318 research outputs found

    A Review on Energy Consumption Optimization Techniques in IoT Based Smart Building Environments

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    In recent years, due to the unnecessary wastage of electrical energy in residential buildings, the requirement of energy optimization and user comfort has gained vital importance. In the literature, various techniques have been proposed addressing the energy optimization problem. The goal of each technique was to maintain a balance between user comfort and energy requirements such that the user can achieve the desired comfort level with the minimum amount of energy consumption. Researchers have addressed the issue with the help of different optimization algorithms and variations in the parameters to reduce energy consumption. To the best of our knowledge, this problem is not solved yet due to its challenging nature. The gap in the literature is due to the advancements in the technology and drawbacks of the optimization algorithms and the introduction of different new optimization algorithms. Further, many newly proposed optimization algorithms which have produced better accuracy on the benchmark instances but have not been applied yet for the optimization of energy consumption in smart homes. In this paper, we have carried out a detailed literature review of the techniques used for the optimization of energy consumption and scheduling in smart homes. The detailed discussion has been carried out on different factors contributing towards thermal comfort, visual comfort, and air quality comfort. We have also reviewed the fog and edge computing techniques used in smart homes

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches to Energy Demand-Side Response: A Systematic Review

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    Recent years have seen an increasing interest in Demand Response (DR) as a means to provide flexibility, and hence improve the reliability of energy systems in a cost-effective way. Yet, the high complexity of the tasks associated with DR, combined with their use of large-scale data and the frequent need for near real-time de-cisions, means that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) — a branch of AI — have recently emerged as key technologies for enabling demand-side response. AI methods can be used to tackle various challenges, ranging from selecting the optimal set of consumers to respond, learning their attributes and pref-erences, dynamic pricing, scheduling and control of devices, learning how to incentivise participants in the DR schemes and how to reward them in a fair and economically efficient way. This work provides an overview of AI methods utilised for DR applications, based on a systematic review of over 160 papers, 40 companies and commercial initiatives, and 21 large-scale projects. The papers are classified with regards to both the AI/ML algorithm(s) used and the application area in energy DR. Next, commercial initiatives are presented (including both start-ups and established companies) and large-scale innovation projects, where AI methods have been used for energy DR. The paper concludes with a discussion of advantages and potential limitations of reviewed AI techniques for different DR tasks, and outlines directions for future research in this fast-growing area

    Hybrid Advanced Optimization Methods with Evolutionary Computation Techniques in Energy Forecasting

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    More accurate and precise energy demand forecasts are required when energy decisions are made in a competitive environment. Particularly in the Big Data era, forecasting models are always based on a complex function combination, and energy data are always complicated. Examples include seasonality, cyclicity, fluctuation, dynamic nonlinearity, and so on. These forecasting models have resulted in an over-reliance on the use of informal judgment and higher expenses when lacking the ability to determine data characteristics and patterns. The hybridization of optimization methods and superior evolutionary algorithms can provide important improvements via good parameter determinations in the optimization process, which is of great assistance to actions taken by energy decision-makers. This book aimed to attract researchers with an interest in the research areas described above. Specifically, it sought contributions to the development of any hybrid optimization methods (e.g., quadratic programming techniques, chaotic mapping, fuzzy inference theory, quantum computing, etc.) with advanced algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization algorithm, etc.) that have superior capabilities over the traditional optimization approaches to overcome some embedded drawbacks, and the application of these advanced hybrid approaches to significantly improve forecasting accuracy

    Predictive modelling of global solar radiation with artificial intelligence approaches using MODIS satellites and atmospheric reanalysis data for Australia

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    Global solar radiation (GSR) prediction is a prerequisite task for agricultural management and agronomic decisions, including photovoltaic (PV) power generation, biofuel exploration and several other bio-physical applications. Since short-term variabilities in the GSR incorporate stochastic and intermittent behaviours (such as periodic fluctuations, jumps and trends) due to the dynamicity of atmospheric variables, GSR predictions, as required for solar energy generation, is a challenging endeavour to satisfactorily predict the solar generated electricity in a PV system. Additionally, the solar radiation data, as required for solar energy monitoring purposes, are not available in all geographic locations due to the absence of meteorological stations and this is especially true for remote and regional solar powered sites. To surmount these challenges, the universally (and freely available) atmospheric gridded datasets (e.g., reanalysis and satellite variables) integrated into solar radiation predictive models to generate reliable GSR predictions can be considered as a viable medium for future solar energy exploration, utilisation and management. Hence, this doctoral thesis aims to design and evaluate novel Artificial Intelligence (AI; Machine Learning and Deep Learning) based predictive models for GSR predictions, using the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) Interim-ERA reanalysis and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Satellite variables enriched with ground-based weather station datasets for the prediction of both long-term (i.e., monthly averaged daily) as well as the short-term (i.e., daily and half-hourly) GSR. The focus of the study region is Queensland, the sunshine state, as well as a number of major solar cities in Australia where solar energy utilisation is actively being promoted by the Australian State and Federal Government agencies. Firstly, the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), a widely used Machine Learning model is implemented to predict daily GSR at five different cities in Australia using ECMWF Reanalysis fields obtained from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting repository. Secondly, the Self-Adaptive Differential Evolutionary Extreme Learning Machine (i.e., SaDE-ELM) is also proposed for monthly averaged daily GSR prediction trained with ECMWF reanalysis and MODIS satellite data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. Thirdly, a three-phase Support Vector Regression (SVR; Machine Learning) model is developed to predict monthly averaged daily GSR prediction where the MODIS data are used to train and evaluate the model and the Particle Swarm Algorithm (PSO) is used as an input selection algorithm. The PSO selected inputs are further transformed into wavelet subseries via non-decimated Discrete Wavelet Transform to unveil the embedded features leading to a hybrid PSO-W-SVR model, seen to outperform the comparative hybrid models. Fourthly, to improve the accuracy of conventional techniques adopted for GSR prediction, Deep Learning (DL) approach based on Deep Belief Network (DBN) and Deep Neural Network (DNN) algorithms are developed to predict the monthly averaged daily GSR prediction using MODIS-based dataset. Finally, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) integrated with a Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM) model is used to construct a hybrid CLSTM model which is tested to predict the half-hourly GSR values over multiple time-step horizons (i.e., 1-Day, 1-Week, 2-Week, and 1-Month periods). Here, several statistical, Machine Learning and Deep Learning models are adopted to benchmark the proposed DNN and CLSTM models against conventional models (ANN, SaDE-ELM, SVR, DBN). In this doctoral research thesis, a Global Sensitivity Analysis method that attempts to utilise the Gaussian Emulation Machine (GEM-SA) algorithm is employed for a sensitivity analysis of the model predictors. Sensitivity analysis of selected predictors ascertains that the variables: aerosol, cloud, and water vapour parameters used as input parameters for GSR prediction play a significant role and the most important predictors are seen to vary with the geographic location of the tested study site. A suite of alternative models are also developed to evaluate the input datasets classified into El Niño, La Niña and the positive and negative phases of the Indian Ocean Dipole moment. This considers the impact of synoptic-scale climate phenomenon on long-term GSR predictions. A seasonal analysis of models applied at the tested study sites showed that proposed predictive models are an ideal tool over several other comparative models used for GSR prediction. This study also ascertains that an Artificial Intelligence based predictive model integrated with ECMWF reanalysis and MODIS satellite data incorporating physical interactions of the GSR (and its variability) with the other important atmospheric variables can be considered to be an efficient method to predict GSR. In terms of their practical use, the models developed can be used to assist with solar energy modelling and monitoring in solar-rich sites that have diverse climatic conditions, to further support cleaner energy utilization. The outcomes of this doctoral research program are expected to lead to new applications of Artificial Intelligence based predictive tools for GSR prediction, as these tools are able to capture the non-linear relationships between the predictor and the target variable (GSR). The Artificial Intelligence models can therefore assist climate adaptation and energy policymakers to devise new energy management devices not only for Australia but also globally, to enable optimal management of solar energy resources and promote renewable energy to combat current issues of climate change. Additionally, the proposed predictive models may also be applied to other renewable energy areas such as wind, drought, streamflow, flood and electricity demand for prediction

    Recent Approaches of Forecasting and Optimal Economic Dispatch to Overcome Intermittency of Wind and Photovoltaic (PV) Systems:A Review

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    Renewable energy sources (RESs) are the replacement of fast depleting, environment polluting, costly, and unsustainable fossil fuels. RESs themselves have various issues such as variable supply towards the load during different periods, and mostly they are available at distant locations from load centers. This paper inspects forecasting techniques, employed to predict the RESs availability during different periods and considers the dispatch mechanisms for the supply, extracted from these resources. Firstly, we analyze the application of stochastic distributions especially the Weibull distribution (WD), for forecasting both wind and PV power potential, with and without incorporating neural networks (NN). Secondly, a review of the optimal economic dispatch (OED) of RES using particle swarm optimization (PSO) is presented. The reviewed techniques will be of great significance for system operators that require to gauge and pre-plan flexibility competence for their power systems to ensure practical and economical operation under high penetration of RESs

    Nuevos algoritmos de soft-computing en física atmosférica

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, leída el 12-03-2019This Ph.D. Thesis elaborates and analyzes several hybrid Soft-Computing algorithms for optimization and prediction problems in Atmospheric Physics. The core of the Thesis is a recently developed optimization meta-heuristic, the Coral Reefs Optimization Algorithm (CRO), an evolutionary-based approach which considers a population of possible solutions to a given optimization problem. It simulates different procedures mimicking real processes occurring in coral reefs in order to evolve the population towards good solutions for the problem. Alternative modifications of this algorithm lead to powerful co-evolution meta-heuristics, such as theCRO-SL, in which Substrates implementing different search procedures are included. Another modification of the algorithm leads to the CRO-SP, which considers Species in the evolutionof the population, and it is able to deal with different encodings within a single population.These approaches are hybridized with other Machine Learning and traditional algorithms such as neural networks or the Analogue Method (AM), to come up with powerful hybrid approaches able to solve hard problems in Atmospheric Physics...En esta Tesis Doctoral se elaboran y analizan en detalle diferentes algoritmos híbridos deSoft-Computing para problemas de optimización y predicción en Física de la Atmósfera. El núcleo central de la Tesis es un algoritmo meta-heurístico de optimización recientemente desarrollado, conocido como Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm (CRO). Este algoritmo pertenece a la familia de la Computación Evolutiva, de forma que considera una población de solucionesa un problema concreto, y simula los diferentes procesos que ocurren en un arrecife de coralpara evolucionar dicha población hacia la solución óptima del problema. Recientemente se han propuesto diferentes versiones del algoritmo CRO básico para obtener mecanismos potentes de optimización co-evolutiva. Una de estas modificaciones es el CRO-SL, en la que se definen un conjunto de Sustratos en el algoritmo, de manera que cada sustrato simula un mecanismo de evolución diferente, que son aplicados a la vez en una única población. Otra modificación hadado lugar al conocido como CRO-SP, un algoritmo donde se definen diferentes Especies, capaz de manejar varias codificaciones para un mismo problema a la vez. Estas versiones del CRO han sido hibridadas con varias técnicas de Aprendizaje Máquina, tales como varios tipos de redes neuronales de entrenamiento rápido, sistemas de aprendizaje tales como Máquinas de Vectores Soporte, o sistemas de predicción vinculados totalmente al área de la Física Atmosférica, tales como el Método de los Análogos (AM). Los algoritmos híbridos obtenidos son muy robustos y capaces de obtener excelentes soluciones en diferentes problemas donde han sido probados...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Power consumption prediction in cloud data center using machine learning

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    The flourishing development of the cloud computing paradigm provides several services in the industrial business world. Power consumption by cloud data centers is one of the crucial issues for service providers in the domain of cloud computing. Pursuant to the rapid technology enhancements in cloud environments and data centers augmentations, power utilization in data centers is expected to grow unabated. A diverse set of numerous connected devices, engaged with the ubiquitous cloud, results in unprecedented power utilization by the data centers, accompanied by increased carbon footprints. Nearly a million physical machines (PM) are running all over the data centers, along with (5 – 6) million virtual machines (VM). In the next five years, the power needs of this domain are expected to spiral up to 5% of global power production. The virtual machine power consumption reduction impacts the diminishing of the PM’s power, however further changing in power consumption of data center year by year, to aid the cloud vendors using prediction methods. The sudden fluctuation in power utilization will cause power outage in the cloud data centers. This paper aims to forecast the VM power consumption with the help of regressive predictive analysis, one of the Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The potency of this approach to make better predictions of future value, using Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) regressor which provides 91% of accuracy during the prediction process