496 research outputs found

    Parallel Fast Isogeometric Solvers for Explicit Dynamics

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    This paper presents a parallel implementation of the fast isogeometric solvers for explicit dynamics for solving non-stationary time-dependent problems. The algorithm is described in pseudo-code. We present theoretical estimates of the computational and communication complexities for a single time step of the parallel algorithm. The computational complexity is O(p^6 N/c t_comp) and communication complexity is O(N/(c^(2/3)t_comm) where p denotes the polynomial order of B-spline basis with Cp-1 global continuity, N denotes the number of elements and c is number of processors forming a cube, t_comp refers to the execution time of a single operation, and t_comm refers to the time of sending a single datum. We compare theoretical estimates with numerical experiments performed on the LONESTAR Linux cluster from Texas Advanced Computing Center, using 1 000 processors. We apply the method to solve nonlinear flows in highly heterogeneous porous media

    A sparse-grid isogeometric solver

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    Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) typically adopts tensor-product splines and NURBS as a basis for the approximation of the solution of PDEs. In this work, we investigate to which extent IGA solvers can benefit from the so-called sparse-grids construction in its combination technique form, which was first introduced in the early 90s in the context of the approximation of high-dimensional PDEs. The tests that we report show that, in accordance to the literature, a sparse-grid construction can indeed be useful if the solution of the PDE at hand is sufficiently smooth. Sparse grids can also be useful in the case of non-smooth solutions when some a-priori knowledge on the location of the singularities of the solution can be exploited to devise suitable non-equispaced meshes. Finally, we remark that sparse grids can be seen as a simple way to parallelize pre-existing serial IGA solvers in a straightforward fashion, which can be beneficial in many practical situations.Comment: updated version after revie

    A p-multigrid method enhanced with an ILUT smoother and its comparison to h-multigrid methods within Isogeometric Analysis

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    Over the years, Isogeometric Analysis has shown to be a successful alternative to the Finite Element Method (FEM). However, solving the resulting linear systems of equations efficiently remains a challenging task. In this paper, we consider a p-multigrid method, in which coarsening is applied in the approximation order p instead of the mesh width h. Since the use of classical smoothers (e.g. Gauss-Seidel) results in a p-multigrid method with deteriorating performance for higher values of p, the use of an ILUT smoother is investigated. Numerical results and a spectral analysis indicate that the resulting p-multigrid method exhibits convergence rates independent of h and p. In particular, we compare both coarsening strategies (e.g. coarsening in h or p) adopting both smoothers for a variety of two and threedimensional benchmarks

    Linear computational cost implicit solver for parabolic problems

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    In this paper, we use the alternating direction method for isogeometric finite elements to simulate implicit dynamics. Namely, we focus on a parabolic problem and use B-spline basis functions in space and an implicit marching method to fully discretize the problem. We introduce intermediate time steps and separate our differential operator into a summation of the blocks, acting along a particular coordinate axis in the intermediate time steps. We show that the resulting stiffness matrix can be represented as a multiplication of two (in 2D) or three (in 3D) multi-diagonal matrices, each one with B-spline basis functions along the particular axis of the spatial system of coordinates. As a result of this algebraic transformations, we get a system of linear equations that can be factorized in linear O(N)O(N) computational cost in every time step of the implicit method. We use our method to simulate the heat transfer problem. We demonstrate theoretically and verify numerically that our implicit method is unconditionally stable for heat transfer problems (i.e., parabolic). We conclude our presentation with a discussion on the limitations of the method

    Applications of Alternating Direction Solver for simulations of time-dependent problems

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    This paper deals with application of Alternating Direction solver (ADS) to nonstationarylinear elasticity problem solved with isogeometric FEM. Employingtensor product B-spline basis in isogeometric analysis under some restrictionsleads to system of linear equations with matrix possessing tensor product structure.Alternating Direction Implicit algorithm is a direct method that exploitsthis structure to solve the system in O (N ), where N is a number of degreesof freedom (basis functions). This is asymptotically faster than state-of-theartgeneral purpose multi-frontal direct solvers. In this paper we also presentthe complexity analysis of ADS incorporating dependence on order of B-splinebasis

    Robust isogeometric preconditioners for the Stokes system based on the Fast Diagonalization method

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    In this paper we propose a new class of preconditioners for the isogeometric discretization of the Stokes system. Their application involves the solution of a Sylvester-like equation, which can be done efficiently thanks to the Fast Diagonalization method. These preconditioners are robust with respect to both the spline degree and mesh size. By incorporating information on the geometry parametrization and equation coefficients, we maintain efficiency on non-trivial computational domains and for variable kinematic viscosity. In our numerical tests we compare to a standard approach, showing that the overall iterative solver based on our preconditioners is significantly faster.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    Optimally refined isogeometric analysis

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    Performance of direct solvers strongly depends upon the employed discretization method. In particular, it is possible to improve the performance of solving Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) discretizations by introducing multiple C-continuity hyperplanes that act as separators during LU factorization [8]. In here, we further explore this venue by introducing separators of arbitrary continuity. Moreover, we develop an efficient method to obtain optimal discretizations in the sense that they minimize the time employed by the direct solver of linear equations. The search space consists of all possible discretizations obtained by enriching a given IGA mesh. Thus, the best approximation error is always reduced with respect to its IGA counterpart, while the solution time is decreased by up to a factor of 60.David Pardo has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 644602, the Projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with reference MTM2016-76329-R (AEI/FEDER, EU), and MTM2016-81697-ERC, the BCAM "Severo Ochoa" accreditation of excellence SEV-2013-0323, and the Basque Government through the BERC 2014-2017 program, and the Consolidated Research Group Grant IT649-13 on "Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Industrial Applications (M2SI)

    ADI-based, conditionally stable schemes for seismic P-wave and elastic wave propagation problems

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    The modeling of P-waves has essential applications in seismology. This is because the detection of the P-waves is the first warning sign of the incoming earthquake. Thus, P-wave detection is an important part of an earthquake monitoring system. In this paper, we introduce a linear computational cost simulator for three-dimensional simulations of P-waves. We also generalize our formulations and derivation for elastic wave propagation problems. We use the alternating direction method with isogeometric finite elements to simulate seismic P-wave and elastic propagation problems. We introduce intermediate time steps and separate our differential operator into a summation of the blocks, acting along the particular coordinate axis in the sub-steps. We show that the resulting problem matrix can be represented as a multiplication of three multi-diagonal matrices, each one with B-spline basis functions along the particular axis of the spatial system of coordinates. The resulting system of linear equations can be factorized in linear O\mathcal{O} (N) computational cost in every time step of the semi-implicit method. We use our method to simulate P-wave and elastic wave propagation problems. We derive the condition for the stability for seismic waves; namely, we show that the method is stable when τ < C min{ hx_{x},hy_{y},hz_{z}}, where C is a constant that depends on the PDE problem and also on the degree of splines used for the spatial approximation. We conclude our presentation with numerical results for seismic P-wave and elastic wave propagation problems