9,142 research outputs found

    Capturing Panoramic Depth Images with a Single Standard Camera

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    In this paper we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic. Due to a setoff of the camera’s optical center from the rotational center of the system we are able to capture the motion parallax effect which enables the stereo reconstruction. The camera is rotating on a circular path with the step defined by an angle equivalent to one column of the captured image. The equation for depth estimation can be easily extracted from system geometry. To find the corresponding points on a stereo pair of panoramic images the epipolar geometry needs to be determined. It can be shown that the epipolar geometry is very simple if we are doing the reconstruction based on a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images. We get a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images when we take symmetric columns on the left and on the right side from the captured image center column. Epipolar lines of the symmetrical pair of panoramic images are image rows. We focused mainly on the system analysis. The system performs well in the reconstruction of small indoor spaces

    Mosaiced-Based Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single Standard Camera

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    In this article we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic. Due to a setoff of the camera’s optical center from the rotational center of the system we are able to capture the motion parallax effect which enables the stereo reconstruction. The camera is rotating on a circular path with the step defined by an angle, equivalent to one column of the captured image. The equation for depth estimation can be easily extracted from system geometry. To find the corresponding points on a stereo pair of panoramic images the epipolar geometry needs to be determined. It can be shown that the epipolar geometry is very simple if we are doing the reconstruction based on a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images. We get a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images when we take symmetric columns on the left and on the right side from the captured image center column. Epipolar lines of the symmetrical pair of panoramic images are image rows. We focused mainly on the system analysis. Results of the stereo reconstruction procedure and quality evaluation of generated depth images are quite promissing. The system performs well in the reconstruction of small indoor spaces. Our finall goal is to develop a system for automatic navigation of a mobile robot in a room

    Panoramic Depth Imaging: Single Standard Camera Approach

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    In this paper we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic. Due to a setoff of the camera’s optical center from the rotational center of the system we are able to capture the motion parallax effect which enables stereo reconstruction. The camera is rotating on a circular path with a step defined by the angle, equivalent to one pixel column of the captured image. The equation for depth estimation can be easily extracted from the system geometry. To find the corresponding points on a stereo pair of panoramic images the epipolar geometry needs to be determined. It can be shown that the epipolar geometry is very simple if we are doing the reconstruction based on a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images. We get a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images when we take symmetric pixel columns on the left and on the right side from the captured image center column. Epipolar lines of the symmetrical pair of panoramic images are image rows. The search space on the epipolar line can be additionaly constrained. The focus of the paper is mainly on the system analysis. Results of the stereo reconstruction procedure and quality evaluation of generated depth images are quite promissing. The system performs well for reconstruction of small indoor spaces. Our finall goal is to develop a system for automatic navigation of a mobile robot in a room

    Geometrical Calibration for the Panrover: a Stereo Omnidirectional System for Planetary Rover

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    Abstract. A novel panoramic stereo imaging system is proposed in this paper. The system is able to carry out a 360° stereoscopic vision, useful for rover autonomous-driving, and capture simultaneously a high-resolution stereo scene. The core of the concept is a novel "bifocal panoramic lens" (BPL) based on hyper hemispheric model (Pernechele et al. 2016). This BPL is able to record a panoramic field of view (FoV) and, simultaneously, an area (belonging to the panoramic FoV) with a given degree of magnification by using a unique image sensor. This strategy makes possible to avoid rotational mechanisms. Using two BPLs settled in a vertical baseline (system called PANROVER) allows the monitoring of the surrounding environment in stereoscopic (3D) mode and, simultaneously, capturing an high-resolution stereoscopic images to analyse scientific cases, making it a new paradigm in the planetary rovers framework.Differently from the majority of the Mars systems which are based on rotational mechanisms for the acquisition of the panoramic images (mosaicked on ground), the PANROVER does not contain any moving components and can rescue a hi-rate stereo images of the context panorama.Scope of this work is the geometric calibration of the panoramic acquisition system by the omnidirectional calibration methods (Scaramuzza et al. 2006) based on Zhang calibration grid. The procedures are applied in order to obtain well rectified synchronized stereo images to be available for 3D reconstruction. We applied a Zhang chess boards based approach even during STC/SIMBIO-SYS stereo camera calibration (Simioni et al. 2014, 2017). In this case the target of the calibration will be the stereo heads (the BPLs) of the PANROVER with the scope of extracting the intrinsic parameters of the optical systems. Differently by previous pipelines, using the same data bench the estimate of the extrinsic parameters is performed

    3D modeling of indoor environments by a mobile platform with a laser scanner and panoramic camera

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    One major challenge of 3DTV is content acquisition. Here, we present a method to acquire a realistic, visually convincing D model of indoor environments based on a mobile platform that is equipped with a laser range scanner and a panoramic camera. The data of the 2D laser scans are used to solve the simultaneous lo- calization and mapping problem and to extract walls. Textures for walls and floor are built from the images of a calibrated panoramic camera. Multiresolution blending is used to hide seams in the gen- erated textures. The scene is further enriched by 3D-geometry cal- culated from a graph cut stereo technique. We present experimental results from a moderately large real environment.

    Bioinspired engineering of exploration systems for NASA and DoD

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    A new approach called bioinspired engineering of exploration systems (BEES) and its value for solving pressing NASA and DoD needs are described. Insects (for example honeybees and dragonflies) cope remarkably well with their world, despite possessing a brain containing less than 0.01% as many neurons as the human brain. Although most insects have immobile eyes with fixed focus optics and lack stereo vision, they use a number of ingenious, computationally simple strategies for perceiving their world in three dimensions and navigating successfully within it. We are distilling selected insect-inspired strategies to obtain novel solutions for navigation, hazard avoidance, altitude hold, stable flight, terrain following, and gentle deployment of payload. Such functionality provides potential solutions for future autonomous robotic space and planetary explorers. A BEES approach to developing lightweight low-power autonomous flight systems should be useful for flight control of such biomorphic flyers for both NASA and DoD needs. Recent biological studies of mammalian retinas confirm that representations of multiple features of the visual world are systematically parsed and processed in parallel. Features are mapped to a stack of cellular strata within the retina. Each of these representations can be efficiently modeled in semiconductor cellular nonlinear network (CNN) chips. We describe recent breakthroughs in exploring the feasibility of the unique blending of insect strategies of navigation with mammalian visual search, pattern recognition, and image understanding into hybrid biomorphic flyers for future planetary and terrestrial applications. We describe a few future mission scenarios for Mars exploration, uniquely enabled by these newly developed biomorphic flyers

    Data users note: Apollo 17 lunar photography

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    The availability of Apollo 17 pictorial data is announced as an aid to the selection of the photographs for study. Brief descriptions are presented of the Apollo 17 flight, and the photographic equipment used during the flight. The following descriptions are also included: service module photography, command module photography, and lunar surface photography

    Photographic technology development project: Timber typing in the Tahoe Basin using high altitude panoramic photography

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    Procedures were developed and tested for using KA-80A optical bar camera panoramic photography for timber typing forest land and classifying nonforest land. The study area was the south half of the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. Final products from this study include four timber type map overlays on 1:24,000 orthophoto maps. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study: (1) established conventional timber typing procedures can be used on panoramic photography if the necessary equipment is available, (2) The classification and consistency results warrant further study in using panoramic photography for timber typing; and (3) timber type mapping can be done as fast or faster with panoramic photography than with resource photography while maintaining comparable accuracy