15,642 research outputs found

    GNN-SL: Sequence Labeling Based on Nearest Examples via GNN

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    To better handle long-tail cases in the sequence labeling (SL) task, in this work, we introduce graph neural networks sequence labeling (GNN-SL), which augments the vanilla SL model output with similar tagging examples retrieved from the whole training set. Since not all the retrieved tagging examples benefit the model prediction, we construct a heterogeneous graph, and leverage graph neural networks (GNNs) to transfer information between the retrieved tagging examples and the input word sequence. The augmented node which aggregates information from neighbors is used to do prediction. This strategy enables the model to directly acquire similar tagging examples and improves the general quality of predictions. We conduct a variety of experiments on three typical sequence labeling tasks: Named Entity Recognition (NER), Part of Speech Tagging (POS), and Chinese Word Segmentation (CWS) to show the significant performance of our GNN-SL. Notably, GNN-SL achieves SOTA results of 96.9 (+0.2) on PKU, 98.3 (+0.4) on CITYU, 98.5 (+0.2) on MSR, and 96.9 (+0.2) on AS for the CWS task, and results comparable to SOTA performances on NER datasets, and POS datasets.Comment: preprin

    Part of speech tagging of slovene language using deep neural networks

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    The thesis deals with part of speech tagging of Slovene language. Part of speech tagging is a process of matching sentences in natural language with a sequence of suitable tags, which contain information about parts of speech and morphological properties of words. Our solution uses character-level representation of words, which is different from typical solutions, which process input sentences as sequences of words. Our part of speech tagger is implemented using convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Unlike common approaches that address this problem as multi-class classification, our solution proposes a multi-label classification approach. In order to improve our results we implement an ensemble of three part of speech taggers. When comparing our solution with existing ones, we find that the proposed solution achieves the best results

    Part of speech tagging of slovene language using deep neural networks

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    The thesis deals with part of speech tagging of Slovene language. Part of speech tagging is a process of matching sentences in natural language with a sequence of suitable tags, which contain information about parts of speech and morphological properties of words. Our solution uses character-level representation of words, which is different from typical solutions, which process input sentences as sequences of words. Our part of speech tagger is implemented using convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Unlike common approaches that address this problem as multi-class classification, our solution proposes a multi-label classification approach. In order to improve our results we implement an ensemble of three part of speech taggers. When comparing our solution with existing ones, we find that the proposed solution achieves the best results

    Does the Word Chien Bark? Representation Learning in Neural Machine Translation Encoders

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    This thesis presents experiments with using representation learning to explore how neural networks learn. Neural networks which take text as input create internal representations of the text during their training. Recent work has found that these representations can be used to perform other downstream linguistic tasks, such as part-of-speech (POS) tagging. This demonstrates that the neural networks are learning linguistic information and storing this information in the representations. We focus on the representations created by neural machine translation (NMT) models and whether they can be used in POS tagging. We train 5 NMT models including an auto-encoder. We extract the encoder from each model and utilize the representations that the encoder produces to train a hand-crafted Encoder-Tagger (ET) model to do POS tagging. We explore the impact of various features including NMT target language, NMT BLEU score, encoder depth, sequence length, token frequency, and percentage of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) tokens in a sequence. We find that NMT encoder representations contain sufficient linguistic information to perform POS tagging and that there are correlations between several features, which helps us to better understand the inner workings of neural networks