80 research outputs found

    Paired 2-disjoint path covers of burnt pancake graphs with faulty elements

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    The burnt pancake graph BPnBP_n is the Cayley graph of the hyperoctahedral group using prefix reversals as generators. Let {u,v}\{u,v\} and {x,y}\{x,y\} be any two pairs of distinct vertices of BPnBP_n for n4n\geq 4. We show that there are uvu-v and xyx-y paths whose vertices partition the vertex set of BPnBP_n even if BPnBP_n has up to n4n-4 faulty elements. On the other hand, for every n3n\ge3 there is a set of n2n-2 faulty edges or faulty vertices for which such a fault-free disjoint path cover does not exist.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    The generalized 4-connectivity of burnt pancake graphs

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    The generalized kk-connectivity of a graph GG, denoted by κk(G)\kappa_k(G), is the minimum number of internally edge disjoint SS-trees for any SV(G)S\subseteq V(G) and S=k|S|=k. The generalized kk-connectivity is a natural extension of the classical connectivity and plays a key role in applications related to the modern interconnection networks. An nn-dimensional burnt pancake graph BPnBP_n is a Cayley graph which posses many desirable properties. In this paper, we try to evaluate the reliability of BPnBP_n by investigating its generalized 4-connectivity. By introducing the notation of inclusive tree and by studying structural properties of BPnBP_n, we show that κ4(BPn)=n1\kappa_4(BP_n)=n-1 for n2n\ge 2, that is, for any four vertices in BPnBP_n, there exist (n1n-1) internally edge disjoint trees connecting them in BPnBP_n

    Computing a maximum clique in geometric superclasses of disk graphs

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    In the 90's Clark, Colbourn and Johnson wrote a seminal paper where they proved that maximum clique can be solved in polynomial time in unit disk graphs. Since then, the complexity of maximum clique in intersection graphs of d-dimensional (unit) balls has been investigated. For ball graphs, the problem is NP-hard, as shown by Bonamy et al. (FOCS '18). They also gave an efficient polynomial time approximation scheme (EPTAS) for disk graphs. However, the complexity of maximum clique in this setting remains unknown. In this paper, we show the existence of a polynomial time algorithm for a geometric superclass of unit disk graphs. Moreover, we give partial results toward obtaining an EPTAS for intersection graphs of convex pseudo-disks

    Constructing disjoint Steiner trees in Sierpi\'{n}ski graphs

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    Let GG be a graph and SV(G)S\subseteq V(G) with S2|S|\geq 2. Then the trees T1,T2,,TT_1, T_2, \cdots, T_\ell in GG are \emph{internally disjoint Steiner trees} connecting SS (or SS-Steiner trees) if E(Ti)E(Tj)=E(T_i) \cap E(T_j )=\emptyset and V(Ti)V(Tj)=SV(T_i)\cap V(T_j)=S for every pair of distinct integers i,ji,j, 1i,j1 \leq i, j \leq \ell. Similarly, if we only have the condition E(Ti)E(Tj)=E(T_i) \cap E(T_j )=\emptyset but without the condition V(Ti)V(Tj)=SV(T_i)\cap V(T_j)=S, then they are \emph{edge-disjoint Steiner trees}. The \emph{generalized kk-connectivity}, denoted by κk(G)\kappa_k(G), of a graph GG, is defined as κk(G)=min{κG(S)SV(G) and S=k}\kappa_k(G)=\min\{\kappa_G(S)|S \subseteq V(G) \ \textrm{and} \ |S|=k \}, where κG(S)\kappa_G(S) is the maximum number of internally disjoint SS-Steiner trees. The \emph{generalized local edge-connectivity} λG(S)\lambda_{G}(S) is the maximum number of edge-disjoint Steiner trees connecting SS in GG. The {\it generalized kk-edge-connectivity} λk(G)\lambda_k(G) of GG is defined as λk(G)=min{λG(S)SV(G) and S=k}\lambda_k(G)=\min\{\lambda_{G}(S)\,|\,S\subseteq V(G) \ and \ |S|=k\}. These measures are generalizations of the concepts of connectivity and edge-connectivity, and they and can be used as measures of vulnerability of networks. It is, in general, difficult to compute these generalized connectivities. However, there are precise results for some special classes of graphs. In this paper, we obtain the exact value of λk(S(n,))\lambda_{k}(S(n,\ell)) for 3kn3\leq k\leq \ell^n, and the exact value of κk(S(n,))\kappa_{k}(S(n,\ell)) for 3k3\leq k\leq \ell, where S(n,)S(n, \ell) is the Sierpi\'{n}ski graphs with order n\ell^n. As a direct consequence, these graphs provide additional interesting examples when λk(S(n,))=κk(S(n,))\lambda_{k}(S(n,\ell))=\kappa_{k}(S(n,\ell)). We also study the some network properties of Sierpi\'{n}ski graphs

    Interconnection networks for parallel and distributed computing

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    Parallel computers are generally either shared-memory machines or distributed- memory machines. There are currently technological limitations on shared-memory architectures and so parallel computers utilizing a large number of processors tend tube distributed-memory machines. We are concerned solely with distributed-memory multiprocessors. In such machines, the dominant factor inhibiting faster global computations is inter-processor communication. Communication is dependent upon the topology of the interconnection network, the routing mechanism, the flow control policy, and the method of switching. We are concerned with issues relating to the topology of the interconnection network. The choice of how we connect processors in a distributed-memory multiprocessor is a fundamental design decision. There are numerous, often conflicting, considerations to bear in mind. However, there does not exist an interconnection network that is optimal on all counts and trade-offs have to be made. A multitude of interconnection networks have been proposed with each of these networks having some good (topological) properties and some not so good. Existing noteworthy networks include trees, fat-trees, meshes, cube-connected cycles, butterflies, Möbius cubes, hypercubes, augmented cubes, k-ary n-cubes, twisted cubes, n-star graphs, (n, k)-star graphs, alternating group graphs, de Bruijn networks, and bubble-sort graphs, to name but a few. We will mainly focus on k-ary n-cubes and (n, k)-star graphs in this thesis. Meanwhile, we propose a new interconnection network called augmented k-ary n- cubes. The following results are given in the thesis.1. Let k ≥ 4 be even and let n ≥ 2. Consider a faulty k-ary n-cube Q(^k_n) in which the number of node faults f(_n) and the number of link faults f(_e) are such that f(_n) + f(_e) ≤ 2n - 2. We prove that given any two healthy nodes s and e of Q(^k_n), there is a path from s to e of length at least k(^n) - 2f(_n) - 1 (resp. k(^n) - 2f(_n) - 2) if the nodes s and e have different (resp. the same) parities (the parity of a node Q(^k_n) in is the sum modulo 2 of the elements in the n-tuple over 0, 1, ∙∙∙ , k - 1 representing the node). Our result is optimal in the sense that there are pairs of nodes and fault configurations for which these bounds cannot be improved, and it answers questions recently posed by Yang, Tan and Hsu, and by Fu. Furthermore, we extend known results, obtained by Kim and Park, for the case when n = 2.2. We give precise solutions to problems posed by Wang, An, Pan, Wang and Qu and by Hsieh, Lin and Huang. In particular, we show that Q(^k_n) is bi-panconnected and edge-bipancyclic, when k ≥ 3 and n ≥ 2, and we also show that when k is odd, Q(^k_n) is m-panconnected, for m = (^n(k - 1) + 2k - 6’ / ‘_2), and (k -1) pancyclic (these bounds are optimal). We introduce a path-shortening technique, called progressive shortening, and strengthen existing results, showing that when paths are formed using progressive shortening then these paths can be efficiently constructed and used to solve a problem relating to the distributed simulation of linear arrays and cycles in a parallel machine whose interconnection network is Q(^k_n) even in the presence of a faulty processor.3. We define an interconnection network AQ(^k_n) which we call the augmented k-ary n-cube by extending a k-ary n-cube in a manner analogous to the existing extension of an n-dimensional hypercube to an n-dimensional augmented cube. We prove that the augmented k-ary n-cube Q(^k_n) has a number of attractive properties (in the context of parallel computing). For example, we show that the augmented k-ary n-cube Q(^k_n) - is a Cayley graph (and so is vertex-symmetric); has connectivity 4n - 2, and is such that we can build a set of 4n - 2 mutually disjoint paths joining any two distinct vertices so that the path of maximal length has length at most max{{n- l)k- (n-2), k + 7}; has diameter [(^k) / (_3)] + [(^k - 1) /( _3)], when n = 2; and has diameter at most (^k) / (_4) (n+ 1), for n ≥ 3 and k even, and at most [(^k)/ (_4) (n + 1) + (^n) / (_4), for n ^, for n ≥ 3 and k odd.4. We present an algorithm which given a source node and a set of n - 1 target nodes in the (n, k)-star graph S(_n,k) where all nodes are distinct, builds a collection of n - 1 node-disjoint paths, one from each target node to the source. The collection of paths output from the algorithm is such that each path has length at most 6k - 7, and the algorithm has time complexity O(k(^3)n(^4))

    IST Austria Thesis

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    This thesis considers two examples of reconfiguration problems: flipping edges in edge-labelled triangulations of planar point sets and swapping labelled tokens placed on vertices of a graph. In both cases the studied structures – all the triangulations of a given point set or all token placements on a given graph – can be thought of as vertices of the so-called reconfiguration graph, in which two vertices are adjacent if the corresponding structures differ by a single elementary operation – by a flip of a diagonal in a triangulation or by a swap of tokens on adjacent vertices, respectively. We study the reconfiguration of one instance of a structure into another via (shortest) paths in the reconfiguration graph. For triangulations of point sets in which each edge has a unique label and a flip transfers the label from the removed edge to the new edge, we prove a polynomial-time testable condition, called the Orbit Theorem, that characterizes when two triangulations of the same point set lie in the same connected component of the reconfiguration graph. The condition was first conjectured by Bose, Lubiw, Pathak and Verdonschot. We additionally provide a polynomial time algorithm that computes a reconfiguring flip sequence, if it exists. Our proof of the Orbit Theorem uses topological properties of a certain high-dimensional cell complex that has the usual reconfiguration graph as its 1-skeleton. In the context of token swapping on a tree graph, we make partial progress on the problem of finding shortest reconfiguration sequences. We disprove the so-called Happy Leaf Conjecture and demonstrate the importance of swapping tokens that are already placed at the correct vertices. We also prove that a generalization of the problem to weighted coloured token swapping is NP-hard on trees but solvable in polynomial time on paths and stars

    Strengthening Canonical Pattern Databases with Structural Symmetries

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    Symmetry-based state space pruning techniques have proved to greatly improve heuristic search based classical planners. Similarly, abstraction heuristics in general and pattern databases in particular are key ingredients of such planners. However, only little work has dealt with how the abstraction heuristics behave under symmetries. In this work, we investigate the symmetry properties of the popular canonical pattern databases heuristic. Exploiting structural symmetries, we strengthen the canonical pattern databases by adding symmetric pattern databases, making the resulting heuristic invariant under structural symmetry, thus making it especially attractive for symmetry-based pruning search methods. Further, we prove that this heuristic is at least as informative as using symmetric lookups over the original heuristic. An experimental evaluation confirms these theoretical results

    Embedding Schemes for Interconnection Networks.

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    Graph embeddings play an important role in interconnection network and VLSI design. Designing efficient embedding strategies for simulating one network by another and determining the number of layers required to build a VLSI chip are just two of the many areas in which graph embeddings are used. In the area of network simulation we develop efficient, small dilation embeddings of a butterfly network into a different size and/or type of butterfly network. The genus of a graph gives an indication of how many layers are required to build a circuit. We have determined the exact genus for the permutation network called the star graph, and have given a lower bound for the genus of the permutation network called the pancake graph. The star graph has been proposed as an alternative to the binary hypercube and, therefore, we compare the genus of the star graph with that of the binary hypercube. Another type of embedding that is helpful in determining the number of layers is a book embedding. We develop upper and lower bounds on the pagenumber of a book embedding of the k-ary hypercube along with an upper bound on the cumulative pagewidth

    Low Time Complexity Algorithms for Path Computation in Cayley Graphs

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    International audienceWe study the problem of path computation in Cayley Graphs (CG) from an approach of word processing in groups. This approach consists in encoding the topological structure of CG in an automaton called Diff , then techniques of word processing are applied for computing the shortest paths. We present algorithms for computing the K-shortest paths, the shortest disjoint paths and the shortest path avoiding a set of nodes and edges. For any CG with diameter D, the time complexity of the proposed algorithms is O(KD|Diff |), where |Diff | denotes the size of Diff. We show that our proposal outperforms the state of art of topology-agnostic algorithms for disjoint shortest paths and stays competitive with respect to proposals for specific families of CG. Therefore, the proposed algorithms set a base in the design of adaptive and low-complexity routing schemes for networks whose interconnections are defined by CG