22,518 research outputs found

    Relaxed Byzantine Vector Consensus

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    Exact Byzantine consensus problem requires that non-faulty processes reach agreement on a decision (or output) that is in the convex hull of the inputs at the non-faulty processes. It is well-known that exact consensus is impossible in an asynchronous system in presence of faults, and in a synchronous system, n>=3f+1 is tight on the number of processes to achieve exact Byzantine consensus with scalar inputs, in presence of up to f Byzantine faulty processes. Recent work has shown that when the inputs are d-dimensional vectors of reals, n>=max(3f+1,(d+1)f+1) is tight to achieve exact Byzantine consensus in synchronous systems, and n>= (d+2)f+1 for approximate Byzantine consensus in asynchronous systems. Due to the dependence of the lower bound on vector dimension d, the number of processes necessary becomes large when the vector dimension is large. With the hope of reducing the lower bound on n, we consider two relaxed versions of Byzantine vector consensus: k-Relaxed Byzantine vector consensus and (delta,p)-Relaxed Byzantine vector consensus. In k-relaxed consensus, the validity condition requires that the output must be in the convex hull of projection of the inputs onto any subset of k-dimensions of the vectors. For (delta,p)-consensus the validity condition requires that the output must be within distance delta of the convex hull of the inputs of the non-faulty processes, where L_p norm is used as the distance metric. For (delta,p)-consensus, we consider two versions: in one version, delta is a constant, and in the second version, delta is a function of the inputs themselves. We show that for k-relaxed consensus and (delta,p)-consensus with constant delta>=0, the bound on n is identical to the bound stated above for the original vector consensus problem. On the other hand, when delta depends on the inputs, we show that the bound on n is smaller when d>=3

    Distributed Computability in Byzantine Asynchronous Systems

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    In this work, we extend the topology-based approach for characterizing computability in asynchronous crash-failure distributed systems to asynchronous Byzantine systems. We give the first theorem with necessary and sufficient conditions to solve arbitrary tasks in asynchronous Byzantine systems where an adversary chooses faulty processes. In our adversarial formulation, outputs of non-faulty processes are constrained in terms of inputs of non-faulty processes only. For colorless tasks, an important subclass of distributed problems, the general result reduces to an elegant model that effectively captures the relation between the number of processes, the number of failures, as well as the topological structure of the task's simplicial complexes.Comment: Will appear at the Proceedings of the 46th Annual Symposium on the Theory of Computing, STOC 201

    Efficient Synchronous Byzantine Consensus

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    We present new protocols for Byzantine state machine replication and Byzantine agreement in the synchronous and authenticated setting. The celebrated PBFT state machine replication protocol tolerates ff Byzantine faults in an asynchronous setting using 3f+13f+1 replicas, and has since been studied or deployed by numerous works. In this work, we improve the Byzantine fault tolerance threshold to n=2f+1n=2f+1 by utilizing a relaxed synchrony assumption. We present a synchronous state machine replication protocol that commits a decision every 3 rounds in the common case. The key challenge is to ensure quorum intersection at one honest replica. Our solution is to rely on the synchrony assumption to form a post-commit quorum of size 2f+12f+1, which intersects at f+1f+1 replicas with any pre-commit quorums of size f+1f+1. Our protocol also solves synchronous authenticated Byzantine agreement in expected 8 rounds. The best previous solution (Katz and Koo, 2006) requires expected 24 rounds. Our protocols may be applied to build Byzantine fault tolerant systems or improve cryptographic protocols such as cryptocurrencies when synchrony can be assumed

    The Impact of RDMA on Agreement

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    Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is becoming widely available in data centers. This technology allows a process to directly read and write the memory of a remote host, with a mechanism to control access permissions. In this paper, we study the fundamental power of these capabilities. We consider the well-known problem of achieving consensus despite failures, and find that RDMA can improve the inherent trade-off in distributed computing between failure resilience and performance. Specifically, we show that RDMA allows algorithms that simultaneously achieve high resilience and high performance, while traditional algorithms had to choose one or another. With Byzantine failures, we give an algorithm that only requires n≥2fP+1n \geq 2f_P + 1 processes (where fPf_P is the maximum number of faulty processes) and decides in two (network) delays in common executions. With crash failures, we give an algorithm that only requires n≥fP+1n \geq f_P + 1 processes and also decides in two delays. Both algorithms tolerate a minority of memory failures inherent to RDMA, and they provide safety in asynchronous systems and liveness with standard additional assumptions.Comment: Full version of PODC'19 paper, strengthened broadcast algorith

    Tight Bounds for Connectivity and Set Agreement in Byzantine Synchronous Systems

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    In this paper, we show that the protocol complex of a Byzantine synchronous system can remain (k−1)(k - 1)-connected for up to ⌈t/k⌉\lceil t/k \rceil rounds, where tt is the maximum number of Byzantine processes, and t≥k≥1t \ge k \ge 1. This topological property implies that ⌈t/k⌉+1\lceil t/k \rceil + 1 rounds are necessary to solve kk-set agreement in Byzantine synchronous systems, compared to ⌊t/k⌋+1\lfloor t/k \rfloor + 1 rounds in synchronous crash-failure systems. We also show that our connectivity bound is tight as we indicate solutions to Byzantine kk-set agreement in exactly ⌈t/k⌉+1\lceil t/k \rceil + 1 synchronous rounds, at least when nn is suitably large compared to tt. In conclusion, we see how Byzantine failures can potentially require one extra round to solve kk-set agreement, and, for nn suitably large compared to tt, at most that

    A Byzantine Fault Tolerant Distributed Commit Protocol

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    In this paper, we present a Byzantine fault tolerant distributed commit protocol for transactions running over untrusted networks. The traditional two-phase commit protocol is enhanced by replicating the coordinator and by running a Byzantine agreement algorithm among the coordinator replicas. Our protocol can tolerate Byzantine faults at the coordinator replicas and a subset of malicious faults at the participants. A decision certificate, which includes a set of registration records and a set of votes from participants, is used to facilitate the coordinator replicas to reach a Byzantine agreement on the outcome of each transaction. The certificate also limits the ways a faulty replica can use towards non-atomic termination of transactions, or semantically incorrect transaction outcomes.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 200

    Byzantine Approximate Agreement on Graphs

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    Consider a distributed system with n processors out of which f can be Byzantine faulty. In the approximate agreement task, each processor i receives an input value x_i and has to decide on an output value y_i such that 1) the output values are in the convex hull of the non-faulty processors\u27 input values, 2) the output values are within distance d of each other. Classically, the values are assumed to be from an m-dimensional Euclidean space, where m >= 1. In this work, we study the task in a discrete setting, where input values with some structure expressible as a graph. Namely, the input values are vertices of a finite graph G and the goal is to output vertices that are within distance d of each other in G, but still remain in the graph-induced convex hull of the input values. For d=0, the task reduces to consensus and cannot be solved with a deterministic algorithm in an asynchronous system even with a single crash fault. For any d >= 1, we show that the task is solvable in asynchronous systems when G is chordal and n > (omega+1)f, where omega is the clique number of G. In addition, we give the first Byzantine-tolerant algorithm for a variant of lattice agreement. For synchronous systems, we show tight resilience bounds for the exact variants of these and related tasks over a large class of combinatorial structures

    Breaking the O(n^2) Bit Barrier: Scalable Byzantine agreement with an Adaptive Adversary

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    We describe an algorithm for Byzantine agreement that is scalable in the sense that each processor sends only O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) bits, where nn is the total number of processors. Our algorithm succeeds with high probability against an \emph{adaptive adversary}, which can take over processors at any time during the protocol, up to the point of taking over arbitrarily close to a 1/3 fraction. We assume synchronous communication but a \emph{rushing} adversary. Moreover, our algorithm works in the presence of flooding: processors controlled by the adversary can send out any number of messages. We assume the existence of private channels between all pairs of processors but make no other cryptographic assumptions. Finally, our algorithm has latency that is polylogarithmic in nn. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first algorithm to solve Byzantine agreement against an adaptive adversary, while requiring o(n2)o(n^{2}) total bits of communication
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