1,701 research outputs found

    M-adhesive transformation systems with nested application conditions. Part 1: parallelism, concurrency and amalgamation

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Nested application conditions generalise the well-known negative application conditions and are important for several application domains. In this paper, we present Local Church–Rosser, Parallelism, Concurrency and Amalgamation Theorems for rules with nested application conditions in the framework of M-adhesive categories, where M-adhesive categories are slightly more general than weak adhesive high-level replacement categories. Most of the proofs are based on the corresponding statements for rules without application conditions and two shift lemmas stating that nested application conditions can be shifted over morphisms and rules

    Multi-amalgamation of rules with application conditions in M-adhesive categories

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Amalgamation is a well-known concept for graph transformations that is used to model synchronised parallelism of rules with shared subrules and corresponding transformations. This concept is especially important for an adequate formalisation of the operational semantics of statecharts and other visual modelling languages, where typed attributed graphs are used for multiple rules with nested application conditions. However, the theory of amalgamation for the double-pushout approach has so far only been developed on a set-theoretical basis for pairs of standard graph rules without any application conditions. For this reason, in the current paper we present the theory of amalgamation for M-adhesive categories, which form a slightly more general framework than (weak) adhesive HLR categories, for a bundle of rules with (nested) application conditions. The two main results are the Complement Rule Theorem, which shows how to construct a minimal complement rule for each subrule, and the Multi-Amalgamation Theorem, which generalises the well-known Parallelism and Amalgamation Theorems to the case of multiple synchronised parallelism. In order to apply the largest amalgamated rule, we use maximal matchings, which are computed according to the actual instance graph. The constructions are illustrated by a small but meaningful running example, while a more complex case study concerning the firing semantics of Petri nets is presented as an introductory example and to provide motivation

    Multi-amalgamation of rules with application conditions in M-adhesive categories

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Amalgamation is a well-known concept for graph transformations that is used to model synchronised parallelism of rules with shared subrules and corresponding transformations. This concept is especially important for an adequate formalisation of the operational semantics of statecharts and other visual modelling languages, where typed attributed graphs are used for multiple rules with nested application conditions. However, the theory of amalgamation for the double-pushout approach has so far only been developed on a set-theoretical basis for pairs of standard graph rules without any application conditions. For this reason, in the current paper we present the theory of amalgamation for M-adhesive categories, which form a slightly more general framework than (weak) adhesive HLR categories, for a bundle of rules with (nested) application conditions. The two main results are the Complement Rule Theorem, which shows how to construct a minimal complement rule for each subrule, and the Multi-Amalgamation Theorem, which generalises the well-known Parallelism and Amalgamation Theorems to the case of multiple synchronised parallelism. In order to apply the largest amalgamated rule, we use maximal matchings, which are computed according to the actual instance graph. The constructions are illustrated by a small but meaningful running example, while a more complex case study concerning the firing semantics of Petri nets is presented as an introductory example and to provide motivation

    Canonical Derivations with Negative Application Conditions

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    Using graph transformations to specify the dynamics of distributed systems and networks, we require a precise understanding of concurrency. Negative application conditions (NACs) are an essential means for controlling the application of rules, extending our ability to model complex systems. A classical notion of concurrency in graph transformation is based on shift equivalence and its representation by canonical derivations, i.e., normal forms of the shift operation anticipating independent steps. These concepts are lifted to graph transformation systems with NACs and it is shown that canonical derivations exist for so-called incremental NACs

    Graph Modelling and Transformation: Theory meets Practice

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    In this paper, we focus on the role of graphs and graph transformation for four practical application areas from software system development. We present the typical problems in these areas and investigate how the respective systems are modelled by graphs and graph transformation. In particular, we are interested in the usefulness of theoretical graph transformation results and graph transformation tools in order to solve these problems. Finally, we characterize concepts and tool features which are still missing in practice to solve the presented and related problems even better. Keywords: graph modelling, graph transformation, graph transformation tool

    Multi-Amalgamation in M-Adhesive Categories : Long Version

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    Amalgamation is a well-known concept for graph transformations in order to model synchronized parallelism of rules with shared subrules and corresponding transformations. This concept is especially important for an adequate formalization of the operational semantics of statecharts and other visual modeling languages, where typed attributed graphs are used for multiple rules with general application conditions. However, the theory of amalgamation for the double pushout approach has been developed up to now only on a set-theoretical basis for pairs of standard graph rules without any application conditions. For this reason, we present the theory of amalgamation in this paper in the framework of M-adhesive categories, short for weak adhesive HLR categories, for a bundle of rules with (nested) application conditions. The main result is the Multi-Amalgamation Theorem, which generalizes the well-known Parallelism and Amalgamation Theorems to the case of multiple synchronized parallelism. The constructions are illustrated by a small running example. A more complex case study for the operational semantics of statecharts based on multi-amalgamation is presented in a separate paper

    Formal Modeling of Communication Platforms using Reconfigurable Algebraic High-Level Nets

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    Communication nowadays is based on communication platforms like Skype, Facebook, or SecondLife. The formal modeling and analysis of communication platforms poses considerable challenges, namely highly dynamic structures and complex behavior. Since most of the well-known formal modeling approaches are adequate only for specific aspects of communication platforms, in this paper we introduce the approach of reconfigurable algebraic high-level nets with individual tokens and show in our case study Skype that this approach is adequate for modeling the main aspects and features of communication platforms

    Parallel Execution of ATL Transformation Rules

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    International audienceIndustrial environments that make use of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) are starting to see the appearance of very large models, made by millions of elements. Such models are produced automatically (e.g., by reverse engineering complex systems) or manually by a large number of users (e.g., from social networks). The success of MDE in these application scenarios strongly depends on the scalability of model manipulation tools. While parallelization is one of the traditional ways of making computation systems scalable, developing parallel model transformations in a general-purpose language is a complex and error-prone task. In this paper we show that rule-based languages like ATL have strong parallelization properties. Transformations can be developed without taking into account concurrency concerns, and a transformation engine can automatically parallelize execution. We describe the implementation of a parallel transformation engine for the current version of the ATL language and experimentally evaluate the consequent gain in scalability
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