59 research outputs found

    Happy endings for flip graphs

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    We show that the triangulations of a finite point set form a flip graph that can be embedded isometrically into a hypercube, if and only if the point set has no empty convex pentagon. Point sets of this type include convex subsets of lattices, points on two lines, and several other infinite families. As a consequence, flip distance in such point sets can be computed efficiently.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures. Revised and expanded for journal publicatio

    Peeling and Nibbling the Cactus: Subexponential-Time Algorithms for Counting Triangulations and Related Problems

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    Given a set of n points S in the plane, a triangulation T of S is a maximal set of non-crossing segments with endpoints in S. We present an algorithm that computes the number of triangulations on a given set of n points in time n^{ (11+ o(1)) sqrt{n} }, significantly improving the previous best running time of O(2^n n^2) by Alvarez and Seidel [SoCG 2013]. Our main tool is identifying separators of size O(sqrt{n}) of a triangulation in a canonical way. The definition of the separators are based on the decomposition of the triangulation into nested layers ("cactus graphs"). Based on the above algorithm, we develop a simple and formal framework to count other non-crossing straight-line graphs in n^{O(sqrt{n})} time. We demonstrate the usefulness of the framework by applying it to counting non-crossing Hamilton cycles, spanning trees, perfect matchings, 3-colorable triangulations, connected graphs, cycle decompositions, quadrangulations, 3-regular graphs, and more

    Reconstructing Geometric Structures from Combinatorial and Metric Information

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    In this dissertation, we address three reconstruction problems. First, we address the problem of reconstructing a Delaunay triangulation from a maximal planar graph. A maximal planar graph G is Delaunay realizable if there exists a realization of G as a Delaunay triangulation on the plane. Several classes of graphs with particular graph-theoretic properties are known to be Delaunay realizable. One such class of graphs is outerplanar graph. In this dissertation, we present a new proof that an outerplanar graph is Delaunay realizable. Given a convex polyhedron P and a point s on the surface (the source), the ridge tree or cut locus is a collection of points with multiple shortest paths from s on the surface of P. If we compute the shortest paths from s to all polyhedral vertices of P and cut the surface along these paths, we obtain a planar polygon called the shortest path star (sp-star) unfolding. It is known that for any convex polyhedron and a source point, the ridge tree is contained in the sp-star unfolding polygon [8]. Given a combinatorial structure of a ridge tree, we show how to construct the ridge tree and the sp-star unfolding in which it lies. In this process, we address several problems concerning the existence of sp-star unfoldings on specified source point sets. Finally, we introduce and study a new variant of the sp-star unfolding called (geodesic) star unfolding. In this unfolding, we cut the surface of the convex polyhedron along a set of non-crossing geodesics (not-necessarily the shortest). We study its properties and address its realization problem. Finally, we consider the following problem: given a geodesic star unfolding of some convex polyhedron and a source point, how can we derive the sp-star unfolding of the same polyhedron and the source point? We introduce a new algorithmic operation and perform experiments using that operation on a large number of geodesic star unfolding polygons. Experimental data provides strong evidence that the successive applications of this operation on geodesic star unfoldings will lead us to the sp-star unfolding

    Peeling and nibbling the cactus: Subexponential-time algorithms for counting triangulations and related problems

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    Given a set of nn points SS in the plane, a triangulation TT of SS is a maximal set of non-crossing segments with endpoints in SS. We present an algorithm that computes the number of triangulations on a given set of nn points in time n(11+o(1))nn^{(11+ o(1))\sqrt{n} }, significantly improving the previous best running time of O(2nn2)O(2^n n^2) by Alvarez and Seidel [SoCG 2013]. Our main tool is identifying separators of size O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) of a triangulation in a canonical way. The definition of the separators are based on the decomposition of the triangulation into nested layers ("cactus graphs"). Based on the above algorithm, we develop a simple and formal framework to count other non-crossing straight-line graphs in nO(n)n^{O(\sqrt{n})} time. We demonstrate the usefulness of the framework by applying it to counting non-crossing Hamilton cycles, spanning trees, perfect matchings, 33-colorable triangulations, connected graphs, cycle decompositions, quadrangulations, 33-regular graphs, and more.Comment: 47 pages, 23 Figures, to appear in SoCG 201

    A Finite Algorithm for the Realizabilty of a Delaunay Triangulation

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    A Finite Algorithm for the Realizabilty of a Delaunay Triangulation

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    The \emph{Delaunay graph} of a point set P⊆R2P \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2 is the plane graph with the vertex-set PP and the edge-set that contains {p,p′}\{p,p'\} if there exists a disc whose intersection with PP is exactly {p,p′}\{p,p'\}. Accordingly, a triangulated graph GG is \emph{Delaunay realizable} if there exists a triangulation of the Delaunay graph of some P⊆R2P \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2, called a \emph{Delaunay triangulation} of PP, that is isomorphic to GG. The objective of \textsc{Delaunay Realization} is to compute a point set P⊆R2P \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2 that realizes a given graph GG (if such a PP exists). Known algorithms do not solve \textsc{Delaunay Realization} as they are non-constructive. Obtaining a constructive algorithm for \textsc{Delaunay Realization} was mentioned as an open problem by Hiroshima et al.~\cite{hiroshima2000}. We design an nO(n)n^{\mathcal{O}(n)}-time constructive algorithm for \textsc{Delaunay Realization}. In fact, our algorithm outputs sets of points with {\em integer} coordinates

    Density of Range Capturing Hypergraphs

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    For a finite set XX of points in the plane, a set SS in the plane, and a positive integer kk, we say that a kk-element subset YY of XX is captured by SS if there is a homothetic copy S′S' of SS such that X∩S′=YX\cap S' = Y, i.e., S′S' contains exactly kk elements from XX. A kk-uniform SS-capturing hypergraph H=H(X,S,k)H = H(X,S,k) has a vertex set XX and a hyperedge set consisting of all kk-element subsets of XX captured by SS. In case when k=2k=2 and SS is convex these graphs are planar graphs, known as convex distance function Delaunay graphs. In this paper we prove that for any k≥2k\geq 2, any XX, and any convex compact set SS, the number of hyperedges in H(X,S,k)H(X,S,k) is at most (2k−1)∣X∣−k2+1−∑i=1k−1ai(2k-1)|X| - k^2 + 1 - \sum_{i=1}^{k-1}a_i, where aia_i is the number of ii-element subsets of XX that can be separated from the rest of XX with a straight line. In particular, this bound is independent of SS and indeed the bound is tight for all "round" sets SS and point sets XX in general position with respect to SS. This refines a general result of Buzaglo, Pinchasi and Rote stating that every pseudodisc topological hypergraph with vertex set XX has O(k2∣X∣)O(k^2|X|) hyperedges of size kk or less.Comment: new version with a tight result and shorter proo
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