13 research outputs found

    PolyDL: Polyhedral Optimizations for Creation of High Performance DL primitives

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have revolutionized many aspects of our lives. The use of DNNs is becoming ubiquitous including in softwares for image recognition, speech recognition, speech synthesis, language translation, to name a few. he training of DNN architectures however is computationally expensive. Once the model is created, its use in the intended application - the inference task, is computationally heavy too and the inference needs to be fast for real time use. For obtaining high performance today, the code of Deep Learning (DL) primitives optimized for specific architectures by expert programmers exposed via libraries is the norm. However, given the constant emergence of new DNN architectures, creating hand optimized code is expensive, slow and is not scalable. To address this performance-productivity challenge, in this paper we present compiler algorithms to automatically generate high performance implementations of DL primitives that closely match the performance of hand optimized libraries. We develop novel data reuse analysis algorithms using the polyhedral model to derive efficient execution schedules automatically. In addition, because most DL primitives use some variant of matrix multiplication at their core, we develop a flexible framework where it is possible to plug in library implementations of the same in lieu of a subset of the loops. We show that such a hybrid compiler plus a minimal library-use approach results in state-of-the-art performance. We develop compiler algorithms to also perform operator fusions that reduce data movement through the memory hierarchy of the computer system.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2002.0214

    Parameterized and multi-level tiled loop generation

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    Department Head: L. Darrell Whitley.2010 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Tiling is a loop transformation that decomposes computations into a set of smaller computation blocks. The transformation has been proven to be useful for many high-level program optimizations, such as data locality optimization and exploiting coarse-grained parallelism, and crucial for architecture with limited resources, such as embedded systems, GPUs, and the Cell architecture. Data locality and parallelism will continue to serve as major vehicles for achieving high performance on modern architecture in multi-core era. In parameterized tiling the size of blocks is not fixed at compile time but remains a symbolic constant so that it can be selected/changed even at runtime. Parameterized tiled loops facilitate iterative and runtime optimizations, such as iterative compilation, auto-tuning and dynamic program adaption. In this dissertation we present a collection of techniques for generating parameterized and multi-level tiled loops from affine control loops and their parallelization. The tiled loop generation problem even for perfectly nested loops has been believed to have an exponential time complexity due to the heavy machinery like Fourier-Motzkin elimination. Disproving this decade-long belief, we provide a simple technique for generating tiled loop nests even from imperfectly nested loops. Our technique for perfectly nested loops consists of only syntactic processing that is applied only once and independently to each loop bound. Our approach to imperfectly nested loops is composed of a direct extension of the tiled code generation technique for perfectly nested loops and three simple optimizations on the resulting parameterized tiled loops. The generation as well as the optimizations are achieved only with purely syntactic processing, hence loop generation time remains negligible. We also present three schemes for multi-level tiling where tiling is applied more than once. All the schemes are scalable with respect to the number of tiling levels and can be combined to achieve better performance. To facilitate parallelization of parameterized tiled loops, we generate outermost tile-loops that are perfectly nested. We also provide a technique for statically restructuring parameterized tiled loops to the wavefront scheduling on shared memory system. Because the formulation of parameterized tiling does not fit into the well established polyhedral framework, such static restructuring has been a great challenge. However, we achieve this limited restructuring through a syntactic processing without any sophisticated machinery

    Програмна система автоматизації створення оптимізованих додатків користувача для паралельних вбудованих систем

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    Магістерська дисертація містить 102 сторінки, 75 рисунків, 14 таблиць, 1 додаток, 30 джерел. Об`єкт дослідження: паралельні вбудовані системи. Мета магістерської дисертації: підвищення ефективності оптимізації додатків методом тайліенгу Предмет дослідження: автоматизована система створення оптимізованих додатків користувача для паралельних вбудованих систем. Наукова новизна одержаних у магістерській дисертації результатів полягає у вдосконаленні ефективності оптимізації додатків методом тайліенгу, а саме – у реалізації пошуку оптимальних розмірів тайлів методом генетичного алгоритму.The master's dissertation contains 102 pages, 75 figures, 14 tables, 1 appendix, 30 sources. Object of research: parallel embedded systems. The purpose of the master's dissertation: to increase the efficiency of optimization of applications by tailing Subject of research: automated system for creating optimized user applications for parallel embedded systems. The scientific novelty of the results obtained in the master's dissertation is to improve the efficiency of optimization of applications by tailing, namely - in the implementation of the search for optimal tile sizes by genetic algorithm.


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    High-level abstractions for parallel programming are still immature. Computations on complicated data structures such as pointer structures are considered as irregular algorithms. General graph structures, which irregular algorithms generally deal with, are difficult to divide and conquer. Because the divide-and-conquer paradigm is essential for load balancing in parallel algorithms and a key to parallel programming, general graphs are reasonably difficult. However, trees lead to divide-and-conquer computations by definition and are sufficiently general and powerful as a tool of programming. We therefore deal with abstractions of tree-based computations. Our study has started from Matsuzaki’s work on tree skeletons. We have improved the usability of tree skeletons by enriching their implementation aspect. Specifically, we have dealt with two issues. We first have implemented the loose coupling between skeletons and data structures and developed a flexible tree skeleton library. We secondly have implemented a parallelizer that transforms sequential recursive functions in C into parallel programs that use tree skeletons implicitly. This parallelizer hides the complicated API of tree skeletons and makes programmers to use tree skeletons with no burden. Unfortunately, the practicality of tree skeletons, however, has not been improved. On the basis of the observations from the practice of tree skeletons, we deal with two application domains: program analysis and neighborhood computation. In the domain of program analysis, compilers treat input programs as control-flow graphs (CFGs) and perform analysis on CFGs. Program analysis is therefore difficult to divide and conquer. To resolve this problem, we have developed divide-and-conquer methods for program analysis in a syntax-directed manner on the basis of Rosen’s high-level approach. Specifically, we have dealt with data-flow analysis based on Tarjan’s formalization and value-graph construction based on a functional formalization. In the domain of neighborhood computations, a primary issue is locality. A naive parallel neighborhood computation without locality enhancement causes a lot of cache misses. The divide-and-conquer paradigm is known to be useful also for locality enhancement. We therefore have applied algebraic formalizations and a tree-segmenting technique derived from tree skeletons to the locality enhancement of neighborhood computations.電気通信大学201

    Contributions à l'optimisation de programmes et à la synthèse de circuits haut-niveau

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    Since the end of Dennard scaling, power efficiency is the limiting factor for large-scale computing. Hardware accelerators such as reconfigurable circuits (FPGA, CGRA) or Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) were introduced to improve the performance under a limited energy budget, resulting into complex heterogeneous platforms. This document presents a synthetic description of my research activities over the last decade on compilers for high-performance computing and high-level synthesis of circuits (HLS) for FPGA accelerators. Specifically, my contributions covers both theoretical and practical aspects of automatic parallelization and HLS in a general theoretical framework called the polyhedral model.A first chapter describes our contributions to loop tiling, a key program transformation for automatic parallelization which splits the computation atomic blocks called tiles.We rephrase loop tiling in the polyhedral model to enable any polyhedral tile shape whose size depends on a single parameter (monoparametric tiling), and we present a tiling transformation for programs with reductions – accumulations w.r.t. an associative/commutative operator. Our results open the way for semantic program transformations ; program transformations which does not preserve the computation but still lead to an equivalent program.A second chapter describes our contributions to algorithm recognition. A compiler optimization will never replace a good algorithm, hence the idea to recognize algorithm instances in a program and to substitute them by a call to a performance library. In our PhD thesis, we have addressed the recognition of templates – functionswith first-order variables – into programs and its application to program optimization. We propose a complementary algorithm recognition framework which leverages our monoparametric tiling and our reduction tiling transformations. This automates semantic tiling, a new semantic program transformation which increases the grain of operators (scalar → matrix).A third chapter presents our contributions to the synthesis of communications with an off-chip memory in the context of high-level circuit synthesis (HLS). We propose an execution model based on loop tiling, a pipelined architecture and a source-level compilation algorithm which, connected to the C2H HLS tool from Altera, ends up to a FPGA configuration with minimized data transfers. Our compilation algorithm is optimal – the data are loaded as late as possible and stored as soon as possible with a maximal reuse.A fourth chapter presents our contributions to design a unified polyhedral compilation model for high-level circuit synthesis.We present the Data-aware Process Networks (DPN), a dataflow intermediate representation which leverages the ideas developed in chapter 3 to explicit the data transfers with an off-chip memory. We propose an algorithm to compile a DPN from a sequential program, and we present our contribution to the synthesis of DPN to a circuit. In particular, we present our algorithms to compile the control, the channels and the synchronizations of a DPN. These results are used in the production compiler of the Xtremlogic start-up.Depuis la fin du Dennard scaling, l’efficacité énergétique est le facteur limitant pour le calcul haute performance. Les accélérateurs matériels comme les circuits reconfigurables (FPGA, CGRA) ou les accélérateurs graphiques (GPUs) ont été introduits pour améliorer les performances sous un budget énergétique limité, menant à des plateformes hétérogènes complexes.Mes travaux de recherche portent sur les compilateurs et la synthèse de circuits haut-niveau (High-Level Synthesis, HLS) pour le calcul haute-performance. Specifiquement, mes contributions couvrent les aspects théoriques etpratiques de la parallélisation automatique et la HLS dans le cadre général du modèle polyédrique.Un premier chapitre décrit mes contributions au tuilage de boucles, une transformation fondamentale pour la parallélisation automatique, qui découpe le calcul en sous-calculs atomiques appelés tuiles. Nous reformulons le tuilage de boucles dans le modèle polyédrique pour permettre n’importe tuile polytopique dont la taille dépend d’un facteur homothétique (tuilage monoparamétrique), et nous décrivons une transformation de tuilage pour des programmes avec des réductions – une accumulation selon un opérateur associative et commutatif. Nos résultats ouvrent la voie à des transformations de programme sémantiques ; qui ne préservent pas le calcul, mais produisent un programme équivalent.Un second chapitre décrit mes contributions à la reconnaissance d’algorithmes. Une optimisation de compilateur ne remplacera jamais un bon algorithme, d’où l’idée de reconnaître les instances d’un algorithme dans un programme et de les substituer par un appel vers une bibliothèque hauteperformance, chaque fois que c’est possible et utile.Dans notre thèse, nous avons traité la reconnaissance de templates – des fonctions avec des variables d’ordre 1 – dans un programme et son application à l’optimisation de programes. Nous proposons une approche complémentaire qui s’appuie sur notre tuilage monoparamétrique complété par une transformation pour tuiler les réductions. Ceci automatise le tuilage sémantique, une nouvelle transformation sémantique qui augmente le grain des opérateurs (scalaire → matrice).Un troisième chapitre présente mes contributions à la synthèse des communications avec une mémoire off-chip dans le contexte de la synthèse de circuits haut-niveau. Nous proposons un modèle d’exécution basé sur le tuilage de boucles, une architecture pipelinée et un algorithme de compilation source-à-source qui, connecté à l’outil de HLS C2H d’Altera, produit une configuration de circuit FPGA qui réalise un volume minimal de transferts de données. Notre algorithme est optimal – les données sont chargées le plus tard possible et stockées le plus tôt possible, avec une réutilisation maximale et sans redondances.Enfin, un quatrième chapitre présente mes contributions pour construire un modèle de compilation polyédrique unifié pour la synthèse de circuits haut-niveau.Nous présentons les réseaux de processus DPN (Data-aware Process Networks), une représentation intermédiaire dataflow qui s’appuie sur les idées développées au chapitre 3 pour expliciter les transferts de données entre le circuit et la mémoire off-chip. Nous proposons une suite d’algorithmes pour compiler un DPN à partir d’un programme séquentiel et nous présentons nos contributions à la synthèse d’un DPN en circuit. En particulier, nous présentons nos algorithmes pour compiler le contrôle, les canaux et les synchronisations d’un DPN. Ces résultats sont utilisés dans le compilateur de production de la start-up XtremLogic

    Exploiting Multi-Level Parallelism in Streaming Applications for Heterogeneous Platforms with GPUs

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    Heterogeneous computing platforms support the traditional types of parallelism, such as e.g., instruction-level, data, task, and pipeline parallelism, and provide the opportunity to exploit a combination of different types of parallelism at different platform levels. The architectural diversity of platform components makes tapping into the platform potential a challenging programming task. This thesis makes an important step in this direction by introducing a novel methodology for automatic generation of structured, multi-level parallel programs from sequential applications. We introduce a novel hierarchical intermediate program representation (HiPRDG) that captures the notions of structure and hierarchy in the polyhedral model used for compile-time program transformation and code generation. Using the HiPRDG as the starting point, we present a novel method for generation of multi-level programs (MLPs) featuring different types of parallelism, such as task, data, and pipeline parallelism. Moreover, we introduce concepts and techniques for data parallelism identification, GPU code generation, and asynchronous data-driven execution on heterogeneous platforms with efficient overlapping of host-accelerator communication and computation. By enabling the modular, hybrid parallelization of program model components via HiPRDG, this thesis opens the door for highly efficient tailor-made parallel program generation and auto-tuning for next generations of multi-level heterogeneous platforms with diverse accelerators.Computer Systems, Imagery and Medi