13 research outputs found

    Positional Determinacy of Games with Infinitely Many Priorities

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    We study two-player games of infinite duration that are played on finite or infinite game graphs. A winning strategy for such a game is positional if it only depends on the current position, and not on the history of the play. A game is positionally determined if, from each position, one of the two players has a positional winning strategy. The theory of such games is well studied for winning conditions that are defined in terms of a mapping that assigns to each position a priority from a finite set. Specifically, in Muller games the winner of a play is determined by the set of those priorities that have been seen infinitely often; an important special case are parity games where the least (or greatest) priority occurring infinitely often determines the winner. It is well-known that parity games are positionally determined whereas Muller games are determined via finite-memory strategies. In this paper, we extend this theory to the case of games with infinitely many priorities. Such games arise in several application areas, for instance in pushdown games with winning conditions depending on stack contents. For parity games there are several generalisations to the case of infinitely many priorities. While max-parity games over omega or min-parity games over larger ordinals than omega require strategies with infinite memory, we can prove that min-parity games with priorities in omega are positionally determined. Indeed, it turns out that the min-parity condition over omega is the only infinitary Muller condition that guarantees positional determinacy on all game graphs

    Games where you can play optimally without any memory

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    International audienceReactive systems are often modelled as two person antagonistic games where one player represents the system while his adversary represents the environment. Undoubtedly, the most popular games in this context are parity games and their cousins (Rabin, Streett and Muller games). Recently however also games with other types of payments, like discounted or mean-payoff , previously used only in economic context, entered into the area of system modelling and verification. The most outstanding property of parity, mean-payoff and discounted games is the existence of optimal positional (memoryless) strategies for both players. This observation raises two questions: (1) can we characterise the family of payoff mappings for which there always exist optimal positional strategies for both players and (2) are there other payoff mappings with practical or theoretical interest and admitting optimal positional strategies. This paper provides a complete answer to the first question by presenting a simple necessary and sufficient condition on payoff mapping guaranteeing the existence of optimal positional strategies. As a corollary to this result we show the following remarkable property of payoff mappings: if both players have optimal positional strategies when playing solitary one-player games then also they have optimal positional strategies for two-player games

    Infinite-state games with finitary conditions

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    A Counting Logic for Structure Transition Systems

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    Quantitative questions such as "what is the maximum number of tokens in a place of a Petri net?" or "what is the maximal reachable height of the stack of a pushdown automaton?" play a significant role in understanding models of computation. To study such problems in a systematic way, we introduce structure transition systems on which one can define logics that mix temporal expressions (e.g. reachability) with properties of a state (e.g. the height of the stack). We propose a counting logic Qmu[#MSO] which allows to express questions like the ones above, and also many boundedness problems studied so far. We show that Qmu[#MSO] has good algorithmic properties, in particular we generalize two standard methods in model checking, decomposition on trees and model checking through parity games, to this quantitative logic. These properties are used to prove decidability of Qmu[#MSO] on tree-producing pushdown systems, a generalization of both pushdown systems and regular tree grammars


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    We study two-player zero-sum games over infinite-state graphs equipped with ωB and finitary conditions. Our first contribution is about the strategy complexity, i.e the memory required for winning strategies: we prove that over general infinite-state graphs, memoryless strategies are sufficient for finitary Büchi, and finite-memory suffices for finitary parity games. We then study pushdown games with boundedness conditions, with two contributions. First we prove a collapse result for pushdown games with ωB-conditions, implying the decidability of solving these games. Second we consider pushdown games with finitary parity along with stack boundedness conditions, and show that solving these games is EXPTIME-complete

    Characterizing Omega-Regularity Through Finite-Memory Determinacy of Games on Infinite Graphs

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    We consider zero-sum games on infinite graphs, with objectives specified as sets of infinite words over some alphabet of colors. A well-studied class of objectives is the one of ?-regular objectives, due to its relation to many natural problems in theoretical computer science. We focus on the strategy complexity question: given an objective, how much memory does each player require to play as well as possible? A classical result is that finite-memory strategies suffice for both players when the objective is ?-regular. We show a reciprocal of that statement: when both players can play optimally with a chromatic finite-memory structure (i.e., whose updates can only observe colors) in all infinite game graphs, then the objective must be ?-regular. This provides a game-theoretic characterization of ?-regular objectives, and this characterization can help in obtaining memory bounds. Moreover, a by-product of our characterization is a new one-to-two-player lift: to show that chromatic finite-memory structures suffice to play optimally in two-player games on infinite graphs, it suffices to show it in the simpler case of one-player games on infinite graphs. We illustrate our results with the family of discounted-sum objectives, for which ?-regularity depends on the value of some parameters

    How Good Is a Strategy in a Game with Nature?

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    International audienceWe consider games with two antagonistic players — Éloïse (modelling a program) and Abélard (modelling a byzantine environment) — and a third, unpredictable and uncontrollable player, that we call Nature. Motivated by the fact that the usual probabilistic semantics very quickly leads to undecidability when considering either infinite game graphs or imperfect information, we propose two alternative semantics that leads to decidability where the probabilistic one fails: one based on counting and one based on topology

    Games with Winning Conditions of High Borel Complexity

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    International audienceWe first consider infinite two-player games on pushdown graphs. In previous work, Cachat, Duparc and Thomas [4] have presented a winning decidable condition that is Sigma_3-complete in the Borel hierarchy. This was the first example of a decidable winning condition of such Borel complexity. We extend this result by giving a family of decidable winning conditions of arbitrary finite Borel complexity. From this family, we deduce a family of decidable winning conditions of arbitrary finite Borel complexity for games played on finite graphs. The problem of deciding the winner for these conditions is shown to be non-elementary

    Symbolic Backwards-Reachability Analysis for Higher-Order Pushdown Systems

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    Higher-order pushdown systems (PDSs) generalise pushdown systems through the use of higher-order stacks, that is, a nested "stack of stacks" structure. These systems may be used to model higher-order programs and are closely related to the Caucal hierarchy of infinite graphs and safe higher-order recursion schemes. We consider the backwards-reachability problem over higher-order Alternating PDSs (APDSs), a generalisation of higher-order PDSs. This builds on and extends previous work on pushdown systems and context-free higher-order processes in a non-trivial manner. In particular, we show that the set of configurations from which a regular set of higher-order APDS configurations is reachable is regular and computable in n-EXPTIME. In fact, the problem is n-EXPTIME-complete. We show that this work has several applications in the verification of higher-order PDSs, such as linear-time model-checking, alternation-free mu-calculus model-checking and the computation of winning regions of reachability games