4 research outputs found

    PDL with Intersection and Converse is Decidable

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    In its many guises and variations, propositional dynamic logic (PDL) plays an important role in various areas of computer science such as databases, artificial intelligence, and computer linguistics. One relevant and powerful variation is ICPDL, the extension of PDL with intersection and converse. Although ICPDL has several interesting applications, its computational properties have never been investigated. In this paper, we prove that ICPDL is decidable by developing a translation to the monadic second order logic of infinite trees. Our result has applications in information logic, description logic, and epistemic logic. In particular, we solve a long-standing open problem in information logic. Another virtue of our approach is that it provides a decidability proof that is more transparent than existing ones for PDL with intersection (but without converse)

    PDL with Intersection and Converse is 2EXP-complete

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    The logic ICPDL is the expressive extension of Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL), which admits intersection and converse as program operators. The result of this paper is containment of ICPDL-satisfiability in 22EXP, which improves the previously known non-elementary upper bound and implies 22EXP-completeness due to an existing lower bound for PDL with intersection (IPDL). The proof proceeds showing that every satisfiable ICPDL formula has model of tree width at most two. Next, we reduce satisfiability in ICPDL to omegaomega-regular tree satisfiability in ICPDL. In the latter problem the set of possible models is restricted to trees of an omegaomega-regular tree language. In the final step,omegaomega-regular tree satisfiability is reduced the emptiness problem for alternating two-way automata on infinite trees. In this way, a more elegant proof is obtained for Danecki\u27s difficult result that satisfiability in IPDL is in 2EXP2EXP

    PDL with Intersection and Converse is Decidable

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    In its many guises and variations, propositional dynamic logic (PDL) plays an important role in various areas of computer science such as databases, artificial intelligence, and computer linguistics. One relevant and powerful variation is ICPDL, the extension of PDL with intersection and converse. Although ICPDL has several interesting applications, its computational properties have never been investigated. In this paper, we prove that ICPDL is decidable by developing a translation to the monadic second order logic of infinite trees. Our result has applications in information logic, description logic, and epistemic logic. In particular, we solve a long-standing open problem in information logic. Another virtue of our approach is that it provides a decidability proof that is more transparent than existing ones for PDL with intersection (but without converse)

    PDL with Intersection and Converse is Decidable

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    In its many guises and variations, propositional dynamic logic (PDL) plays an important role in various areas of computer science such as databases, artificial intelligence, and computer linguistics. One relevant and powerful variation is ICPDL, the extension of PDL with intersection and converse. Although ICPDL has several interesting applications, its computational properties have never been investigated. In this paper, we prove that ICPDL is decidable by developing a translation to the monadic second order logic of infinite trees. Our result has applications in information logic, description logic, and epistemic logic. In particular, we solve a long-standing open problem in information logic. Another virtue of our approach is that it provides a decidability proof that is more transparent than existing ones for PDL with intersection (but without converse)