1,374 research outputs found

    Study Of Nanoscale Cmos Device And Circuit Reliability

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    The development of semiconductor technology has led to the significant scaling of the transistor dimensions -The transistor gate length drops down to tens of nanometers and the gate oxide thickness to 1 nm. In the future several years, the deep submicron devices will dominate the semiconductor industry for the high transistor density and the corresponding performance enhancement. For these devices, the reliability issues are the first concern for the commercialization. The major reliability issues caused by voltage and/or temperature stress are gate oxide breakdown (BD), hot carrier effects (HCs), and negative bias temperature instability (NBTI). They become even more important for the nanoscale CMOS devices, because of the high electrical field due to the small device size and high temperature due to the high transistor densities and high-speed performances. This dissertation focuses on the study of voltage and temperature stress-induced reliability issues in nanoscale CMOS devices and circuits. The physical mechanisms for BD, HCs, and NBTI have been presented. A practical and accurate equivalent circuit model for nanoscale devices was employed to simulate the RF performance degradation in circuit level. The parameter measurement and model extraction have been addressed. Furthermore, a methodology was developed to predict the HC, TDDB, and NBTI effects on the RF circuits with the nanoscale CMOS. It provides guidance for the reliability considerations of the RF circuit design. The BD, HC, and NBTI effects on digital gates and RF building blocks with the nanoscale devices low noise amplifier, oscillator, mixer, and power amplifier, have been investigated systematically. The contributions of this dissertation include: It provides a thorough study of the reliability issues caused by voltage and/or temperature stresses on nanoscale devices from device level to circuit level; The more real voltage stress case high frequency (900 MHz) dynamic stress, has been first explored and compared with the traditional DC stress; A simple and practical analytical method to predict RF performance degradation due to voltage stress in the nanoscale devices and RF circuits was given based on the normalized parameter degradations in device models. It provides a quick way for the designers to evaluate the performance degradations; Measurement and model extraction technologies, special for the nanoscale MOSFETs with ultra-thin, ultra-leaky gate oxide, were addressed and employed for the model establishments; Using the present existing computer-aided design tools (Cadence, Agilent ADS) with the developed models for performance degradation evaluation due to voltage or/and temperature stress by simulations provides a potential way that industry could use to save tens of millions of dollars annually in testing costs. The world now stands at the threshold of the age of nanotechnology, and scientists and engineers have been exploring here for years. The reliability is the first challenge for the commercialization of the nanoscale CMOS devices, which will be further downscaling into several tens or ten nanometers. The reliability is no longer the post-design evaluation, but the pre-design consideration. The successful and fruitful results of this dissertation, from device level to circuit level, provide not only an insight on how the voltage and/or temperature stress effects on the performances, but also methods and guidance for the designers to achieve more reliable circuits with nanoscale MOSFETs in the future


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    Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) is one of the recent reliability issues in sub threshold CMOS circuits. NBTI effect on analog circuits, which require matched device pairs and mismatches, will cause circuit failure. This work is to assess the NBTI effect considering the voltage and the temperature variations. It also provides a working knowledge of NBTI awareness to the circuit design community for reliable design of the SOC analog circuit. There have been numerous studies to date on the NBTI effect to analog circuits. However, other researchers did not study the implication of NBTI stress on analog circuits utilizing bandgap reference circuit. The reliability performance of all matched pair circuits, particularly the bandgap reference, is at the mercy of aging differential. Reliability simulation is mandatory to obtain realistic risk evaluation for circuit design reliability qualification. It is applicable to all circuit aging problems covering both analog and digital. Failure rate varies as a function of voltage and temperature. It is shown that PMOS is the reliabilitysusceptible device and NBTI is the most vital failure mechanism for analog circuit in sub-micrometer CMOS technology. This study provides a complete reliability simulation analysis of the on-die Thermal Sensor and the Digital Analog Converter (DAC) circuits and analyzes the effect of NBTI using reliability simulation tool. In order to check out the robustness of the NBTI-induced SOC circuit design, a bum-in experiment was conducted on the DAC circuits. The NBTI degradation observed in the reliability simulation analysis has given a clue that under a severe stress condition, a massive voltage threshold mismatch of beyond the 2mV limit was recorded. Bum-in experimental result on DAC proves the reliability sensitivity of NBTI to the DAC circuitry

    A review of advances in pixel detectors for experiments with high rate and radiation

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments ATLAS and CMS have established hybrid pixel detectors as the instrument of choice for particle tracking and vertexing in high rate and radiation environments, as they operate close to the LHC interaction points. With the High Luminosity-LHC upgrade now in sight, for which the tracking detectors will be completely replaced, new generations of pixel detectors are being devised. They have to address enormous challenges in terms of data throughput and radiation levels, ionizing and non-ionizing, that harm the sensing and readout parts of pixel detectors alike. Advances in microelectronics and microprocessing technologies now enable large scale detector designs with unprecedented performance in measurement precision (space and time), radiation hard sensors and readout chips, hybridization techniques, lightweight supports, and fully monolithic approaches to meet these challenges. This paper reviews the world-wide effort on these developments.Comment: 84 pages with 46 figures. Review article.For submission to Rep. Prog. Phy

    Monolithic Perimeter Gated Single Photon Avalanche Diode Based Optical Detector in Standard CMOS

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    Since the 1930\u27s photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) have been used in single photon detection. Single photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) are p-n junctions operated in the Geiger mode. Unlike PMTs, CMOS based SPADs are smaller in size, insensitive to magnetic fields, less expensive, less temperature dependent, and have lower bias voltages. Using appropriate readout circuitry, they measure properties of single photons, such as energy, arrival time, and spatial path making them excellent candidates for single photon detection. CMOS SPADs suffer from premature breakdown due to the non-uniform distribution of the electric field. This prevents full volumetric breakdown of the device and reduces the detection effciency by increasing the noise. A novel device known as the perimeter gated SPAD (PGSPAD) is adopted in this dissertation for mitigating the premature perimeter breakdown without compromising the fill-factor of the device. The novel contributions of this work are as follows. A novel simulation model, including SPICE characteristics and the stochastic behavior, has been developed for the perimeter gated SPAD. This model has the ability to simulate the static current-voltage and dynamic response characteristics. It also simulates the noise and spectral response. A perimeter gated silicon photomultiplier, with improved signal to noise ratio, is reported for the first time. The gate voltage reduces the dark current of the silicon photomultiplier by preventing the premature breakdown. A digital SPAD with the tunable dynamic range and sensitivity is demonstrated for the first time. This pixel can be used for weak optical signal application when relatively higher sensitivity and lower input dynamic range is required. By making the sensitivity-dynamic range trade-off the same detector can be used for applications with relatively higher optical power. Finally, an array has been developed using the digital silicon photomultiplier in which the dead time of the pixels have been reduced. This digital photomultiplier features noise variation compensation between the pixels

    Study Of Design For Reliability Of Rf And Analog Circuits

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    Due to continued device dimensions scaling, CMOS transistors in the nanometer regime have resulted in major reliability and variability challenges. Reliability issues such as channel hot electron injection, gate dielectric breakdown, and negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) need to be accounted for in the design of robust RF circuits. In addition, process variations in the nanoscale CMOS transistors are another major concern in today‟s circuits design. An adaptive gate-source biasing scheme to improve the RF circuit reliability is presented in this work. The adaptive method automatically adjusts the gate-source voltage to compensate the reduction in drain current subjected to various device reliability mechanisms. A class-AB RF power amplifier shows that the use of a source resistance makes the power-added efficiency robust against threshold voltage and mobility variations, while the use of a source inductance is more reliable for the input third-order intercept point. A RF power amplifier with adaptive gate biasing is proposed to improve the circuit device reliability degradation and process variation. The performances of the power amplifier with adaptive gate biasing are compared with those of the power amplifier without adaptive gate biasing technique. The adaptive gate biasing makes the power amplifier more resilient to process variations as well as the device aging such as mobility and threshold voltage degradation. Injection locked voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) have been examined. The VCOs are implemented using TSMC 0.18 µm mixed-signal CMOS technology. The injection locked oscillators have improved phase noise performance than free running oscillators. iv A differential Clapp-VCO has been designed and fabricated for the evaluation of hot electron reliability. The differential Clapp-VCO is formed using cross-coupled nMOS transistors, on-chip transformers/inductors, and voltage-controlled capacitors. The experimental data demonstrate that the hot carrier damage increases the oscillation frequency and degrades the phase noise of Clapp-VCO. A p-channel transistor only VCO has been designed for low phase noise. The simulation results show that the phase noise degrades after NBTI stress at elevated temperature. This is due to increased interface states after NBTI stress. The process variability has also been evaluated

    Characterization and Modeling of High Power Microwave Effects in CMOS Microelectronics

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    The intentional use of high power microwave (HPM) signals to disrupt microelectronic systems is a substantial threat to vital infrastructure. Conventional methods to assess HPM threats involve empirical testing of electronic equipment, which provides no insight into fundamental mechanisms of HPM induced upset. The work presented in this dissertation is part of a broad effort to develop more effective means for HPM threat assessment. Comprehensive experimental evaluation of CMOS digital electronics was performed to provide critical information of the elementary mechanisms that govern the dynamics of HPM effects. Results show that electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection devices play a significant role in the behavior of circuits irradiated by HPM pulses. The PN junctions of the ESD protection devices distort HPM waveforms producing DC voltages at the input of the core logic elements, which produces output bit errors and abnormal circuit power dissipation. The dynamic capacitance of these devices combines with linear parasitic elements to create resonant structures that produce nonlinear circuit dynamics such as spurious oscillations. The insight into the fundamental mechanisms this research has revealed will contribute substantially to the broader effort aimed at identifying and mitigating susceptibilities in critical systems. Also presented in this work is a modeling technique based on scalable analytical circuit models that accounts for the non-quasi-static behavior of the ESD protection PN junctions. The results of circuit simulations employing these device models are in excellent agreement with experimental measurements, and are capable of predicting the threshold of effect for HPM driven non-linear circuit dynamics. For the first time, a deterministic method of evaluating HPM effects based on physical, scalable device parameters has been demonstrated. The modeling presented in this dissertation can be easily integrated into design cycles and will greatly aid the development of electronic systems with improved HPM immunity

    Aging-Aware Design Methods for Reliable Analog Integrated Circuits using Operating Point-Dependent Degradation

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    The focus of this thesis is on the development and implementation of aging-aware design methods, which are suitable to satisfy current needs of analog circuit design. Based on the well known \gm/\ID sizing methodology, an innovative tool-assisted aging-aware design approach is proposed, which is able to estimate shifts in circuit characteristics using mostly hand calculation schemes. The developed concept of an operating point-dependent degradation leads to the definition of an aging-aware sensitivity, which is compared to currently available degradation simulation flows and proves to be efficient in the estimation of circuit degradation. Using the aging-aware sensitivity, several analog circuits are investigated and optimized towards higher reliability. Finally, results are presented for numerous target specifications