466 research outputs found

    International Telemedicine/Disaster Medicine Conference: Papers and Presentations

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    The first International Telemedicine/Disaster Medicine Conference was held in Dec. 1991. The overall purpose was to convene an international, multidisciplinary gathering of experts to discuss the emerging field of telemedicine and assess its future directions; principally the application of space technology to disaster response and management, but also to clinical medicine, remote health care, public health, and other needs. This collection is intended to acquaint the reader with recent landmark efforts in telemedicine as applied to disaster management and remote health care, the technical requirements of telemedicine systems, the application of telemedicine and telehealth in the U.S. space program, and the social and humanitarian dimensions of this area of medicine

    Med-e-Tel 2016

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    Mobile Health Technologies

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    Mobile Health Technologies, also known as mHealth technologies, have emerged, amongst healthcare providers, as the ultimate Technologies-of-Choice for the 21st century in delivering not only transformative change in healthcare delivery, but also critical health information to different communities of practice in integrated healthcare information systems. mHealth technologies nurture seamless platforms and pragmatic tools for managing pertinent health information across the continuum of different healthcare providers. mHealth technologies commonly utilize mobile medical devices, monitoring and wireless devices, and/or telemedicine in healthcare delivery and health research. Today, mHealth technologies provide opportunities to record and monitor conditions of patients with chronic diseases such as asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) and diabetes mellitus. The intent of this book is to enlighten readers about the theories and applications of mHealth technologies in the healthcare domain

    Catalan Health Institute: 2012 Annual Report

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    Sistema sanitari públic; Activitat assistencial; MemòriaPublic health system; Healthcare activity; ReportSistema sanitario público; Actividad asistencial; MemoriaLa Memòria de l’Institut Català de la Salut vol ser un reflex de la realitat de l’empresa sanitària més gran del país. En aquest document trobareu un recull de la feina realitzada pels professionals de la institució, que s’orienta a millorar la salut de la ciutadania

    Evaluating the feasibility and impact of a synchronous health technology innovation in the provision of pediatric health care in a University Hospital.

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    La prestation de soins critiques et d'orthophonie en milieu pédiatrique nécessite beaucoup de travail pour atteindre le niveau de soins souhaité. Plusieurs facteurs contribuent à ce problème, parmi lesquels la pénurie de ressources, les besoins pressants et l’augmentation du nombre d’enfants malades. Parmi les solutions proposées, beaucoup pensent que la télémédecine synchrone peut être utile en donnant un accès virtuel immédiat aux compétences à distance. Ainsi, l'expertise pourrait être instantanément disponible via une plateforme permettant une communication efficace et capable de soutenir les soins pédiatriques. La télémédecine s’est beaucoup développée dans la prestation des soins critiques et de réadaptation pédiatriques, et ce aux plans diagnostique et thérapeutique. Pourtant, peu d’études ont examiné la faisabilité et évalué l’impact de la télémédecine sur la qualité des soins critiques et de réadaptation pédiatrique. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était d'évaluer la faisabilité de la télémédecine synchrone dans deux contextes pédiatriques, critique et réadaptation, et d'évaluer son influence sur le processus de prestation de soins pédiatriques. Le premier article présente les résultats d'une revue systématique qui synthétisait des études évaluant l'impact des modèles de télémédecine synchrone sur les résultats cliniques dans les établissements de soins de courte durée en pédiatrie. Les résultats ont révélé que l’utilisation de la télémédecine synchrone avait pour effet d’améliorer la qualité des soins, de diminuer le taux de transfert, de réduire de la durée du séjour, de modifier ou renforcer le plan de soins médicaux, de réduire les complications et la gravité de la maladie, et de diminuer le taux de mortalité hospitalière et standardisé. Cependant, la revue de l’état de connaissances a révélé que la qualité des études incluses était faible et que des preuves de haute qualité étaient nécessaires. Le deuxième article, fondé sur un devis pré/post, évalue la faisabilité de la télémédecine à domicile en orthophonie et son impact sur la satisfaction des enfants et orthophonistes, le coût économique, et les performances vocales. Cette étude a montré que la télémédecine en orthophonie était faisable et que les enfants et les orthophonistes étaient satisfaits du service. En outre, l'utilisation de la télémédecine en orthophonie a permis d'améliorer la voix et de faire économiser de l'argent aux parents. Le troisième article évalue la faisabilité de la mise en place d’une plate-forme de télémédecine synchrone dans l’unité des soins intensifs pédiatriques (USIP). Pour qu'une solution de télémédecine synchrone à l’USIP soit faisable, elle nécessite une bonne préparation préalable à la mise en œuvre de la plate-forme de télémédecine synchrone pour être réellement utile. Avec des médecins résidents compétents et autonomes, l’utilité d’une plate-forme de télémédecine synchrone reliant les intensivistes pédiatriques hors site et les médecins résidents sur site à l’USIP est faible. Cette étude a ajouté qu'un tel service pourrait être plus bénéfique que le modèle traditionnel des soins (face à face) pour les communications avec d'autres établissements de soins de santé éloignés, où le besoin d'expertise d'un intensiviste en soins intensifs pédiatriques est plus important. Ces trois études permettent de conclure que la télémédecine synchrone est réalisable et peut avoir un impact sur la qualité des soins intensifs et de réadaptation pédiatrique. On peut déduire de cette thèse qu'il est important de prendre en compte le contexte dans lequel la technologie sera mise en œuvre. Traiter le contexte de l’USIP et celui de réadaptation de la même manière n'aboutit pas aux mêmes résultats et une innovation technologique pourrait réussir dans un contexte et échouer dans un autre.Delivering critical and speech-language pathology care in pediatric settings requires much hard work to reach the desired level of care for children. Several factors contribute to this problem, including resources shortage, pressing needs, and the growing number of ill children. Among the proposed solutions, many believe that synchronous telemedicine can play a role by providing virtual and immediate access to remote skills, with expertise could be made instantly available through a platform that allows efficient communication and is able to support pediatric care. Telemedicine has developed significantly in the provision of critical care and pediatric rehabilitation in terms of diagnosis and therapy. Yet, few studies have examined the feasibility and evaluated the impact of telemedicine on the quality of pediatric critical care and rehabilitation. The main objective of this dissertation was to assess the feasibility of synchronous telemedicine in two pediatric settings—critical care and rehabilitation—and to evaluate its influence on the process of providing pediatric care. The first article presented the results of a systematic review that synthesized studies evaluating the impacts of synchronous telemedicine models on clinical outcomes in pediatric acute care settings. The findings revealed that the use of synchronous telemedicine improved quality of care and resulted in a lower transfer rate, a shorter length of stay, a change in or reinforcement of the medical care plan, a reduction in complications and illness severity, and a low hospital standardized mortality rate. However, the review of the state of knowledge revealed that the quality of the included studies was weak, so more high-quality evidences is needed. The second article, which used a pre/post design, assesses the feasibility assessed the feasibility of home-based telepractice in speech-language pathology (TSLP) and its impact on satisfaction among the children and speech-language pathologists, economic cost, and voice performance. This study showed that TSLP is feasible and that both the children and the speech-language pathologists were satisfied with the service. In addition, the use of TSLP demonstrated more voice improvement at less cost to the parents. The third article evaluated the feasibility of implementing a synchronous telemedicine platform in a pediatric intensive care unit (STEP-PICU). For a STEP-PICU to be feasible and truly helpful, it needs good preparation for the implementation of the telemedicine solution. With competent and autonomous fellows (a fellow is a physician who has completed their residency and elects to complete further training in a subspecialty), the usefulness of an synchronous telemedicine (STM) platform linking off-site pediatric intensivists and on-site fellows in a PICU is limited. This study added that such a service could be more beneficial than the traditional model of care (face to face) for communications with other remote healthcare facilities, where there is a greater need for the expertise of a pediatric critical care intensivist. These three studies allow us to conclude that STM is feasible and can have an impact on the quality of pediatric intensive care and rehabilitation. This thesis underscores the importance of taking into consideration the context in which the technology will be implemented. Treating the PICU and the rehabilitation contexts in the same way does not lead to the same results, and a technological innovation that succeeds in one setting may fail in another

    The Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology and Digital Radiology: Where Are We?

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue entitled "The Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology and Digital Radiology: Where Are We?". Artificial intelligence is extending into the world of both digital radiology and digital pathology, and involves many scholars in the areas of biomedicine, technology, and bioethics. There is a particular need for scholars to focus on both the innovations in this field and the problems hampering integration into a robust and effective process in stable health care models in the health domain. Many professionals involved in these fields of digital health were encouraged to contribute with their experiences. This book contains contributions from various experts across different fields. Aspects of the integration in the health domain have been faced. Particular space was dedicated to overviewing the challenges, opportunities, and problems in both radiology and pathology. Clinal deepens are available in cardiology, the hystopathology of breast cancer, and colonoscopy. Dedicated studies were based on surveys which investigated students and insiders, opinions, attitudes, and self-perception on the integration of artificial intelligence in this field

    Adviser\u27s guide to health care: Volume 1, An Era of Reform

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    Digital Transformation in Healthcare

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    This book presents a collection of papers revealing the impact of advanced computation and instrumentation on healthcare. It highlights the increasing global trend driving innovation for a new era of multifunctional technologies for personalized digital healthcare. Moreover, it highlights that contemporary research on healthcare is performed on a multidisciplinary basis comprising computational engineering, biomedicine, biomedical engineering, electronic engineering, and automation engineering, among other areas

    Entropy in Image Analysis II

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    Image analysis is a fundamental task for any application where extracting information from images is required. The analysis requires highly sophisticated numerical and analytical methods, particularly for those applications in medicine, security, and other fields where the results of the processing consist of data of vital importance. This fact is evident from all the articles composing the Special Issue "Entropy in Image Analysis II", in which the authors used widely tested methods to verify their results. In the process of reading the present volume, the reader will appreciate the richness of their methods and applications, in particular for medical imaging and image security, and a remarkable cross-fertilization among the proposed research areas

    Telehealth in the developing world

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    Co-published with the Royal Society of Medicine Pres
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