21 research outputs found

    A numerical study of scalable cardiac electro-mechanical solvers on HPC architectures

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    We introduce and study some scalable domain decomposition preconditioners for cardiac electro-mechanical 3D simulations on parallel HPC (High Performance Computing) architectures. The electro-mechanical model of the cardiac tissue is composed of four coupled sub-models: (1) the static finite elasticity equations for the transversely isotropic deformation of the cardiac tissue; (2) the active tension model describing the dynamics of the intracellular calcium, cross-bridge binding and myofilament tension; (3) the anisotropic Bidomain model describing the evolution of the intra- and extra-cellular potentials in the deforming cardiac tissue; and (4) the ionic membrane model describing the dynamics of ionic currents, gating variables, ionic concentrations and stretch-activated channels. This strongly coupled electro-mechanical model is discretized in time with a splitting semi-implicit technique and in space with isoparametric finite elements. The resulting scalable parallel solver is based on Multilevel Additive Schwarz preconditioners for the solution of the Bidomain system and on BDDC preconditioned Newton-Krylov solvers for the non-linear finite elasticity system. The results of several 3D parallel simulations show the scalability of both linear and non-linear solvers and their application to the study of both physiological excitation-contraction cardiac dynamics and re-entrant waves in the presence of different mechano-electrical feedbacks

    Parallel multilevel solvers for the cardiac electro-mechanical coupling

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    We develop a parallel solver for the cardiac electro-mechanical coupling. The electric model consists of two non-linear parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs), the so-called Bidomain model, which describes the spread of the electric impulse in the heart muscle. The two PDEs are coupled with a non-linear elastic model, where the myocardium is considered as a nearly-incompressible transversely isotropic hyperelastic material. The discretization of the whole electro-mechanical model is performed by Q1 finite elements in space and a semi-implicit finite difference scheme in time. This approximation strategy yields at each time step the solution of a large scale ill-conditioned linear system deriving from the discretization of the Bidomain model and a non-linear system deriving from the discretization of the finite elasticity model. The parallel solver developed consists of solving the linear system with the Conjugate Gradient method, preconditioned by a Multilevel Schwarz preconditioner, and the non-linear system with a Newton\u2013Krylov-Algebraic Multigrid solver. Three-dimensional parallel numerical tests on a Linux cluster show that the parallel solver proposed is scalable and robust with respect to the domain deformations induced by the cardiac contraction

    BPX preconditioners for the Bidomain model of electrocardiology

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    The aim of this work is to develop a BPX preconditioner for the Bidomain model of electrocardiology. This model describes the bioelectrical activity of the cardiac tissue and consists of a system of a non-linear parabolic reaction\u2013diffusion partial differential equation (PDE) and an elliptic linear PDE, modeling at macroscopic level the evolution of the transmembrane and extracellular electric potentials of the anisotropic cardiac tissue. The evolution equation is coupled through the non-linear reaction term with a stiff system of ordinary differential equations, the so-called membrane model, describing the ionic currents through the cellular membrane. The discretization of the coupled system by finite elements in space and semi-implicit finite differences in time yields at each time step the solution of an ill-conditioned linear system. The goal of the present study is to construct, analyze and numerically test a BPX preconditioner for the linear system arising from the discretization of the Bidomain model. Optimal convergence rate estimates are established and verified by two- and three-dimensional numerical tests on both structured and unstructured meshes. Moreover, in a full heartbeat simulation on a three-dimensional wedge of ventricular tissue, the BPX preconditioner is about 35% faster in terms of CPU times than ILU(0) and an Algebraic Multigrid preconditioner

    A comparison of coupled and uncoupled solvers for the cardiac Bidomain model

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    The aim of this work is to compare a new uncoupled solver for the cardiac Bidomain model with a usual coupled solver. The Bidomain model describes the bioelectric activity of the cardiac tissue and consists of a system of a non-linear parabolic reaction-diffusion partial differential equation (PDE) and an elliptic linear PDE. This system models at macroscopic level the evolution of the transmembrane and extracellular electric potentials of the anisotropic cardiac tissue. The evolution equation is coupled through the non-linear reaction term with a stiff system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), the so-called membrane model, describing the ionic currents through the cellular membrane. A novel uncoupled solver for the Bidomain system is here introduced, based on solving twice the parabolic PDE and once the elliptic PDE at each time step, and it is compared with a usual coupled solver. Three-dimensional numerical tests have been performed in order to show that the proposed uncoupled method has the same accuracy of the coupled strategy. Parallel numerical tests on structured meshes have also shown that the uncoupled technique is as scalable as the coupled one. Moreover, the conjugate gradient method preconditioned by Multilevel Hybrid Schwarz preconditioners converges faster for the linear systems deriving from the uncoupled method than from the coupled one. Finally, in all parallel numerical tests considered, the uncoupled technique proposed is always about two or three times faster than the coupled approach

    An introduction to mathematical and numerical modeling in heart electrophysiology

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    The electrical activation of the heart is the biological process that regulates the contraction of the cardiac muscle, allowing it to pump blood to the whole body. In physiological conditions, the pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial node generate an action potential (a sudden variation of the cell transmembrane potential) which, following preferential conduction pathways, propagates throughout the heart walls and triggers the contraction of the heart chambers. The action potential propagation can be mathematically described by coupling a model for the ionic currents, flowing through the membrane of a single cell, with a macroscopical model that describes the propagation of the electrical signal in the cardiac tissue. The most accurate model available in the literature for the description of the macroscopic propagation in the muscle is the Bidomain model, a degenerate parabolic system composed of two non-linear partial differential equations for the intracellular and extracellular potential. In this paper, we present an introduction to the fundamental aspects of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation in cardiac electrophysiology

    Spectral analysis of a block-triangular preconditioner for the bidomain system in electrocardiology

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    In this paper we analyze in detail the spectral properties of the block-triangular preconditioner introduced by Gerardo-Giorda et al. [J. Comput. Phys., 228 (2009), pp. 3625-3639] for the Bidomain system in non-symmetric form. We show that the conditioning of the preconditioned problem is bounded in the Fourier space independently of the frequency variable, ensuring quasi-optimality with respect to the mesh size. We derive an explicit formula to optimize the preconditioner performance by identifying a parameter that depends only on the coefficients of the problem and is easy to compute. We provide numerical tests in three dimensions that confirm the optimality of the parameter and the substantial independence of the mesh size. Copyrigh

    Modeling Defibrillation

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