7 research outputs found

    PREMIER - PRobabilistic Error-correction using Markov Inference in Errored Reads

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    In this work we present a flexible, probabilistic and reference-free method of error correction for high throughput DNA sequencing data. The key is to exploit the high coverage of sequencing data and model short sequence outputs as independent realizations of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM). We pose the problem of error correction of reads as one of maximum likelihood sequence detection over this HMM. While time and memory considerations rule out an implementation of the optimal Baum-Welch algorithm (for parameter estimation) and the optimal Viterbi algorithm (for error correction), we propose low-complexity approximate versions of both. Specifically, we propose an approximate Viterbi and a sequential decoding based algorithm for the error correction. Our results show that when compared with Reptile, a state-of-the-art error correction method, our methods consistently achieve superior performances on both simulated and real data sets.Comment: Submitted to ISIT 201

    DUDE-Seq: Fast, Flexible, and Robust Denoising for Targeted Amplicon Sequencing

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    We consider the correction of errors from nucleotide sequences produced by next-generation targeted amplicon sequencing. The next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms can provide a great deal of sequencing data thanks to their high throughput, but the associated error rates often tend to be high. Denoising in high-throughput sequencing has thus become a crucial process for boosting the reliability of downstream analyses. Our methodology, named DUDE-Seq, is derived from a general setting of reconstructing finite-valued source data corrupted by a discrete memoryless channel and effectively corrects substitution and homopolymer indel errors, the two major types of sequencing errors in most high-throughput targeted amplicon sequencing platforms. Our experimental studies with real and simulated datasets suggest that the proposed DUDE-Seq not only outperforms existing alternatives in terms of error-correction capability and time efficiency, but also boosts the reliability of downstream analyses. Further, the flexibility of DUDE-Seq enables its robust application to different sequencing platforms and analysis pipelines by simple updates of the noise model. DUDE-Seq is available at http://data.snu.ac.kr/pub/dude-seq

    Probabilistic insertion, deletion and substitution error correction using Markov inference in next generation sequencing reads

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    Error correction of noisy reads obtained from high-throughput DNA sequencers is an important problem since read quality significantly affects downstream analyses such as detection of genetic variation and the complexity and success of sequence assembly. Most of the current error correction algorithms are only capable of recovering substitution errors. In this work, Pindel, an algorithm that simultaneously corrects insertion, deletion and substitution errors in reads from next generation DNA sequencing platforms is presented. Pindel corrects insertion, deletion and substitution errors by modelling the sequencer output as emissions of an appropriately defined Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Reads are corrected to the corresponding maximum likelihood paths using an appropriately modified Viterbi algorithm. When compared with Karect and Fiona, the top two current algorithms capable of correcting insertion, deletion and substitution errors, Pindel exhibits superior accuracy across a range of datasets

    PREMIER — PRobabilistic error-correction using Markov inference in errored reads

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    In this work we present a flexible, probabilistic and reference-free method of error correction for high throughput DNA sequencing data. The key is to exploit the high coverage of sequencing data and model short sequence outputs as independent realizations of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM). We pose the problem of error correction of reads as one of maximum likelihood sequence detection over this HMM. While time and memory considerations rule out an implementation of the optimal Baum-Welch algorithm (for parameter estimation) and the optimal Viterbi algorithm (for error correction), we propose low-complexity approximate versions of both. Specifically, we propose an approximate Viterbi and a sequential decoding based algorithm for the error correction. Our results show that when compared with Reptile, a state-of-the-art error correction method, our methods consistently achieve superior performances on both simulated and real data sets.This is a manuscript of a proceeding from the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing 2013: 73, doi:10.1109/ISIT.2013.6620502. Posted with permission.</p

    Improving quality of high-throughput sequencing reads

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    Rapid advances in high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have led to an exponential increase in the amount of sequencing data. HTS sequencing reads, however, contain far more errors than does data collected through traditional sequencing methods. Errors in HTS reads degrade the quality of downstream analyses. Correcting errors has been shown to improve the quality of these analyses. Correcting errors in sequencing data is a time-consuming and memory-intensive process. Even though many methods for correcting errors in HTS data have been developed, no one could correct errors with high accuracy while using a small amount of memory and in a short time. Another problem in using error correction methods is that no standard or comprehensive method is yet available to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of these error correction methods. To alleviate these limitations and analyze error correction outputs, this dissertation presents three novel methods. The first one, known as BLESS (Bloom-filter-based error correction solution for high-throughput sequencing reads), is a new error correction method that uses a Bloom filter as the main data structure. Compared to previous methods, it allows for the correction of errors with the highest accuracy at an average of 40 X memory usage reduction. BLESS is parallelized using hybrid OpenMP and MPI programming, which makes BLESS one of the fastest error correction tools. The second method, known as SPECTACLE (Software Package for Error Correction Tool Assessment on Nucleic Acid Sequences), supplies a standard way to evaluate error correction methods. SPECTACLE is the comprehensive method that can (1) do a quantitative analysis on both DNA and RNA corrected reads from any sequencing platforms and (2) handle diploid genomes and differentiate heterozygous alleles from sequencing errors. Lastly, this research analyzes the effect of sequencing errors on variant calling, which is one of the most important clinical applications for HTS data. For this, the environments for tracing the effect of sequencing errors on germline and somatic variant calling was developed. Using the environment, this research studies how sequencing errors degrade the results of variant calling and how the results can be improved. Based on the new findings, ROOFTOP (RemOve nOrmal reads From TumOr samPles) that can improve the accuracy of somatic variant calling by removing normal cells in tumor samples. A series of studies on sequencing errors in this dissertation would be helpful to understand how sequencing errors degrade downstream analysis outputs and how the quality of sequencing data could be improved by removing errors in the data

    Probabilistic methods for quality improvement in high-throughput sequencing data

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    Advances in high-throughput next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have enabled the determination of millions of nucleotide sequences in massive parallelism at affordable costs. Many studies have shown increased error rates over Sanger sequencing, in sequencing data produced by mainstream next-generation sequencing platforms, and have demonstrated the negative impacts of sequencing errors on a wide range of applications of NGS. Thus, it is critically important for primary analysis of sequencing data to produce accurate, high-quality nucleotides for downstream bioinformatics pipelines. Two bioinformatics problems are dedicated to the direct removal of sequencing errors: base-calling and error-correction. However, existing error correction methods are mostly algorithmic and heuristics. Few methods can address insertion and deletion errors, the dominant error type produced by many platforms. On the other hand, most base-callers do not model the underlying genome structures of the sequencing data, which are necessary for improving base-calling quality especially in low-quality regions. The sequential application of base-caller and error-corrector do not fully offset their shortcomings. In recognition of these issues, in this dissertation, we propose a probabilistic framework that closely emulate the sequencing-by-synthesis (SBS) process adopted by many NGS platforms. The core idea is to model sequencing data (individual reads, or fluorescent intensities) as independent emissions from a Hidden Markov model (HMM) with transition distributions to model local and double-stranded dependence in the genome, and emission distributions to model the subtle error characteristics of the sequencers. Deriving from this backbone, we develop three novel methods for improving the data quality of high-throughput sequencing: 1) PREMIER, an accurate probabilistic error corrector of substitution errors in Illumina data, 2) PREMIER-bc, an integrated base-caller and error corrector that significantly improves base-calling quality, and 3) PREMIER-indel, an extended error correction method that addresses substitution, insertion and deletion errors for SBS-based sequencers with good empirical performance. Our foray of using probabilistic methods for base-calling and error correction provides the immediate benefits to downstream analyses with increased sequencing data quality, and more importantly, a flexible and fully-probabilistic basis to go beyond primary analysis