35,744 research outputs found

    Multi-cultural visualization : how functional programming can enrich visualization (and vice versa)

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    The past two decades have seen visualization flourish as a research field in its own right, with advances on the computational challenges of faster algorithms, new techniques for datasets too large for in-core processing, and advances in understanding the perceptual and cognitive processes recruited by visualization systems, and through this, how to improve the representation of data. However, progress within visualization has sometimes proceeded in parallel with that in other branches of computer science, and there is a danger that when novel solutions ossify into `accepted practice' the field can easily overlook significant advances elsewhere in the community. In this paper we describe recent advances in the design and implementation of pure functional programming languages that, significantly, contain important insights into questions raised by the recent NIH/NSF report on Visualization Challenges. We argue and demonstrate that modern functional languages combine high-level mathematically-based specifications of visualization techniques, concise implementation of algorithms through fine-grained composition, support for writing correct programs through strong type checking, and a different kind of modularity inherent in the abstractive power of these languages. And to cap it off, we have initial evidence that in some cases functional implementations are faster than their imperative counterparts

    JooFlux: Hijacking Java 7 InvokeDynamic To Support Live Code Modifications

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    Changing functional and non-functional software implementation at runtime is useful and even sometimes critical both in development and production environments. JooFlux is a JVM agent that allows both the dynamic replacement of method implementations and the application of aspect advices. It works by doing bytecode transformation to take advantage of the new invokedynamic instruction added in Java SE 7 to help implementing dynamic languages for the JVM. JooFlux can be managed using a JMX agent so as to operate dynamic modifications at runtime, without resorting to a dedicated domain-specific language. We compared JooFlux with existing AOP platforms and dynamic languages. Results demonstrate that JooFlux performances are close to the Java ones --- with most of the time a marginal overhead, and sometimes a gain --- where AOP platforms and dynamic languages present significant overheads. This paves the way for interesting future evolutions and applications of JooFlux

    Modeling, Sharing, and Recursion for Weak Reduction Strategies using Explicit Substitution

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    We present the lambda sigma^a_w calculus, a formal synthesis of the concepts ofsharing and explicit substitution for weak reduction. We show howlambda sigma^a_w can be used as a foundation of implementations of functionalprogramming languages by modelling the essential ingredients of suchimplementations, namely weak reduction strategies, recursion, spaceleaks, recursive data structures, and parallel evaluation, in a uniform way.First, we give a precise account of the major reduction strategiesused in functional programming and the consequences of choosing lambda-graph-reduction vs. environment-based evaluation. Second, we showhow to add constructors and explicit recursion to give a precise accountof recursive functions and data structures even with respect tospace complexity. Third, we formalize the notion of space leaks in lambda sigma^a_wand use this to define a space leak free calculus; this suggests optimisationsfor call-by-need reduction that prevent space leaking and enablesus to prove that the "trimming" performed by the STG machine doesnot leak space.In summary we give a formal account of several implementationtechniques used by state of the art implementations of functional programminglanguages.Keywords. Implementation of functional programming, lambdacalculus, weak reduction, explicit substitution, sharing, recursion, spaceleaks
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