662 research outputs found

    Output Feedback Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulators Using Observer Backstepping

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    In this paper we present an observer-based adaptive control scheme for robot manipulators, for which we have both unmeasured velocity and uncertain parameters. Using the observer back-stepping method, a reduced-order adaptive velocity observer can be designed independently from the state-feedback controller, which uses damping terms to compensate the presence of the estimation error in the tracking error dynamics. The resulting closed-loop system is semiglobally asymptot-ically stable with respect to the estimation error and tracking errors. Furthermore a simulated example shows the performance of the control scheme applied to a two-link manipulator

    Control of flexible joint robotic manipulator using tuning functions design

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    The goal of this thesis is to design the controller for a single arm manipulator having a flexible joint for the tracking problem in two different cases. A controller is designed for a deterministic case wherein the plant parameters are assumed to be known while another is designed for an adaptive case where all the plant parameters are assumed to be unknown. In general the tracking problem is; given a smooth reference trajectory, the end effector has to track the reference while maintaining the stability. It is assumed that only the output of the manipulator, which is the link angle, is available for measurement. Also without loss of generality, the fast dynamics, that is the dynamics of the driver side of the system are neglected for the sake of simplicity; In the first case, the design procedure adopted is called observer backstepping. Since the states of the system are unavailable for measurement, an observer is designed that estimates the system states. These estimates are fed to the controller which in turn produces the control input to the system; The second case employs a design procedure called tuning functions design. In this case, since the plant parameters are unknown, the observer designed in case one cannot be used for determining the state estimates. For this purpose, parameter update laws and filters are designed for estimation of plant parameters. The filters employed are k-filters. The k-filters and the parameter update laws are given as input to the controller, which generates the control input to the system; For both cases, the mathematical models are simulated using Matlab/Simulink, and the results are verified

    Observer-Based Adaptive Control

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    The work present in this master thesis relates to output feedback adaptive control and observer design of nonlinear systems, and in particular of robot manipulators. A continuous-time velocity observer and a discrete-time adaptive velocity observer for robots are shown, and an observer backstepping controller is also proposed, which can be used together with both the observers. The resulting closed-loop system is proven to be semiglobally asymptotically stable with respect to both the velocity observation error and the tracking error, and stable with respect to the parameter estimation error. Furthermore an on-line parameter estimation method for a class of nonlinear system is presented, which can be easily extended for the robot equation. Unfortunately the way to use it in combination with the previous observer-controller has not been found and it has not been used in the experiments. In the Appendix A some technical details about the al-gorithm implementation are included, and in the Appendix B a paper already submitted to the 2002 Conference in Decision and Control is included, in which the adaptive output-feedback control scheme is extended for ship control. All the work has been conducted in the Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University

    Nonlinear control for Two-Link flexible manipulator

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    Recently the use of robot manipulators has been increasing in many applications such as medical applications, automobile, construction, manufacturing, military, space, etc. However, current rigid manipulators have high inertia and use actuators with large energy consumption. Moreover, rigid manipulators are slow and have low payload-to arm-mass ratios because link deformation is not allowed. The main advantages of flexible manipulators over rigid manipulators are light in weight, higher speed of operation, larger workspace, smaller actuator, lower energy consumption and lower cost. However, there is no adequate closed-form solutions exist for flexible manipulators. This is mainly because flexible dynamics are modeled with partial differential equations, which give rise to infinite dimensional dynamical systems that are, in general, not possible to represent exactly or efficiently on a computer which makes modeling a challenging task. In addition, if flexibility nature wasn\u27t considered, there will be calculation errors in the calculated torque requirement for the motors and in the calculated position of the end-effecter. As for the control task, it is considered as a complex task since flexible manipulators are non-minimum phase system, under-actuated system and Multi-Input/Multi-Output (MIMO) nonlinear system. This thesis focuses on the development of dynamic formulation model and three control techniques aiming to achieve accurate position control and improving dynamic stability for Two-Link Flexible Manipulators (TLFMs). LQR controller is designed based on the linearized model of the TLFM; however, it is applied on both linearized and nonlinear models. In addition to LQR, Backstepping and Sliding mode controllers are designed as nonlinear control approaches and applied on both the nonlinear model of the TLFM and the physical system. The three developed control techniques are tested through simulation based on the developed dynamic formulation model using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Stability and performance analysis were conducted and tuned to obtain the best results. Then, the performance and stability results obtained through simulation are compared. Finally, the developed control techniques were implemented and analyzed on the 2-DOF Serial Flexible Link Robot experimental system from Quanser and the results are illustrated and compared with that obtained through simulation

    On Observer-Based Control of Nonlinear Systems

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    Filtering and reconstruction of signals play a fundamental role in modern signal processing, telecommunications, and control theory and are used in numerous applications. The feedback principle is an important concept in control theory. Many different control strategies are based on the assumption that all internal states of the control object are available for feedback. In most cases, however, only a few of the states or some functions of the states can be measured. This circumstance raises the need for techniques, which makes it possible not only to estimate states, but also to derive control laws that guarantee stability when using the estimated states instead of the true ones. For linear systems, the separation principle assures stability for the use of converging state estimates in a stabilizing state feedback control law. In general, however, the combination of separately designed state observers and state feedback controllers does not preserve performance, robustness, or even stability of each of the separate designs. In this thesis, the problems of observer design and observer-based control for nonlinear systems are addressed. The deterministic continuous-time systems have been in focus. Stability analysis related to the Positive Real Lemma with relevance for output feedback control is presented. Separation results for a class of nonholonomic nonlinear systems, where the combination of independently designed observers and state-feedback controllers assures stability in the output tracking problem are shown. In addition, a generalization to the observer-backstepping method where the controller is designed with respect to estimated states, taking into account the effects of the estimation errors, is presented. Velocity observers with application to ship dynamics and mechanical manipulators are also presented

    Nonlinear Discrete Observer for Flexibility Compensation of Industrial Robots

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    This paper demonstrates the solutions of digital observer implementation for industrial applications. A nonlinear high-gain discrete observer is proposed to compensate the tracking error due to the flexibility of robot manipulators. The proposed discrete observer is obtained by using Euler approximate discretization of the continuous observer. A series of experimental validations have been carried out on a 6 DOF industrial manipulator during a Friction Stir Welding process. The results showed good performance of discrete observer and the observer based compensation has succeed to correct the positioning error in real-time implementation.ANR COROUSS

    Neural Adaptive Backstepping Control of a Robotic Manipulator With Prescribed Performance Constraint

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    IEEE This paper presents an adaptive neural network (NN) control of a two-degree-of-freedom manipulator driven by an electrohydraulic actuator. To restrict the system output in a prescribed performance constraint, a weighted performance function is designed to guarantee the dynamic and steady tracking errors of joint angle in a required accuracy. Then, a radial-basis-function NN is constructed to train the unknown model dynamics of a manipulator by traditional backstepping control (TBC) and obtain the preliminary estimated model, which can replace the preknown dynamics in the backstepping iteration. Furthermore, an adaptive estimation law is adopted to self-tune every trained-node weight, and the estimated model is online optimized to enhance the robustness of the NN controller. The effectiveness of the proposed control is verified by comparative simulation and experimental results with Proportional-integral-derivative and TBC methods

    Comprehensive review on controller for leader-follower robotic system

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    985-1007This paper presents a comprehensive review of the leader-follower robotics system. The aim of this paper is to find and elaborate on the current trends in the swarm robotic system, leader-follower, and multi-agent system. Another part of this review will focus on finding the trend of controller utilized by previous researchers in the leader-follower system. The controller that is commonly applied by the researchers is mostly adaptive and non-linear controllers. The paper also explores the subject of study or system used during the research which normally employs multi-robot, multi-agent, space flying, reconfigurable system, multi-legs system or unmanned system. Another aspect of this paper concentrates on the topology employed by the researchers when they conducted simulation or experimental studies