6,507 research outputs found

    Representing anisotropic subduction zones with isotropic velocity models: A characterization of the problem and some steps on a possible path forward

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    Despite the widely known fact that mantle flow in and around subduction zones produces the development of considerable seismic anisotropy, most P-wave tomography efforts still rely on the assumption of isotropy. In this study, we explore the potential effects of erroneous assumption on tomographic images and explore an alternative approach. We conduct a series of synthetic tomography tests based on a geodynamic simulation of subduction and rollback. The simulation results provide a self-consistent distribution of isotropic (thermal) anomalies and seismic anisotropy which we use to calculate synthetic delay times for a number of realistic and hypothetical event distributions. We find that anisotropy-induced artifacts are abundant and significant for teleseismic, local and mixed event distributions. The occurrence of artifacts is not reduced, and indeed can be exacerbated, by increasing richness in ray-path azimuths and incidence angles. The artifacts that we observe are, in all cases, important enough to significantly impact the interpretation of the images. We test an approach based on prescribing the anisotropy field as an a priori constraint and find that even coarse approximations to the true anisotropy field produce useful results. Using approximate anisotropy, fields can result in reduced RMS misfit to the travel time delays and reduced abundance and severity of imaging artifacts. We propose that the use of anisotropy fields derived from geodynamic modeling and constrained by seismic observables may constitute a viable alternative to isotropic tomography that does not require the inversion for anisotropy parameters in each node of the model

    Crustal structure beneath the Trondelag Platform and adjacent areas of the Mid-Norwegian margin, as derived from wide-angle seismic and potential field data

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    The outer mid-Norwegian margin is characterized by strong breakup magmatism and has been extensively surveyed. The crustal structure of the inner continental shelf, however, is less studied, and its relation to the onshore geology, Caledonian structuring, and breakup magmatism remains unclear. Two Ocean Bottom Seismometer profiles were acquired across the Trøndelag Platform in 2003, as part of the Euromargins program. Additional-land stations recorded the marine shots. The P-wave data were modeled by ray-tracing, supported by gravity modeling. Older multi-channel seismic data allowed for interpretation of stratigraphy down to the top of the Triassic. Crystalline basement velocity is ~6 km s-1 onshore. Top basement is difficult to identify offshore, as velocities (5.3-5.7 km s-1) intermediate between typical crystalline crust and Mesozoic sedimentary strata appear 50-80 km from the coast. This layer thickens towards the Klakk-Ytreholmen Fault Complex and predates Permian and later structur-ing. The velocities indicate sedimentary rocks, most likely Devonian. Onshore late- to post-Caledonian detachments have been proposed to extend offshore, based on the magnetic anomaly pattern. We do not find the expected correlation between upper basement velocity structure and detachments. However, there is a distinct, dome-shaped lower-crustal body with a velocity of 6.6-7.0 km s-1. This is thickest under the Froan Basin, and the broad magnetic anomaly used to delineate the detachments correlates with this. The proposed offshore continuation of the detachments thus appears- unreliable. While we find indications of high density and velocity (~7.2 km s-1) lower crust under the Rås Basin, similar to the proposed igneous underplating of the outer margin, this is poorly constrained near the end of our profiles. The gravity field indicates that this body may be continuous from the pre-breakup basement structures of the Utgard High to the Frøya High, suggesting that it could be an island arc or oceanic terrane-accreted during the Caledonian orogeny. Thus, we find no clear evidence of early Cenozoic igneous underplating of the inner part of the shelf

    Traveltime and conversion-point computations and parameter estimation in layered, anisotropic media by tau-p transform

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    Anisotropy influences many aspects of seismic wave propagation and, therefore, has implications for conventional processing schemes. It also holds information about the nature of the medium. To estimate anisotropy, we need both forward modeling and inversion tools. Forward modeling in anisotropic media is generally done by ray tracing. We present a new and fast method using the tau-p transform to calculate exact reflection-moveout curves in stratified, laterally homogeneous, anisotropic media for all pure-mode and converted phases which requires no conventional ray tracing. Moreover, we obtain the common conversion points for both P-SV and P-SH converted waves. Results are exact for arbitrary strength of anisotropy in both HTI and VTI media (transverse isotropy with a horizontal or vertical symmetry axis, respectively). Since inversion for anisotropic parameters is a highly nonunique problem, we also develop expressions describing the phase velocities that require only a reduced number of parameters for both types of anisotropy. Nevertheless, resulting predictions for traveltimes and conversion points are generally more accurate than those obtained using the conventional Taylor-series expansions. In addition, the reduced-parameter expressions are also able to handle kinks or cusps in the SV traveltime curves for either VTI or HTI symmetry

    Parallel Seismic Ray Tracing

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    Seismic ray tracing is a common method for understanding and modeling seismic wave propagation. The wavefront construction (WFC) method handles wavefronts instead of individual rays, thereby providing a mechanism to control ray density on the wavefront. In this thesis we present the design and implementation of a parallel wavefront construction algorithm (pWFC) for seismic ray tracing. The proposed parallel algo- rithm is developed using the stapl library for parallel C++ code.We present the idea of modeling ray tubes with an additional ray in the center to facilitate parallelism. The parallel wavefront construction algorithm is applied to wide range of models such as simple synthetic models that enable us to study various aspects of the method while others are intended to be representative of basic geological features such as salt domes. We also present a theoretical model to understand the performance of the pWFC algorithm. We evaluate the performance of the proposed parallel wavefront construction algorithm on an IBM Power 5 cluster. We study the effect of using different mesh types, varying the position of source and their number etc. The method is shown to provide good scalable performance for different models. Load balancing is also shown to be the major factor hindering the performance of the algorithm. We provide two load balancing algorithms to solve the load imbalance problem. These algorithms will be developed as an extension of the current work

    Parallel Adaptive Mesh Coarsening for Seismic Tomography

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    International audienceSeismic tomography enables to model the internal structure of the Earth. In order to improve the precision of existing models, a huge amount of acquired seismic data must be analyzed. The analysis of such massive data require a considerable computing power which can only be delivered by parallel computational equipments. Yet, parallel computation is not sufficient for the task: we also need algorithms to automatically concentrate the computations on the most relevant data parts. The objective of the paper is to present such an algorithm. From an initial regular mesh in which cells carry data with varying relevance, we present a method to aggregate elementary cells so as to homogenize the relevance of data. The result is an irregular mesh which has the ad- vantage over the initial mesh of having orders of magnitude less cells while preserving the geophysical meaning of data. We present both a sequential and a parallel algorithm to solve this problem under the hypotheses and constraints inherited from the geophysical context

    Estimating anisotropy parameters and traveltimes in the tau-p domain

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    The presence of anisotropy influences many aspects of seismic wave propagation and has therefore implications for conventional processing schemes. To estimate the anisotropy, we need both forward modelling and inversion tools. Exact forward modelling in anisotropic media is generally done by raytracing. However, we present a new and fast method, using the tau-p transform, to calculate exact P and SV reflection moveout curves in stratified, laterally homogeneous, anisotropic media which requires no ray tracing. Results are exact even if the SV-waves display cusps. In addition, we show how the same method can be used for parameter estimation. Since inversion for anisotropic parameters is very nonunique, we develop expressions requiring only a reduced number of parameters. Nevertheless, predictions using these expressions are more accurate than Taylor series expansions and are also able to handle cusps in the SV traveltime curves. In addition, layer stripping is a linear process. Therefore, both effective (average) and local (interval) estimates can be obtained

    The Levantine Basin - crustal structure and origin

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    The origin of the Levantine Basin in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea is related to the opening of the Neo-Tethys. The nature of its crust has been debated for decades. Therefore, we conducted a geophysical experiment in the Levantine Basin. We recorded two refraction seismic lines with 19 and 20 ocean bottom hydrophones, respectively, and developed velocity models. Additional seismic reflection data yield structural information about the upper layers in the first few kilometers. The crystalline basement in the Levantine Basin consists of two layers with a P-wave velocity of 6.06.4 km/s in the upper and 6.56.9 km/s in the lower crust. Towards the center of the basin, the Moho depth decreases from 27 to 22 km. Local variations of the velocity gradient can be attributed to previously postulated shear zones like the Pelusium Line, the DamiettaLatakia Line and the BaltimHecateus Line. Both layers of the crystalline crust are continuous and no indication for a transition from continental to oceanic crust is observed. These results are confirmed by gravity data. Comparison with other seismic refraction studies in prolongation of our profiles under Israel and Jordan and in the Mediterranean Sea near Greece and Sardinia reveal similarities between the crust in the Levantine Basin and thinned continental crust, which is found in that region. The presence of thinned continental crust under the Levantine Basin is therefore suggested. A β-factor of 2.33 is estimated. Based on these findings, we conclude that sea-floor spreading in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea only occurred north of the Eratosthenes Seamount, and the oceanic crust was later subducted at the Cyprus Arc
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