24 research outputs found

    An Investigation into the Effect of Knowledge Creation Process on Organizational Innovation in Hospitals of Mashhad by Mediating Organizational Learning Capability

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    Delivering healthcare to patients is a very complex endeavor that is highly dependent on information. Healthcare organizations need to gather and analyze data and transform it into information and knowledge to make useful decisions. Furthermore, the hospital is one of the most interactive working environments and includes interaction between nurses and patients, nurses and doctors, and doctors and patients. All these interactions can lead to human learning and experimentation. Knowledge management and organizational learning play an important role in organizational innovation, so that innovation based on knowledge and organizational learning is evident. This study was performed to investigate the effect of knowledge creation process on organizational innovation in Mashhad hospitals by the mediating role of organizational learning. In this cross-sectional descriptive analytical study in 2016, the data gathering method was library-fieldwork. Statistical population of this study was the staff of five Mashhad hospitals (two public hospitals and three private hospitals) which include practitioners and nurses in various sections of hospitals. To determine the sample in this study, the stratified random sampling was used and the sample size based on Cochran's formula was 113. Data analysis was performed with Smart PLS and for statistical analysis, structural equation modeling and T-value test were used. The results indicated that knowledge creation process had a structural and significant positive impact on organizational innovation and an indirect impact on organizational innovation through organizational learning capability). Furthermore, that knowledge creation process had a structural and significant positive effect on organizational learning and organizational learning had a structural and significant positive impact on organizational innovation. Regarding to the research results, it is expected that organizations can develop the innovation and knowledge creation process by the help of the development of social networks, work teams and knowledge creation process

    Effect of Managerial Capability and Organizational Capability on Digital Innovation Among Organizations in Sri Lanka

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    Despite the growing importance of digital innovation to achieve better performance, empirical studies examining different factors that affect digital innovation within organizations are scarce. Further, the findings of existing studies are inconsistent, leading to a knowledge gap within the context. Thus, this research focused on identifying the critical success factors affecting digital innovation from managerial and organizational perspectives. The literature review revealed four factors affecting digital innovation. A new conceptual framework was designed to test the relationships identified, and it was tested using survey data collected from 135 managerial-level employees of organizations that are engaged in digital innovation processes in Sri Lanka. Data were analyzed using the PLS-SEM approach. The findings revealed that top management support and organizational learning had a positive and significant effect on digital innovation. Since there is a dearth of research in the context of digital innovation, the conceptual framework introduced and the findings of the study will encourage organizations to understand and leverage the determinants necessary to foster digital innovation within organizations

    Technological capability, relational capability and firms’ performance The role of learning capability

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to empirically evaluate the mediating role of learning capability on the relationship between technological capability, relational capability and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) performance in developing economy of Africa. Design/methodology/approach – A quantitative survey design was employed to collect the data from owner/manager of manufacturing SMEs in Nigeria. Partial least square structural equation model was used in the evaluation of both the measurement and structural models to determine the reliability and validity of the measurement and test the hypotheses, respectively. Findings – The statistical result indicates a positive relationship between technological capability, learning capability and SMEs performance. Equally, relational capability significantly and positively relates to SMEs learning capability. However, relational capability negatively relates to SMEs performance, while technological capability also negatively relates to learning capability. Furthermore, learning capability mediates the negative relationship of relational capability and SMEs performance to significant positive relationship, while it does not mediate the relationship of technological capability and performance. Research limitations/implications – The analysis of this study is restricted to only resource-based view and dynamic capability theory. Data of the study were collected once a time on a self-reported technique. The study contributed significantly to the body literature on technological and relational capabilities and performance. It also demonstrated the need for SMEs manager to recognize and appreciate the roles of these strategic capabilities in achieving sustainable competitive position. Practical implications – Through relational capability SMEs develops efficient collaborative relationship to acquire new techniques, knowledge. This is specifically, essential for SMEs firms from less developing and emerging economies as they are lagging behind at the global competitive platform, and that the possession of specific advantage locally may not be adequately enough to help penetrate the global markets. Similarly, technological capability enable firms to identify acquire and apply new external knowledge to develop operational competencies which may lead to the attainment of superior performance. Social implications – Government policies and programs designed to support technological development and innovation must be adjusted to consider the peculiar nature of SMEs firms in terms of technology and innovativeness that enhances competitive position and performance. Originality/value – This study empirically examined the relationship of technological and relational capabilities and the SMEs learning capability and performance

    How does altruistic leader behavior foster radical innovation? The mediating effect of organizational learning capability

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide empirical evidence of the relationship between altruistic leader behavior and radical innovation, using organizational learning as an explanatory variable. Design/methodology/approach – To confirm the hypotheses, structural equations were used on a data set from a survey carried out on Spanish firms with recognized excellence in human resources management. Findings – The study empirically validates the conceptu al model. Results suggest that organizational learning capability fully mediates the r elationship between altruistic lead er behavior and radical innovation. Research limitations/implications – The database used in the study is very heterogeneous. Future research might delimit the database by organization size or sector. Practical implications – Results suggest ideas for organizations that want to implement a working environment that fosters innovation performance in order to achieve radical innovations. Originality/value – This is one of the few studies to concentrate on altruistic leader behaviors as such. This paper contributes to understanding how altruistic leader behavior affects radical innovation and the key role played by organizational learning capability.The authors thank the University Jaume I (Ref. P11B2008-13) and the Spanish Innovation Ministry (Ref. ECO2011-26780) for its financial support for this research

    Kobi’lerde bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri benimseme düzeyini etkileyen organizasyonel faktörler üzerine bir çalışma

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Küresel çaptaki gelişim ve değişimin meydana getirdiği evrilme, günümüzde meslekleri, çalışma alanlarını ve iş yapma biçimlerini etkiler durumdadır. Bu etkiden payını alan ve çalışmada ilgilenilen örneklem grubu, ülkelerin ekonomilerinde kritik konuma sahip olan küçük ve orta büyüklükteki işletmelerdir (KOBİ). Gelişmekte olan ülkeler kategorisinde bulunan Türkiye'de, KOBİ'lerin gelişimleri, ilerlemeleri yakalayacak girişimlerde bulunmaları ve böylece ekonomiye katkı sağlamaları oldukça önemlidir. KOBİ'lerin gelişmişlik seviyelerinde, küreselleşmenin de gerekliliği olan 'bilişim altyapısı'nın önemi ve etkisi büyüktür. Bilişim ve iletişim teknolojileri (BİT); firmaların çağı yakalamaları, yeni oluşan iş fırsatlarını değerlendirmeleri ve ülkelerin ekonomik gelişimleri için gerekli hale gelmiştir. Ekonomiye yön veren KOBİ'lerin ve ilerlemeyi sağlayacak olan BİT'nin artan önemi, yıllar içerisinde bu konu ile ilgili çalışmaları beraberinde getirmiştir. Ancak ülkemizde, bu konu ile ilgili çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Dolayısıyla Türk organizasyon kültürüne sahip ve teknolojik gelişmelere karşı esnekliği sorgulanacak olan KOBİ'ler ile yapılacak olan BİT benimsenmesi ile ilgili çalışmaların hem bilimsel hem sosyoekonomik katkılar sağlayacağı öngörülmüştür. Çalışmada veriler, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen katılımcılardan nicel veri toplama yöntemlerinden biri olan anket aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Anket organizasyonel öğrenme yeteneği, organizasyonel yapı ve girişimcilik oryantasyonu ölçeklerinden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, organizasyonel öğrenme yeteneği, organizasyonel yapı ve girişimcilik oryantasyonunun BİT benimseme üzerideki etkisini belirlemektir. 76 aktif KOBİ'de elde edilen veriler Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) 21 paket programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, sadece organizasyonel öğrenme yeteneğinin BİT benimsemeyi anlamlı ve güçlü bir şekilde etkilediğini, organizasyonel yapı ve girişimcilik oryantasyonunun BİT benimseme üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığını göstermektedir.Evolution, which has been brought about by global development and change, affects today's professions, fields of work and ways of doing business. In the study, the sample group is Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which have a critical position in the economies of countries. In Turkey that developing countries category, the development of SMEs, for take initiatives and to contribute to the economy is very important. The importance of IT infrastructure, which is the necessity of globalization, has a great effect on the level of development of SMEs. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become necessary for to evaluate newly emerging business opportunities and for economic development of countries. The increasing importance of the SMEs that guide the economy and the ICT that ensure the progress has led to the work on this issue over the years. However, studies on this subject are limited in our country. Therefore, it is predicted that the studies on the adoption of ICT with SMEs that have a Turkish organization culture and which will be questioned for their flexibility against technological developments will provide both scientific and socioeconomic contributions. The data were collected through questionnaire which is one of the quantitative data collection methods. The questionnaire consists of organizational learning ability, organizational structure and entrepreneurship orientation scales. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of organizational learning ability, organizational structure and entrepreneurship orientation on ICT adoption. Data obtained from 76 active SMEs were analyzed by using SPSS 21 package program. The results show that only organizational learning ability affects the adoption of ICT significantly and strongly, but that organizational structure and entrepreneurship orientation has no significant effect on ICT adoption

    Capacidade de Aprendizagem Organizacional e Desempenho Organizacional: Estudo em Empresas da Indústria Moveleira

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    The present study aims to verify the relationships between organizational learning capacity, innovative performance and organizational performance, moderated by environmental turbulence, in furniture industry companies located in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. They were analyzed by descriptive statistics in order to qualify the sample, and by structural equation modeling to test the relationship between the constructs. The results showed that the facilitators of organizational learning capacity are existing in the furniture companies, as well in terms of innovative performance; there are the dimensions of effectiveness and efficiency. However, given the sample surveyed, only organizational learning capacity influences innovative performance.O presente estudo objetiva verificar as relações existentes entre a capacidade de aprendizagem organizacional, o desempenho inovador e o desempenho organizacional, quando moderados pela turbulência ambiental, em empresas da indústria moveleira localizadas nos estados de Santa Catarina e do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva, no intuito de qualificar a amostra e, por modelagem de equações estruturais para testar a relação entre os construtos. Os resultados demonstraram que os facilitadores da capacidade de aprendizagem organizacional são existentes na indústria moveleira, bem como, quanto ao desempenho inovador, há a existência das dimensões de eficácia e eficiência. Entretanto, dada a amostra pesquisada, apenas a capacidade de aprendizagem organizacional impacta no desempenho inovador

    Commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance : the mediating role of organizational learning capability and social capital

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    The main objectives of this study were to investigate (a) the relationship between commitment-based HR practices (e.g. selection, compensation, training and development) and organizational performance, organizational learning capability, and organizational social capital; (b) the relationship between organizational learning capability and organizational performance; (c) the relationship between organizational social capital and organizational performance; and (d) the mediating role of organizational learning capability and organizational social capital on the relationship between commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance. Specifically, this study hypothesized that (a) commitment-based HR practices, organizational learning capability and organizational social capital relationship are positively related to organizational performance and (b) the relationship between commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance is mediated by organizational learning capability and organizational social capital. To test the hypotheses, the Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) statistical technique was employed to analyze the survey data collected from 401 Japanese MNCs organizations in Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and Johor. The results of the study showed that (a) commitment- based HR practices are positively related to organizational performance, organizational learning capability and organizational social capital; (b) organizational learning capability has no influence on organizational performance; (c) organizational social capital is positively related to organizational performance; and (d) organizational learning capability does not mediate the relationship between commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance, and organizational social capital fully mediates the relationship between commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance. Theoretically, the study contributes to knowledge by providing support for the importance of commitment-based HR practices and the mediating role of organizational social capital which influence the organizational performance of Japanese MNCs in Malaysia. Practically, this study provides guidelines to policy-makers and HR practitioners to understand that business success depends on the organization’s capabilities and abilities to utilize its human resources to achieve its business objectives and goals. The result of this study is able to offer evidence that commitment-based HR practices help promote mutual and long-term relationships in the organization at all levels. Hence, HR practitioners need to institute HR practices that encourage network-building relationships characterized by trust, cooperation and commitment towards the organization

    Does organizational agility affect organizational learning capability? Evidence from commercial banking

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    Both organizational agility and learning capability are prerequisites for organizational survival and success. This study explores the contribution of agility practices to organizational learning capabilities at the commercial banks in Jordan. To examine the proposed model, a sample of 158 employees within top and middle managements was used. Structural Equation Modeling was conducted for assessing validity and reliability of measurement instrument, evaluating model fit, and testing hypotheses. This study recognizes agility as a key element of learning facilitators. Findings affirm the strategic value of agility and conclude that administrators working within ag-ile organizations would be able to acquire conditions that foster learning