1,006 research outputs found

    The Values in Literary Children’s Books at the 2nd Grade Level*

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    Families, educational institutions and any kind of educational materials share important duties in raising individuals who adopt and practice national and universal values. One of these educational materials undoubtedly are children’s books which have literary quality.The topics, characters and messages in children’s book are of critical importance with regard to raising individuals who adopt the values reflected in the goals of the Turkish National Education system. In this sense, the aim of this study is to describe the personal and social values dealt with in primary 2nd grade children’s books.The study made use of the document analysis method which is one of the qualitative research models. The study population included literary children’s books of primary school 2nd grade reading level. The study sample consisted of totally 155 children’s books which were being sold in bookstores in the city center where the study was conducted. All of the books were in Turkish while some of them were by Turkish writers and were written by foreign authors and translated into Turkish. These books were selected randomly. A “Values Check List” was developed by the researcher and used as the data collection instrument of the study.The study results show that 2nd grade students mostly liked the children’s books which included the personal values such as “love, goodness, courage, responsibility, respect, animal love and diligence,” and social values such as “friendship, helpfulness, the unity of family, cooperation and fellowship.” The least or never included personal values in the children’s books were “fairness, fidelity, humbleness, prudence, religiousness and cleanliness while the least mentioned social values were “peace and patriotism.” Keywords: Value, values education, children’s books, primary schoo


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    Cassidian Electronics, a globally operating business unit of EADS, aimed to implement a collaborative portal for its quality management department. After conducting a successful pilot phase producing a prototype for a small number of users it soon became apparent that a large scale roll-out would not be feasible without proper methodological support. As no methodology was available to be used directly, an evaluation process was started and two champion methodologies (PADEM of Fraunhofer Institut and G&K - Großman and Koschek) were identified. A framework was developed to transparently compare the merits of each methodology and G&K selected as the most suitable. This paper presents the selection process as well as the case study describing the adaption mechanism and subsequent application of G&K for the roll-out of a large scale distributed collaboration portal in a high quality environment. A key lesson learned is the strong benefit of an agile method for portal implementations and roll-outs to ensure high user satisfaction and technology acceptance leading to measurable financial benefits


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    This study was aimed to determination of seed treated humic acid effects to yield and some yield characteristics of corn plant (Zea mays L. indentata) as grown second crop conditions. Study was set up according to randomized complete blocks experimental design with 3 replicates under Harran Plain conditions in 2012, Sanliurfa, Turkey. Motril hybrid corn variety was used as a plant material. Humic acid seed treatments were 0 (control), %2.5, %5, %7.5, %10, and %12 humic acid concentrations. Humic acid concentrations were applied to corn seed before sowing. Some yield and yield characteristic of corn plant such as tassel flowering duration, plant height, leaf number per plant, grain weight of ear, thousand kernel weights and grain yield were evaluated in the study. As a result of research; statistical significant differences were seen among humic acid seed treatments at tassel flowering duration and leaf number per plant (P≤0.05). Also, humic acid seed treatments were significant at grain weight of ear, thousand kernel weights and grain yield (P≤0.01). Tassel flowering duration decreased with humic acid seed treatment whereas leaf number per plant, grain weight of ear, thousand kernel weights and grain yield values increased with humic acid seed treatment. The highest values were found in % 7.5 humic acid seed treatment

    Boston University Choral Ensembles, March 25, 2014

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Choral Ensembles performance on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 3:30 p.m., at Marsh Chapel, 735 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Litanies à la Vierge noire by Francis Poulenc, Tota pulchra es by Maurice Duruflé, Messe Basse by Gabriel Fauré, Three Quartets for Male Voices, Op. 11 by Franz Schubert, All-Night Vigil Op. 37 by Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Rilke Songs by Julian Wachner. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Orientaciones para rediseñar El Plan Anual de Educación Municipal: visión desde ex directivos de departamentos de administración de educación municipal

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    91 p.El Plan Anual de Desarrollo de la Educación Municipal (en adelante PADEM) es un instrumento de gestión de la educación municipal local que se estableció mediante la Ley 19.410 desde el año 1995. Su objetivo es contribuir al manejo eficiente de los recursos y a una gestión municipal articulada con los establecimientos educacionales. Tomando en cuenta la importancia de una adecuada gestión educativa, la transformación en términos de institucionalidad de la educación pública instalada a partir del año 2018, debiese implicar, más adelante, cambios en el PADEM, de manera que se convierta en una carta de navegación efectiva para las propuestas educativas locales y de cada establecimiento. Dado lo anterior, es que este trabajo se enfoca en analizar el PADEM, a partir de la opinión de directivos DAEM de la región del Maule, con una intención propositiva que oriente el rediseño de un instrumento de estas características, lo que se realizará mediante de un estudio cualitativo, con revisión documental y entrevistas a actores relevantes del área. Los resultados darán cuenta de que a pesar del gran valor que representa el PADEM para los ex directivos DAEM, para lograr un impacto es necesario fortalecer cada una de las etapas por las que transita este instrumento, tomando en cuenta tanto a las personas como también a los procesos involucrados en su ejecució

    Observatoires du développement, observatoires pour le développement

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    La notion d'observatoire ne saurait être fixée. Son évolution reflète l'évolution des problèmes disciplinaires et des méthodologies adoptées pour les résoudre au cours des quatres dernières décennies. Toutefois, l'adoption d'un nouvel outil n'implique pas toujours l'élimination des instruments existants. Cette double évolution explique la relativité des apports liés à l'emploi d'un observatoire par rapport à l'évolution des théories et des méthodes. Cet instrument particulier permet à la fois un mode particulier d'intégration des dimensions macro et microscopiques et un mode particulier de comparaisons entre catégories sociales. La notion d'observatoire permet donc de penser plus efficacement aux différentes significations du concept de représentativité qu'il faut relier à la distribution synchronique du phénomène comme à son évolution, mais aussi à la variété de ses symptômes. Du coup, la représentativité suscite une réflexion en profondeur sur les sondages à employer, les méthodes de collecte des informations et la fréquence comme la durée des observations. Un examen détaillé de trois facettes d'Ocisca, l'observatoire du Cameroun illustre la variété et les limites des solutions choisies pour satisfaire à cette notion de représentativité. (Résumé d'auteur

    Geophysical Mapping by Electromagnetic Induction of Gold Occurrences in Birimian Formations of Liptako: Case of Sorbon Haoussa Sector (Souhwest Niger)

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    The survey zone corresponds to the Sirba greenstone belt, one of Liptako Birimian Formations (LBF) of Niger. Previous aeromagnetic and geochemical works reveal the significant gold occurrences. The present study integrates geophysical mapping of these occurrences by electromagnetic induction on field. A multi-frequencies system of 10 frequencies was used for depth and subsurface investigation of resistive anomalies. The interpretation of obtained results shown two types of resistive anomalies, corresponding to the conductive units: deep anomalies obtained with low frequencies and subsurface anomalies detected with high frequencies. The subsurface anomalies were detected around the 15 meters and the deep anomalies were recorded beyond 80 meters. All of the detected resistive anomalies are in a lenticulars shapes oriented N-S or E-W. The analysis of combined resistivity map from all frequencies shown three zones of resistive anomaly presenting a high potential in conductive metals: The first zone Z1 (most important), located in Eastern studied zone covering, covering a surface of 3.5 Km2, the second zone Z2 is located in West and covers an area of 2.9 Km2 and the third anomaly zone Z3 is located in South with a surface of 0.96 Km2. On field, these conductive units correspond to auriferous quartz veins and/or highly altered manganese schists, exploited by using the artisanal mining wells, up to 20 meters in depth

    Role Of Anggah-ungguh Kruna In Balinese Language Sentence Formation

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    Balinese language, as a large local language in Indonesia still exists, unlike mandatory local content at the level of primary and secondary education. Scrutinizing the importance of Balinese language role for the Balinese tribes, therefore, Balinese local languages should be maintained, nurtured, and preserved. This study was intended to describe the role of the Balinese language in the sentences formation. In order to achieve the goal, the sociolinguistic theory was used in the present study. In collecting data, the observation method and interview method were used. The data collected were analyzed using distributional methods. The formal and informal methods were applied in the presentation of the results of the data analysis. It was supported by an inductive and the deductive techniques. Based on the anggah-ungguh kruna as its formation, the Balinese sentence was divided: (1) alus singgih sentence, (2) alus sor sentence, (3) alus mider sentence, (4) alus madia sentence, (5) andap sentence, and (6) kasar sentence