618 research outputs found

    An ontology enhanced parallel SVM for scalable spam filter training

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Neurocomputing. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.Spam, under a variety of shapes and forms, continues to inflict increased damage. Varying approaches including Support Vector Machine (SVM) techniques have been proposed for spam filter training and classification. However, SVM training is a computationally intensive process. This paper presents a MapReduce based parallel SVM algorithm for scalable spam filter training. By distributing, processing and optimizing the subsets of the training data across multiple participating computer nodes, the parallel SVM reduces the training time significantly. Ontology semantics are employed to minimize the impact of accuracy degradation when distributing the training data among a number of SVM classifiers. Experimental results show that ontology based augmentation improves the accuracy level of the parallel SVM beyond the original sequential counterpart

    Suporte de parallel scan em OpenMP

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    Orientadores: Guido Costa Souza de Araújo, Marcio Machado PereiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Prefix Scan (ou simplesmente scan) é um operador que computa todas as somas parciais de um vetor. A operação scan retorna um vetor onde cada elemento é a soma de todos os elementos precedentes até a posição correspondente. Scan é uma operação fundamental para muitos problemas relevantes, tais como: algoritmos de ordenação, análise léxica, comparação de cadeias de caracteres, filtragem de imagens, dentre outros. Embora exis- tam bibliotecas que fornecem versões paralelizadas de scan em CUDA e OpenCL, não existe uma implementação paralela do operador scan em OpenMP. Este trabalho propõe uma nova clausula que permite o uso automático do scan paralelo. Ao usar a cláusula pro- posta, um programador pode reduzir consideravelmente a complexidade dos algoritmos, permitindo que ele concentre a atenção no problema, e não em aprender novos modelos de programação paralela ou linguagens de programação. Scan foi projetado em ACLang (www.aclang.org), um framework de código aberto baseado no compilador LLVM/Clang, que recentemente implementou o OpenMP 4.X Accelerator Programming Model . AClang converte regiões do programa de OpenMP 4.X para OpenCL. Experimentos com um con- junto de algoritmos baseados em Scan foram executados nas GPUs da NVIDIA, Intel e ARM, e mostraram que o desempenho da clausula proposta é equivalente ao alcan- çado pela biblioteca de OpenCL, mas com a vantagem de uma menor complexidade para escrever o códigoAbstract: Prefix Scan (or simply scan) is an operator that computes all the partial sums of a vec- tor. A scan operation results in a vector where each element is the sum of the preceding elements in the original vector up to the corresponding position. Scan is a key opera- tion in many relevant problems like sorting, lexical analysis, string comparison, image filtering among others. Although there are libraries that provide hand-parallelized im- plementations of the scan in CUDA and OpenCL, no automatic parallelization solution exists for this operator in OpenMP. This work proposes a new clause to OpenMP which enables the automatic synthesis of the parallel scan. By using the proposed clause a programmer can considerably reduce the complexity of designing scan based algorithms, thus allowing he/she to focus the attention on the problem and not on learning new paral- lel programming models or languages. Scan was designed in AClang (www.aclang.org), an open-source LLVM/Clang compiler framework that implements the recently released OpenMP 4.X Accelerator Programming Model. AClang automatically converts OpenMP 4.X annotated program regions to OpenCL. Experiments running a set of typical scan based algorithms on NVIDIA, Intel, and ARM GPUs reveal that the performance of the proposed OpenMP clause is equivalent to that achieved when using OpenCL library calls, with the advantage of a simpler programming complexityMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE

    Parallel algorithms for real-time peptide-spectrum matching

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    Tandem mass spectrometry is a powerful experimental tool used in molecular biology to determine the composition of protein mixtures. It has become a standard technique for protein identification. Due to the rapid development of mass spectrometry technology, the instrument can now produce a large number of mass spectra which are used for peptide identification. The increasing data size demands efficient software tools to perform peptide identification. In a tandem mass experiment, peptide ion selection algorithms generally select only the most abundant peptide ions for further fragmentation. Because of this, the low-abundance proteins in a sample rarely get identified. To address this problem, researchers develop the notion of a `dynamic exclusion list', which maintains a list of newly selected peptide ions, and it ensures these peptide ions do not get selected again for a certain time. In this way, other peptide ions will get more opportunity to be selected and identified, allowing for identification of peptides of lower abundance. However, a better method is to also include the identification results into the `dynamic exclusion list' approach. In order to do this, a real-time peptide identification algorithm is required. In this thesis, we introduce methods to improve the speed of peptide identification so that the `dynamic exclusion list' approach can use the peptide identification results without affecting the throughput of the instrument. Our work is based on RT-PSM, a real-time program for peptide-spectrum matching with statistical significance. We profile the speed of RT-PSM and find out that the peptide-spectrum scoring module is the most time consuming portion. Given by the profiling results, we introduce methods to parallelize the peptide-spectrum scoring algorithm. In this thesis, we propose two parallel algorithms using different technologies. We introduce parallel peptide-spectrum matching using SIMD instructions. We implemented and tested the parallel algorithm on Intel SSE architecture. The test results show that a 18-fold speedup on the entire process is obtained. The second parallel algorithm is developed using NVIDIA CUDA technology. We describe two CUDA kernels based on different algorithms and compare the performance of the two kernels. The more efficient algorithm is integrated into RT-PSM. The time measurement results show that a 190-fold speedup on the scoring module is achieved and 26-fold speedup on the entire process is obtained. We perform profiling on the CUDA version again to show that the scoring module has been optimized sufficiently to the point where it is no longer the most time-consuming module in the CUDA version of RT-PSM. In addition, we evaluate the feasibility of creating a metric index to reduce the number of candidate peptides. We describe evaluation methods, and show that general indexing methods are not likely feasible for RT-PSM

    On The Parallelization Of Integer Polynomial Multiplication

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    With the advent of hardware accelerator technologies, multi-core processors and GPUs, much effort for taking advantage of those architectures by designing parallel algorithms has been made. To achieve this goal, one needs to consider both algebraic complexity and parallelism, plus making efficient use of memory traffic, cache, and reducing overheads in the implementations. Polynomial multiplication is at the core of many algorithms in symbolic computation such as real root isolation which will be our main application for now. In this thesis, we first investigate the multiplication of dense univariate polynomials with integer coefficients targeting multi-core processors. Some of the proposed methods are based on well-known serial classical algorithms, whereas a novel algorithm is designed to make efficient use of the targeted hardware. Experimentation confirms our theoretical analysis. Second, we report on the first implementation of subproduct tree techniques on many-core architectures. These techniques are basically another application of polynomial multiplication, but over a prime field. This technique is used in multi-point evaluation and interpolation of polynomials with coefficients over a prime field

    Algorithms for Efficient Computation of Convolution

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    Accelerated Discontinuous Galerkin Solvers with the Chebyshev Iterative Method on the Graphics Processing Unit

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    This work demonstrates implementations of the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method on graphics processing units (GPU), which deliver improved computational time compared to the conventional central processing unit (CPU). The linear system developed when applying the DG method to an elliptic problem is solved using the GPU. The conjugate gradient (CG) method and the Chebyshev iterative method are the linear system solvers that are compared, to see which is more efficient when computing with the CPU's parallel architecture. When applying both methods, computational times decreased for large problems executed on the GPU compared to CPU; however, CG is the more efficient method compared to the Chebyshev iterative method. In addition, a constant-free upper bound for the DC spectrum applied to the elliptic problem is developed. Few previous works combine the DG method and the GPU. This thesis will provide useful guidelines for the numerical solution of elliptic problems using DG on the GPU