36 research outputs found

    Optimized design of next-generation multiplexing schemes for GNSSs

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    Multilevel and multicarrier component signals are now common in many Global Navigation Satellite Systems challenging the employed multiplexing method that needs to be more flexible and powerful. In this work, we demonstrate how, by acting on two parameters of the digital baseband representation of component signals (the sampling frequency and the central frequency of the baseband complex envelope), it is possible to optimize the performance of the multiplexer, while still obtaining a composite signal that fulfills the required system constraints

    Near-Instantaneously Adaptive HSDPA-Style OFDM Versus MC-CDMA Transceivers for WIFI, WIMAX, and Next-Generation Cellular Systems

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    Burts-by-burst (BbB) adaptive high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) style multicarrier systems are reviewed, identifying their most critical design aspects. These systems exhibit numerous attractive features, rendering them eminently eligible for employment in next-generation wireless systems. It is argued that BbB-adaptive or symbol-by-symbol adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modems counteract the near instantaneous channel quality variations and hence attain an increased throughput or robustness in comparison to their fixed-mode counterparts. Although they act quite differently, various diversity techniques, such as Rake receivers and space-time block coding (STBC) are also capable of mitigating the channel quality variations in their effort to reduce the bit error ratio (BER), provided that the individual antenna elements experience independent fading. By contrast, in the presence of correlated fading imposed by shadowing or time-variant multiuser interference, the benefits of space-time coding erode and it is unrealistic to expect that a fixed-mode space-time coded system remains capable of maintaining a near-constant BER

    Oblique Sounding and HF Communication Techniques for Very Long Haul Ionospheric Links

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    El sistema de comunicació ràdio d’alta freqüència (HF, en anglès) és usat arreu del món per agències governamentals i no governamentals sempre que calgui una alternativa a les comunicacions via satèl•lit: vaixells a alta mar, avions fora de cobertura de xarxes ràdio amb visió directa, operacions militars, zones on la infraestructura ha estat destruïda per algun tipus de desastre o bé zones llunyanes sense cap altre tipus de comunicació. La ràdio HF representa una alternativa, o un sistema de backup al satèl•lit per a comunicacions de llarg abast i en redueix els costos, evita la vulnerabilitat i els problemes de sobirania. En aquesta tesi s’ha estudiat l’enllaç HF entre la base antàrtica espanyola Juan Carlos I, situada a l’illa Livingston a l’arxipèlag de les Shetland del Sud, i Espanya. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és estudiar els problemes que afecten la propagació; és a dir, la relació senyal a soroll i interferència, la dispersió multicamí i la dispersió per efecte Doppler, i dissenyar la capa física d’un enllaç HF de baixa velocitat, poca potència i llarg abast. Pel que fa aquest últim punt es fan un parell de propostes: espectre eixamplat per seqüència directa (DSSS, en anglès) i multiplexació per divisió en freqüència ortogonal (OFDM, en anglès). El repte que es planteja és el de la definició de les característiques dels símbols que millor encaixen en aquest canal per tal d’obtenir un benefici de la diversitat temporal i freqüencial que ofereix el canal. Des de l’any 2003 diverses campanyes han permès estudiar aquest canal HF, però no va ser fins la campanya 2009/2010 que s’obtingué un foto de les característiques, diürnes i nocturnes, de la ionosfera. En els articles que es presenten en aquesta tesi hem estès el rang freqüencial d’estudi respecte a investigacions prèvies i hem mostrat diferències de comportament entre el dia i la nit. Hem usat els resultats de la caracterització del canal per a dissenyar i comparar la bondat dels símbols DSSS i OFDM. Ambdues possibilitats han resultat ser candidates a implementar l’enllaç HF entre l’Antàrtida i Espanya. Tot i així, ambdues tècniques representen visions diferents de la implementació del mòdem: mentre que DSSS obté bons resultats a baixa velocitat en entorns amb baixa relació senyal a soroll, OFDM aconsegueix tasses de velocitat més elevades en canals més benignes.Los sistemas de radio de alta frecuencia (HF, en inglés) son usados por agencias gubernamentales y no gubernamentales en todo el mundo siempre que se necesite una alternativa a las comunicaciones por satélite: barcos en alta mar, aviones fuera del rango de cobertura de las redes radio de visión directa, operaciones militares, zonas donde la infraestructura ha sido destruida por algún desastre. Ésta ofrece una alternativa, o representa un sistema de backup, a las comunicaciones vía satélite, evitando los costes, la vulnerabilidad y los problemas de soberanía de las comunicaciones por satélite. En esta tesis se ha estudiado el enlace HF entre la base antártica española Juan Carlos I en la isla Livingston, en las Shetland del sur y España. El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de las limitaciones de la propagación ionosférica (como la relación señal a ruido e interferencia, la dispersión multicamino y la dispersión por efecto Doppler) y el diseño de la capa física de un enlace HF de baja velocidad, baja potencia y largo alcance. Se han estudiado un par de propuestas para este enlace, como son el espectro ensanchado por secuencia directa (DSSS, en inglés) y la multiplexación por división en frecuencia ortogonal (OFDM, en inglés). El reto ha sido definir las características que mejor se adecuan a este enlace para poder aprovechar la diversidad temporal y frecuencial que ofrece el canal HF. Desde el año 2003 diversas campañas de sondeo han permitido estudiar el canal HF pero no es hasta la campaña 2009/2010 que se consigue una fotografía de la actividad ionosférica tanto nocturna como diurna. En los artículos que se presentan en esta tesis hemos extendido los estudios previos a todo el rango de frecuencias HF y hemos mostrado las diferencias entre el día y la noche. Hemos usado estos resultados de caracterización del canal para diseñar y comparar símbolos DSSS y símbolos OFDM. Ambas posibilidades han resultado ser posibles candidatas para implementar un enlace HF de baja velocidad entre la Antártida y España. Sin embargo ambas técnicas representan dos aproximaciones distintas a la implementación del módem. Mientras que DSSS consigue un buen funcionamiento a baja velocidad en escenarios con baja relación señal a ruido, OFDM consigue tasas de transmisión más altas en escenarios más benignos.High Frequency (HF) radio is used by governmental and non nongovernmental agencies worldwide whenever an alternative to satellites for sky wave communication is needed: ships at sea, aircraft out of range of line-of-sight radio networks, military operations, disaster areas with communication infrastructure destroyed or distant regions lacking other communications. It offers an alternative to satellites, or a backup, for long-haul communications, thus avoiding the costs, vulnerabilities and sovereignty concerns of satellite communications. In this thesis the HF link between the Antarctic Spanish Station Juan Carlos I in Livingston Island, South Shetlands and Spain is studied. The aim of this study is to address the impairments that affect HF propagation (i.e., signal-to-noise plus interference ratio, multipath and Doppler shift and spread) and to design the physical layer of a low rate, low power and long-haul HF link. Some proposals regarding this last issue are addressed, i.e., direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). The challenge is to define the symbol characteristics that best fit the link to benefit from time and frequency diversity that offers the HF channel. Since 2003 several transmission campaigns have allowed to study the HF channel but it is not until the 2009/2010 campaign that we have achieved a whole picture of both diurnal and nocturnal ionospheric activity. In the papers presented in this thesis we have extended the previous research to the whole range of HF frequencies and we have shown the differences on performance between day and night. We have used the results from channel characterization to design and compare the performance of DSSS and OFDM symbols. Both techniques have turned out to be possible candidates to implement a low rate HF link between Antarctica and Spain. However, both techniques stand for different approaches of the modem: DSSS achieves good performance at low data rate in low SNR scenarios, whereas OFDM achieves higher data rate in benign channel

    Study of the Target Self-Interference in a Low-Complexity OFDM-Based Radar Receiver

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    This paper investigates a radar-communications waveform sharing scenario. Particularly, it addresses the selfinterference phenomenon induced by independent single-point scatterers throughout a low-complexity monostatic OFDM-based radar receiver from a statistical viewpoint. Accordingly, an analytical expression of the post-processing signal-to-interferenceplus-noise-ratio is derived and detection performance is quantified in simulated scenarios for rectangular and non-rectangular pulses. Both metrics suggest that this phenomenon must be further handled

    Design and Performance Analysis of MCPC and P4 Waveforms for OFDM based Radar System

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    This study aimed to investigate the performance of Multicarrier Phase Coding (MCPC) and P4-encoded waveforms. Researchers explored the unique properties of these signals, focusing on aspects like phase distribution, autocorrelation, power spectral density for P4 encoding, and aperiodic autocorrelation and ambiguity function for MCPC signals. The findings identified optimal MCPC sequences with reduced peak-to-mean envelope power ratios (PMEPR), improving signal performance. Complementary codes based on permutation were also generated and analyzed for MCPC sequences. The study utilized an improved genetic algorithm to develop new and improved waveforms, underscoring the importance of techniques like optimal sequence permutation, complementary sequences, and classical window frequency weighting in enhancing signal performance

    Sequences design for OFDM and CDMA systems

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    With the emergence of multi-carrier (MC) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme in the current WLAN standards and next generation wireless broadband standards, the necessitation to acquire a method for combating high peak to average power ratio (PMEPR) becomes imminent. In this thesis, we will explore various sequences to determine their PMEPR behaviours, in hopes to find some sequences which could potentially be suitable for PMEPR reduction control under MC system settings. These sequences include mm sequences, Sidelnikov sequences, new sequences, Golay sequences, FZC sequences and Legendre sequences. We will also examine the merit factor properties of these sequences, and then we will derive a bound between PMEPR and merit factor. Moreover, in the design of code division multiple access (CDMA) spreading sequence sets, it is critical that each sequence in the set has low autocorrelations and low cross-correlation with other sequences in the same set. In the thesis, we will present a class of GDJ Golay sequences which contains a large zero autocorrelation zone (ZACZ), which could satisfy the low autocorrelation requirement. This class of Golay sequences could potentially be used to construct new CDMA spreading sequence sets

    Performance Limits of GNSS Code-Based Precise Positioning: GPS, Galileo & Meta-Signals

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    This contribution analyzes the fundamental performance limits of traditional two-step Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver architectures, which are directly linked to the achievable time-delay estimation performance. In turn, this is related to the GNSS baseband signal resolution, i.e., bandwidth, modulation, autocorrelation function, and the receiver sampling rate. To provide a comprehensive analysis of standard point positioning techniques, we consider the different GPS and Galileo signals available, as well as the signal combinations arising in the so-called GNSS meta-signal paradigm. The goal is to determine: (i) the ultimate achievable performance of GNSS code-based positioning systems; and (ii) whether we can obtain a GNSS code-only precise positioning solution and under which conditions. In this article, we provide clear answers to such fundamental questions, leveraging on the analysis of the Cramér–Rao bound (CRB) and the corresponding Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE). To determine such performance limits, we assume no external ionospheric, tropospheric, orbital, clock, or multipath-induced errors. The time-delay CRB and the corresponding MLE are obtained for the GPS L1 C/A, L1C, and L5 signals; the Galileo E1 OS, E6B, E5b-I, and E5 signals; and the Galileo E5b-E6 and E5a-E6 meta-signals. The results show that AltBOC-type signals (Galileo E5 and meta-signals) can be used for code-based precise positioning, being a promising real-time alternative to carrier phase-based techniques

    Signal design and Theoretical bounds for Time-Of-Arrival estimation in GNSS applications

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    Positioning accuracy in satellite navigation systems depends on time-delay estimation (TDE) between satellite transmitted codes and local receiver replicas. This thesis is specifically focused on the problem of improving time delay estimation (TDE) accuracy of SS signals, focusing on the fundamental issue of estimation theory and on the properties of the transmitted signal. TDE fundamentals limits are deeply investigated, encompassing the Cram´er Rao Bound and the Ziv-Zakai Bound, and their modified versions to lighten their computation in presence of unknown parameters, in addiction to the time delay. The adoption of the ZZB as benchmark for both acquisition and tracking stage performance is addressed, analyzing innovative or standard signalling waveforms such as Galileo SIS. The main contributions of this thesis are dealt with the analysis of applicability of spread spectrum continuous phase-modulated (SS-CPM) and spread spectrum filtered multitone (SS-FMT) as ranging signals. A special subset of CPM, labeled as “Semi-integer MSK (SiMSK)” obtained by properly setting the modulation parameters, is revealed easily adaptable to the requirements on emissions, intrinsically constant envelope and spectral efficient, while still allowing good tracking performance. Besides, an ad hoc encoding of the SS-SiMSK enables the design of a constant envelope signal bearing two different rate services, without any approximation at the transmitter side. The analysis of the multicarrier (MC) signal revealed the high degree of freedom in its design, proposing the special Filtered Multitone (FMT) modulation as possible candidate for ranging signals. The strictly bandlimited property and the full spectral flexibility possessed by the FMT are exploited in some cases of study to adapt the system to channel conditions or in particular to emulate existing or innovative spectra. For both the SSCPM and SS-FMT modulation schemes investigated, some estimation algorithms are tested and their performance are compared to the correspondent theoretical bound

    An underwater acoustic communication scheme exploiting biological sounds

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    Underwater acoustic (UWA) communications have attracted a lot of interest in recent years motivated by a wide range of applications including offshore oil field exploration and monitoring, oceanographic data collection, environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, and port security. Different signaling solutions have been developed to date including non-coherent communications, phase coherent systems, multi-input and multi-output solutions, time-reversal-based communication systems, and multi-carrier transmission approaches. This paper deviates from the traditional approaches to UWA communications and develops a scheme that exploits biomimetic signals. In the proposed scheme, a transmitter maps the information bits to the parameters of a biomimetic signal, which is transmitted over the channel. The receiver estimates the parameters of the received signal and demaps them back to bits to estimate the message. As exemplary biomimetic signals, analytical signal models with nonlinear instantaneous frequency are developed that match mammal sound signatures in the time-frequency plane are developed. Suitable receiver structures as well as performance analysis are provided for the proposed transmission scheme, and some results using data recorded during the Kauai Acomms MURI 2011 UWA communications experiment are presented. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd