28 research outputs found

    Theory and Applications of Outsider Anonymity in Broadcast Encryption

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    Broadcast Encryption (BE) allows efficient one-to-many secret communication of data over a broadcast channel. In the standard setting of BE, information about receivers is transmitted in the clear together with ciphertexts. This could be a serious violation of recipient privacy since the identities of the users authorized to access the secret content in certain broadcast scenarios are as sensitive as the content itself. Anonymous Broadcast Encryption (AnoBe) prevents this leakage of recipient identities from ciphertexts but at a cost of a linear lower bound (in the number of receivers) on the length of ciphertexts. A linear ciphertext length is a highly undesirable bottleneck in any large-scale broadcast application. In this thesis, we propose a less stringent yet very meaningful notion of anonymity for anonymous broadcast encryption called Outsider-Anonymous Broadcast Encryption (oABE) that allows the creation of ciphertexts that are sublinear in the number of receivers. We construct several oABE schemes with varying security guarantees and levels of efficiency. We also present two very interesting cryptographic applications afforded by the efficiency of our oABE schemes. The first is Broadcast Steganography (BS), the extension of the state of the art setting of point-to-point steganography to the multi-recipient setting. The second is Oblivious Group Storage (OGS), the introduction of fine-grained data access control policies to the setting of multi-client oblivious cloud storage protocols

    Outsider-Anonymous Broadcast Encryption with Keyword Search: Generic Construction, CCA Security, and with Sublinear Ciphertexts

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    As a multi-receiver variants of public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS), broadcast encryption with keyword search (BEKS) has been proposed (Attrapadung et al. at ASIACRYPT 2006/Chatterjee-Mukherjee at INDOCRYPT 2018). Unlike broadcast encryption, no receiver anonymity is considered because the test algorithm takes a set of receivers as input and thus a set of receivers needs to be contained in a ciphertext. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of BEKS from anonymous and weakly robust 3-level hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE). The proposed generic construction provides outsider anonymity, where an adversary is allowed to obtain secret keys of outsiders who do not belong to the challenge sets, and provides sublinear-size ciphertext in terms of the number of receivers. Moreover, the proposed construction considers security against chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA) where an adversary is allowed to access a test oracle in the searchable encryption context. The proposed generic construction can be seen as an extension to the Fazio-Perera generic construction of anonymous broadcast encryption (PKC 2012) from anonymous and weakly robust identity-based encryption (IBE) and the Boneh et al. generic construction of PEKS (EUROCRYPT 2004) from anonymous IBE. We run the Fazio-Perera construction employs on the first-level identity and run the Boneh et al. generic construction on the second-level identity, i.e., a keyword is regarded as a second-level identity. The third-level identity is used for providing CCA security by employing one-time signatures. We also introduce weak robustness in the HIBE setting, and demonstrate that the Abdalla et al. generic transformation (TCC 2010/JoC 2018) for providing weak robustness to IBE works for HIBE with an appropriate parameter setting. We also explicitly introduce attractive concrete instantiations of the proposed generic construction from pairings and lattices, respectively

    An Attribute-Based Anonymous Broadcast Encryption Scheme with Adaptive Security in the Standard Model

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    In broadcast encryption schemes, a distribution center broadcasts an encrypted message to a subset S S chosen from a universe of receivers and only the intended users are able to decrypt the message. Most broadcast encryption schemes do not provide anonymity and the identities of target receivers are sent in plaintext. However, in several applications, the authorized users\u27 identities has the same sensitivity as the message itself. YRL, is an anonymous attribute-based broadcast encryption scheme with linear computation, communication and storage overheads in the number of attributes. In this paper, we first propose an attack on the YRL scheme and show that unfortunately the unauthorized receivers can also decrypt the broadcasted message. Next, we propose the Improved-YRL scheme and prove that it achieves anonymity and semantic security under adaptive corruptions in the chosen ciphertext setting. The proof is provided using the dual system encryption technique and is based on three complexity assumptions in composite order bilinear maps. The Improved-YRL scheme is a step forward in solving the long-standing problem of secure and low overhead anonymous broadcast encryption

    Collusion-resistant broadcast encryption based on hidden RSA subgroups

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    Public key broadcast encryption enables computations of ciphertexts, in which a single ciphertext is encrypted with regard to a set of recipients, and only the intended recipients can decrypt that ciphertext independently of each other and without interactions. A significant shortcoming of existing broadcast encryption schemes are long decryption keys comprising the public keys of pertaining recipients. Decryption therefore necessitates access to public keys, which requires key management and impacts computational and transmission overhead, accessibility, and storage. Moreover, a user description list referencing the pertaining recipients and their public keys must be appended to each ciphertext, which leads to the privacy implication of disclosing user/content-relations. Predominantly all broadcast encryption schemes are based on bilinear pairings. In this paper, we propose a collusion-resistant broadcast encryption scheme that is the first broadcast encryption scheme based on the factorization problem and hidden RSA subgroups. A novel feature is that the decryption key consists of a single element only, which leads to significantly reduced key management, improved computational efficiency, and elimination of the mentioned privacy issue

    Contributions to Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption and Its Anonymity

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    Broadcast encryption was introduced to improve the efficiency of encryption when a message should be sent to or shared with a group of users. Only the legitimate users chosen in the encryption phase are able to retrieve the message. The primary challenge in construction a broadcast encryption scheme is to achieve collusion resistance such that the unchosen users learn nothing about the content of the encrypted message even they collude

    Generic Construction of Broadcast Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search

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    As a multi-receiver variant of public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS), broadcast authenticated encryption with keyword search (BAEKS) was proposed by Liu et al. (ACISP 2021). BAEKS focuses on receiver anonymity, where no information about the receiver is leaked from ciphertexts, which is reminiscent of the anonymous broadcast encryption. Here, there are rooms for improving their security definitions, e.g., two challenge sets of receivers are selected before the setup phase, and an adversary is not allowed to corrupt any receiver. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of BAEKS derived from PAEKS that provides ciphertext anonymity and consistency in a multi-receiver setting. The proposed construction is an extension of the generic construction proposed by Libert et al. (PKC 2012) for the anonymous broadcast encryption and provides adaptive corruptions. We also demonstrate that the Qin et al. PAEKS scheme (ProvSec 2021) provides ciphertext anonymity and consistency in a multi-receiver setting and can be employed as a building block of the proposed generic construction. Moreover, we demonstrate that the Mukherjee BAEKS scheme (ACISP 2023) can be employed as a building block of the proposed generic construction

    A Concise Bounded Anonymous Broadcast Yielding Combinatorial Trace-and-Revoke Schemes

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    Broadcast Encryption is a fundamental primitive supporting sending a secure message to any chosen target set of NN users. While many efficient constructions are known, understanding the efficiency possible for an ``Anonymous Broadcast Encryption\u27\u27 (ANOBE), i.e., one which can hide the target set itself, is quite open. The best solutions by Barth, Boneh, and Waters (\u2706) and Libert, Paterson, and Quaglia (\u2712) are built on public key encryption (PKE) and their ciphertext sizes are, in fact, NN times that of the underlying PKE (rate=NN). Kiayias and Samary (\u2712), in turn, showed a lower bound showing that such rate is the best possible if NN is an independent unbounded parameter. However, when considering certain user set size bounded by a system parameter (e.g., the security parameter), the problem remains interesting. We consider the problem of comparing ANOBE with PKE under the same assumption. We call such schemes Anonymous Broadcast Encryption for Bounded Universe -- AnoBEB. We first present an AnoBEB construction for up to kk users from LWE assumption, where kk is bounded by the scheme security parameter. The scheme does not grow with the parameter and beat the PKE method. Actually, our scheme is as efficient as the underlying LWE public-key encryption; namely, the rate is, in fact, 11 and thus optimal. The scheme is achieved easily by an observation about an earlier scheme with a different purpose. More interestingly, we move on to employ the new AnoBEB in other multimedia broadcasting methods and, as a second contribution, we introduce a new approach to construct an efficient ``Trace and Revoke scheme\u27\u27 which combines the functionalites of revocation and of tracing people (called traitors) who in a broadcasting schemes share their keys with the adversary which, in turn, generates a pirate receiver. Note that, as was put forth by Kiayias and Yung (EUROCRYPT \u2702), combinatorial traitor tracing schemes can be constructed by combining a system for small universe, integrated via an outer traceability codes (collusion-secure code or identifying parent property (IPP) code). There were many efficient traitor tracing schemes from traceability codes, but no known scheme supports revocation as well. Our new approach integrates our AnoBEB system with a Robust IPP code, introduced by Barg and Kabatiansky (IEEE IT \u2713). This shows an interesting use for robust IPP in cryptography. The robust IPP codes were only implicitly shown by an existence proof. In order to make our technique concrete, we propose two explicit instantiations of robust IPP codes. Our final construction gives the most efficient trace and revoke scheme in the bounded collusion model

    Anonymous Broadcast Authentication with Logarithmic-order Ciphertexts from DLP or LWE

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    Herein, we propose an anonymous broadcast authentication (ABA) scheme to simultaneously control 10910^9 devices practically. We find a barrier to construct an ABA working with a larger number of devices.In a nutshell, there is a trilemma between (i) security, (ii) ciphertext length, and (iii) freedom in the target devices selection. For practical use, we propose ABAs with a ciphertext size of O(logN)O(\log N) where NN is the number of target devices while we impose a certain restriction on (iii). We provide an ABA template and instantiate it into specific schemes from the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) or the learning with errors (LWE) problem

    Optimization techniques and new methods for boradcast encryption and traitor tracing schemes

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical refences.In the last few decades, the use of digital content increased dramatically. Many forms of digital products in the form of CDs, DVDs, TV broadcasts, data over the Internet, entered our life. Classical cryptography, where encryption is done for only one recipient, was not able to handle this change, since its direct use leads to intolerably expensive transmissions. Moreover, new concerns regarding the commercial aspect arised. Since digital commercial contents are sold to various customers, unauthorized copying by malicious actors became a major concern and it needed to be prevented carefully. Therefore, a new research area called digital rights management (DRM) has emerged. Within the scope of DRM, new cryptographic primitives are proposed. In this thesis, we consider three of these: broadcast encryption (BE), traitor tracing (TT), and trace and revoke (T&R) schemes and propose methods to improve the performances and capabilities of these primitives. Particularly, we first consider profiling the recipient set in order to improve transmission size in the most popular BE schemes. We then investigate and solve the optimal free rider assignment problem for one of the most efficient BE schemes so far. Next, we attempt to close the non-trivial gap between BE and T&R schemes by proposing a generic method for adding traitor tracing capability to BE schemes and thus obtaining a T&R scheme. Finally, we investigate an overlooked problem: privacy of the recipient set in T&R schemes. Right now, most schemes do not keep the recipient set anonymous, and everybody can see who received a particular content. As a generic solution to this problem, we propose a method for obtaining anonymous T&R scheme by using anonymous BE schemes as a primitive.Ak, MuratPh.D