105,691 research outputs found

    Enhancement of polar phases in PVDF by forming PVDF/SiC nanowire composite

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    Different contents of silicon carbide (SiC) nanowires were mixed with Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) to facilitate the polar phase crystallization. It was shown that the annealing temperature and SiC content affected on the phase and crystalline structures of PVDF/SiC samples. Furthermore, the addition of SiC nanowire enhanced the transformation of non-polar α phase to polar phases and increased the relative fraction of β phase in PVDF. Due to the nucleating agent mechanism of SiC nanowires, the ion-dipole interaction between the negatively charged surface of SiC nanowires and the positive CH2 groups in PVDF facilitated the formation of polar phases in PVDF

    Piezoelectric effect and electroactive phase nucleation in self-standing films of unpoled PVDF nanocomposite films

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    Novel polymer-based piezoelectric nanocomposites with enhanced electromechanical properties open new opportunities for the development of wearable energy harvesters and sensors. This paper investigates how the dissolution of different types of hexahydrate metal salts affects β-phase content and piezoelectric response (d33) at nano-and macroscales of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanocomposite films. The strongest enhancement of the piezoresponse is observed in PVDF nanocomposites processed with Mg(NO3)2·6H2O. The increased piezoresponse is attributed to the synergistic effect of the dipole moment associated with the nucleation of the electroactive phase and with the electrostatic interaction between the CF2group of PVDF and the dissolved salt through hydrogen bonding. The combination of nanofillers like graphene nanoplatelets or zinc oxide nanorods with the hexahydrate salt dissolution in PVDF results in a dramatic reduction of d33, because the nanofiller assumes a competitive role with respect to H-bond formation between PVDF and the dissolved metal salt. The measured peak value of d33reaches the local value of 13.49 pm/V, with an average of 8.88 pm/V over an area of 1 cm2. The proposed selection of metal salt enables low-cost production of piezoelectric PVDF nanocomposite films, without electrical poling or mechanical stretching, offering new opportunities for the development of devices for energy harvesting and wearable sensors

    Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics Studies on Energetics and Kinetics for Electro-Active Polymers: PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE)

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    We use first principles methods to study static and dynamical mechanical properties of the ferroelectric polymer Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and its copolymer with trifluoro ethylene (TrFE). We use density functional theory [within the generalized gradient approximation (DFT-GGA)] to calculate structures and energetics for various crystalline phases for PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE). We find that the lowest energy phase for PVDF is a non-polar crystal with a combination of trans (T) and gauche (G) bonds; in the case of the copolymer the role of the extra (bulkier) F atoms is to stabilize T bonds. This leads to the higher crystallinity and piezoelectricity observed experimentally. Using the MSXX first principles-based force field (FF) with molecular dynamics (MD), we find that the energy barrier necessary to nucleate a kink (gauche pairs separated by trans bonds) in an all-T crystal is much lower (14.9 kcal/mol) in P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer than in PVDF (24.8 kcal/mol). This correlates with the observation that the polar phase of the copolymer exhibits a solid-solid a transition to a non-polar phase under heating while PVDF directly melts. We also studied the mobility of an interface between a polar and non-polar phases under uniaxial stress; we find a lower threshold stress and a higher mobility in the copolymer as compared with PVDF. Finally, considering plastic deformation under applied shear, we find that the chains for P(VDF-TrFE) have a very low resistance to sliding, particularly along the chain direction. The atomistic characterization of these "unit mechanisms" provides essential input to mesoscopic or macroscopic models of electro-active polymers.Comment: 15 pages 9 figures Electro-active polyme

    Piezoelectric and pyroelectric effects of a crystalline polymer

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    Polyvinylidene flouride (PVDF) is a crystalline polymer to both piezoelectric and pyroelectric nature. Piezoelectricity produces electrical signals when mechanically deformed, and pyroelectricity is the electrical polarization induced by thermal absorption in crystals. To demonstrate the piezoelectric effect PVDF is subjected to impact loads which produce electrical charges proportional to mechanical stresses. A heat source was used to demonstrate the pyroelectric nature of PVDF. The rise in temperature due to absorbed energy by the polymer produces electrical output. The qualitative test results obtained are graphically reproduced

    A new instrument to measure charged and neutral cometary dust particles at low and high impact velocities

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    A new class of dust particle detector, the PVDF dust detector, was designed for space missions such as the Halley Comet missions where the particle impact velocity is very high. It is demonstrated that this same PVDF detector (operating in a different mode) also has the capability of detecting dust particles having low velocity (approx. 100 m/s). This low velocity detection capability is extremely important in terms of planned missions requiring measurement of low velocity dust particles such as comet rendezvous missions. An additional detecting element (charge induction cylinder) was also developed which, when combined with a PVDF detector, yields a system which will measure the charge (magnitude and sign) carried by a cometary particle as well as the particle velocity and mass for impact velocities in the range 100 to 500 m/s. Since the cylinder-PVDF detector system has a relatively small geometry factors, an array of PVDF detectors was included having a total sensing area of 0.1 sq m for measurements in regions of space where the dust flux is expected to be low. The characteristics of the detectors in this array have been chosen to provide optimum mass sensitivity for both low-velocity cometary dust as well as high-velocity asteroid associated and interplanetary dust

    Multifunctional Flexible PVDF-TrFE/BaTiO3 Based Tactile Sensor for Touch and Temperature Monitoring

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    This paper presents an enhanced piezoelectricity based sensor for touch and temperature sensing. The sensor is realized over flexible polyimide film, making it suitable for application like e-skin. The sensing material is composed of Polyvinylidene Fluoride-Trifluoroethylene (PVDF-TrFE) and Barium Titanate (BaTiO3) nanoparticles. While, the piezoelectric polymer PVDF-TrFE ensures the flexibility of sensor, BaTiO3 imparts high sensitivity to touch and temperature. The sensor is tested over temperature range which is common in daily life and the sensitivity to touch is characterized by tapping mode using fixed load. The results confirms the advantage of using poly-ceramic composite over piezoelectric polymer

    Construction of a Fish-like Robot Based on High Performance Graphene/PVDF Bimorph Actuation Materials.

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    Smart actuators have many potential applications in various areas, so the development of novel actuation materials, with facile fabricating methods and excellent performances, are still urgent needs. In this work, a novel electromechanical bimorph actuator constituted by a graphene layer and a PVDF layer, is fabricated through a simple yet versatile solution approach. The bimorph actuator can deflect toward the graphene side under electrical stimulus, due to the differences in coefficient of thermal expansion between the two layers and the converse piezoelectric effect and electrostrictive property of the PVDF layer. Under low voltage stimulus, the actuator (length: 20 mm, width: 3 mm) can generate large actuation motion with a maximum deflection of about 14.0 mm within 0.262 s and produce high actuation stress (more than 312.7 MPa/g). The bimorph actuator also can display reversible swing behavior with long cycle life under high frequencies. on this basis, a fish-like robot that can swim at the speed of 5.02 mm/s is designed and demonstrated. The designed graphene-PVDF bimorph actuator exhibits the overall novel performance compared with many other electromechanical avtuators, and may contribute to the practical actuation applications of graphene-based materials at a macro scale

    Pengaruh Dosis Implantasi Ion Nitrogen pada Sifat Kapasitansi Polimer Pvdf dan Pvdf-hfp

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    Material berdensitas energi elektrik tinggi sebagai bahan dielektrik kapasitor sangat diperlukan dalam industri bidang elektronika. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengkarakterisasi dan menganalisis polimer PVDF( Poly vinylidene fluorde) dan PVDF-HFP (Poly vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropene) sebelum dan sesudah diimplan ion nitrogen. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan ialah menyiapkan sampel lapisan tipis Polimer PVDFdan PVDF-HFP kemudian diimplan menggunakan ion nitrogen pada dosis 4,69 x 1016 ion/cm2 hingga 1,41 x 1018 ion/cm2 pada energi 10 keV. Selanjutnya nilai kapasitansi, faktor disipasi dan kekuatan dielektrik sampel dikarakterisasi menggunakan LCR meter GW-Instek 800. Morfologi dan ikatan struktur dari sampel dikarakterisasi menggunakan SEM dan FTIR. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan nilai kapasitansi sebesar 4,3 kali pada polimer PVDF dan 1,4 kali pada polimer PVDF-HPF. Peningkatan nilai kapasitansi disebabkan bertambahnya ikatan rangkap C=C pada PVDF dan PVDF-HFP yang diimplan ion nitrogen. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dari hasil karakterisasi FTIR dan SEM. Namun demikian nilai kekuatan dielektrik mengalami penurunan akibat semakin konduktifnya polimer PVDF dan PVDF-HPF. Untuk sampel PVDF ada kapasitansi optimum dicapai pada dosis 9,38 x 1017 ion/cm2 sedangkan untuk sampel PVDF-HFP diatas dosis tersebut memperlihatkan gejala saturasi. Nilai kapasitansi optimal diperoleh berturut-turut sebesar 0,089483 nF, faktor disipasi 0,129613 % pada polimer PVDF dan 0,134889 nF, faktor disipasi 0,09784 % untuk polimer PVDF-HFP