100 research outputs found

    Waveform Design for 5G and Beyond

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    5G is envisioned to improve major key performance indicators (KPIs), such as peak data rate, spectral efficiency, power consumption, complexity, connection density, latency, and mobility. This chapter aims to provide a complete picture of the ongoing 5G waveform discussions and overviews the major candidates. It provides a brief description of the waveform and reveals the 5G use cases and waveform design requirements. The chapter presents the main features of cyclic prefix-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CP-OFDM) that is deployed in 4G LTE systems. CP-OFDM is the baseline of the 5G waveform discussions since the performance of a new waveform is usually compared with it. The chapter examines the essential characteristics of the major waveform candidates along with the related advantages and disadvantages. It summarizes and compares the key features of different waveforms.Comment: 22 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables; accepted version (The URL for the final version: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781119333142.ch2

    A Comparison of CP-OFDM, PCC-OFDM and UFMC for 5G Uplink Communications

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    Polynomial-cancellation-coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PCC-OFDM) is a form of OFDM that has waveforms which are very well localized in both the time and frequency domains and so it is ideally suited for use in the 5G network. This paper analyzes the performance of PCC-OFDM in the uplink of a multiuser system using orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) and compares it with conventional cyclic prefix OFDM (CP-OFDM), and universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC). PCC-OFDM is shown to be much less sensitive than either CP-OFDM or UFMC to time and frequency offsets. For a given constellation size, PCC-OFDM in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) requires 3dB lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for a given bit-error-rate, and the SNR advantage of PCC-OFDM increases rapidly when there are timing and/or frequency offsets. For PCC-OFDM no frequency guard band is required between different OFDMA users. PCC-OFDM is completely compatible with CP-OFDM and adds negligible complexity and latency, as it uses a simple mapping of data onto pairs of subcarriers at the transmitter, and a simple weighting-and-adding of pairs of subcarriers at the receiver. The weighting and adding step, which has been omitted in some of the literature, is shown to contribute substantially to the SNR advantage of PCC-OFDM. A disadvantage of PCC-OFDM (without overlapping) is the potential reduction in spectral efficiency because subcarriers are modulated in pairs, but this reduction is more than regained because no guard band or cyclic prefix is required and because, for a given channel, larger constellations can be used

    Filtered OFDM systems, algorithms and performance analysis for 5G and beyond

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    Filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (F-OFDM) system is a promising waveform for 5G and beyond to enable multi-service system and spectrum efficient network slicing. However, the performance for F-OFDM systems has not been systematically analyzed in literature. In this paper, we first establish a mathematical model for F-OFDM system and derive the conditions to achieve the interference-free one-tap channel equalization. In the practical cases (e.g., insufficient guard interval, asynchronous transmission, etc.), the analytical expressions for inter-symbol-interference (ISI), inter-carrier-interference (ICI) and adjacent-carrier-interference (ACI) are derived, where the last term is considered as one of the key factors for asynchronous transmissions. Based on the framework, an optimal power compensation matrix is derived to make all of the subcarriers having the same ergodic performance. Another key contribution of the paper is that we propose a multi-rate F-OFDM system to enable low complexity low cost communication scenarios such as narrow band Internet of Things (IoT), at the cost of generating inter-subband-interference (ISubBI). Low computational complexity algorithms are proposed to cancel the ISubBI. The result shows that the derived analytical expressions match the simulation results, and the proposed ISubBI cancelation algorithms can significantly save the original F-OFDM complexity (up to 100 times) without significant performance los

    Universal-Filtered Multi-Carrier: A Waveform Candidate for 5G

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    The emerging Internet of Things will make the next generation 5G systems to support a broad range of diverse needs with greater efficiency requirements. The new class of services will need a higher data rates, to handle these demands, the lowest layer of the 5G systems must be flexible. Therefore, the waveform will have an important role in offering these new requirements. These waveforms should enable efficient multiple access to handle the requirements of the future wireless communication system. This means that the corresponding required waveforms should be able to handle as much different type of traffic as possible in the same band. In this paper we compare three candidate multicarrier waveforms for the air interface of 5G: the original cyclic prefix OFDM applied in the 4G systems today, the Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) heavily discussed in previous papers, and Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC) a new contender making its appearance recently. These new waveforms will be more robust against the time frequency synchronization problem, it has the potential for mixing different traffic specifications, and supports the scenarios of spectrum fragmentation, due to the improvement in the localization of spectrum. In the same time, they support all multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) scenarios and applications. The simulation results shown that there is a good difference in the time frequency efficiency for transmitting very small bursts where the response time is required (like car-to-car communications). Due to the cyclic prefix the FBMC and CP-OFDM suffer when transmitting short bursts, the UFMC outperforms CP-OFDM by 10% for any case and FBMC for the very short packets and it is similar to FBMC for long sequences. Other simulation results are shown, which demonstrate the potential of this waveform

    Lightly synchronized Multipacket Reception in Machine-Type Communications Networks

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    Machine Type Communication (MTC) applications were designed to monitor and control elements of our surroundings and environment. MTC applications have a different set of requirements compared to the traditional communication devices, with Machine to Machine (M2M) data being mostly short, asynchronous, bursty and sometimes requiring end-to-end delays below 1ms. With the growth of MTC, the new generation of mobile communications has to be able to present different types of services with very different requirements, i.e. the same network has to be capable of "supplying" connection to the user that just wants to download a video or use social media, allowing at the same time MTC that has completely different requirements, without deteriorating both experiences. The challenges associated to the implementation of MTC require disruptive changes at the Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layers, that lead to a better use of the spectrum available. The orthogonality and synchronization requirements of the PHY layer of current Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) radio access network (based on glsofdm and Single Carrier Frequency Domain Equalization (SC-FDE)) are obstacles for this new 5th Generation (5G) architecture. Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) and other modulation techniques were proposed as candidates for the 5G PHY layer, however they also suffer from visible degradation when the transmitter and receiver are not synchronized, leading to a poor performance when collisions occur in an asynchronous MAC layer. This dissertation addresses the requirements of M2M traffic at the MAC layer applying multipacket reception (MPR) techniques to handle the bursty nature of the traffic and synchronization tones and optimized back-off approaches to reduce the delay. It proposes a new MAC protocol and analyses its performance analytically considering an SC-FDE modulation. The models are validated using a system level cross-layer simulator developed in MATLAB, which implements the MAC protocol and applies PHY layer performance models. The results show that the MAC’s latency depends mainly on the number of users and the load of each user, and can be controlled using these two parameters

    Peak-to-Average-Power-Ratio (PAPR) Reduction Techniques for Orthogonal-Frequency-Division- Multiplexing (OFDM) Transmission

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    Wireless communication has experienced an incredible growth in the last decade. Two decades ago,the number of mobile subscribers was less than 1% of the world\u27s population. As of 2011, the number of mobile subscribers has increased tremendously to 79.86% of the world\u27s population. Robust and high-rate data transmission in mobile environments faces severe problems due to the time-variant channel conditions, multipath fading and shadow fading. Fading is the main limitation on wireless communication channels. Frequency selective interference and fading, such as multipath fading, is a bandwidth bottleneck in the last mile which runs from the access point to the user. The last mile problem in wireless communication networks is caused by the environment of free space channels through which the signal propagates. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising modulation and multiplexing technique due to its robustness against multipath fading. Nevertheless, OFDM suffers from high Peak-to-Average- Power-Ratio (PAPR), which results in a complex OFDM signal. In this research, reduction of PAPR considering the out-of-band radiation and the regeneration of the time-domain signal peaks caused by filtering has been studied and is presented. Our PAPR reduction was 30% of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with Interleaved Frequency Division Multiple Access (IFDMA) utilizing Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and varying the roll-off factor. We show that pulse shaping does not affect the PAPR of Localized Frequency Division Multiple Access (LFDMA) as much as it affects the PAPR of IFDMA. Therefore, IFDMA has an important trade-off relationship between excess bandwidth and PAPR performance, since excess bandwidth increases as the roll-off factor increases. In addition, we studied a low complexity clipping scheme, applicable to IFDMA uplink and OFDM downlink systems for PAPR reduction. We show that the performance of the PAPR of the Interleaved-FDMA scheme is better than traditional OFDMA for the uplink transmission system. Our reduction of PAPR is 53% when IFDMA is used instead of OFDMA in the uplink direction. Furthermore, we also examined an important trade-off relationship between clipping distortion and quantization noise when the clipping scheme is used for OFDM downlink systems. Our results show a significant reduction in the PAPR and the out-of-band radiation caused by clipping for OFDM downlink transmission system

    Filtered Multicarrier Transmission

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    Orthogonal frequency‐division multiplexing (OFDM) has been adopted as the waveform of choice in the existing and emerging broadband wireless communication systems for a number of advantages it can offer. Nevertheless, investigations of more advanced multicarrier transmission schemes have continued with the aim of eliminating or mitigating its essential limitations. This article discusses multicarrier schemes with enhanced spectrum localization, which manage to reduce the spectral sidelobes of plain OFDM that are problematic in various advanced communication scenarios. These include schemes for enhancing the OFDM waveform characteristics through additional signal processing as well as filter‐bank multicarrier (FBMC) waveforms utilizing frequency‐selective filter banks instead of plain (inverse) discrete Fourier transform processing for waveform generation and demodulation.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Nopeaan konvolutioon perustuva suodatettu OFDM ja ikkunoitu OFDM aaltomuotojen suorituskykyvertailussa 5G fyysiselle kerrokselle

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    Nykyisten mobiiliverkkojen vaatimukset kasvavat jatkuvasti, mikä johtuu pitkälti uusien mobiililaitteiden ja -palveluiden suosion kasvusta. Lisäksi matkapuhelinverkkoja on alettu käyttämään pääasiallisena internetyhteytenä, sillä nykyteknologialla on mahdollista saavuttaa kiinteään laajakaistayhteyksiin verrattavia käyttäjäkokemuksia useimmissa sovelluksissa. Nykyiset Long Term Evolution (LTE) ja LTE-Advanced ovat neljännen sukupolven (4G) teknologioita, jotka tarjoavat jo hyvin suuria tiedonsiirtonopeuksia. Tulevaisuuden palvelut vaativat kuitenkin uusia ominaisuuksia verkolta ja tämän takia uusia teknlogioita tutkitaan jatkuvasti lisää. Viidennen sukupolven (5G) teknologia pyrkii kasvattamaan tiedonsiirtonopeuksia entisestään. Lisäksi on ennustettu, että tulevaisuuden teknologiat vaativat tukea myös pienille ja viivekriittisille lähetyksille, kuten Internet of Things (IoT) ja Machineto-Machine (M2M) -tyyppisille palveluille. Tämä tarkoittaa, että verkkoon yhdistettyjen laitteiden määrä tulee kasvamaan räjähdysmäisesti. Verkossa ovat jatkossa esimerkiksi älykkäät autot, kodinkoneet, sensorit ja monet muut älykkäät laitteet, mikä vaatii mobiiliverkoilta merkittävästi suurta kapasiteettia ja joustavuutta. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan kahden uuden aaltomuodon soveltuvuutta 5G aaltomuodoksi: ikkunoitu CP-OFDM ja nopeaan konvoluutioon perustuva suodatettu CP-OFDM. Referenssinä on käytetty LTE-tyylistä kanavasuodatettua CP-OFDM aaltomuotoa vertaillen alltomuotojen spektraalista tehokkuutta ja vuototehoa. Aaltomuotojen suorituskykyä vertaillaan lopuksi kokonaisen tietoliikennelinkin yli. Tulosten perusteella kanavan käyttötehokkuus kasvaa uusilla aaltomuodoilla niin laaja- kuin kapeakaistalähetyksissä, mahdollistaen suurempia tiedonsiirtonopeuksia samassa kanavassa. Parannusta on havaittavissa erityisesti kapeakaistaisten lähetysten vuototehossa. Tämä sallii taajudessa lähekkäin olevien eri alikantoaaltoväliä, eri mittaisia syklisiä etuliitteitä tai eri aikasynkronisuusvaatimuksia käyytävien signaalien lähettämisen samanaikaisesti, häiritsemättä merkittävästi muita lähetyksiä.The demands for modern wireless cellular networks are increasing constantly due to the introduction of new mobile devices and services. Additionally, mobile networks are being used as a primary Internet connection as the current wireless networks are able to achieve similar user experiences than with wired connections in most applications. Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced are current 4G technologies already allowing very high peak data rates. However, additional features are needed from network to satisfy traffic demands of the future and suitable technologies are in high interest in nowadays research. The fifth generation (5G) wireless system targets to increase data transmission rates further. In addition, it has been forecast that the traffic trends of the future becomes more delay-critical and small bursts communication has a bigger role. These type of services are e.g. Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications. These increases dramatically the number of devices connected to Internet, for example smart cars, domestic appliances, sensors and other smart devices, which will require significantly improved capacity and flexibility from the forthcoming mobile communication networks. In this thesis, two waveform candidates for 5G are evaluated and compared: Windowed CP-OFDM and Fast Convolution based Filtered CP-OFDM. LTE-like channel filtered CP-OFDM is used as a reference in spectral efficiency, power leakage and overall link performance comparisons of the waveforms. It will be shown that the spectral utilization is improved with proposed waveforms in broadband and narrowband transmissions, which allows higher data rates inside the same bandwidth. The most significant improvement is observed in narrowband power leakage evaluations. Reduced power leakage allows to transmit several narrowband signals with different subcarrier spacings, cyclic prefix lengths, or different timing accuracy with tight frequency spacing without significant interference levels

    Nopeaan konvolutioon perustuva suodatettu OFDM ja ikkunoitu OFDM aaltomuotojen suorituskykyvertailussa 5G fyysiselle kerrokselle

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    Nykyisten mobiiliverkkojen vaatimukset kasvavat jatkuvasti, mikä johtuu pitkälti uusien mobiililaitteiden ja -palveluiden suosion kasvusta. Lisäksi matkapuhelinverkkoja on alettu käyttämään pääasiallisena internetyhteytenä, sillä nykyteknologialla on mahdollista saavuttaa kiinteään laajakaistayhteyksiin verrattavia käyttäjäkokemuksia useimmissa sovelluksissa. Nykyiset Long Term Evolution (LTE) ja LTE-Advanced ovat neljännen sukupolven (4G) teknologioita, jotka tarjoavat jo hyvin suuria tiedonsiirtonopeuksia. Tulevaisuuden palvelut vaativat kuitenkin uusia ominaisuuksia verkolta ja tämän takia uusia teknlogioita tutkitaan jatkuvasti lisää. Viidennen sukupolven (5G) teknologia pyrkii kasvattamaan tiedonsiirtonopeuksia entisestään. Lisäksi on ennustettu, että tulevaisuuden teknologiat vaativat tukea myös pienille ja viivekriittisille lähetyksille, kuten Internet of Things (IoT) ja Machineto-Machine (M2M) -tyyppisille palveluille. Tämä tarkoittaa, että verkkoon yhdistettyjen laitteiden määrä tulee kasvamaan räjähdysmäisesti. Verkossa ovat jatkossa esimerkiksi älykkäät autot, kodinkoneet, sensorit ja monet muut älykkäät laitteet, mikä vaatii mobiiliverkoilta merkittävästi suurta kapasiteettia ja joustavuutta. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan kahden uuden aaltomuodon soveltuvuutta 5G aaltomuodoksi: ikkunoitu CP-OFDM ja nopeaan konvoluutioon perustuva suodatettu CP-OFDM. Referenssinä on käytetty LTE-tyylistä kanavasuodatettua CP-OFDM aaltomuotoa vertaillen alltomuotojen spektraalista tehokkuutta ja vuototehoa. Aaltomuotojen suorituskykyä vertaillaan lopuksi kokonaisen tietoliikennelinkin yli. Tulosten perusteella kanavan käyttötehokkuus kasvaa uusilla aaltomuodoilla niin laaja- kuin kapeakaistalähetyksissä, mahdollistaen suurempia tiedonsiirtonopeuksia samassa kanavassa. Parannusta on havaittavissa erityisesti kapeakaistaisten lähetysten vuototehossa. Tämä sallii taajudessa lähekkäin olevien eri alikantoaaltoväliä, eri mittaisia syklisiä etuliitteitä tai eri aikasynkronisuusvaatimuksia käyytävien signaalien lähettämisen samanaikaisesti, häiritsemättä merkittävästi muita lähetyksiä.The demands for modern wireless cellular networks are increasing constantly due to the introduction of new mobile devices and services. Additionally, mobile networks are being used as a primary Internet connection as the current wireless networks are able to achieve similar user experiences than with wired connections in most applications. Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced are current 4G technologies already allowing very high peak data rates. However, additional features are needed from network to satisfy traffic demands of the future and suitable technologies are in high interest in nowadays research. The fifth generation (5G) wireless system targets to increase data transmission rates further. In addition, it has been forecast that the traffic trends of the future becomes more delay-critical and small bursts communication has a bigger role. These type of services are e.g. Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications. These increases dramatically the number of devices connected to Internet, for example smart cars, domestic appliances, sensors and other smart devices, which will require significantly improved capacity and flexibility from the forthcoming mobile communication networks. In this thesis, two waveform candidates for 5G are evaluated and compared: Windowed CP-OFDM and Fast Convolution based Filtered CP-OFDM. LTE-like channel filtered CP-OFDM is used as a reference in spectral efficiency, power leakage and overall link performance comparisons of the waveforms. It will be shown that the spectral utilization is improved with proposed waveforms in broadband and narrowband transmissions, which allows higher data rates inside the same bandwidth. The most significant improvement is observed in narrowband power leakage evaluations. Reduced power leakage allows to transmit several narrowband signals with different subcarrier spacings, cyclic prefix lengths, or different timing accuracy with tight frequency spacing without significant interference levels