28 research outputs found

    Nintendo Papercraft. Del 3D en pantalla al 3D en cartolina

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    XVIII Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2013)El marc d'aquest article se centra en els personatges de les consoles Nintendo passats a cartolina. L’anomenat papercraft és una construcció de figures tridimensionals de paper o cartolina, similar a l'origami. No obstant això, difereix de l'origami perquè els seus patrons poden consistir en moltes peces de paper tallades amb tisores o cúter i unides amb cola, cosa que no pot succeir amb l'origami que només permet doblegar paper i mai retallar-lo o enganxar-lo. Un passeig per Internet permet descobrir gran quantitat de figures papercraft 3D dels personatges més famosos de les consoles de videojocs totalment tallats a mà, les quals donen una nova sensació de profunditat i dimensió a les imatges icòniques de la cultura geek pop, és a dir, tot allò relacionat amb la tecnologia, la informàtica i qualsevol afició poc habitual, -en anglès el terme geek és equivalent al terme friki a Espanya-. En aquest sentit sembla que hi ha un nexe d'unió entre l'art geek, allò gamer (del jugador de videojocs) i otaku (aficionats a l'anime o manga), i el papercraft o art de paper. Així, els personatges papercraft dels videojocs poden ser considerats una extensió o complement al videojoc, on el jugador eixampla l'àmbit d’actuació, de la pantalla al món físic i amb figures tridimensionals de cartolina o paper dels seus personatges favorits. El web Nintendo Papercraft sembla ser va començar amb un blog amb 17 visitants que ara en té prop de 3000 diaris. En aquesta anàlisi s'estudia primerament la relació entre la cultura papercraft, el disseny de videojocs no comercials sobretot per a dispositius mòbils, tablets i smartphones, i el món del manga i anime. Per altra banda, dins del camp de l’ensenyament, els personatges papercraft de Nintendo poden ser una excusa per a introduir a l’alumnat adolescent conceptes de disseny volumètric dins de les disciplines de creació d’objectes

    Unwrapping Highly-Detailed 3D Meshes of Rotationally Symmetric Man-Made Objects

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    Rotationally symmetric objects commonly occur at archæological finds. Instead of creating 2D images for documentation purposes by manual drawing or photographic methods, we propose a method based on digitally colored surface models that are acquired by 3D scanners, thereby including color information. We then transform these highly-detailed meshes using simple geometrical objects such as cones and spheres and unwrap the objects onto a plane. Our method can handle curved vessel profiles by dividing the surface into multiple segments and approximating each segment with a cone frustum that serves as an auxiliary surface. In order to minimize distortions, we introduce a simple quality measure based on distances of points to a fitted cone. We then extend our method to approximately spherical objects by fitting a sphere on the surface of the object and applying a map projection, namely the equirectangular projection known from cartography. Our implementation generates true-to-scale images from triangular meshes. Exemplary results demonstrate our methods on real objects, ranging from small and medium-sized objects such as clay cones from the Ancient Orient and figural friezes of Greek vessels to extremely large objects such as the remains of a cylindrical tower of Heidelberg Castle

    State of the Art on Stylized Fabrication

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    © 2018 The Authors Computer Graphics Forum © 2018 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Digital fabrication devices are powerful tools for creating tangible reproductions of 3D digital models. Most available printing technologies aim at producing an accurate copy of a tridimensional shape. However, fabrication technologies can also be used to create a stylistic representation of a digital shape. We refer to this class of methods as ‘stylized fabrication methods’. These methods abstract geometric and physical features of a given shape to create an unconventional representation, to produce an optical illusion or to devise a particular interaction with the fabricated model. In this state-of-the-art report, we classify and overview this broad and emerging class of approaches and also propose possible directions for future research


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    ACM Transactions on Graphics

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    We present a computational method for designing wire sculptures consisting of interlocking wires. Our method allows the computation of aesthetically pleasing structures that are structurally stable, efficiently fabricatable with a 2D wire bending machine, and assemblable without the need of additional connectors. Starting from a set of planar contours provided by the user, our method automatically tests for the feasibility of a design, determines a discrete ordering of wires at intersection points, and optimizes for the rest shape of the individual wires to maximize structural stability under frictional contact. In addition to their application to art, wire sculptures present an extremely efficient and fast alternative for low-fidelity rapid prototyping because manufacturing time and required material linearly scales with the physical size of objects. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a varied set of examples, all of which we fabricated

    State of the art on stylized fabrication

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    © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Digital fabrication devices are powerful tools for creating tangible reproductions of 3D digital models. Most available printing technologies aim at producing an accurate copy of a tridimensional shape. However, fabrication technologies can also be used to create a stylistic representation of a digital shape. We refer to this class of methods as stylized fabrication methods. These methods abstract geometric and physical features of a given shape to create an unconventional representation, to produce an optical illusion, or to devise a particular interaction with the fabricated model. In this course, we classify and overview this broad and emerging class of approaches and also propose possible directions for future research

    ACM Transactions on Graphics

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    We present a computational approach for designing CurveUps, curvy shells that form from an initially flat state. They consist of small rigid tiles that are tightly held together by two pre-stretched elastic sheets attached to them. Our method allows the realization of smooth, doubly curved surfaces that can be fabricated as a flat piece. Once released, the restoring forces of the pre-stretched sheets support the object to take shape in 3D. CurveUps are structurally stable in their target configuration. The design process starts with a target surface. Our method generates a tile layout in 2D and optimizes the distribution, shape, and attachment areas of the tiles to obtain a configuration that is fabricable and in which the curved up state closely matches the target. Our approach is based on an efficient approximate model and a local optimization strategy for an otherwise intractable nonlinear optimization problem. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for a wide range of shapes, all realized as physical prototypes