19 research outputs found

    Testing the foundation of quantum physics in space via Interferometric and non-interferometric experiments\ua0with mesoscopic nanoparticles

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    This perspective presents current and future possibilities offered by space technology for testing quantum mechanics, with a focus on mesoscopic superposition of nanoparticles and the potential of interferometric and non-interferometric experiments in space.Quantum technologies are opening novel avenues for applied and fundamental science at an impressive pace. In this perspective article, we focus on the promises coming from the combination of quantum technologies and space science to test the very foundations of quantum physics and, possibly, new physics. In particular, we survey the field of mesoscopic superpositions of nanoparticles and the potential of interferometric and non-interferometric experiments in space for the investigation of the superposition principle of quantum mechanics and the quantum-to-classical transition. We delve into the possibilities offered by the state-of-the-art of nanoparticle physics projected in the space environment and discuss the numerous challenges, and the corresponding potential advancements, that the space environment presents. In doing this, we also offer an ab-initio estimate of the potential of space-based interferometry with some of the largest systems ever considered and show that there is room for tests of quantum mechanics at an unprecedented level of detail

    Testing the foundation of quantum physics in space via Interferometric and non-interferometric experiments with mesoscopic nanoparticles

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    Quantum technologies are opening novel avenues for applied and fundamental science at an impressive pace. In this perspective article, we focus on the promises coming from the combination of quantum technologies and space science to test the very foundations of quantum physics and, possibly, new physics. In particular, we survey the field of mesoscopic superpositions of nanoparticles and the potential of interferometric and non-interferometric experiments in space for the investigation of the superposition principle of quantum mechanics and the quantum-to-classical transition. We delve into the possibilities offered by the state-of-the-art of nanoparticle physics projected in the space environment and discuss the numerous challenges, and the corresponding potential advancements, that the space environment presents. In doing this, we also offer an ab-initio estimate of the potential of space-based interferometry with some of the largest systems ever considered and show that there is room for tests of quantum mechanics at an unprecedented level of detail

    Decoherence and its Role in Interpretations of Quantum Physics

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine different conceptions of decoherence and their significance within interpretations of quantum mechanics. I set out three different conceptions of decoherence found in the literature and examine the relations between them. I argue that only the weakest of these conceptions is empirically well supported, and that the other two rely on claims about the structure of the histories (robust patterns within the wavefunction) which we occupy which require justification. I also examine the ways in which conceptions of decoherence are used to solve aspects of the quantum measurement problem and support modern interpretations of quantum mechanics. I focus particularly on Wallace's Everettian interpretation of quantum mechanics. I argue that while decoherence is generally successful in supporting this interpretation in a variety of ways, the very strong conception of decoherence on which he relies is itself difficult to justify. I consider a variety of possible approaches to justifying the use of this strong conception of decoherence and argue that many of them are either unconvincing, or rely on controversial cosmological claims. Finally, I suggest that the best way to justify the use of this strong conception of decoherence is by appealing directly to its indispensability to an otherwise very attractive interpretation of quantum mechanics

    Work, heat and entropy production along quantum trajectories

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    Quantum open systems evolve according to completely positive, trace preserving maps acting on the density operator, which can equivalently be unraveled in term of so-called quantum trajectories. These stochastic sequences of pure states correspond to the actual dynamics of the quantum system during single realizations of an experiment in which the system's environment is monitored. In this chapter, we present an extension of stochastic thermodynamics to the case of open quantum systems, which builds on the analogy between the quantum trajectories and the trajectories in phase space of classical stochastic thermodynamics. We analyze entropy production, work and heat exchanges at the trajectory level, identifying genuinely quantum contributions due to decoherence induced by the environment. We present three examples: the thermalization of a quantum system, the fluorescence of a driven qubit and the continuous monitoring of a qubit's observable.Comment: Book chapter in 'Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook


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    Understanding quantum mechanics: a review and synthesis in precise language

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    This review, of the understanding of quantum mechanics, is broad in scope, and aims to reflect enough of the literature to be representative of the current state of the subject. To enhance clarity, the main findings are presented in the form of a coherent synthesis of the reviewed sources. The review highlights core characteristics of quantum mechanics. One is statistical balance in the collective response of an ensemble of identically prepared systems, to differing measurement types. Another is that states are mathematical terms prescribing probability aspects of future events, relating to an ensemble of systems, in various situations. These characteristics then yield helpful insights on entanglement, measurement, and widely-discussed experiments and analyses. The review concludes by considering how these insights are supported, illustrated and developed by some specific approaches to understanding quantum mechanics. The review uses non-mathematical language precisely (terms defined) and rigorously (consistent meanings), and uses only such language. A theory more descriptive of independent reality than is quantum mechanics may yet be possible. One step in the pursuit of such a theory is to reach greater consensus on how to understand quantum mechanics. This review aims to contribute to achieving that greater consensus, and so to that pursuit

    The negative way to sentience

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    While the materialist paradigm is credited for the incredible success of science in describing the world, to some scientists and philosophers there seems to be something about subjective experience that is left out, in an apparently irreconcilable way. I show that indeed a scientific description of reality faces a serious limitation, which explains this position. On the other hand, to remain in the realm of science, I explore the problem of sentient experience in an indirect way, through its possible physical correlates. This can only be done in a negative way, which consists in the falsification of various hypotheses and the derivation of no-go results. The general approach I use here is based on simple mathematical proofs about dynamical systems, which I then particularize to several types of physical theories and interpretations of quantum mechanics. Despite choosing this scientifically-prudent approach, it turns out that various possibilities to consider sentience as fundamental make empirical predictions, ranging from some that can only be verified on a subjective basis to some about the physical correlates of sentience, which are independently falsifiable by objective means

    The negative way to sentience

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    While the materialist paradigm is credited for the incredible success of science in describing the world, to some scientists and philosophers there seems to be something about subjective experience that is left out, in an apparently irreconcilable way. I show that indeed a scientific description of reality faces a serious limitation, which explains this position. On the other hand, to remain in the realm of science, I explore the problem of sentient experience in an indirect way, through its possible physical correlates. This can only be done in a negative way, which consists in the falsification of various hypotheses and the derivation of no-go results. The general approach I use here is based on simple mathematical proofs about dynamical systems, which I then particularize to several types of physical theories and interpretations of quantum mechanics. Despite choosing this scientifically-prudent approach, it turns out that various possibilities to consider sentience as fundamental make empirical predictions, ranging from some that can only be verified on a subjective basis to some about the physical correlates of sentience, which are independently falsifiable by objective means

    Irreversibility Measures in a Quantum Setting

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    A satisfactory understanding of macroscopic irreversibility has remained elusive since the advent of thermodynamics. Progress has nevertheless been made in understanding irreversibility measures classically; this work explores irreversibility in a quantum setting. Entropy production quantifies the irreversibility associated with open stochastic dynamical systems, and our main aim has been to extend this concept. Understanding the thermodynamics of open quantum systems better will eventually improve the efficiency of increasingly feasible nanoscale operations. An exact method to model the thermodynamic properties of open quantum systems is the stochastic Liouville-von Neumann (SLN) equation, based on unravelling Feynman-Vernon influence functionals. We extend its use from the one heat bath case to a system in a non-equilibrium stationary state due to coupling to more than one heat bath. An asymmetry in the probabilistic specification of a closed deterministic system can lead to a disparity between the likelihoods of a particular forward and corresponding backward behaviour starting from a specified time. Such a comparison is a test of a property denoted obversibility, quantified in terms of dissipation production – rather than entropy production – as a measure of irreversibility. We evaluate dissipation production in a deterministic two-level quantum system described by a statistical ensemble of state vectors. We identify the conditions under which the dissipation production fulfills an Evans-Searles Fluctuation Theorem and for which the system will display time-asymmetric average behaviour as it evolves. Finally, we use a Kraus operator formalism to present a minimal model for the random evolution in the Bloch sphere of individual trajectory realisations of the coherence vector of a qubit and use it to evaluate the entropy production associated with weak quantum measurement, with both one and two measurement operators, before speculating on the consequences of our results to our understanding of quantum measurement and the associated indeterminism