52 research outputs found

    Covariate-Assisted Bayesian Graph Learning for Heterogeneous Data

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    In a traditional Gaussian graphical model, data homogeneity is routinely assumed with no extra variables affecting the conditional independence. In modern genomic datasets, there is an abundance of auxiliary information, which often gets under-utilized in determining the joint dependency structure. In this article, we consider a Bayesian approach to model undirected graphs underlying heterogeneous multivariate observations with additional assistance from covariates. Building on product partition models, we propose a novel covariate-dependent Gaussian graphical model that allows graphs to vary with covariates so that observations whose covariates are similar share a similar undirected graph. To efficiently embed Gaussian graphical models into our proposed framework, we explore both Gaussian likelihood and pseudo-likelihood functions. For Gaussian likelihood, a G-Wishart distribution is used as a natural conjugate prior, and for the pseudo-likelihood, a product of Gaussian-conditionals is used. Moreover, the proposed model has large prior support and is flexible to approximate any Îœ\nu-H\"{o}lder conditional variance-covariance matrices with Μ∈(0,1]\nu\in(0,1]. We further show that based on the theory of fractional likelihood, the rate of posterior contraction is minimax optimal assuming the true density to be a Gaussian mixture with a known number of components. The efficacy of the approach is demonstrated via simulation studies and an analysis of a protein network for a breast cancer dataset assisted by mRNA gene expression as covariates.Comment: 58 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Journal of the American Statistical Associatio

    High-Level Synthesis Hardware Design for FPGA-Based Accelerators: Models, Methodologies, and Frameworks

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    Hardware accelerators based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) and system on chip (SoC) devices have gained attention in recent years. One of the main reasons is that these devices contain reconfigurable logic, which makes them feasible for boosting the performance of applications. High-level synthesis (HLS) tools facilitate the creation of FPGA code from a high level of abstraction using different directives to obtain an optimized hardware design based on performance metrics. However, the complexity of the design space depends on different factors such as the number of directives used in the source code, the available resources in the device, and the clock frequency. Design space exploration (DSE) techniques comprise the evaluation of multiple implementations with different combinations of directives to obtain a design with a good compromise between different metrics. This paper presents a survey of models, methodologies, and frameworks proposed for metric estimation, FPGA-based DSE, and power consumption estimation on FPGA/SoC. The main features, limitations, and trade-offs of these approaches are described. We also present the integration of existing models and frameworks in diverse research areas and identify the different challenges to be addressed

    On computing the Lyapunov exponents of reversible cellular automata

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    We consider the problem of computing the Lyapunov exponents of reversible cellular automata (CA). We show that the class of reversible CA with right Lyapunov exponent 2 cannot be separated algorithmically from the class of reversible CA whose right Lyapunov exponents are at most 2-delta for some absolute constant delta>0. Therefore there is no algorithm that, given as an input a description of an arbitrary reversible CA F and a positive rational number epsilon>0, outputs the Lyapunov exponents of F with accuracy epsilon. We also compute the average Lyapunov exponents (with respect to the uniform measure) of the reversible CA that perform multiplication by p in base pq for coprime p,q>1

    Cellular automata with complicated dynamics

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    A subshift is a collection of bi-infinite sequences (configurations) of symbols where some finite patterns of symbols are forbidden to occur. A cellular automaton is a transformation that changes each configuration of a subshift into another one by using a finite look-up table that tells how any symbol occurring at any possible context is to be changed. A cellular automaton can be applied repeatedly on the configurations of the subshift, thus making it a dynamical system. This thesis focuses on cellular automata with complex dynamical behavior, with some different definitions of the word “complex”. First we consider a naturally occurring class of cellular automata that we call multiplication automata and we present a case study with the point of view of symbolic, topological and measurable dynamics. We also present an application of these automata to a generalized version of Mahler’s problem. For different notions of complex behavior one may also ask whether a given subshift or class of subshifts has a cellular automaton that presents this behavior. We show that in the class of full shifts the Lyapunov exponents of a given reversible cellular automaton are uncomputable. This means that in the dynamics of reversible cellular automata the long term maximal propagation speed of a perturbation made in an initial configuration cannot be determined in general from short term observations. In the last part we construct, on all mixing sofic shifts, diffusive glider cellular automata that can decompose any finite configuration into two distinct components that shift into opposing direction under repeated action of the automaton. This implies that every mixing sofic shift has a reversible cellular automaton all of whose directions are sensitive in the sense of the definition of Sablik. We contrast this by presenting a family of synchronizing subshifts on which all reversible cellular automata always have a nonsensitive direction

    Information geometric measurements of generalisation

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    Neural networks can be regarded as statistical models, and can be analysed in a Bayesian framework. Generalisation is measured by the performance on independent test data drawn from the same distribution as the training data. Such performance can be quantified by the posterior average of the information divergence between the true and the model distributions. Averaging over the Bayesian posterior guarantees internal coherence; Using information divergence guarantees invariance with respect to representation. The theory generalises the least mean squares theory for linear Gaussian models to general problems of statistical estimation. The main results are: (1)~the ideal optimal estimate is always given by average over the posterior; (2)~the optimal estimate within a computational model is given by the projection of the ideal estimate to the model. This incidentally shows some currently popular methods dealing with hyperpriors are in general unnecessary and misleading. The extension of information divergence to positive normalisable measures reveals a remarkable relation between the dlt dual affine geometry of statistical manifolds and the geometry of the dual pair of Banach spaces Ld and Ldd. It therefore offers conceptual simplification to information geometry. The general conclusion on the issue of evaluating neural network learning rules and other statistical inference methods is that such evaluations are only meaningful under three assumptions: The prior P(p), describing the environment of all the problems; the divergence Dd, specifying the requirement of the task; and the model Q, specifying available computing resources

    A Survey Report On Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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    The paper presents an extensive and careful study of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and its applications. This paper also discuss the arithmetic involved in elliptic curve  and how these curve operations is crucial in determining the performance of cryptographic systems. It also presents  different forms of elliptic curve in various coordinate system , specifying which is most widely used and why. It also explains how isogenenies between elliptic curve  provides the secure ECC. Exentended form of elliptic curve i.e hyperelliptic curve has been presented here with its pros and cons. Performance of ECC and HEC is also discussed based on scalar multiplication and DLP. Keywords: Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), isogenies, hyperelliptic curve (HEC) , Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP), Integer  Factorization , Binary Field, Prime FieldDOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v1i2.8

    Diffusions with polynomial eigenvectors via finite subgroups of O(3)

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    International audienceWe provide new examples of diffusion operators in dimension 2 and 3 which have orthogonal polynomials as eigenvectors. Their construction rely on the finite subgroups of O(3) and their invariant polynomials
