225 research outputs found

    Pairwise registration of TLS point clouds by deep multi-scale local features

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    Abstract(#br)Because of the mechanism of TLS system, noise, outliers, various occlusions, varying cloud densities, etc. inevitably exist in the collection of TLS point clouds. To achieve automatic TLS point cloud registration, many methods, based on the hand-crafted features of keypoints, have been proposed. Despite significant progress, the current methods still face great challenges in accomplishing TLS point cloud registration. In this paper, we propose a multi-scale neural network to learn local shape descriptors for establishing correspondences between pairwise TLS point clouds. To train our model, data augmentation, developed on pairwise semi-synthetic 3D local patches, is to extend our network to be robust to rotation transformation. Then, based on varying local neighborhoods, multi-scale subnetworks are constructed and fused to learn robust local features. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method successfully registers two TLS point clouds and outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Besides, our learned descriptors are invariant to translation and tolerant to changes in rotation

    Iterative Global Similarity Points : A robust coarse-to-fine integration solution for pairwise 3D point cloud registration

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    In this paper, we propose a coarse-to-fine integration solution inspired by the classical ICP algorithm, to pairwise 3D point cloud registration with two improvements of hybrid metric spaces (eg, BSC feature and Euclidean geometry spaces) and globally optimal correspondences matching. First, we detect the keypoints of point clouds and use the Binary Shape Context (BSC) descriptor to encode their local features. Then, we formulate the correspondence matching task as an energy function, which models the global similarity of keypoints on the hybrid spaces of BSC feature and Euclidean geometry. Next, we estimate the globally optimal correspondences through optimizing the energy function by the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm and then calculate the transformation based on the correspondences. Finally,we iteratively refine the transformation between two point clouds by conducting optimal correspondences matching and transformation calculation in a mutually reinforcing manner, to achieve the coarse-to-fine registration under an unified framework.The proposed method is evaluated and compared to several state-of-the-art methods on selected challenging datasets with repetitive, symmetric and incomplete structures.Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed IGSP algorithm obtains good performance and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of both rotation and translation errors.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on 3DVision (3DV) 2018 [8 pages, 6 figures and 3 tables

    G3Reg: Pyramid Graph-based Global Registration using Gaussian Ellipsoid Model

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    This study introduces a novel framework, G3Reg, for fast and robust global registration of LiDAR point clouds. In contrast to conventional complex keypoints and descriptors, we extract fundamental geometric primitives including planes, clusters, and lines (PCL) from the raw point cloud to obtain low-level semantic segments. Each segment is formulated as a unified Gaussian Ellipsoid Model (GEM) by employing a probability ellipsoid to ensure the ground truth centers are encompassed with a certain degree of probability. Utilizing these GEMs, we then present a distrust-and-verify scheme based on a Pyramid Compatibility Graph for Global Registration (PAGOR). Specifically, we establish an upper bound, which can be traversed based on the confidence level for compatibility testing to construct the pyramid graph. Gradually, we solve multiple maximum cliques (MAC) for each level of the graph, generating numerous transformation candidates. In the verification phase, we adopt a precise and efficient metric for point cloud alignment quality, founded on geometric primitives, to identify the optimal candidate. The performance of the algorithm is extensively validated on three publicly available datasets and a self-collected multi-session dataset, without changing any parameter settings in the experimental evaluation. The results exhibit superior robustness and real-time performance of the G3Reg framework compared to state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential for integrating individual GEM and PAGOR components into other algorithmic frameworks to enhance their efficacy. To advance further research and promote community understanding, we have publicly shared the source code.Comment: Under revie

    Point Cloud Registration for LiDAR and Photogrammetric Data: a Critical Synthesis and Performance Analysis on Classic and Deep Learning Algorithms

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    Recent advances in computer vision and deep learning have shown promising performance in estimating rigid/similarity transformation between unregistered point clouds of complex objects and scenes. However, their performances are mostly evaluated using a limited number of datasets from a single sensor (e.g. Kinect or RealSense cameras), lacking a comprehensive overview of their applicability in photogrammetric 3D mapping scenarios. In this work, we provide a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art (SOTA) point cloud registration methods, where we analyze and evaluate these methods using a diverse set of point cloud data from indoor to satellite sources. The quantitative analysis allows for exploring the strengths, applicability, challenges, and future trends of these methods. In contrast to existing analysis works that introduce point cloud registration as a holistic process, our experimental analysis is based on its inherent two-step process to better comprehend these approaches including feature/keypoint-based initial coarse registration and dense fine registration through cloud-to-cloud (C2C) optimization. More than ten methods, including classic hand-crafted, deep-learning-based feature correspondence, and robust C2C methods were tested. We observed that the success rate of most of the algorithms are fewer than 40% over the datasets we tested and there are still are large margin of improvement upon existing algorithms concerning 3D sparse corresopondence search, and the ability to register point clouds with complex geometry and occlusions. With the evaluated statistics on three datasets, we conclude the best-performing methods for each step and provide our recommendations, and outlook future efforts.Comment: 7 figure

    Automated Structural-level Alignment of Multi-view TLS and ALS Point Clouds in Forestry

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    Access to highly detailed models of heterogeneous forests from the near surface to above the tree canopy at varying scales is of increasing demand as it enables more advanced computational tools for analysis, planning, and ecosystem management. LiDAR sensors available through different scanning platforms including terrestrial, mobile and aerial have become established as one of the primary technologies for forest mapping due to their inherited capability to collect direct, precise and rapid 3D information of a scene. However, their scalability to large forest areas is highly dependent upon use of effective and efficient methods of co-registration of multiple scan sources. Surprisingly, work in forestry in GPS denied areas has mostly resorted to methods of co-registration that use reference based targets (e.g., reflective, marked trees), a process far from scalable in practice. In this work, we propose an effective, targetless and fully automatic method based on an incremental co-registration strategy matching and grouping points according to levels of structural complexity. Empirical evidence shows the method's effectiveness in aligning both TLS-to-TLS and TLS-to-ALS scans under a variety of ecosystem conditions including pre/post fire treatment effects, of interest to forest inventory surveyors


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    Abstract. The digital acquisition of Cultural Heritage is a complex process, highly depending on the nature of the object as well as the purpose of its detection. Even if there are different survey techniques and sensors that allow the generation of realistic 3D models, defined by a good metric quality and a detail consistent with the geometric characteristics of the object, an interesting goal could be to develop a unified treatment of the methodologies. The Chapel of the Holy Shroud, with its intricate articulation, becomes the benchmark to test an integrated protocol between a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) and a wearable mobile laser system (WMLS) based on a SLAM approach. In order to quantify the accuracy and precision of the latter solution, several forms of comparison are proposed. For the case study the ZEB-REVO, produced and marketed by GeoSLAM, is tested. Computations of cloud-to-cloud (C2C) absolute distances, comparisons of slices and extractions of planar features are performed, using stationary laser scanner (Faro FocusS S350) as a reference. Finally, the obtained results are reported, allowing us to assert that the quality of the WMLS measurements is compatible with the data provided by the manufacturer, thus making the instrumentation suitable for certain specific applications.</p