1,362 research outputs found

    Parallelizing Optimal Multiple Sequence Alignment by Dynamic Programming

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    Optimal multiple sequence alignment by dynamic programming, like many highly dimensional scientific computing problems, has failed to benefit from the improvements in computing performance brought about by multi-processor systems, due to the lack of suitable scheme to manage partitioning and dependencies. A scheme for parallel implementation of the dynamic programming multiple sequence alignment is presented, based on a peer to peer design and a multidimensional array indexing method. This design results in up to 5-fold improvement compared to a previously described master/slave design, and scales favourably with the number of processors used. This study demonstrates an approach for parallelising multi-dimensional dynamic programming and similar algorithms utilizing multi-processor architectures

    Accelerating Data-Serial Applications on Data-Parallel GPGPUs: A Systems Approach

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    The general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU) continues to make significant strides in high-end computing by delivering unprecedented performance at a commodity price. However, the many-core architecture of the GPGPU currently allows only data-parallel applications to extract the full potential out of the hardware. Applications that require frequent synchronization during their execution do not experience much performance gain out of the GPGPU. This is mainly due to the lack of explicit hardware or software support for inter thread communication across the entire GPGPU chip. In this paper, we design, implement, and evaluate a highly-efficient software barrier that synchronizes all the thread blocks running on an offloaded kernel on the GPGPU without having to transfer execution control back to the host processor. We show that our custom software barrier achieves a three-fold performance improvement over the existing approach, i.e., synchronization via the host processor. To illustrate the aforementioned performance benefit, we parallelize a data-serial application, specifically an optimal sequence-search algorithm called Smith-Waterman (SWat), that requires frequent barrier synchronization across the many cores of the nVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 GPGPU. Our parallelization consists of a suite of optimization techniques — optimal data layout, coalesced memory accesses, and blocked data decomposition. Then, when coupled with our custom software-barrier implementation, we achieve nearly a nine-fold speed-up over the serial implementation of SWat. We also show that our solution delivers 25 faster on-chip execution than the na¨ıve implementation

    Revisiting the Speed-versus-Sensitivity Tradeoff in Pairwise Sequence Search

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    The Smith-Waterman algorithm is a dynamic programming method for determining optimal local alignments between nucleotide or protein sequences. However, it suffers from quadratic time and space complexity. As a result, many algorithmic and architectural enhancements have been proposed to solve this problem, but at the cost of reduced sensitivity in the algorithms or significant expense in hardware, respectively. Hence, there exists a need to evaluate the tradeoffs between the different solutions. This motivation, coupled with the lack of an evaluation metric to quantify these tradeoffs leads us to formally define and quantify the sensitivity of homology search methods so that tradeoffs between sequence-search solutions can be evaluated in a quantitative manner. As an example, though the BLAST algorithm executes significantly faster than Smith-Waterman, we find that BLAST misses 80% of the significant sequence alignments. This paper then presents a highly efficient parallelization of the Smith-Waterman algorithm on the Cell Broadband Engine, a novel hybrid multicore architecture that drives the PlayStation 3 (PS3) game consoles, and emulates BLAST by repeatedly executing the parallelized Smith-Waterman algorithm to search for a query in a given sequence database. Through an innovative mapping of the optimal Smith-Waterman algorithm onto a cluster of PlayStation 3 nodes, our implementation delivers a 10-fold speed-up over a high-end multicore architecture and an 88-fold speed-up over a non-accelerated PS3. Finally, we compare the performance of our implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm to that of BLAST and the canonical Smith-Waterman implementation, based on a combination of three factors — execution time (speed), sensitivity, and the actual cost of de-ploying each solution. In the end, our parallelized Smith-Waterman algorithm approaches the speed of BLAST while maintaining ideal sensitivity and achieving low cost through the use of PlayStation 3 game consoles

    MRCRAIG: MapReduce and Ensemble Classifiers for Parallelizing Data Classification Problems

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    In this paper, a novel technique for parallelizing data-classification problems is applied to finding genes in sequences of DNA. The technique involves various ensem- ble classification methods such as Bagging and Select Best. It then distributes the classifier training and prediction using MapReduce. A novel sequence classification voting algorithm is evaluated in the Bagging method, as well as compared against the Select Best method

    Parallel Homologous Search With Hirschberg Algorithm: A Hybrid MPI-Pthreads Solution.

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    In this paper, we apply two different parallel programming model, the message passing model using Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the multithreaded model using Pthreads, to-protein sequence homologous search. The protein sequence homologous search uses Hirschberg algorithm for the pair-wise sequence alignment

    MC64-ClustalWP2: A Highly-Parallel Hybrid Strategy to Align Multiple Sequences in Many-Core Architectures

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    We have developed the MC64-ClustalWP2 as a new implementation of the Clustal W algorithm, integrating a novel parallelization strategy and significantly increasing the performance when aligning long sequences in architectures with many cores. It must be stressed that in such a process, the detailed analysis of both the software and hardware features and peculiarities is of paramount importance to reveal key points to exploit and optimize the full potential of parallelism in many-core CPU systems. The new parallelization approach has focused into the most time-consuming stages of this algorithm. In particular, the so-called progressive alignment has drastically improved the performance, due to a fine-grained approach where the forward and backward loops were unrolled and parallelized. Another key approach has been the implementation of the new algorithm in a hybrid-computing system, integrating both an Intel Xeon multi-core CPU and a Tilera Tile64 many-core card. A comparison with other Clustal W implementations reveals the high-performance of the new algorithm and strategy in many-core CPU architectures, in a scenario where the sequences to align are relatively long (more than 10 kb) and, hence, a many-core GPU hardware cannot be used. Thus, the MC64-ClustalWP2 runs multiple alignments more than 18x than the original Clustal W algorithm, and more than 7x than the best x86 parallel implementation to date, being publicly available through a web service. Besides, these developments have been deployed in cost-effective personal computers and should be useful for life-science researchers, including the identification of identities and differences for mutation/polymorphism analyses, biodiversity and evolutionary studies and for the development of molecular markers for paternity testing, germplasm management and protection, to assist breeding, illegal traffic control, fraud prevention and for the protection of the intellectual property (identification/traceability), including the protected designation of origin, among other applications

    A Theoretical Approach Involving Recurrence Resolution, Dependence Cycle Statement Ordering and Subroutine Transformation for the Exploitation of Parallelism in Sequential Code.

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    To exploit parallelism in Fortran code, this dissertation consists of a study of the following three issues: (1) recurrence resolution in Do-loops for vector processing, (2) dependence cycle statement ordering in Do-loops for parallel processing, and (3) sub-routine parallelization. For recurrence resolution, the major findings include: (1) the node splitting algorithm cannot be used directly to break an essential antidependence link, of which the source variable that results in antidependence is itself the sink variable of another true dependence so a correction method is proposed, (2) a sink variable renaming technique is capable of breaking an antidependence and/or output-dependence link, (3) for recurrences formed by only true dependences, a dynamic dependence concept and the derived technique are powerful, and (4) by integrating related techniques, an algorithm for resolving a general multistatement recurrence is developed. The performance of a parallel loop is determined by the level of parallelism and the time delay due to interprocessor communication and synchronization. For a dependence cycle of a single parallel loop executed in a general synchronization mode, the parallelism exposed varies with the alignment of statements. Statements are reordered on the basis of execution-time of the loop as estimated at compile-time. An improved timing formula and a derived statement ordering algorithm are proposed. Further extension of this algorithm to multiple perfectly nested Do-loops with simple global dependence cycle is also presented. The subroutine is a potential source for parallel processing. Several problems must be solved for subroutine parallelization: (1) the precedence of parallel executions of subroutines, (2) identification of the optimum execution mode for each subroutine and (3) the restructuring of a serial program. A five-step approach to parallelize called subroutines for a calling subroutine is proposed: (1) computation of control dependence, (2) approximation of the global effects of subroutines, (3) analysis of data dependence, (4) identification of execution mode, and (5) restructuring of calling and called subroutines. Application of these five steps in a recursive manner to different levels of calling subroutines in a program addresses the parallelization of subroutines

    D2P: Automatically Creating Distributed Dynamic Programming Codes

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    Dynamic Programming (DP) algorithms are common targets for parallelization, and, as these algorithms are applied to larger inputs, distributed implementations become necessary. However, creating distributed-memory solutions involves the challenges of task creation, program and data partitioning, communication optimization, and task scheduling. In this paper we present D2P, an end-to-end system for automatically transforming a specification of any recursive DP algorithm into distributed-memory implementation of the algorithm. When given a pseudo-code of a recursive DP algorithm, D2P automatically generates the corresponding MPI-based implementation. Our evaluation of the generated distributed implementations shows that they are efficient and scalable. Moreover, D2P-generated implementations are faster than implementations generated by recent general distributed DP frameworks, and are competitive with (and often faster than) hand-written implementations