7 research outputs found

    Parfait - Designing a Scalable Bug Checker

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    We present the design of Parfait, a static layered program analysis framework for bug checking, designed for scalability and precision by improving false positive rates and scale to millions of lines of code. The Parfait framework is inherently parallelizable and makes use of demand driven analyses. In this paper we provide an example of several layers of analyses for buffer overflow, summarize our initial implementation for C, and provide preliminary results. Results are quantified in terms of correctly-reported, false positive and false negative rates against the NIST SAMATE synthetic benchmarks for C code

    Towards Vulnerability Discovery Using Staged Program Analysis

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    Eliminating vulnerabilities from low-level code is vital for securing software. Static analysis is a promising approach for discovering vulnerabilities since it can provide developers early feedback on the code they write. But, it presents multiple challenges not the least of which is understanding what makes a bug exploitable and conveying this information to the developer. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a practical vulnerability assessment framework, called Melange. Melange performs data and control flow analysis to diagnose potential security bugs, and outputs well-formatted bug reports that help developers understand and fix security bugs. Based on the intuition that real-world vulnerabilities manifest themselves across multiple parts of a program, Melange performs both local and global analyses. To scale up to large programs, global analysis is demand-driven. Our prototype detects multiple vulnerability classes in C and C++ code including type confusion, and garbage memory reads. We have evaluated Melange extensively. Our case studies show that Melange scales up to large codebases such as Chromium, is easy-to-use, and most importantly, capable of discovering vulnerabilities in real-world code. Our findings indicate that static analysis is a viable reinforcement to the software testing tool set.Comment: A revised version to appear in the proceedings of the 13th conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA), July 201

    Enabling Sophisticated Analysis of x86 Binaries with RevGen

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    Current state-of-the-art static analysis tools for binary software operate on ad-hoc intermediate representations (IR) of the machine code. Therefore, even though IRs facilitate program analysis by abstracting away the source language, it is hard to reuse existing implementations of analysis tools in new endeavors. Recently, a new compiler framework — LLVM— has emerged, together with many analysis tools that use its IR. However, these tools rely on a compiler to generate the IR from source code. We propose RevGen, a tool that automatically converts existing binary programs to the standard LLVM IR, making an increasingly large number of static and dynamic analysis frameworks, as well as run-time instrumentation tools, applicable to legacy software. We show the potential of RevGen by converting several programs and device drivers to LLVM and checking the resulting code with off-the-shelf analysis tools

    Enhancing Usability Of Malware Analysis Pipelines With Reverse Engineering

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    Lots of work has been done on analyzing software distributed in binary form. This is a challenging problem because of the relatively unstructured nature of binaries. To recover high-level structure, various attempts have included static and dynamic analysis. However, human inspection is often required, as high-level structure is compiled away. Recent success in this area includes work on variable-name recovery, vulnerability discovery, class recovery for object-oriented languages. We are interested in building a pipeline for user to analyze malware. In this thesis we tackle two problems central to malware analysis pipelines. The first is D3RE, an interactive querying tool that allows users to analyze binaries interactively by writing declarative rules and visualizing their results projected onto a binary. The second is Assmeblage, a tool which automatically scrapes GitHub for C and C++ repositories and builds these repositories automatically using different compilation settings to produce a variety of configurations. These two tools will enable users to get enough data to do analysis as well for them to do interactive analysis. Finally, we present future work demonstrating a possible visualization combining d3re and Ghidra along with some specific questions for future user studies

    Enhancing Usability of Malware Analysis Pipelines With Reverse Engineering

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    Lots of work has been done on analyzing software distributed in binary form. This is a challenging problem because of the relatively unstructured nature of binaries. To recover high-level structure, various attempts have included static and dynamic analysis. However, human inspection is often required, as high-level structure is compiled away. Recent success in this area includes work on variable-name recovery, vulnerability discovery, class recovery for object-oriented languages. We are interested in building a pipeline for user to analyze malware. In this thesis we tackle two problems central to malware analysis pipelines. The first is D3RE, an interactive querying tool that allows users to analyze binaries interactively by writing declarative rules and visualizing their results projected onto a binary. The second is Assmeblage, a tool which automatically scrapes GitHub for C and C++ repositories and builds these repositories automatically using different compilation settings to produce a variety of configurations. These two tools will enable users to get enough data to do analysis as well for them to do interactive analysis. Finally, we present future work demonstrating a possible visualization combining d3re and Ghidra along with some specific questions for future user studies

    C++-ohjelmien laadun parantaminen staattisella koodianalyysillä

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    Static code analysis is the analysis of program code without executing it. Static analysis tools are therefore a useful part of automated software analysis. Typical uses for these tools are to detect software defects and otherwise suspect code. Several algorithms and formal methods are available specializing in code analysis. Token pattern matching is used by simpler tools, while more in-depth tools prefer formal methods such as abstract interpretation and model checking. The choice of algorithms thus depends on the preferred analysis precision and soundness. We introduced the practical problems facing static analysis, especially in the context of C++ software. For static analysis to work in a satisfiable way, the tool must understand the semantics of the code being analyzed. Many tools, particularly open-source ones, have deficiencies in their capabilities of code understanding due to being unable to correctly parse complex C++. Furthermore, we examined the difficulty of handling large numbers of warnings issued by these tools in mature software projects. As a summary, we presented a list of five open-source and six commercial static analysis tools that are able to analyze C++ source code. To find out the viability of integrating static analysis tools in real-world projects, we performed a two-part evaluation. The first part was a measurement of the detection accuracy of four open-source and two commercial tools in 30 synthetic test cases. We discovered that Clang excels in this test, although each tool found different sets of defects, thus reaffirming the idea that multiple tools should be used together. In the second part of the evaluation, we applied these tools on six consecutive point releases of DynaRoad. While none of the tools were able to detect any of the crash defects known in these releases, they proved to be valuable in finding other unknown problems in our code base. Finally, we detailed the integration effort of three static analysis tools into our existing build process.Staattisella koodianalyysilla tarkoitetaan ohjelmakoodin analysointia suorittamatta sitä. Tämä tekee siitä hyödyllistä ohjelmien automaattista analyysia varten. Tyypillisiä käyttökohteita ovat ohjelmavirheiden havaitseminen sekä tyylitarkastuksien tekeminen. Analyysityökalujen toteuttamiseen on useita algoritmeja sekä formaaleja menetelmiä. Yksinkertaisemmat työkalut turvautuvat merkeistä koostuvien hahmojen etsimiseen lähdekoodista. Toteutustavan valinta riippuu pitkälti halutusta analyysin tarkkuudesta. Työssä esiteltiin C++-ohjelmien analyysiin kohdistuvia ongelmia. Staattisen analyysityökalun on toimiakseen ymmärrettävä analysoitava koodi riittävän hyvin, jotta analyysin tuloksista olisi hyötyä. Monella analyysityökalulla on vaikeuksia ymmärtää monimutkaista lähdekoodia, mikä koskee erityisesti avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmia. Työssä käsiteltiin lisäksi syitä miksi laajojen ohjelmien analysointi on hankalaa suurten varoitusmäärien takia. Lopuksi listattiin viisi avoimen lähdekoodin analysointiohjelmaa sekä kuusi kaupallista ohjelmaa. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää mahdollisuuksia integroida staattisia analyysiohjelmia olemassa oleviin kehitysprosesseihin suorittamalla ohjelmilla kaksiosainen arviointi. Ensimmäinen arviointi koostui 30:stä synteettisestä testistä, joissa mitattiin analyysityökalujen tarkkuutta havaita ennalta määriteltyjä ohjelmavirheitä. Clang-kääntäjä suoriutui parhaiten näistä testeistä. Kaikki analyysityökalut havaitsivat kuitenkin eri virheitä, mikä vahvistaa käsitystä siitä, että mahdollisimman monen työkalun käyttö on suositeltavaa. Toisessa arvioinnissa tutkittiin valituilla analyysityökaluilla kuutta eri DynaRoadin julkaisuversiota. Saaduilla tuloksilla pystyttiin vertailemaan analyysityökalujen pätevyyttä havaita ohjelmasta raportoituja kaatumisvikoja. Analyysityökalut eivät tunnistaneet yhtään tunnettua vikaa, mutta osoittivat hyödyllisyytensä löytämällä muita tuntemattomia vikoja. Työn lopuksi käytiin läpi kolmen analyysityökalun integrointi olemassa oleviin kehitysprosesseihin

    Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructures

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    Critical infrastructures are vital assets for public safety, economic welfare, and the national security of countries. The vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures have increased with the widespread use of information technologies. As Critical National Infrastructures are becoming more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, their protection becomes a significant issue for organizations as well as nations. The risks to continued operations, from failing to upgrade aging infrastructure or not meeting mandated regulatory regimes, are considered highly significant, given the demonstrable impact of such circumstances. Due to the rapid increase of sophisticated cyber threats targeting critical infrastructures with significant destructive effects, the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures has become an agenda item for academics, practitioners, and policy makers. A holistic view which covers technical, policy, human, and behavioural aspects is essential to handle cyber security of critical infrastructures effectively. Moreover, the ability to attribute crimes to criminals is a vital element of avoiding impunity in cyberspace. In this book, both research and practical aspects of cyber security considerations in critical infrastructures are presented. Aligned with the interdisciplinary nature of cyber security, authors from academia, government, and industry have contributed 13 chapters. The issues that are discussed and analysed include cybersecurity training, maturity assessment frameworks, malware analysis techniques, ransomware attacks, security solutions for industrial control systems, and privacy preservation methods