78 research outputs found

    Organic traffic control

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    Modern cities cannot be imagined without traffic lights controlling the road network. To handle the network\u27s changing demands efficiently, the signal plan specification needs to be shifted from the design time to the run-time of a signal system. The generic observer/controller architecture proposed for Organic Computing facilitates this shift. A two-levelled learning mechanism optimises signal plans on-line while a distributed coordination mechanism establishes green waves in the road network

    An architectural framework for self-configuration and self-improvement at runtime

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    Planning as Optimization: Dynamically Discovering Optimal Configurations for Runtime Situations

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    The large number of possible configurations of modern software-based systems, combined with the large number of possible environmental situations of such systems, prohibits enumerating all adaptation options at design time and necessitates planning at run time to dynamically identify an appropriate configuration for a situation. While numerous planning techniques exist, they typically assume a detailed state-based model of the system and that the situations that warrant adaptations are known. Both of these assumptions can be violated in complex, real-world systems. As a result, adaptation planning must rely on simple models that capture what can be changed (input parameters) and observed in the system and environment (output and context parameters). We therefore propose planning as optimization: the use of optimization strategies to discover optimal system configurations at runtime for each distinct situation that is also dynamically identified at runtime. We apply our approach to CrowdNav, an open-source traffic routing system with the characteristics of a real-world system. We identify situations via clustering and conduct an empirical study that compares Bayesian optimization and two types of evolutionary optimization (NSGA-II and novelty search) in CrowdNav

    Comparison of approaches for self-improvement in self-adaptive systems (extended version)

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    Various trends such as mobility of devices, Cloud Computing, or Cyber-Physical Systems lead to a higher degree of distribution. These systems-of-systems need to be integrated. The integration of various subsystems still remains a challenge. Self-improvement within self-adaptive systems can help to shift integration tasks from the static design time to the runtime, which fits the dynamic needs of these systems. Thus, it can enable the integration of system parts at runtime. In this paper, we define self-improvement as an adaptation of an Autonomic Computing system’s adaptation logic. We present an overview of approaches for self-improvement in the domains of Autonomic Computing and self-adaptive systems. Based on a taxonomy for self-adaptation, we compare the approaches and categorize them. The categorization shows that the approaches focus either on structural or parameter adaptation but seldomly combine both. Based on the categorization, we elaborate challenges, that need to be addressed by future approaches for offering self-improving system integration at runtime

    Controlled self-organisation using learning classifier systems

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    The complexity of technical systems increases, breakdowns occur quite often. The mission of organic computing is to tame these challenges by providing degrees of freedom for self-organised behaviour. To achieve these goals, new methods have to be developed. The proposed observer/controller architecture constitutes one way to achieve controlled self-organisation. To improve its design, multi-agent scenarios are investigated. Especially, learning using learning classifier systems is addressed

    Traffic signal settings optimization using fradient descent

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    We investigate performance of a gradient descent optimization (GR) applied to the traffic signal setting problem and compare it to genetic algorithms. We used neural networks as metamodels evaluating quality of signal settings and discovered that both optimization methods produce similar results, e.g., in both cases the accuracy of neural networks close to local optima depends on an activation function (e.g., TANH activation makes optimization process converge to different minima than ReLU activation)

    An Architectural Design for Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation in Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Several use cases from the areas of manufacturing and process industry, require highly accurate sensor data. As sensors always have some degree of uncertainty, methods are needed to increase their reliability. The common approach is to regularly calibrate the devices to enable traceability according to national standards and Syst\`eme international (SI) units - which follows costly processes. However, sensor networks can also be represented as Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and a single sensor can have a digital representation (Digital Twin) to use its data further on. To propagate uncertainty in a reliable way in the network, we present a system architecture to communicate measurement uncertainties in sensor networks utilizing the concept of Asset Administration Shells alongside methods from the domain of Organic Computing. The presented approach contains methods for uncertainty propagation as well as concepts from the Machine Learning domain that combine the need for an accurate uncertainty estimation. The mathematical description of the metrological uncertainty of fused or propagated values can be seen as a first step towards the development of a harmonized approach for uncertainty in distributed CPSs in the context of Industrie 4.0. In this paper, we present basic use cases, conceptual ideas and an agenda of how to proceed further on.Comment: accepted at FedCSIS 202

    To Adapt or Not to Adapt: A Quantification Technique for Measuring an Expected Degree of Self-Adaptation

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    Self-adaptation and self-organization (SASO) have been introduced to the management of technical systems as an attempt to improve robustness and administrability. In particular, both mechanisms adapt the system’s structure and behavior in response to dynamics of the environment and internal or external disturbances. By now, adaptivity has been considered to be fully desirable. This position paper argues that too much adaptation conflicts with goals such as stability and user acceptance. Consequently, a kind of situation-dependent degree of adaptation is desired, which defines the amount and severity of tolerated adaptations in certain situations. As a first step into this direction, this position paper presents a quantification approach for measuring the current adaptation behavior based on generative, probabilistic models. The behavior of this method is analyzed in terms of three application scenarios: urban traffic control, the swidden farming model, and data communication protocols. Furthermore, we define a research roadmap in terms of six challenges for an overall measurement framework for SASO systems