5 research outputs found

    Parallel file system analysis through application I/O tracing

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    Input/Output (I/O) operations can represent a significant proportion of the run-time of parallel scientific computing applications. Although there have been several advances in file format libraries, file system design and I/O hardware, a growing divergence exists between the performance of parallel file systems and the compute clusters that they support. In this paper, we document the design and application of the RIOT I/O toolkit (RIOT) being developed at the University of Warwick with our industrial partners at the Atomic Weapons Establishment and Sandia National Laboratories. We use the toolkit to assess the performance of three industry-standard I/O benchmarks on three contrasting supercomputers, ranging from a mid-sized commodity cluster to a large-scale proprietary IBM BlueGene/P system. RIOT provides a powerful framework in which to analyse I/O and parallel file system behaviourā€”we demonstrate, for example, the large file locking overhead of IBM's General Parallel File System, which can consume nearly 30% of the total write time in the FLASH-IO benchmark. Through I/O trace analysis, we also assess the performance of HDF-5 in its default configuration, identifying a bottleneck created by the use of suboptimal Message Passing Interface hints. Furthermore, we investigate the performance gains attributed to the Parallel Log-structured File System (PLFS) being developed by EMC Corporation and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Our evaluation of PLFS involves two high-performance computing systems with contrasting I/O backplanes and illustrates the varied improvements to I/O that result from the deployment of PLFS (ranging from up to 25Ɨ speed-up in I/O performance on a large I/O installation to 2Ɨ speed-up on the much smaller installation at the University of Warwick)

    Evaluating the performance of legacy applications on emerging parallel architectures

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    The gap between a supercomputer's theoretical maximum (\peak") oatingpoint performance and that actually achieved by applications has grown wider over time. Today, a typical scientific application achieves only 5{20% of any given machine's peak processing capability, and this gap leaves room for significant improvements in execution times. This problem is most pronounced for modern \accelerator" architectures { collections of hundreds of simple, low-clocked cores capable of executing the same instruction on dozens of pieces of data simultaneously. This is a significant change from the low number of high-clocked cores found in traditional CPUs, and effective utilisation of accelerators typically requires extensive code and algorithmic changes. In many cases, the best way in which to map a parallel workload to these new architectures is unclear. The principle focus of the work presented in this thesis is the evaluation of emerging parallel architectures (specifically, modern CPUs, GPUs and Intel MIC) for two benchmark codes { the LU benchmark from the NAS Parallel Benchmark Suite and Sandia's miniMD benchmark { which exhibit complex parallel behaviours that are representative of many scientific applications. Using combinations of low-level intrinsic functions, OpenMP, CUDA and MPI, we demonstrate performance improvements of up to 7x for these workloads. We also detail a code development methodology that permits application developers to target multiple architecture types without maintaining completely separate implementations for each platform. Using OpenCL, we develop performance portable implementations of the LU and miniMD benchmarks that are faster than the original codes, and at most 2x slower than versions highly-tuned for particular hardware. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of evaluating architectures at scale (as opposed to on single nodes) through performance modelling techniques, highlighting the problems associated with strong-scaling on emerging accelerator architectures

    The readying of applications for heterogeneous computing

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    High performance computing is approaching a potentially significant change in architectural design. With pressures on the cost and sheer amount of power, additional architectural features are emerging which require a re-think to the programming models deployed over the last two decades. Today's emerging high performance computing (HPC) systems are maximising performance per unit of power consumed resulting in the constituent parts of the system to be made up of a range of different specialised building blocks, each with their own purpose. This heterogeneity is not just limited to the hardware components but also in the mechanisms that exploit the hardware components. These multiple levels of parallelism, instruction sets and memory hierarchies, result in truly heterogeneous computing in all aspects of the global system. These emerging architectural solutions will require the software to exploit tremendous amounts of on-node parallelism and indeed programming models to address this are emerging. In theory, the application developer can design new software using these models to exploit emerging low power architectures. However, in practice, real industrial scale applications last the lifetimes of many architectural generations and therefore require a migration path to these next generation supercomputing platforms. Identifying that migration path is non-trivial: With applications spanning many decades, consisting of many millions of lines of code and multiple scientific algorithms, any changes to the programming model will be extensive and invasive and may turn out to be the incorrect model for the application in question. This makes exploration of these emerging architectures and programming models using the applications themselves problematic. Additionally, the source code of many industrial applications is not available either due to commercial or security sensitivity constraints. This thesis highlights this problem by assessing current and emerging hard- ware with an industrial strength code, and demonstrating those issues described. In turn it looks at the methodology of using proxy applications in place of real industry applications, to assess their suitability on the next generation of low power HPC offerings. It shows there are significant benefits to be realised in using proxy applications, in that fundamental issues inhibiting exploration of a particular architecture are easier to identify and hence address. Evaluations of the maturity and performance portability are explored for a number of alternative programming methodologies, on a number of architectures and highlighting the broader adoption of these proxy applications, both within the authors own organisation, and across the industry as a whole

    Performance modelling and optimisation of inertial confinement fusion simulation codes

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    Legacy code performance has failed to keep up with that of modern hardware. Many new hardware features remain under-utilised, with the majority of code bases still unable to make use of accelerated or heterogeneous architectures. Code maintainers now accept that they can no longer rely solely on hardware improvements to drive code performance, and that changes at the software engineering level need to be made. The principal focus of the work presented in this thesis is an analysis of the changes legacy Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) codes need to make in order to efficiently use current and future parallel architectures. We discuss the process of developing a performance model, and demonstrate the ability of such a model to make accurate predictions about code performance for code variants on a range of architectures. We build on the knowledge gained from such a process, and examine how Particle-in-Cell (PIC) codes must change in order to move towards the required levels of portable and future-proof performance needed to leverage the capabilities of modern hardware. As part of this investigation, we present an OpenCL port of the legacy code EPOCH, as well as a fully featured mini-app representing EPOCH. Finally, as a direct consequence of these investigations, we directly apply these performance optimisations to the production version EPOCH, culminating in a speedup of over 2x for the core algorith

    Development and application of real-time and interactive software for complex system

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    Soft materials have attracted considerable interest in recent years for predicting the characteristics of phase separation and self-assembly in nanoscale structures. A popular method for demonstrating and simulating the dynamic behaviour of particles (e.g. particle tracking) and to consider effects of simulation parameters is cell dynamic simulation (CDS). This is a cellular computerisation technique that can be used to investigate different aspects of morphological topographies of soft material systems. The acquisition of quantitative data from particles is a critical requirement in order to obtain a better understanding and of characterising their dynamic behaviour. To achieve this objective particle tracking methods considering quantitative data and focusing on different properties and components of particles is essential. Despite the availability of various types of particle tracking used in experimental work, there is no method available to consider uniform computational data. In order to achieve accurate and efficient computational results for cell dynamic simulation method and particle tracking, two factors are essential: computing/calculating time-scale and simulation system size. Consequently, finding available computing algorithms and resources such as sequential algorithm for implementing a complex technique and achieving precise results is critical and rather expensive. Therefore, it is highly desirable to consider a parallel algorithm and programming model to solve time-consuming and massive computational processing issues. Hence, the gaps between the experimental and computational works and solving time consuming for expensive computational calculations need to be filled in order to investigate a uniform computational technique for particle tracking and significant enhancements in speed and execution times. The work presented in this thesis details a new particle tracking method for integrating diblock copolymers in the form of spheres with a shear flow and a novel designed GPU-based parallel acceleration approach to cell dynamic simulation (CDS). In addition, the evaluation of parallel models and architectures (CPUs and GPUs) utilising the mixtures of application program interface, OpenMP and programming model, CUDA were developed. Finally, this study presents the performance enhancements achieved with GPU-CUDA of approximately ~2 times faster than multi-threading implementation and 13~14 times quicker than optimised sequential processing for the CDS computations/workloads respectively