269 research outputs found

    Noisy Gradient Descent Bit-Flip Decoding for LDPC Codes

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    A modified Gradient Descent Bit Flipping (GDBF) algorithm is proposed for decoding Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes on the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise channel. The new algorithm, called Noisy GDBF (NGDBF), introduces a random perturbation into each symbol metric at each iteration. The noise perturbation allows the algorithm to escape from undesirable local maxima, resulting in improved performance. A combination of heuristic improvements to the algorithm are proposed and evaluated. When the proposed heuristics are applied, NGDBF performs better than any previously reported GDBF variant, and comes within 0.5 dB of the belief propagation algorithm for several tested codes. Unlike other previous GDBF algorithms that provide an escape from local maxima, the proposed algorithm uses only local, fully parallelizable operations and does not require computing a global objective function or a sort over symbol metrics, making it highly efficient in comparison. The proposed NGDBF algorithm requires channel state information which must be obtained from a signal to noise ratio (SNR) estimator. Architectural details are presented for implementing the NGDBF algorithm. Complexity analysis and optimizations are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, 2 table

    Architectures for soft-decision decoding of non-binary codes

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    En esta tesis se estudia el dise¿no de decodificadores no-binarios para la correcci'on de errores en sistemas de comunicaci'on modernos de alta velocidad. El objetivo es proponer soluciones de baja complejidad para los algoritmos de decodificaci'on basados en los c'odigos de comprobaci'on de paridad de baja densidad no-binarios (NB-LDPC) y en los c'odigos Reed-Solomon, con la finalidad de implementar arquitecturas hardware eficientes. En la primera parte de la tesis se analizan los cuellos de botella existentes en los algoritmos y en las arquitecturas de decodificadores NB-LDPC y se proponen soluciones de baja complejidad y de alta velocidad basadas en el volteo de s'¿mbolos. En primer lugar, se estudian las soluciones basadas en actualizaci'on por inundaci 'on con el objetivo de obtener la mayor velocidad posible sin tener en cuenta la ganancia de codificaci'on. Se proponen dos decodificadores diferentes basados en clipping y t'ecnicas de bloqueo, sin embargo, la frecuencia m'axima est'a limitada debido a un exceso de cableado. Por este motivo, se exploran algunos m'etodos para reducir los problemas de rutado en c'odigos NB-LDPC. Como soluci'on se propone una arquitectura basada en difusi'on parcial para algoritmos de volteo de s'¿mbolos que mitiga la congesti'on por rutado. Como las soluciones de actualizaci 'on por inundaci'on de mayor velocidad son sub-'optimas desde el punto de vista de capacidad de correci'on, decidimos dise¿nar soluciones para la actualizaci'on serie, con el objetivo de alcanzar una mayor velocidad manteniendo la ganancia de codificaci'on de los algoritmos originales de volteo de s'¿mbolo. Se presentan dos algoritmos y arquitecturas de actualizaci'on serie, reduciendo el 'area y aumentando de la velocidad m'axima alcanzable. Por 'ultimo, se generalizan los algoritmos de volteo de s'¿mbolo y se muestra como algunos casos particulares puede lograr una ganancia de codificaci'on cercana a los algoritmos Min-sum y Min-max con una menor complejidad. Tambi'en se propone una arquitectura eficiente, que muestra que el 'area se reduce a la mitad en comparaci'on con una soluci'on de mapeo directo. En la segunda parte de la tesis, se comparan algoritmos de decodificaci'on Reed- Solomon basados en decisi'on blanda, concluyendo que el algoritmo de baja complejidad Chase (LCC) es la soluci'on m'as eficiente si la alta velocidad es el objetivo principal. Sin embargo, los esquemas LCC se basan en la interpolaci'on, que introduce algunas limitaciones hardware debido a su complejidad. Con el fin de reducir la complejidad sin modificar la capacidad de correcci'on, se propone un esquema de decisi'on blanda para LCC basado en algoritmos de decisi'on dura. Por 'ultimo se dise¿na una arquitectura eficiente para este nuevo esquemaGarcía Herrero, FM. (2013). Architectures for soft-decision decoding of non-binary codes [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/33753TESISPremiad

    Modern Coding Theory: The Statistical Mechanics and Computer Science Point of View

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    These are the notes for a set of lectures delivered by the two authors at the Les Houches Summer School on `Complex Systems' in July 2006. They provide an introduction to the basic concepts in modern (probabilistic) coding theory, highlighting connections with statistical mechanics. We also stress common concepts with other disciplines dealing with similar problems that can be generically referred to as `large graphical models'. While most of the lectures are devoted to the classical channel coding problem over simple memoryless channels, we present a discussion of more complex channel models. We conclude with an overview of the main open challenges in the field.Comment: Lectures at Les Houches Summer School on `Complex Systems', July 2006, 44 pages, 25 ps figure

    Decoding LDPC Codes with Probabilistic Local Maximum Likelihood Bit Flipping

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    Communication channels are inherently noisy making error correction coding a major topic of research for modern communication systems. Error correction coding is the addition of redundancy to information transmitted over communication channels to enable detection and recovery of erroneous information. Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are a class of error correcting codes that have been effective in maintaining reliability of information transmitted over communication channels. Multiple algorithms have been developed to benefit from the LDPC coding scheme to improve recovery of erroneous information. This work develops a matrix construction that stores the information error probability statistics for a communication channel. This combined with the error correcting capability of LDPC codes enabled the development of the Probabilistic Local Maximum Likelihood Bit Flipping (PLMLBF) algorithm, which is the focus of this research work

    Error-correction on non-standard communication channels

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    Many communication systems are poorly modelled by the standard channels assumed in the information theory literature, such as the binary symmetric channel or the additive white Gaussian noise channel. Real systems suffer from additional problems including time-varying noise, cross-talk, synchronization errors and latency constraints. In this thesis, low-density parity-check codes and codes related to them are applied to non-standard channels. First, we look at time-varying noise modelled by a Markov channel. A low-density parity-check code decoder is modified to give an improvement of over 1dB. Secondly, novel codes based on low-density parity-check codes are introduced which produce transmissions with Pr(bit = 1) ≠ Pr(bit = 0). These non-linear codes are shown to be good candidates for multi-user channels with crosstalk, such as optical channels. Thirdly, a channel with synchronization errors is modelled by random uncorrelated insertion or deletion events at unknown positions. Marker codes formed from low-density parity-check codewords with regular markers inserted within them are studied. It is shown that a marker code with iterative decoding has performance close to the bounds on the channel capacity, significantly outperforming other known codes. Finally, coding for a system with latency constraints is studied. For example, if a telemetry system involves a slow channel some error correction is often needed quickly whilst the code should be able to correct remaining errors later. A new code is formed from the intersection of a convolutional code with a high rate low-density parity-check code. The convolutional code has good early decoding performance and the high rate low-density parity-check code efficiently cleans up remaining errors after receiving the entire block. Simulations of the block code show a gain of 1.5dB over a standard NASA code