156 research outputs found

    Getting to know Pepper : Effects of people’s awareness of a robot’s capabilities on their trust in the robot

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    © 2018 Association for Computing MachineryThis work investigates how human awareness about a social robot’s capabilities is related to trusting this robot to handle different tasks. We present a user study that relates knowledge on different quality levels to participant’s ratings of trust. Secondary school pupils were asked to rate their trust in the robot after three types of exposures: a video demonstration, a live interaction, and a programming task. The study revealed that the pupils’ trust is positively affected across different domains after each session, indicating that human users trust a robot more the more awareness about the robot they have

    Bringing Human Robot Interaction towards _Trust and Social Engineering

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    Robots started their journey in books and movies; nowadays, they are becoming an important part of our daily lives: from industrial robots, passing through entertainment robots, and reaching social robotics in fields like healthcare or education. An important aspect of social robotics is the human counterpart, therefore, there is an interaction between the humans and robots. Interactions among humans are often taken for granted as, since children, we learn how to interact with each other. In robotics, this interaction is still very immature, however, critical for a successful incorporation of robots in society. Human robot interaction (HRI) is the domain that works on improving these interactions. HRI encloses many aspects, and a significant one is trust. Trust is the assumption that somebody or something is good and reliable; and it is critical for a developed society. Therefore, in a society where robots can part, the trust they could generate will be essential for cohabitation. A downside of trust is overtrusting an entity; in other words, an insufficient alignment of the projected trust and the expectations of a morally correct behaviour. This effect could negatively influence and damage the interactions between agents. In the case of humans, it is usually exploited by scammers, conmen or social engineers - who take advantage of the people's overtrust in order to manipulate them into performing actions that may not be beneficial for the victims. This thesis tries to shed light on the development of trust towards robots, how this trust could become overtrust and be exploited by social engineering techniques. More precisely, the following experiments have been carried out: (i) Treasure Hunt, in which the robot followed a social engineering framework where it gathered personal information from the participants, improved the trust and rapport with them, and at the end, it exploited that trust manipulating participants into performing a risky action. (ii) Wicked Professor, in which a very human-like robot tried to enforce its authority to make participants obey socially inappropriate requests. Most of the participants realized that the requests were morally wrong, but eventually, they succumbed to the robot'sauthority while holding the robot as morally responsible. (iii) Detective iCub, in which it was evaluated whether the robot could be endowed with the ability to detect when the human partner was lying. Deception detection is an essential skill for social engineers and professionals in the domain of education, healthcare and security. The robot achieved 75% of accuracy in the lie detection. There were also found slight differences in the behaviour exhibited by the participants when interacting with a human or a robot interrogator. Lastly, this thesis approaches the topic of privacy - a fundamental human value. With the integration of robotics and technology in our society, privacy will be affected in ways we are not used. Robots have sensors able to record and gather all kind of data, and it is possible that this information is transmitted via internet without the knowledge of the user. This is an important aspect to consider since a violation in privacy can heavily impact the trust. Summarizing, this thesis shows that robots are able to establish and improve trust during an interaction, to take advantage of overtrust and to misuse it by applying different types of social engineering techniques, such as manipulation and authority. Moreover, robots can be enabled to pick up different human cues to detect deception, which can help both, social engineers and professionals in the human sector. Nevertheless, it is of the utmost importance to make roboticists, programmers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, psychologists, and other sectors involved, aware that social robots can be highly beneficial for humans, but they could also be exploited for malicious purposes

    Overtrusting robots: Setting a research agenda to mitigate overtrust in automation

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    There is increasing attention given to the concept of trustworthiness for artificial intelligence and robotics. However, trust is highly context-dependent, varies among cultures, and requires reflection on others’ trustworthiness, appraising whether there is enough evidence to conclude that these agents deserve to be trusted. Moreover, little research exists on what happens when too much trust is placed in robots and autonomous systems. Conceptual clarity and a shared framework for approaching overtrust are missing. In this contribution, we offer an overview of pressing topics in the context of overtrust and robots and autonomous systems. Our review mobilizes insights solicited from in-depth conversations from a multidisciplinary workshop on the subject of trust in human–robot interaction (HRI), held at a leading robotics conference in 2020. A broad range of participants brought in their expertise, allowing the formulation of a forward-looking research agenda on overtrust and automation biases in robotics and autonomous systems. Key points include the need for multidisciplinary understandings that are situated in an eco-system perspective, the consideration of adjacent concepts such as deception and anthropomorphization, a connection to ongoing legal discussions through the topic of liability, and a socially embedded understanding of overtrust in education and literacy matters. The article integrates diverse literature and provides a ground for common understanding for overtrust in the context of HRI.publishedVersio

    The impact of peoples' personal dispositions and personalities on their trust of robots in an emergency scenario

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    Humans should be able to trust that they can safely interact with their home companion robot. However, robots can exhibit occasional mechanical, programming or functional errors. We hypothesise that the severity of the consequences and the timing of a robot's different types of erroneous behaviours during an interaction may have different impacts on users' attitudes towards a domestic robot. First, we investigated human users' perceptions of the severity of various categories of potential errors that are likely to be exhibited by a domestic robot. Second, we used an interactive storyboard to evaluate participants' degree of trust in the robot after it performed tasks either correctly, or with 'small' or 'big' errors. Finally, we analysed the correlation between participants' responses regarding their personality, predisposition to trust other humans, their perceptions of robots, and their interaction with the robot. We conclude that there is correlation between the magnitude of an error performed by a robot and the corresponding loss of trust by the human towards the robot. Moreover we observed that some traits of participants' personalities (conscientiousness and agreeableness) and their disposition of trusting other humans (benevolence) significantly increased their tendency to trust a robot more during an emergency scenario.Peer reviewe

    Trust in automated vehicles:constructs, psychological processes and assessment

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    There is a growing body of research on trust in driving automation systems. In this paper, we seek to clarify the way trust is conceptualized, calibrated and measured taking into account issues related to specific levels of driving automation. We find that: (1) experience plays a vital role in trust calibration; (2) experience should be measured not just in terms of distance traveled, but in terms of the range of situations encountered; (3) system malfunctions and recovery from such malfunctions is a fundamental part of this experience. We summarize our findings in a framework describing the dynamics of trust calibration. We observe that methods used to quantify trust often lack objectivity, reliability, and validity, and propose a set of recommendations for researchers seeking to select suitable trust measures for their studies. In conclusion, we argue that the safe deployment of current and future automated vehicles depends on drivers developing appropriate levels of trust. Given the potentially severe consequences of miscalibrated trust, it is essential that drivers incorporate the possibility of new and unexpected driving situations in their mental models of system capabilities. It is vitally important that we develop methods that contribute to this goal

    Evaluating people's perceptions of trust in a robot in a repeated interactions study

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgment. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642667 (Safety Enables Cooperation in Uncertain Robotic Environments - SECURE). KD acknowledges funding from the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program. Publisher Copyright: © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published of 'Rossi A., Dautenhahn K., Koay K.L., Walters M.L., Holthaus P. (2020) Evaluating People’s Perceptions of Trust in a Robot in a Repeated Interactions Study. In: Wagner A.R. et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12483. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62056-1_38'Trust has been established to be a key factor in fostering human-robot interactions. However, trust can change overtime according to different factors, including a breach of trust due to a robot’s error. In this exploratory study, we observed people’s interactions with a companion robot in a real house, adapted for human-robot interaction experimentation, over three weeks. The interactions happened in six scenarios in which a robot performed different tasks under two different conditions. Each condition included fourteen tasks performed by the robot, either correctly, or with errors with severe consequences on the first or last day of interaction. At the end of each experimental condition, participants were presented with an emergency scenario to evaluate their trust in the robot. We evaluated participants’ trust in the robot by observing their decision to trust the robot during the emergency scenario, and by collecting their views through questionnaires. We concluded that there is a correlation between the timing of an error with severe consequences performed by the robot and the corresponding loss of trust of the human in the robot. In particular, people’s trust is subjected to the initial mental formation

    Technology and moral change: the transformation of truth and trust

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    Technologies can have profound efects on social moral systems. Is there any way to systematically investigate and anticipate these potential efects? This paper aims to contribute to this emerging feld on inquiry through a case study method. It focuses on two core human values—truth and trust—describes their structural properties and conceptualisations, and then considers various mechanisms through which technology is changing and can change our perspective on those values. In brief, the paper argues that technology is transforming these values by changing the costs/benefts of accessing them; allowing us to substitute those values for other, closely-related ones; increasing their perceived scarcity/abundance; and disrupting traditional value-gatekeepers. This has implications for how we study other, technologically-mediated, value changes.publishedVersio

    Humanization of robots: is it really such a good idea?

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    The aim of this review was to examine the pros and cons of humanizing social robots following a psychological perspective. As such, we had six goals. First, we defined what social robots are. Second, we clarified the meaning of humanizing social robots. Third, we presented the theoretical backgrounds for promoting humanization. Fourth, we conducted a review of empirical results of the positive effects and the negative effects of humanization on human–robot interaction (HRI). Fifth, we presented some of the political and ethical problems raised by the humanization of social robots. Lastly, we discussed the overall effects of the humanization of robots in HRI and suggested new avenues of research and development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Taxonomy of Trust-Relevant Failures and Mitigation Strategies

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    We develop a taxonomy that categorizes HRI failure types and their impact on trust to structure the broad range of knowledge contributions. We further identify research gaps in order to support fellow researchers in the development of trustworthy robots. Studying trust repair in HRI has only recently been given more interest and we propose a taxonomy of potential trust violations and suitable repair strategies to support researchers during the development of interaction scenarios. The taxonomy distinguishes four failure types: Design, System, Expectation, and User failures and outlines potential mitigation strategies. Based on these failures, strategies for autonomous failure detection and repair are presented, employing explanation, verification and validation techniques. Finally, a research agenda for HRI is outlined, discussing identified gaps related to the relation of failures and HR-trust

    Does A Loss of Social Credibility Impact Robot Safety?

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    This position paper discusses the safety-related functions performed by assistive robots and explores the relationship between trust and effective safety risk mitigation. We identify a measure of the robot’s social effectiveness, termed social credibility, and present a discussion of how social credibility may be gained and lost. This paper’s contribution is the identification of a link between social credibility and safety-related performance. Accordingly, we draw on analyses of existing systems to demonstrate how an assistive robot’s safety-critical functionality can be impaired by a loss of social credibility. In addition, we present a discussion of some of the consequences of prioritising either safety-related functionality or social engagement. We propose the identification of a mixed-criticality scheduling algorithm in order to maximise both safety-related performance and social engagement