35 research outputs found

    The impact of green logistics service quality on logistics provider performance

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    Paper delivered at the 19th Logistics Research Network annual conference 2014, 3rd-5th September 2014, Huddersfield. Effective and efficient logistics services can enhance the firm’s competitive advantage. Therefore, logistics management can be considered as a key component of organisational effectiveness and success (Khan and Burnes, 2007). At the same time, environmental or green issues in logistics service offerings have attracted much managerial attention in the logistics industry for the future. One important objective is for logistics service providers (LSPs) to deliver their service offerings to customers in more environmentally friendly ways. The study is ongoing project and investigates variables and constructs of green service quality, logistics service quality and logistics performance index in Thailand. The purpose of this paper is to report on an ongoing study of the importance and relationship of green service quality (GSQ) competencies relative to logistics service quality (LSQ) competencies in the context of Thai LSPs

    Green logistics service quality and LSP performance

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    Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Logistics and Transport 2014 (ICLT 2014), "Innovation in Global Supply Chain Management", August 26-29, 2014, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia. Abstract: Effective and efficient logistics services can enhance the firm’s competitive advantage. Therefore, logistics management can be considered as a key component of organisational effectiveness and success (Khan and Burnes, 2007). At the same time, environmental or green issues in logistics service offerings have attracted much managerial attention in the logistics industry for the future. One important objective is for logistics service providers (LSPs) to deliver their service offerings to customers in more environmentally friendly ways. The study is ongoing project and investigates variables and constructs of green service quality, logistics service quality and logistics performance index in Thailand. The purpose of this paper is to report on an ongoing research study to understand the importance of green service quality (GSQ) and logistics service quality (LSQ) in the performance of logistics service providers (LSPs) in a Thai context

    The effect of green logistics service quality on Thai logistics service provider performance

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    Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: The emergence of environmental or green issues in global supply chains has made it an essential practice to measure the performance of organisations of not only from their financial and management perspectives but also their environmental performance, particularly logistics service providers (LSPs). There has been little work done linking the topics of green service quality (GSQ) and logistics service quality (LSQ), particularly in a developing economy such as Thailand. However, the Thai government has established a Thai logistics performance index (TLPI) for the logistics sector and is focussing more on environmental or green aspects related to transportation and logistics. Given this context, the purpose of this paper is to investigate issues pertaining to GSQ and LSQ, and their impact on the TLPI that will affect Thai LSPs. Research approach: The empirical research for this paper was based on an extensive literature review in three key areas: LSP performance, LSQ, and GSQ. For this study, GSQ has been defined from perceptual service quality or SERVPERF constructs as the environmental initiatives crucial to operational service quality, particularly in logistics service provision. The empirical study used a rigorous three-phase methodological framework originally developed for the marketing discipline for item and scale development, and which has been applied more recently to logistics research. An interview and a survey from the perceptions of LSPs and LSP customers were used as appropriate methods for this explanatory study and were discussed at the LRN in 2013 and 2014 (Chaisurayakarn et al. 2013; 2014). Findings and Originality: LSQ has a positive and significant effect on the TLPI, and that effect is more pronounced when GSQ measures are included. The findings also propose a final set of twenty-eight important GSQ and LSQ variables for LSP performance perceived by Thai LSPs and their customers and which are generally related to green safety, regulations and collaboration; time and services; order service quality; and order procedure competencies. Research impact: This paper provides a contribution to the GSQ, LSQ and LSP debate by extending service quality theory in the logistics services sector in the context of GSQ and integrating GSQ competencies into extant LSQ frameworks. A limitation is that this paper only reports preliminary findings of an ongoing study. Practical impact: A practical contribution for both LSPs and their customers is an understanding of how LSPs can focus on GSQ to perform better, which is important to customers, and hence better compete with rivals. Moreover, it explores that an area of the effects of green logistics service quality (GLSQ) on the LSP’s performance

    The impact of green logistics service quality on logistics provider performance

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    Paper delivered at the 19th Logistics Research Network annual conference 2014, 3rd-5th September 2014, Huddersfield. Effective and efficient logistics services can enhance the firm’s competitive advantage. Therefore, logistics management can be considered as a key component of organisational effectiveness and success (Khan and Burnes, 2007). At the same time, environmental or green issues in logistics service offerings have attracted much managerial attention in the logistics industry for the future. One important objective is for logistics service providers (LSPs) to deliver their service offerings to customers in more environmentally friendly ways. The study is ongoing project and investigates variables and constructs of green service quality, logistics service quality and logistics performance index in Thailand. The purpose of this paper is to report on an ongoing study of the importance and relationship of green service quality (GSQ) competencies relative to logistics service quality (LSQ) competencies in the context of Thai LSPs

    Two-class classification: comparative experiments for chronic kidney disease

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    Over two million of population across worldwide is currently depending on dialysis treatment or a kidney transplant to survive from kidney disease. Therefore, it is imperative for health agencies such as hospitals or insurance companies to predict the probabilities of patients who suffers from chronic case of kidney diseases, hence requiring medical attentions. This study performs a comparative experiment on prediction of chronic kidney disease via a classification methodology. Two supervised classification algorithms are used to build the classification model, which are Two-Class Decision Forest and Two-Class Neural Networks. Experimental results showed that Neural Network performed better based on all features but Decision Forest produced optimal performance with high accuracy, and precision as compared to Neural Networks and other algorithms from the literature such as K-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine, and Rule Induction

    Green logistics service quality and LSP performance

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    Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Logistics and Transport 2014 (ICLT 2014), "Innovation in Global Supply Chain Management", August 26-29, 2014, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia. Abstract: Effective and efficient logistics services can enhance the firm’s competitive advantage. Therefore, logistics management can be considered as a key component of organisational effectiveness and success (Khan and Burnes, 2007). At the same time, environmental or green issues in logistics service offerings have attracted much managerial attention in the logistics industry for the future. One important objective is for logistics service providers (LSPs) to deliver their service offerings to customers in more environmentally friendly ways. The study is ongoing project and investigates variables and constructs of green service quality, logistics service quality and logistics performance index in Thailand. The purpose of this paper is to report on an ongoing research study to understand the importance of green service quality (GSQ) and logistics service quality (LSQ) in the performance of logistics service providers (LSPs) in a Thai context


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    Abstract — In the era of globalization, competition among logistical transport companies is tight and each company is required to have the right strategy to survive. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important factors in the success of a logistics company, but in the process of forming customer satisfaction, the logistics company must have a strong strategy by implementing aspects of service quality. This study aims to provide an overview of how logistics transportation companies maximize service for customers by linking corporate strategy with service quality aspects. This research uses a qualitative exploration approach with semi-structural interview methods, observation, and document analysis. The results showed that PT. Berkat Aci Mulia formed its strategy by considering the evaluation and expectations of its customers which could then be related to four aspects of service quality namely; tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy. Good quality service-based and provided to customers can make PT. Berkat Aci Mulia maintains business amid intense competition with its competitors Keywords: service orientation, service quality, customer satisfaction   Abstrak — Di era globalisasi, persaingan antar perusahaan transporatasi logistik semakit ketat dan setiap perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat memiliki strategi yang tepat agar dapat bertahan. Kepuasan pelanggan adalah salah satu faktor terpenting dalam keberhasilan perusahaan logistik, tetapi dalam proses pembentukan kepuasan pelanggan, perusahaan logistik harus memiliki strategi yang kuat dengan menerapkan aspek kualitas layanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana perusahaan transportasi logistik dalam memaksimalkan layanan bagi para customer dengan menghubungkan strategi perusahaan dengan aspek service quality. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan eksplorasi kualitatif dengan metode wawancara semi struktural, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PT. Berkat Aci Mulia membentuk strateginya dengan mempertimbangkan evaluasi dan ekspetasi dari para pelanggan yang kemudian dapat dikaitkan dengan empat aspek service quality yaitu; tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy. Kualitas layanan yang baik yang berbasis dan diberikan pada pelanggan dapat membuat PT. Berkat Aci Mulia mempertahankan bisnis di tengah persaingan yang ketat dengan para pesaingnya. Kata kunci: orientasi layanan, kualitas layanan, kepuasan pelangga


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    Abstract — In the era of globalization, competition among logistical transport companies is tight and each company is required to have the right strategy to survive. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important factors in the success of a logistics company, but in the process of forming customer satisfaction, the logistics company must have a strong strategy by implementing aspects of service quality. This study aims to provide an overview of how logistics transportation companies maximize service for customers by linking corporate strategy with service quality aspects. This research uses a qualitative exploration approach with semi-structural interview methods, observation, and document analysis. The results showed that PT. Berkat Aci Mulia formed its strategy by considering the evaluation and expectations of its customers which could then be related to four aspects of service quality namely; tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy. Good quality service-based and provided to customers can make PT. Berkat Aci Mulia maintains business amid intense competition with its competitors Keywords: service orientation, service quality, customer satisfaction   Abstrak — Di era globalisasi, persaingan antar perusahaan transporatasi logistik semakit ketat dan setiap perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat memiliki strategi yang tepat agar dapat bertahan. Kepuasan pelanggan adalah salah satu faktor terpenting dalam keberhasilan perusahaan logistik, tetapi dalam proses pembentukan kepuasan pelanggan, perusahaan logistik harus memiliki strategi yang kuat dengan menerapkan aspek kualitas layanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana perusahaan transportasi logistik dalam memaksimalkan layanan bagi para customer dengan menghubungkan strategi perusahaan dengan aspek service quality. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan eksplorasi kualitatif dengan metode wawancara semi struktural, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PT. Berkat Aci Mulia membentuk strateginya dengan mempertimbangkan evaluasi dan ekspetasi dari para pelanggan yang kemudian dapat dikaitkan dengan empat aspek service quality yaitu; tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy. Kualitas layanan yang baik yang berbasis dan diberikan pada pelanggan dapat membuat PT. Berkat Aci Mulia mempertahankan bisnis di tengah persaingan yang ketat dengan para pesaingnya. Kata kunci: orientasi layanan, kualitas layanan, kepuasan pelangga

    Managing Logistics Activities for Improving Business Performance

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    This paper examines the relationships between three logistics activities: customer service, warehouse management, and distribution activity on business performance. The research adopts a quantitative research approach. A survey was utilized to assess managing logistics activities and business performance and evaluate the created research hypotheses. The author tests the hypotheses with a sample in Nawras Company in Erbil with SmartPLS version 4.0 to evaluate and process the data. The results show that the three logistics activities positively related to business performance. The research guides logistics managers in understanding how logistics activities enhance business performance. This research is one of the scholarly works to uncover the logistics activities performed by the company rather than outsourcing logistics activities for enhancing business performance in the Kurdistan region of Iraq