1,330 research outputs found

    P2P Email Encryption by An Identity-Based One-Way Group Key Agreement Protocol

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    As a result of high-tech companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft offering free email services, email has become a primary channel of communication. However, email service providers have traditionally offered little in the way of message privacy protection. This has made emails, of which billions are sent around the world on any day, an attractive data source for personal identity information thieves. Google was one of the first companies to provide substantial email privacy protection when they began using the HTTPS always-on option to encrypt messages sent through their email service, Gmail. Unfortunately, Gmail\u27s encryption option does not offer true point-to-point encryption since the encrypted emails are decrypted and stored in plaintext form on Google\u27s servers. This type of approach poses a security vulnerability which is unacceptable to security-minded users such as highly sensitive government agencies and private companies. For these users, true point-to-point encryption is needed. This paper introduces an identity-based one-way group key agreement protocol and describes a point-to-point email encryption scheme based on the protocol. Both the security proofs and the efficiency analysis, with experimental results, of the new scheme are provided

    A Certificateless One-Way Group Key Agreement Protocol for Point-to-Point Email Encryption

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    Over the years, email has evolved and grown to one of the most widely used form of communication between individuals and organizations. Nonetheless, the current information technology standards do not value the significance of email security in today\u27s technologically advanced world. Not until recently, email services such as Yahoo and Google started to encrypt emails for privacy protection. Despite that, the encrypted emails will be decrypted and stored in the email service provider\u27s servers as backup. If the server is hacked or compromised, it can lead to leakage and modification of one\u27s email. Therefore, there is a strong need for point-to-point (P2P) email encryption to protect email user\u27s privacy. P2P email encryption schemes strongly rely on the underlying Public Key Cryptosystems (PKC). The evolution of the public key cryptography from the traditional PKC to the Identity-based PKC (ID-PKC) and then to the Certificateless PKC (CL-PKC) provides a better and more suitable cryptosystem to implement P2P email encryption. Many current public-key based cryptographic protocols either suffer from the expensive public-key certificate infrastructure (in traditional PKC) or the key escrow problem (in ID-PKC). CL-PKC is a relatively new cryptosystem that was designed to overcome both problems. In this thesis, we present a CL-PKC group key agreement protocol, which is, as the author\u27s knowledge, the first one with all the following features in one protocol: (1) certificateless and thus there is no key escrow problem and no public key certificate infrastructure is required. (2) one-way group key agreement and thus no back-and-forth message exchange is required; (3) n-party group key agreement (not just 2- or 3-party); and (4) no secret channel is required for key distribution. With the above features, P2P email encryption can be implemented securely and efficiently. This thesis provides a security proof for the proposed protocol using ``proof by simulation\u27\u27. Efficiency analysis of the protocol is also presented in this thesis. In addition, we have implemented the prototypes (email encryption systems) in two different scenarios in this thesis

    A Security-aware Approach to JXTA-Overlay Primitives

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    The JXTA-Overlay project is an effort to use JXTA technology to provide a generic set of functionalities that can be used by developers to deploy P2P applications. Since its design mainly focuses on issues such as scalability or overall performance, it does not take security into account. However, as P2P applications have evolved to fulfill more complex scenarios, security has become a very important aspect to take into account when evaluating a P2P framework. This work proposes a security extension specifically suited to JXTA-OverlayÂżs idiosyncrasies, providing an acceptable solution to some of its current shortcomings.El proyecto JXTA-Overlay es un esfuerzo por utilizar la tecnologĂ­a JXTA para proporcionar un conjunto genĂ©rico de funciones que pueden ser utilizadas por los desarrolladores para desplegar aplicaciones P2P. Aunque su diseño se centra principalmente en cuestiones como la escalabilidad y el rendimiento general, no tiene en cuenta la seguridad. Sin embargo, como las aplicaciones P2P se han desarrollado para cumplir con escenarios mĂĄs complejos, la seguridad se ha convertido en un aspecto muy importante a tener en cuenta a la hora de evaluar un marco P2P. Este artĂ­culo propone una extensiĂłn de seguridad especĂ­ficamente adaptada a la idiosincrasia de JXTA-Overlay, proporcionando una soluciĂłn aceptable para algunas de sus deficiencias actuales.El projecte JXTA-Overlay Ă©s un esforç per utilitzar la tecnologia JXTA per proporcionar un conjunt genĂšric de funcions que poden ser utilitzades pels desenvolupadors per desplegar aplicacions P2P. Tot i que el seu disseny se centra principalment en qĂŒestions com ara la escalabilitat i el rendiment general, no tĂ© en compte la seguretat. No obstant aixĂČ, com que les aplicacions P2P s'han desenvolupat per complir amb escenaris mĂ©s complexos, la seguretat s'ha convertit en un aspecte molt important a tenir en compte a l'hora d'avaluar un marc P2P. Aquest article proposa una extensiĂł de seguretat especĂ­ficament adaptada a la idiosincrĂ sia de JXTA-Overlay, proporcionant una soluciĂł acceptable per a algunes de les seves deficiĂšncies actuals

    A Security Framework for JXTA-Overlay

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    En l'actualitat, la maduresa del camp de la investigaciĂł P2P empĂšs a travĂ©s de nous problemes, relacionats amb la seguretat. Per aquesta raĂł, la seguretat comença a convertir-se en una de les qĂŒestions clau en l'avaluaciĂł d'un sistema P2P, i Ă©s important proporcionar mecanismes de seguretat per a sistemes P2P. El projecte JXTAOverlay fa un esforç per utilitzar la tecnologia JXTA per proporcionar un conjunt genĂšric de funcions que poden ser utilitzades pels desenvolupadors per desplegar aplicacions P2P. No obstant aixĂČ, encara que el seu disseny es va centrar en qĂŒestions com ara l'escalabilitat o el rendiment general, no va tenir en compte la seguretat. Aquest treball proposa un marc de seguretat, adaptat especĂ­ficament a la idiosincrĂ sia del JXTAOverlay.At present time, the maturity of P2P research field has pushed through new problems such us those related with security. For that reason, security starts to become one of the key issues when evaluating a P2P system and it is important to provide security mechanisms to P2P systems. The JXTAOverlay project is an effort to use JXTA technology to provide a generic set of functionalities that can be used by developers to deploy P2P applications. However, since its design focused on issues such as scalability or overall performance, it did not take security into account. This work proposes a security framework specifically suited to JXTAOverlayÂżs idiosyncrasies.En la actualidad, la madurez del campo de la investigaciĂłn P2P empujado a travĂ©s de nuevos problemas, relacionados con la seguridad. Por esta razĂłn, la seguridad comienza a convertirse en una de las cuestiones clave en la evaluaciĂłn de un sistema P2P, y es importante proporcionar mecanismos de seguridad para sistemas P2P. El proyecto JXTAOverlay hace un esfuerzo por utilizar la tecnologĂ­a JXTA para proporcionar un conjunto genĂ©rico de funciones que pueden ser utilizadas por los desarrolladores para desplegar aplicaciones P2P. Sin embargo, aunque su diseño se centrĂł en cuestiones como la escalabilidad o el rendimiento general, no tuvo en cuenta la seguridad. Este trabajo propone un marco de seguridad, adaptado especĂ­ficamente a la idiosincrasia del JXTAOverlay

    On Secure Workflow Decentralisation on the Internet

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    Decentralised workflow management systems are a new research area, where most work to-date has focused on the system's overall architecture. As little attention has been given to the security aspects in such systems, we follow a security driven approach, and consider, from the perspective of available security building blocks, how security can be implemented and what new opportunities are presented when empowering the decentralised environment with modern distributed security protocols. Our research is motivated by a more general question of how to combine the positive enablers that email exchange enjoys, with the general benefits of workflow systems, and more specifically with the benefits that can be introduced in a decentralised environment. This aims to equip email users with a set of tools to manage the semantics of a message exchange, contents, participants and their roles in the exchange in an environment that provides inherent assurances of security and privacy. This work is based on a survey of contemporary distributed security protocols, and considers how these protocols could be used in implementing a distributed workflow management system with decentralised control . We review a set of these protocols, focusing on the required message sequences in reviewing the protocols, and discuss how these security protocols provide the foundations for implementing core control-flow, data, and resource patterns in a distributed workflow environment

    An Analysis and Enumeration of the Blockchain and Future Implications

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    The blockchain is a relatively new technology that has grown in interest and potential research since its inception. Blockchain technology is dominated by cryptocurrency in terms of usage. Research conducted in the past few years, however, reveals blockchain has the potential to revolutionize several different industries. The blockchain consists of three major technologies: a peer-to-peer network, a distributed database, and asymmetrically encrypted transactions. The peer-to-peer network enables a decentralized, consensus-based network structure where various nodes contribute to the overall network performance. A distributed database adds additional security and immutability to the network. The process of cryptographically securing individual transactions forms a core service of the blockchain and enables semi-anonymous user network presence
