21 research outputs found

    Parameterized Approximation Schemes using Graph Widths

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    Combining the techniques of approximation algorithms and parameterized complexity has long been considered a promising research area, but relatively few results are currently known. In this paper we study the parameterized approximability of a number of problems which are known to be hard to solve exactly when parameterized by treewidth or clique-width. Our main contribution is to present a natural randomized rounding technique that extends well-known ideas and can be used for both of these widths. Applying this very generic technique we obtain approximation schemes for a number of problems, evading both polynomial-time inapproximability and parameterized intractability bounds

    Parameterized Approximation Schemes for Independent Set of Rectangles and Geometric Knapsack

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    The area of parameterized approximation seeks to combine approximation and parameterized algorithms to obtain, e.g., (1+epsilon)-approximations in f(k,epsilon)n^O(1) time where k is some parameter of the input. The goal is to overcome lower bounds from either of the areas. We obtain the following results on parameterized approximability: - In the maximum independent set of rectangles problem (MISR) we are given a collection of n axis parallel rectangles in the plane. Our goal is to select a maximum-cardinality subset of pairwise non-overlapping rectangles. This problem is NP-hard and also W[1]-hard [Marx, ESA\u2705]. The best-known polynomial-time approximation factor is O(log log n) [Chalermsook and Chuzhoy, SODA\u2709] and it admits a QPTAS [Adamaszek and Wiese, FOCS\u2713; Chuzhoy and Ene, FOCS\u2716]. Here we present a parameterized approximation scheme (PAS) for MISR, i.e. an algorithm that, for any given constant epsilon>0 and integer k>0, in time f(k,epsilon)n^g(epsilon), either outputs a solution of size at least k/(1+epsilon), or declares that the optimum solution has size less than k. - In the (2-dimensional) geometric knapsack problem (2DK) we are given an axis-aligned square knapsack and a collection of axis-aligned rectangles in the plane (items). Our goal is to translate a maximum cardinality subset of items into the knapsack so that the selected items do not overlap. In the version of 2DK with rotations (2DKR), we are allowed to rotate items by 90 degrees. Both variants are NP-hard, and the best-known polynomial-time approximation factor is 2+epsilon [Jansen and Zhang, SODA\u2704]. These problems admit a QPTAS for polynomially bounded item sizes [Adamaszek and Wiese, SODA\u2715]. We show that both variants are W[1]-hard. Furthermore, we present a PAS for 2DKR. For all considered problems, getting time f(k,epsilon)n^O(1), rather than f(k,epsilon)n^g(epsilon), would give FPT time f\u27(k)n^O(1) exact algorithms by setting epsilon=1/(k+1), contradicting W[1]-hardness. Instead, for each fixed epsilon>0, our PASs give (1+epsilon)-approximate solutions in FPT time. For both MISR and 2DKR our techniques also give rise to preprocessing algorithms that take n^g(epsilon) time and return a subset of at most k^g(epsilon) rectangles/items that contains a solution of size at least k/(1+epsilon) if a solution of size k exists. This is a special case of the recently introduced notion of a polynomial-size approximate kernelization scheme [Lokshtanov et al., STOC\u2717]

    Structural Parameters, Tight Bounds, and Approximation for (k,r)-Center

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    In (k,r)-Center we are given a (possibly edge-weighted) graph and are asked to select at most k vertices (centers), so that all other vertices are at distance at most r from a center. In this paper we provide a number of tight fine-grained bounds on the complexity of this problem with respect to various standard graph parameters. Specifically: - For any r>=1, we show an algorithm that solves the problem in O*((3r+1)^cw) time, where cw is the clique-width of the input graph, as well as a tight SETH lower bound matching this algorithm\u27s performance. As a corollary, for r=1, this closes the gap that previously existed on the complexity of Dominating Set parameterized by cw. - We strengthen previously known FPT lower bounds, by showing that (k,r)-Center is W[1]-hard parameterized by the input graph\u27s vertex cover (if edge weights are allowed), or feedback vertex set, even if k is an additional parameter. Our reductions imply tight ETH-based lower bounds. Finally, we devise an algorithm parameterized by vertex cover for unweighted graphs. - We show that the complexity of the problem parameterized by tree-depth is 2^Theta(td^2) by showing an algorithm of this complexity and a tight ETH-based lower bound. We complement these mostly negative results by providing FPT approximation schemes parameterized by clique-width or treewidth which work efficiently independently of the values of k,r. In particular, we give algorithms which, for any epsilon>0, run in time O*((tw/epsilon)^O(tw)), O*((cw/epsilon)^O(cw)) and return a (k,(1+epsilon)r)-center, if a (k,r)-center exists, thus circumventing the problem\u27s W-hardness

    Parameterized Approximation Schemes for Steiner Trees with Small Number of Steiner Vertices

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    We study the Steiner Tree problem, in which a set of terminal vertices needs to be connected in the cheapest possible way in an edge-weighted graph. This problem has been extensively studied from the viewpoint of approximation and also parametrization. In particular, on one hand Steiner Tree is known to be APX-hard, and W[2]-hard on the other, if parameterized by the number of non-terminals (Steiner vertices) in the optimum solution. In contrast to this we give an efficient parameterized approximation scheme (EPAS), which circumvents both hardness results. Moreover, our methods imply the existence of a polynomial size approximate kernelization scheme (PSAKS) for the considered parameter. We further study the parameterized approximability of other variants of Steiner Tree, such as Directed Steiner Tree and Steiner Forest. For neither of these an EPAS is likely to exist for the studied parameter: for Steiner Forest an easy observation shows that the problem is APX-hard, even if the input graph contains no Steiner vertices. For Directed Steiner Tree we prove that computing a constant approximation for this parameter is W[1]-hard. Nevertheless, we show that an EPAS exists for Unweighted Directed Steiner Tree. Also we prove that there is an EPAS and a PSAKS for Steiner Forest if in addition to the number of Steiner vertices, the number of connected components of an optimal solution is considered to be a parameter

    Parameterized (Approximate) Defective Coloring

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    In Defective Coloring we are given a graph G=(V,E) and two integers chi_d,Delta^* and are asked if we can partition V into chi_d color classes, so that each class induces a graph of maximum degree Delta^*. We investigate the complexity of this generalization of Coloring with respect to several well-studied graph parameters, and show that the problem is W-hard parameterized by treewidth, pathwidth, tree-depth, or feedback vertex set, if chi_d=2. As expected, this hardness can be extended to larger values of chi_d for most of these parameters, with one surprising exception: we show that the problem is FPT parameterized by feedback vertex set for any chi_d != 2, and hence 2-coloring is the only hard case for this parameter. In addition to the above, we give an ETH-based lower bound for treewidth and pathwidth, showing that no algorithm can solve the problem in n^{o(pw)}, essentially matching the complexity of an algorithm obtained with standard techniques. We complement these results by considering the problem\u27s approximability and show that, with respect to Delta^*, the problem admits an algorithm which for any epsilon>0 runs in time (tw/epsilon)^{O(tw)} and returns a solution with exactly the desired number of colors that approximates the optimal Delta^* within (1+epsilon). We also give a (tw)^{O(tw)} algorithm which achieves the desired Delta^* exactly while 2-approximating the minimum value of chi_d. We show that this is close to optimal, by establishing that no FPT algorithm can (under standard assumptions) achieve a better than 3/2-approximation to chi_d, even when an extra constant additive error is also allowed

    Structural Parameterizations for Two Bounded Degree Problems Revisited

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    Structurally Parameterized d-Scattered Set

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    In dd-Scattered Set we are given an (edge-weighted) graph and are asked to select at least kk vertices, so that the distance between any pair is at least dd, thus generalizing Independent Set. We provide upper and lower bounds on the complexity of this problem with respect to various standard graph parameters. In particular, we show the following: - For any d≥2d\ge2, an O∗(dtw)O^*(d^{\textrm{tw}})-time algorithm, where tw\textrm{tw} is the treewidth of the input graph. - A tight SETH-based lower bound matching this algorithm's performance. These generalize known results for Independent Set. - dd-Scattered Set is W[1]-hard parameterized by vertex cover (for edge-weighted graphs), or feedback vertex set (for unweighted graphs), even if kk is an additional parameter. - A single-exponential algorithm parameterized by vertex cover for unweighted graphs, complementing the above-mentioned hardness. - A 2O(td2)2^{O(\textrm{td}^2)}-time algorithm parameterized by tree-depth (td\textrm{td}), as well as a matching ETH-based lower bound, both for unweighted graphs. We complement these mostly negative results by providing an FPT approximation scheme parameterized by treewidth. In particular, we give an algorithm which, for any error parameter ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, runs in time O∗((tw/ϵ)O(tw))O^*((\textrm{tw}/\epsilon)^{O(\textrm{tw})}) and returns a d/(1+ϵ)d/(1+\epsilon)-scattered set of size kk, if a dd-scattered set of the same size exists

    Minimum Stable Cut and Treewidth

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    A stable or locally-optimal cut of a graph is a cut whose weight cannot be increased by changing the side of a single vertex. Equivalently, a cut is stable if all vertices have the (weighted) majority of their neighbors on the other side. Finding a stable cut is a prototypical PLS-complete problem that has been studied in the context of local search and of algorithmic game theory. In this paper we study Min Stable Cut, the problem of finding a stable cut of minimum weight, which is closely related to the Price of Anarchy of the Max Cut game. Since this problem is NP-hard, we study its complexity on graphs of low treewidth, low degree, or both. We begin by showing that the problem remains weakly NP-hard on severely restricted trees, so bounding treewidth alone cannot make it tractable. We match this hardness with a pseudo-polynomial DP algorithm solving the problem in time (?? W)^{O(tw)}n^{O(1)}, where tw is the treewidth, ? the maximum degree, and W the maximum weight. On the other hand, bounding ? is also not enough, as the problem is NP-hard for unweighted graphs of bounded degree. We therefore parameterize Min Stable Cut by both tw and ? and obtain an FPT algorithm running in time 2^{O(?tw)}(n+log W)^{O(1)}. Our main result for the weighted problem is to provide a reduction showing that both aforementioned algorithms are essentially optimal, even if we replace treewidth by pathwidth: if there exists an algorithm running in (nW)^{o(pw)} or 2^{o(?pw)}(n+log W)^{O(1)}, then the ETH is false. Complementing this, we show that we can, however, obtain an FPT approximation scheme parameterized by treewidth, if we consider almost-stable solutions, that is, solutions where no single vertex can unilaterally increase the weight of its incident cut edges by more than a factor of (1+?). Motivated by these mostly negative results, we consider Unweighted Min Stable Cut. Here our results already imply a much faster exact algorithm running in time ?^{O(tw)}n^{O(1)}. We show that this is also probably essentially optimal: an algorithm running in n^{o(pw)} would contradict the ETH

    Parameterized approximation algorithms for bidirected steiner network problems

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    The Directed Steiner Network (DSN) problem takes as input a directed edge-weighted graph G=(V,E) and a set {D}subseteq V x V of k demand pairs. The aim is to compute the cheapest network N subseteq G for which there is an s -> t path for each (s,t)in {D}. It is known that this problem is notoriously hard as there is no k^{1/4-o(1)}-approximation algorithm under Gap-ETH, even when parameterizing the runtime by k [Dinur & Manurangsi, ITCS 2018]. In light of this, we systematically study several special cases of DSN and determine their parameterized approximability for the parameter k. For the bi-DSN_Planar problem, the aim is to compute a planar optimum solution N subseteq G in a bidirected graph G, i.e. for every edge uv of G the reverse edge vu exists and has the same weight. This problem is a generalization of several well-studied special cases. Our main result is that this problem admits a parameterized approximation scheme (PAS) for k. We also prove that our result is tight in the sense that (a) the runtime of our PAS cannot be significantly improved, and (b) it is unlikely that a PAS exists for any generalization of bi-DSN_Planar, unless FPT=W[1]. Additionally we study several generalizations of bi-DSN_Planar and obtain upper and lower bounds on obtainable runtimes parameterized by k. One important special case of DSN is the Strongly Connected Steiner Subgraph (SCSS) problem, for which the solution network N subseteq G needs to strongly connect a given set of k terminals. It has been observed before that for SCSS a parameterized 2-approximation exists when parameterized by k [Chitnis et al., IPEC 2013]. We show a tight inapproximability result: under Gap-ETH there is no (2-{epsilon})-approximation algorithm parameterized by k (for any epsilon>0). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a W[1]-hard problem admitting a non-trivial parameterized approximation factor which is also known to be tight! Additionally we show that when restricting the input of SCSS to bidirected graphs, the problem remains NP-hard but becomes FPT for k

    Parameterized Complexity of Fair Bisection: (FPT-Approximation meets Unbreakability)

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