22,847 research outputs found

    Star complements and connectivity in finite graphs

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    Let G be a finite graph with H as a star complement for an eigenvalue other than 0 or -1. Let κ(G), δ(G) denote respectively the vertex-connectivity and minimum degree of G. We prove that κ(G) is controlled by δ(G) and κ(H). In particular, for each k∈N there exists a smallest non-negative integer f(k) such that κ(G)⩾k whenever κ(H)⩾k and δ(G)⩾f(k). We show that f(1)=0, f(2)=2, f(3)=3, f(4)=5 and f(5)=7

    A sufficient condition for the existence of fractional (g,f,n)(g,f,n)-critical covered graphs

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    In data transmission networks, the availability of data transmission is equivalent to the existence of the fractional factor of the corresponding graph which is generated by the network. Research on the existence of fractional factors under specific network structures can help scientists design and construct networks with high data transmission rates. A graph GG is called a fractional (g,f)(g,f)-covered graph if for any eE(G)e\in E(G), GG admits a fractional (g,f)(g,f)-factor covering ee. A graph GG is called a fractional (g,f,n)(g,f,n)-critical covered graph if after removing any nn vertices of GG, the resulting graph of GG is a fractional (g,f)(g,f)-covered graph. In this paper, we verify that if a graph GG of order pp satisfies p(a+b1)(a+b2)+(a+d)n+1a+dp\geq\frac{(a+b-1)(a+b-2)+(a+d)n+1}{a+d}, δ(G)(bd1)p+(a+d)n+a+b+1a+b1\delta(G)\geq\frac{(b-d-1)p+(a+d)n+a+b+1}{a+b-1} and δ(G)>(bd2)p+2α(G)+(a+d)n+1a+b2\delta(G)>\frac{(b-d-2)p+2\alpha(G)+(a+d)n+1}{a+b-2}, then GG is a fractional (g,f,n)(g,f,n)-critical covered graph, where g,f:V(G)Z+g,f:V(G)\rightarrow Z^{+} be two functions such that ag(x)f(x)dbda\leq g(x)\leq f(x)-d\leq b-d for all xV(G)x\in V(G), which is a generalization of Zhou's previous result [S. Zhou, Some new sufficient conditions for graphs to have fractional kk-factors, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 88(3)(2011)484--490].Comment: 1

    Newton flows for elliptic functions

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    Newton flows are dynamical systems generated by a continuous, desingularized Newton method for mappings from a Euclidean space to itself. We focus on the special case of meromorphic functions on the complex plane. Inspired by the analogy between the rational (complex) and the elliptic (i.e., doubly periodic meromorphic) functions, a theory on the class of so-called Elliptic Newton flows is developed. With respect to an appropriate topology on the set of all elliptic functions ff of fixed order rr (\geq 2) we prove: For almost all functions ff, the corresponding Newton flows are structurally stable i.e., topologically invariant under small perturbations of the zeros and poles for ff [genericity]. The phase portrait of a structurally stable elliptic Newton flow generates a connected, cellularly embedded, graph G(f)G(f) on TT with rr vertices, 2rr edges and rr faces that fulfil certain combinatorial properties (Euler, Hall) on some of its subgraphs. The graph G(f)G(f) determines the conjugacy class of the flow [characterization]. A connected, cellularly embedded toroidal graph GG with the above Euler and Hall properties, is called a Newton graph. Any Newton graph GG can be realized as the graph G(f)G(f) of the structurally stable Newton flow for some function ff [classification]. This leads to: up till conjugacy between flows and(topological) equivalency between graphs, there is a 1-1 correspondence between the structurally stable Newton flows and Newton graphs, both with respect to the same order rr of the underlying functions ff [representation]. In particular, it follows that in case rr = 2, there is only one (up to conjugacy) structurally stabe elliptic Newton flow, whereas in case rr = 3, we find a list of nine graphs, determining all possibilities. Moreover, we pay attention to the so-called nuclear Newton flows of order rr, and indicate how - by a bifurcation procedure - any structurally stable elliptic Newton flow of order rr can be obtained from such a nuclear flow. Finally, we show that the detection of elliptic Newton flows is possible in polynomial time. The proofs of the above results rely on Peixoto's characterization/classication theorems for structurally stable dynamical systems on compact 2-dimensional manifolds, Stiemke's theorem of the alternatives, Hall's theorem of distinct representatives, the Heter-Edmonds-Ringer rotation principle for embedded graphs, an existence theorem on gradient dynamical systems by Smale, and an interpretation of Newton flows as steady streams


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    Let GG be a connected graph. For an edge e=uvE(G)e=uv\in E(G), suppose n(u)n(u) and n(v)n(v) are respectively, the number of vertices of GG lying closer to vertex uu than to vertex vv and the number of vertices of GG lying closer to vertex vv than to vertex uu. The Mostar index is a topological index which is defined as Mo(G)=eE(G)f(e)Mo(G)=\sum_{e\in E(G)}f(e), where f(e)=n(u)n(v)f(e) = |n(u)-n(v)|. In this paper, we will compute the Mostar index of a family of fullerene graphs in terms of the automorphism group. 

    On the orthogonal rank of Cayley graphs and impossibility of quantum round elimination

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    After Bob sends Alice a bit, she responds with a lengthy reply. At the cost of a factor of two in the total communication, Alice could just as well have given the two possible replies without listening and have Bob select which applies to him. Motivated by a conjecture stating that this form of "round elimination" is impossible in exact quantum communication complexity, we study the orthogonal rank and a symmetric variant thereof for a certain family of Cayley graphs. The orthogonal rank of a graph is the smallest number dd for which one can label each vertex with a nonzero dd-dimensional complex vector such that adjacent vertices receive orthogonal vectors. We show an exp(n)(n) lower bound on the orthogonal rank of the graph on {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n in which two strings are adjacent if they have Hamming distance at least n/2n/2. In combination with previous work, this implies an affirmative answer to the above conjecture.Comment: 13 page