55 research outputs found

    Industrial IoT devices and cyber-physical production systems: review and use case

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    “This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91334-6_40"The present paper describes the state of the art related to IIoT Devices and Cyber-Physical systems and presents a use case related to predictive maintenance. Industry 4.0 is the boost for smart manufacturing and demands flexibility and adaptability of all devices/machines in the shop floor. The machines must become smart and interact with other machines inside and outside the industries/factories. The predictive maintenance is a key topic in this industrial revolution. The reason is based on the idea that smart machines must be capable to automatically identify and predict possible faults and actuate before they occur. Vibrations can be problematic in electrical motors. For this reason, we address an experimental study associated with an automatic classification procedure, that runs in the smart devices to detect anomalies. The results corroborate the applicability and usefulness of this machine learning algorithm to predict vibration faults.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Intensity based interrogation of optical fibre sensors for industrial automation and intrusion detection systems

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    In this study, the use of optical fibre sensors for intrusion detection and industrial automation systems has been demonstrated, with a particular focus on low cost, intensity-based, interrogation techniques. The use of optical fibre sensors for intrusion detection systems to secure residential, commercial, and industrial premises against potential security breaches has been extensively reviewed in this thesis. Fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensing is one form of optical fibre sensing that has been underutilised in applications such as in-ground, in-fence, and window and door monitoring, and addressing that opportunity has been a major goal of this thesis. Both security and industrial sensor systems must include some centralised intelligence (electronic controller) and ideally both automation and security sensor systems would be controlled and monitored by the same centralised system. Optical fibre sensor systems that could be used for either application have been designed, developed, and tested in this study, and optoelectronic interfaces for integrating these sensors with electronic controllers have been demonstrated. The versatility of FBG sensors means that they are also ideal for certain mainstream industrial applications. Two novel transducers have been developed in this work; a highly sensitive low pressure FBG diaphragm transducer and a FBG load cell transducer. Both have been designed to allow interrogation of the optical signal could occur within the housing of the individual sensors themselves. This is achieved in a simple and low cost manner that enables the output of the transducers to be easily connected to standard electronic controllers, such as programmable logic controllers. Furthermore, some of the nonlinear characteristics of FBG sensors have been explored with the aim of developing transducers that are inherently decoupled from strain and temperature interference. One of the major advantages of optical fibre sensors is their ability to be both time division and wavelength division multiplexed. The intensity-based interrogation techniques used here complement this attribute and are a major consideration when developing the transducers and optoelectronic circuits. A time division multiplexing technique, using transmit-reflect detection and incorporating a dual bus, has also been developed. This system architecture enables all the different optical fibre transducers on the network to have the same Bragg wavelength and hence the number of spare replacement transducers required is minimal. Moreover, sensors can be replaced in an online control system without disrupting the network. In addition, by analysing both the transmitted and reflected signals, problems associated with optical power fluctuations are eliminated and the intensity of the sensor signals is increased through differential amplification. Overall, the research addresses the limitations of conventional electrical sensors, such as susceptibility to corrosive damage in wet and corrosive environments, and risk of causing an explosion in hazardous environments, as well as the limitations of current stand-alone optical fibre sensor systems. This thesis supports more alert, reliable, affordable, and coordinated, control and monitoring systems in an on-line environment

    Automation, Protection and Control of Substation Based on IEC 61850

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    Reliability of power system protection system has been a key issue in the substation operation due to the use of multi-vendor equipment of proprietary features, environmental issues, and complex fault diagnosis. Failure to address these issues could have a significant effect on the performance of the entire electricity grid. With the introduction of IEC 61850 standard, substation automation system (SAS) has significantly altered the scenario in utilities and industries as indicated in this thesis

    Industriella realtidsethernet för maskinautomation

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    During the last two decades, Ethernet has become the de facto standard in office level networks. There are several motivations for using Ethernet also in control networks, including the abundance of low cost components, the high data transfer rates and the possibility of vertical integration with other networks of the organization. The first in­dustrial implementation of Ethernet was for communication between different devices on the controller level. Modern real-time industrial Ethernet technologies, like the ones studied in this thesis, have brought Ethernet also down to the field level. The thesis is divided into two sections. The first section contains presentations of the seven most used real-time industrial Ethernet technologies. The second section contains a more thorough study of EtherCAT, the one of the seven technologies that promise the best real-time performance. The main goals are to provide a review of the different tech­nologies available and to study the suitability of EtherCAT in the control networks of machine automation systems. In the first section, different real-time industrial Ethernet technologies are divided into three groups based upon how much they differ from standard office Ethernet. It is found that the technologies built entirely upon standard office Ethernet do in them­selves not promise any real-time capabilities. Their biggest weakness is the slow pro­cessing of the software communication protocol stack. The technologies that use stan­dard Ethernet hardware but dedicated software are good for soft real-time applications, but the lack of accurate synchronization between the devices makes them unsuitable for applications demanding hard real-time behavior. The technologies that use both special hardware and software offer superior real-time performance but are not as open to inte­gration with standard office Ethernet networks as the other solutions. The second section of the study contains three parts. In the first of them, a small test system is built to examine the suitability of EtherCAT for the closed loop control of a variable alternate current (AC) drive. In the second part, the availability of open source initiatives concerning EtherCAT is explored. In the third part, the possibility for master device redundancy in EtherCAT is investigated. The study indicates that EtherCAT achieves the short communication cycle times and accurate synchronization promised. Short cycle times are indeed needed as direct communication between slave devices is not supported in EtherCAT and thus the efficiency of the communication is almost totally dependent on the cycle time. EtherCAT networks are relatively easy to configure and maintain as there are comprehensive software suites available, both as commercial pro­grams and open source initiatives and for a variety of different operating systems. The least developed feature of EtherCAT proved to be the support for master device redun­dancy. Solutions for master redundancy are available, but more as concepts than as ready-to-use features. /Kir10Under de senaste tvĂ„ decennierna har Ethernet blivit nĂ„got av en de facto standard för nĂ€tverk i kontorsmiljö. Det finns flera motiv för att anvĂ€nda Ethernet Ă€ven i kontroll­nĂ€tverk, bland andra god tillgĂ„ng av billiga komponenter, hög dataöverföringshastighet och möjligheter för vertikal integration med nĂ€tverk pĂ„ andra nivĂ„er av organisationen. Den första industriella tillĂ€mpningen av Ethernet var för kommunikation mellan olika kontrollenheter. Moderna realtidslösningar för industriella Ethernet-nĂ€tverk har fört Ethernet ocksĂ„ ner till fĂ€ltnivĂ„. Det hĂ€r diplomarbetet Ă€r uppdelat i tvĂ„ delar. Den första delen innehĂ„ller presen­tationer av de sju mest anvĂ€nda realtidslösningarna för industriella Ethernet-nĂ€tverk. Den andra delen innehĂ„ller en mer djupgĂ„ende studie av EtherCAT, den av de sju lösningarna som utlovar bĂ€st realtidsprestanda. De mest centrala mĂ„len Ă€r att ge en över­syn av de olika realtidslösningarna som finns tillgĂ€ngliga för industriella Ethernet-nĂ€tverk samt att undersöka hur lĂ€mpligt EtherCAT Ă€r som kontrollnĂ€tverk för maskin­automation. Inledningsvis delas de olika lösningarna in i tre grupper pĂ„ bas av hur mycket de skiljer sig frĂ„n vanliga kontorsnĂ€tverk. Det visar sig att de lösningar som helt bygger pĂ„ samma teknik som anvĂ€nds i kontorsnĂ€tverk i sig sjĂ€lva inte kan utlova nĂ„gon som helst realtidskapacitet. Deras största svaghet Ă€r den resurskrĂ€vande behandlingen av de kommunikationsprotokoll som anvĂ€nds i kontorsnĂ€tverk. Det Ă€r dock möjligt att konstruera lösningar med relativt bra realtidsbeteende utgĂ„ende frĂ„n de hĂ€r lösningarna bara man vĂ€ljer rĂ€tt Ethernet-komponenter och tillrĂ€ckligt kraftfulla mikroprocessorer i nĂ€tverksstationerna. De lösningar som anvĂ€nder vanlig Ethernet-maskinvara men egen programvara Ă€r bra för mjuka realtidssystem, men de brister i synkroniseringen mellan enheterna och Ă€r sĂ„lunda inte tillrĂ€ckligt deterministiska för hĂ„rda realtidssystem. De lösningar som anvĂ€nder bĂ„de egen hĂ„rdvara och egen mjukvara erbjuder överlĂ€gsen realtidsprestanda som öppnar nya möjligheter för effektivare reglering av olika system. Å andra sidan Ă€r de hĂ€r lösningarna inte lika öppna för integration med vanliga kontorsnĂ€tverk som de lösningar som har mer likheter med vanliga kontorsnĂ€tverk. Den andra delen av studien inriktar sig pĂ„ EtherCAT. EtherCAT Ă€r ett sĂ„ kallat master/slave-nĂ€tverk, det vill sĂ€ga att en av stationerna i nĂ€tverket styr kommuni­kationen och de andra i allmĂ€nhet inte sjĂ€lva kan initiera nĂ„gon form av kommuni­kation. Den mest centrala funktionsprincipen för EtherCAT Ă€r att de olika slav-stationerna logiskt Ă€r ordnade i en kedja och att alla meddelanden passerar genom alla slav-stationer och blir ocksĂ„ lĂ€sta och skrivna till av flera slav-stationer. I relativt smĂ„ nĂ€tverk betyder det hĂ€r att det bara skickas ett meddelande per kommunikationscykel. Meddelandena hanteras av speciell hĂ„rdvara i slav-stationerna och detta sker sĂ„ snabbt att meddelandena bara blir fördröjda med brĂ„kdelen av en mikrosekund. Master-stationen, dĂ€remot, Ă€r oftast konstruerad utan speciell hĂ„rdvara och bestĂ„r vanligen av en PC med realtidsoperativsystem och speciell mjukvara, ett sĂ„ kallad EtherCAT master-program. Det att mastern bestĂ„r av standard Ethernet hĂ„rdvara betyder att den har relativt dĂ„lig timing-kapacitet. DĂ€rför Ă€r de olika slav-enheterna i ett EtherCAT nĂ€tverk i stĂ€llet vanligen synkroniserade efter den första slav-enheten i kedjan. En synkroniseringsexakthet pĂ„ mycket bĂ€ttre Ă€n en mikrosekund utlovas och den kan anvĂ€ndas bĂ„de till att Ă„stadkomma reaktioner pĂ„ en exakt given tidpunkt och exakta tidsangivelser för nĂ€r ett processvĂ€rde Ă€r uppmĂ€tt. Studien av EtherCAT Ă€r indelad i tre avsnitt. I det första av dem byggs ett litet testsystem för att undersöka hur lĂ€mpligt EtherCAT Ă€r som kontrollnĂ€tverk för Ă„terkopplad styrning av en frekvensomriktare. Den viktigaste enskilda egenskapen som krĂ€vs av ett kommunikationsnĂ€tverk för den hĂ€r tillĂ€mpningen Ă€r att frekvensomriktaren ofta och snabbt fĂ„r korrekt information om drivaxelns position. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ viktigt att positionsangivelserna Ă€r ackompanjerade av exakt information om nĂ€r de Ă€r uppmĂ€tta. Studien visar att det Ă€r möjligt att uppnĂ„ bĂ„da de hĂ€r egenskaperna med hjĂ€lp av EtherCAT. Det att direkt kommunikation mellan slav-stationerna i ett EtherCAT-nĂ€tverk inte understöds medför visserligen att överföringen av positions­datan tar tvĂ„ kommunikationscykler i ansprĂ„k, men eftersom det Ă€r möjligt att uppnĂ„ cykel­tider sĂ„ korta som 133 ”s torde prestandan i alla fall rĂ€cka för de flesta system. Det hĂ€r medför dock att cykeltiderna mĂ„ste hĂ„llas lĂ„ga Ă€ven om systemet i övrigt inte skulle krĂ€va det. I det andra avsnittet undersöks tillgĂ„ngen pĂ„ öppen kĂ€llkodsbaserad programvara för EtherCAT. Det krĂ€vs ingen licens för att utveckla EtherCAT master-programvara, sĂ„ det finns en mĂ€ngd olika program för flera olika operativsystem pĂ„ marknaden. Ett par av dem Ă€r baserade pĂ„ öppen kĂ€llkod. Ett av de mest intressanta Ă€r EtherLAB frĂ„n Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH. Det Ă€r i huvudsak utvecklat för Linux och innehĂ„ller förutom master-programvaran Ă€ven mjukvara för diagnostik och för att generera kontrollrutiner frĂ„n modeller skapade med Matlab/Simulink. I det hĂ€r avseendet Ă€r det till och med kraftfullare Ă€n den mest anvĂ€nda kommersiella programvaran för EtherCAT, TwinCAT frĂ„n Beckhoff Automation, som igen körs under MS Windows. I det tredje avsnittet granskas möjligheterna att duplicera den enhet som styr ett EtherCAT nĂ€tverk, sĂ„ kallad master-redundans. Studien presenterar en lösning utvecklad av Beckhoff Automation. Det visar sig att detta Ă€r en relativt sett dĂ„ligt utvecklad egenskap i EtherCAT. Den presenterade metoden medför till exempel att det tar nĂ€stan en hel sekund innan reserv-mastern tar över ifall det uppstĂ„r fel i den primĂ€ra, dessutom Ă€r funktionen för synkronisering av klockorna i slav-enheterna inte tillgĂ€nglig nĂ€r den hĂ€r metoden anvĂ€nds. Studien presenterar Ă€ven en idĂ© om en annan möjlig lösning för att Ă„stadkomma master-redundans i EtherCAT nĂ€tverk. Fördelen med den Ă€r att den skulle göra funktionen för att synkronisera klockorna i slav-enheterna möjlig Ă€ven fast systemet innehĂ„ller master-redundans. BĂ„da de presenterade lösningarna Ă€r mer koncept Ă€n funktioner fĂ€rdiga att anvĂ€nda, detta gĂ€ller i synnerhet den andra lösningen, som Ă€nnu bara Ă€r i idĂ©stadiet. Bristen pĂ„ vĂ€l fungerande lösningar för master-redundans gör att EtherCAT system bör konstrueras sĂ„ att korta stopp i kom­munikationen inte kan skada systemet i sig sjĂ€lv, intilliggande system eller mĂ€nniskor som Ă€r i kontakt med systemet

    A Novel Design of Vitual and Mixed Reality Scenarios for Automation Training

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    A thesis presented to the faculty of the College of Business and Technology at Morehead State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Science by Andrés Salinas-Hernåndez on April 23, 2021

    A distributed framework for the control and cooperation of heterogeneous mobile robots in smart factories.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The present consumer market is driven by the mass customisation of products. Manufacturers are now challenged with the problem of not being able to capture market share and gain higher profits by producing large volumes of the same product to a mass market. Some businesses have implemented mass customisation manufacturing (MCM) techniques as a solution to this problem, where customised products are produced rapidly while keeping the costs at a mass production level. In addition to this, the arrival of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) enables the possibility of establishing the decentralised intelligence of embedded devices to detect and respond to real-time variations in the MCM factory. One of the key pillars in the Industry 4.0, smart factory concept is Advanced Robotics. This includes cooperation and control within multiple heterogeneous robot networks, which increases flexibility in the smart factory and enables the ability to rapidly reconfigure systems to adapt to variations in consumer product demand. Another benefit in these systems is the reduction of production bottleneck conditions where robot services must be coordinated efficiently so that high levels of productivity are maintained. This study focuses on the research, design and development of a distributed framework that would aid researchers in implementing algorithms for controlling the task goals of heterogeneous mobile robots, to achieve robot cooperation and reduce bottlenecks in a production environment. The framework can be used as a toolkit by the end-user for developing advanced algorithms that can be simulated before being deployed in an actual system, thereby fast prototyping the system integration process. Keywords: Cooperation, heterogeneity, multiple mobile robots, Industry 4.0, smart factory, manufacturing, middleware, ROS, OPC, framework

    Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation

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    In diesem Open-Access-Tagungsband sind die besten BeitrÀge des 9. Jahreskolloquiums "Kommunikation in der Automation" (KommA 2018) und des 6. Jahreskolloquiums "Bildverarbeitung in der Automation" (BVAu 2018) enthalten. Die Kolloquien fanden am 20. und 21. November 2018 in der SmartFactoryOWL, einer gemeinsamen Einrichtung des Fraunhofer IOSB-INA und der Technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe statt. Die vorgestellten neuesten Forschungsergebnisse auf den Gebieten der industriellen Kommunikationstechnik und Bildverarbeitung erweitern den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Technik. Die in den BeitrÀgen enthaltenen anschaulichen Beispiele aus dem Bereich der Automation setzen die Ergebnisse in den direkten Anwendungsbezug

    A component-based design approach for energy flexibility in cyber-physical manufacturing systems

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    Energy flexibility of manufacturing systems helps to meet sustainable manufacturing requirements and is getting significant importance with rising energy prices and noticeable climate changes. Considering the need to proactively enable energy flexibility in modern manufacturing systems, this work presents a component-based design approach that aims to embed energy flexibility in the design of cyber-physical production systems. To this end, energy management using Industry 4.0 technologies (e.g., Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems) is compared to the literature on energy flexibility in order to evaluate to what extent the energy flexibility practice takes advantage of Industry 4.0 technologies. Another dimension is the coverage of the life cycle of the manufacturing system which guarantees its sustainable design and the ability to achieve energy flexibility by configuring the energy consumption behaviour. A data-based design approach of the energy-flexible components is proposed in the spirit of the Reference Architectural Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0), and then it is exemplified using an electric drive (as a component) in order to show the practical applicability of the approach. The energy consumption behaviour of the component is modelled using machine learning techniques. The digital twin of the studied component is developed using Visual Components virtual engineering environment, then its energy consumption behaviour is included in the model allowing the system integrator/decision-maker to configure the component based on the energy availability/price. Finally, external services in terms of an optimisation module and a deep learning module are connected to the digital twin
