi dengan metode UHF dan leakage current. Metode UHF mendeteksi PD dengan antenna dan menghasilkan sinyal digital dan spectrum waterfall. Sinyal tersebut akan dikonversi menjadi kuat sinyal (dBm) agar hasil dapat dianalisa. Metode leakage current mendeteksi arus bocor yang di plot menjadi sinyal arus. Analisa dilakukan pada beberapa kondisi jarak dan diameter elektroda. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah perubahan kuat sinyal yang dipengaruhi oleh diameter dan jarak elektroda. Hasil akan divalidasi dan dibandingkan dengan metode leakage current dan waterfall spectrum. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dapat diketahui bahwa Metode UHF dapat menampilkan perbedaan kuat sinyal untuk deteksi Partial Discharge mulai kondisi normal, pre-breakdown, hingga breakdown sedangkan metode leakage current hanya dapat mendeteksi PD beberapa saat sebelum breakdown. ============ Partial Discharge (PD) is a phenomenon happened in high voltage equipment when pre-breakdown condition. This condition connected two electrodes which should be separated. Partial Discharge can occur in oil insulation causing degrardation quality of transformer and high voltage circuit breaker. The damage occurs because breakdown voltage will occur after PD and will generate heat, arc and carbonization. This final project aims to detect PD in several conditions and validate the results then avoid the arc from breakdown phenomenon. Experiment using AC high voltage generation with point to plane electrode. Partial discharge that generated in liquid insulation will be detected by UHF and leakage current methods. UHF method detects PD with antenna and produces digital signal and spectrum waterfall. The signal will be converted to signal strength (dBm) for analysis purpose. Leakage current method detects leakage current then plot it into current signal. Analyzes were performed on some electrode gap distance conditions and diameter. The results are changes of power signals affected by diameter and gap distance of the electrode. The results will be validated and compared with leakage current and waterfall spectrum methods. Based on these results it is known that UHF method can detect power signal better than other method with high sensitivity. Partial Discharge (PD) is a phenomenon happened in high voltage equipment when pre-breakdown condition. This condition connected two electrodes which should be separated. Partial Discharge can occur in oil insulation causing degrardation quality of transformer and high voltage circuit breaker. The damage occurs because breakdown voltage will occur after PD and will generate heat, arc and carbonization. This final project aims to detect PD in several conditions and validate the results then avoid the arc from breakdown phenomenon. Experiment using AC high voltage generation with point to plane electrode. Partial discharge that generated in liquid insulation will be detected by UHF and leakage current methods. UHF method detects PD with antenna and produces digital signal and spectrum waterfall. The signal will be converted to signal strength (dBm) for analysis purpose. Leakage current method detects leakage current then plot it into current signal. Analyzes were performed on some electrode gap distance conditions and diameter. The results are changes of power signals affected by diameter and gap distance of the electrode. The results will be validated and compared with leakage current and waterfall spectrum methods. Based on these results it is known that UHF method can detect power signal better than other method with high sensitivity

    Partial Discharge Detection and localization Using Software Defined Radio in the future smart grid

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    Partial discharge (PD) occurs if a high voltage is applied to insulation that contains voids. PD is one of the predominant factors to be controlled to ensure reliability and undisrupted functions of power generators, motors, Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) and grid connected power distribution equipment. PD can degrade insulation and if left untreated can cause catastrophic insulation failure. However, PD pulse monitoring and detection can save cost and life prior to plant failure. PD is detected using traditional methods such as galvanic contact methods or UHF PD detection methods. Recently, an alternative method for PD detection and monitoring using wireless technology has become possible. Software Defined Radio has opened new opportunities to detect and monitor PD activity. This research makes use of SDR technology for PD detection and monitoring. The main advantages of SDR technology are that it is cost-effective and it is relatively immune against environmental noise. This is because the noise at electrical power stations is from around a few KHz to a few MHz and this is well below the SDR frequency range and PD frequency band (50-800 MHz). However, noise or interference also exists in the PD frequency band. These interferences are narrow band and mainly from FM, TV broadcasting and mobile telephony signals whose frequencies are well known, thus these interferences can be possibly processed and removed. In this research two SDR products (Realtek software defined radio RTL-SDR/Universal software radio peripheral USRP N200) are used to detect PD signals emitted by a PD source that was located at a distance of 1 m in case of RTL-SDR device while in case of USRP N200 the PD source was located at a distance of 3 m. These PD signals once received by an SDR device are recorded and processed offline in order to localize the PD source. The detected PD signal was around 20 dB above background noise in case of the RTL-SDR device and 25 dB above background noise in case of using the USRP N200. Selecting the appropriate SDR device depends on factors such as high sensitivity and selectivity. Furthermore, although USRP N200 is more expensive than RTL-SDR dongles, USRP N200 was preferred over RTL-SDR as it demonstrates higher sensitivity and overall better results. PD detection using SDR devices was conducted in the frequency domain. These result were validated using a high-end costly device, i.e. spectrum analyzer. Generally, SDR devices demonstrate satisfactory results when compared to spectrum analyzers. Considering that spectrum analyzers cost around £10,000, while a USRP N200 SRD device costs less than £1000, SDR technology seems to be cost-effective. Following PD detection, PD localization was performed using USRP N200 results, and a localization algorithm based on Received Signal Strength (RSS) was adopted. The localization result was within a 1.3-meter accuracy and this can be considered as a relatively good result. In addition, and for the purpose of evaluating the proposed scheme, more experiments were conducted using another system that is based on radiometric sensors which is WSN PD system. The estimated error was 1m in case of using the SDR-USRP N200 system and 0.8 m in case of using the WSN PD system. Results of both systems were very satisfactory, although some results at the corners of the detection grid were not good and the error was higher than 3 meters due to the fact that the RSS algorithm performs poorly at corners. These experiments were used to validate both systems for PD detection and localization in industrial environments