10 research outputs found

    Robust H∞ filtering for markovian jump systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities and sensor saturation: The finite-horizon case

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    This article is posted with the permission of IEEE - Copyright @ 2011 IEEEThis paper addresses the robust H∞ filtering problem for a class of discrete time-varying Markovian jump systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities and sensor saturation. Two kinds of transition probability matrices for the Markovian process are considered, namely, the one with polytopic uncertainties and the one with partially unknown entries. The nonlinear disturbances are assumed to occur randomly according to stochastic variables satisfying the Bernoulli distributions. The main purpose of this paper is to design a robust filter, over a given finite-horizon, such that the H∞ disturbance attenuation level is guaranteed for the time-varying Markovian jump systems in the presence of both the randomly occurring nonlinearities and the sensor saturation. Sufficient conditions are established for the existence of the desired filter satisfying the H∞ performance constraint in terms of a set of recursive linear matrix inequalities. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed filter design scheme.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61028008, 60825303, and 61004067, National 973 Project under Grant 2009CB320600, the Key Laboratory of Integrated Automation for the Process Industry (Northeastern University) from the Ministry of Education of China, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the U.K., under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Non-fragile H∞ control with randomly occurring gain variations, distributed delays and channel fadings

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    This study is concerned with the non-fragile H∞ control problem for a class of discrete-time systems subject to randomly occurring gain variations (ROGVs), channel fadings and infinite-distributed delays. A new stochastic phenomenon (ROGVs), which is governed by a sequence of random variables with a certain probabilistic distribution, is put forward to better reflect the reality of the randomly occurring fluctuation of controller gains implemented in networked environments. A modified stochastic Rice fading model is then exploited to account for both channel fadings and random time-delays in a unified representation. The channel coefficients are a set of mutually independent random variables which abide by any (not necessarily Gaussian) probability density function on [0, 1]. Attention is focused on the analysis and design of a non-fragile H∞ outputfeedback controller such that the closed-loop control system is stochastically stable with a prescribed H∞ performance. Through intensive stochastic analysis, sufficient conditions are established for the desired stochastic stability and H∞ disturbance attenuation, and the addressed non-fragile control problem is then recast as a convex optimisation problem solvable via the semidefinite programme method. An example is finally provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method

    Fault Detection for Quantized Networked Control Systems

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    The fault detection problem in the finite frequency domain for networked control systems with signal quantization is considered. With the logarithmic quantizer consideration, a quantized fault detection observer is designed by employing a performance index which is used to increase the fault sensitivity in finite frequency domain. The quantized measurement signals are dealt with by utilizing the sector bound method, in which the quantization error is treated as sector-bounded uncertainty. By using the Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov (GKYP) Lemma, an iterative LMI-based optimization algorithm is developed for designing the quantized fault detection observer. And a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Stochastic H ∞ Finite-Time Control of Discrete-Time Systems with Packet Loss

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    This paper investigates the stochastic finite-time stabilization and H ∞ control problem for one family of linear discrete-time systems over networks with packet loss, parametric uncertainties, and time-varying norm-bounded disturbance. Firstly, the dynamic model description studied is given, which, if the packet dropout is assumed to be a discrete-time homogenous Markov process, the class of discrete-time linear systems with packet loss can be regarded as Markovian jump systems. Based on Lyapunov function approach, sufficient conditions are established for the resulting closed-loop discrete-time system with Markovian jumps to be stochastic H ∞ finite-time boundedness and then state feedback controllers are designed to guarantee stochastic H ∞ finitetime stabilization of the class of stochastic systems. The stochastic H ∞ finite-time boundedness criteria can be tackled in the form of linear matrix inequalities with a fixed parameter. As an auxiliary result, we also give sufficient conditions on the robust stochastic stabilization of the class of linear systems with packet loss. Finally, simulation examples are presented to illustrate the validity of the developed scheme

    Stochastic ℋ

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    This paper investigates the stochastic finite-time stabilization and ℋ∞ control problem for one family of linear discrete-time systems over networks with packet loss, parametric uncertainties, and time-varying norm-bounded disturbance. Firstly, the dynamic model description studied is given, which, if the packet dropout is assumed to be a discrete-time homogenous Markov process, the class of discrete-time linear systems with packet loss can be regarded as Markovian jump systems. Based on Lyapunov function approach, sufficient conditions are established for the resulting closed-loop discrete-time system with Markovian jumps to be stochastic ℋ∞ finite-time boundedness and then state feedback controllers are designed to guarantee stochastic ℋ∞ finite-time stabilization of the class of stochastic systems. The stochastic ℋ∞ finite-time boundedness criteria can be tackled in the form of linear matrix inequalities with a fixed parameter. As an auxiliary result, we also give sufficient conditions on the robust stochastic stabilization of the class of linear systems with packet loss. Finally, simulation examples are presented to illustrate the validity of the developed scheme

    Active-Varying Sampling-Based Fault Detection Filter Design for Networked Control Systems

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    This paper is concerned with fault detection filter design for continuous-time networked control systems considering packet dropouts and network-induced delays. The active-varying sampling period method is introduced to establish a new discretized model for the considered networked control systems. The mutually exclusive distribution characteristic of packet dropouts and network-induced delays is made full use of to derive less conservative fault detection filter design criteria. Compared with the fault detection filter design adopting a constant sampling period, the proposed active-varying sampling-based fault detection filter design can improve the sensitivity of the residual signal to faults and shorten the needed time for fault detection. The simulation results illustrate the merits and effectiveness of the proposed fault detection filter design

    Output-feedback control design for NCSs subject to quantization and dropout

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    In this paper, the output-feedback control problem is considered for networked systems involving in signal quantization and data packet dropout. The states of the controlled system are unavailable and the output signals are quantized before being communicated. An estimation method is introduced to cope with the effect of random packet loss that is modelled as a Bernoulli process. The quantized measurement signals are dealt with by utilizing the sector bound method, in which the quantization error is treated as sector-bounded uncertainty. The output-feedback controller is designed which guarantees the closed-loop system is exponentially mean-square stable. The simulation example is given to illustrate the proposed method

    Output-feedback control design for NCSs subject to quantization and dropout

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    In this paper, the output-feedback control problem is considered for networked systems involving in signal quantization and data packet dropout. The states of the controlled system are unavailable and the output signals are quantized before being communicated. An estimation method is introduced to cope with the effect of random packet loss that is modelled as a Bernoulli process. The quantized measurement signals are dealt with by utilizing the sector bound method, in which the quantization error is treated as sector-bounded uncertainty. The output-feedback controller is designed which guarantees the closed-loop system is exponentially mean-square stable. The simulation example is given to illustrate the proposed method

    Controladores digitales basados en predictor para sistemas con retardos variables en el tiempo

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    Los sistemas con retardos temporales aparecen frecuentemente en aplicaciones prácticas de control de procesos. Éstos deben ser considerados en el análisis y diseño de los controladores, ya que de no ser tenidos en cuenta, la respuesta del sistema puede llegar a degradarse o volverse inestable, especialmente si el sistema a controlar es inestable. Se pueden encontrar numerosas aportaciones en la literatura dentro de este campo, tanto para sistemas continuos como discretos, que se pueden clasificar bajo dos tendencias: reutilización de los esquemas clásicos de control y diseño de esquemas de control específicos para sistemas con retardos. Este último se conoce en la literatura como Compensadores de Tiempo Muerto (DTC), y cabe distinguir al respecto el Predictor de Smith (SP), y la técnica de Asignación Finita del Espectro (FSA). La principal característica de éstas, es que en ausencia de incertidumbres, el retardo es eliminado de la ecuación característica del sistema en bucle cerrado. En la presente tesis, se aportarán nuevas contribuciones en el análisis y diseño de controladores para procesos discretos con retardos variables en la entrada y la salida. Concretamente, la idea es aplicar un esquema de control basado en la realimentación de la predicción futura del estado (implementación discreta del esquema de control FSA), denominado predictor, a partir del modelo discreto del proceso, y comparar las prestaciones obtenidas con respecto a otros esquemas de control propuestos en la literatura. El éxito del controlador basado en predictor ha sido constatado previamente sobre sistemas con retardos fijos, pero no hay estudios concluyentes ante retardos variables. Aspectos tales como la estabilidad y la robustez frente a incertidumbres en el modelo y en el retardo serán objeto de estudio. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos se han implementado sobre una plataforma experimental, donde se verifica la mejora introducida por el uso de este tipo de esquema de control.González Sorribes, A. (2012). Controladores digitales basados en predictor para sistemas con retardos variables en el tiempo [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14859Palanci