1,039 research outputs found

    Cross-lingual transfer learning and multitask learning for capturing multiword expressions

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Association for Computational Linguistics in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and WordNet (MWE-WN 2019), available online: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-5119 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Recent developments in deep learning have prompted a surge of interest in the application of multitask and transfer learning to NLP problems. In this study, we explore for the first time, the application of transfer learning (TRL) and multitask learning (MTL) to the identification of Multiword Expressions (MWEs). For MTL, we exploit the shared syntactic information between MWE and dependency parsing models to jointly train a single model on both tasks. We specifically predict two types of labels: MWE and dependency parse. Our neural MTL architecture utilises the supervision of dependency parsing in lower layers and predicts MWE tags in upper layers. In the TRL scenario, we overcome the scarcity of data by learning a model on a larger MWE dataset and transferring the knowledge to a resource-poor setting in another language. In both scenarios, the resulting models achieved higher performance compared to standard neural approaches

    Decreasing lexical data sparsity in statistical syntactic parsing - experiments with named entities

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    In this paper we present preliminary experiments that aim to reduce lexical data sparsity in statistical parsing by exploiting information about named entities. Words in the WSJ corpus are mapped to named entity clusters and a latent variable constituency parser is trained and tested on the transformed corpus. We explore two different methods for mapping words to entities, and look at the effect of mapping various subsets of named entity types. Thus far, results show no improvement in parsing accuracy over the best baseline score; we identify possible problems and outline suggestions for future directions

    Handling non-compositionality in multilingual CNLs

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    In this paper, we describe methods for handling multilingual non-compositional constructions in the framework of GF. We specifically look at methods to detect and extract non-compositional phrases from parallel texts and propose methods to handle such constructions in GF grammars. We expect that the methods to handle non-compositional constructions will enrich CNLs by providing more flexibility in the design of controlled languages. We look at two specific use cases of non-compositional constructions: a general-purpose method to detect and extract multilingual multiword expressions and a procedure to identify nominal compounds in German. We evaluate our procedure for multiword expressions by performing a qualitative analysis of the results. For the experiments on nominal compounds, we incorporate the detected compounds in a full SMT pipeline and evaluate the impact of our method in machine translation process.Comment: CNL workshop in COLING 201

    Knowing a thing is "a thing": The use of acoustic features in multiword expression extraction

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    Speakers of a language need to have complex linguistic representations for speaking, often on the level of non-literal, idiomatic expressions like black sheep. Typically, datasets of these so-called multiword expressions come from hand-crafted ontologies or lexicons, because identifying expressions like these in an unsupervised manner is still an unsolved problem in natural language processing. In this thesis I demonstrate that prosodic features, which are helpful in parsing syntax and interpreting meaning, can also be used to identify multiword expressions. To do this, I extracted noun phrases from the Buckeye corpus, which contains spontaneous spoken language, and matched these noun phrases to page titles in Wikipedia, a massive, freely available encyclopedic ontology of entities and phenomena. By incorporating prosodic features into a model that distinguishes between multiword expressions that are found in Wikipedia titles and those that are not, we see increases in classifier performance that suggests that prosodic cues can help with the automatic extraction of multiword expressions from spontaneous speech, helping models and potentially listeners decide whether something is "a thing" or not

    Multiword expressions at length and in depth

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    The annual workshop on multiword expressions takes place since 2001 in conjunction with major computational linguistics conferences and attracts the attention of an ever-growing community working on a variety of languages, linguistic phenomena and related computational processing issues. MWE 2017 took place in Valencia, Spain, and represented a vibrant panorama of the current research landscape on the computational treatment of multiword expressions, featuring many high-quality submissions. Furthermore, MWE 2017 included the first shared task on multilingual identification of verbal multiword expressions. The shared task, with extended communal work, has developed important multilingual resources and mobilised several research groups in computational linguistics worldwide. This book contains extended versions of selected papers from the workshop. Authors worked hard to include detailed explanations, broader and deeper analyses, and new exciting results, which were thoroughly reviewed by an internationally renowned committee. We hope that this distinctly joint effort will provide a meaningful and useful snapshot of the multilingual state of the art in multiword expressions modelling and processing, and will be a point point of reference for future work

    MultiMWE: building a multi-lingual multi-word expression (MWE) parallel corpora

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    Multi-word expressions (MWEs) are a hot topic in research in natural language processing (NLP), including topics such as MWE detection, MWE decomposition, and research investigating the exploitation of MWEs in other NLP fields such as Machine Translation. However, the availability of bilingual or multi-lingual MWE corpora is very limited. The only bilingual MWE corpora that we are aware of is from the PARSEME (PARSing and Multi-word Expressions) EU project. This is a small collection of only 871 pairs of English-German MWEs. In this paper, we present multi-lingual and bilingual MWE corpora that we have extracted from root parallel corpora. Our collections are 3,159,226 and 143,042 bilingual MWE pairs for German-English and Chinese-English respectively after filtering. We examine the quality of these extracted bilingual MWEs in MT experiments. Our initial experiments applying MWEs in MT show improved translation performances on MWE terms in qualitative analysis and better general evaluation scores in quantitative analysis, on both German-English and Chinese-English language pairs. We follow a standard experimental pipeline to create our MultiMWE corpora which are available online. Researchers can use this free corpus for their own models or use them in a knowledge base as model features

    Current trends

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    Deep parsing is the fundamental process aiming at the representation of the syntactic structure of phrases and sentences. In the traditional methodology this process is based on lexicons and grammars representing roughly properties of words and interactions of words and structures in sentences. Several linguistic frameworks, such as Headdriven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG), Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), etc., offer different structures and combining operations for building grammar rules. These already contain mechanisms for expressing properties of Multiword Expressions (MWE), which, however, need improvement in how they account for idiosyncrasies of MWEs on the one hand and their similarities to regular structures on the other hand. This collaborative book constitutes a survey on various attempts at representing and parsing MWEs in the context of linguistic theories and applications