4 research outputs found

    Framing a Knowledge Base for a Legal Expert System Dealing with Indeterminate Concepts

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    Despite decades of development of formal tools for modelling legal knowledge and reasoning, the creation of a fully fledged legal decision support system remains challenging. Among those challenges, such system requires an enormous amount of commonsense knowledge to derive legal expertise. This paper describes the development of a negotiation decision support system (the Parenting Plan Support System or PPSS) to support parents in drafting an agreement (the parenting plan) for the exercise of parental custody of minor children after a divorce is granted. The main objective here is to discuss problems of framing an intuitively appealing and computationally efficient knowledge base that can adequately represent the indeterminate legal concept of the well-being of the child in the context of continental legal culture and of Polish law in particular. In addition to commonsense reasoning, interpretation of such a concept demands both legal expertise and significant professional knowledge from other domains

    A methodology for designing systems to reason with legal cases using Abstract Dialectical Frameworks

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    This paper presents a methodology to design and implement programs intended to decide cases, described as sets of factors, according to a theory of a particular domain based on a set of precedent cases relating to that domain. We use Abstract Dialectical Frameworks (ADFs), a recent development in AI knowledge representation, as the central feature of our design method. ADFs will play a role akin to that played by Entity鈥揜elationship models in the design of database systems. First, we explain how the factor hierarchy of the well-known legal reasoning system CATO can be used to instantiate an ADF for the domain of US Trade Secrets. This is intended to demonstrate the suitability of ADFs for expressing the design of legal cased based systems. The method is then applied to two other legal domains often used in the literature of AI and Law. In each domain, the design is provided by the domain analyst expressing the cases in terms of factors organised into an ADF from which an executable program can be implemented in a straightforward way by taking advantage of the closeness of the acceptance conditions of the ADF to components of an executable program. We evaluate the ease of implementation, the performance and efficacy of the resulting program, ease of refinement of the program and the transparency of the reasoning. This evaluation suggests ways in which factor based systems, which are limited by taking as their starting point the representation of cases as sets of factors and so abstracting away the particular facts, can be extended to address open issues in AI and Law by incorporating the case facts to improve the decision, and by considering justification and reasoning using portion of precedents

    Rozwi膮zywanie sytuacji konfliktowych w wymiarze jednostkowym i spo艂ecznym

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    O konflikcie jako zjawisku i procesie spo艂ecznym nigdy za wiele, zw艂aszcza gdy w jednym tomie mo偶na znale藕膰 analizy teoretyczne 藕r贸de艂 i istoty konfliktu, jego konstruktywnego potencja艂u, jak i dysfunkcjonalno艣ci wobec relacji spo艂ecznych i spo艂ecznego 艂adu. Zagadnienia te omawiane s膮 przez socjolog贸w, pedagog贸w, psycholog贸w, teoretyk贸w prawa oraz praktyk贸w zajmuj膮cych si臋 ich rozwi膮zywaniem: pracownik贸w socjalnych, terapeut贸w, mediator贸w, negocjator贸w, prokurator贸w, s臋dzi贸w, mened偶er贸w. Opr贸cz diagnoz dotycz膮cych sfer 偶ycia spo艂ecznego szczeg贸lnie zagro偶onych konfliktem (stosunki mi臋dzynarodowe, sfera publiczna, edukacja i wychowanie) czytelnik znajdzie w ksi膮偶ce opracowania na temat r贸偶nych dr贸g wychodzenia z konfliktu poprzez kompromis do konsensusu, z u偶yciem r贸偶nych narz臋dzi spo艂ecznych, takich jak: negocjacje, arbitra偶, a zw艂aszcza mediacje