60 research outputs found

    The Practice of Hymn Singing During the Sixteenth Century

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    If this work of restoring an intelligent appreciation and usage of the Lutheran musical heritage and traditions is to continue and become increasingly effective, it becomes apparent that every minister of\u27 the Church, whether pastor, choirmaster, or organist, must to a greater or lesser degree study and become acquainted with the musical principles and usages of the Church in her golden age, the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. This thesis is an effort in that direction

    Student conceptions of the production of cow's milk—An exploratory interview study with 6th- and 10th-grade students

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    The production of food and the associated livestock farming contribute significantly to climate change and the global loss of biodiversity, hindering the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To promote responsible consumption and production of food (SDG 12), ensuring that students understand the production of our food, the associated livestock farming, and the interrelatedness of production and consumption is essential. Thus, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an important tool for achieving the SDGs. To develop effective teaching and learning strategies to educate students about the production of food from livestock, it is important to identify students' existing conceptions of this topic. Thus, this study examined sixth-grade (n = 4; MAge = 12 years; SDAge = 0.7 years; 50% female) and tenth-grade students' (n = 4; MAge = 16 years; SDAge = 0 years; 50% female) conceptions of milk production, focusing on dairy farming, the milking process and techniques, and the production of cow's milk. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with students from Osnabrück (Lower Saxony) to elicit student conceptions. The evaluation of the students' conceptions was carried out using qualitative content analysis. The results largely indicated that both sixth and tenth graders had realistic conceptions of dairy farming and the milking process and techniques. However, some students also expressed romanticized conceptions of pasture grazing and calf rearing. In addition, unrealistic statements regarding the formation of milk were identified. The conceptions of the sixth and tenth graders were compared, and with a few exceptions, no significant differences were found between the two cohorts. However, the tenth graders tended to have more differentiated conceptions about milk production than the sixth graders. In conducting the analysis, it became clear that students' conceptions of the production of milk are influenced by individual primary experiences with dairy farms. Finally, based on these results, educational recommendations for the school teaching framework in the context of ESD and implications for further research are presented

    Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Dickdarmbrueche, im Besonderen der Brueche des Blinddarmes und des aufsteigenden Dickdarmes

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    Biotechnologies for Plant Mutation Breeding: Protocols

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    Plant Breeding/Biotechnology; Agriculture; Genetic Engineering; Plant Genetics & Genomic

    Parámetros histomorfométricos óseos normales en una población infanto-juvenil española

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria, leída el 13-05-1994Depto. de Medicina Legal, Psiquiatría y PatologíaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    Jewish Refugees in Shanghai 1933–1947

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    Rund 20.000 Juden, zumeist aus Deutschland und Österreich, flohen seit Mitte der 1930er Jahre vor nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung nach Shanghai, wo sie trotz zunehmender Bedrängung durch die japanischen Besatzungsbehörden einen sicheren Zufluchtsort fanden. Unter schwierigen Bedingungen versuchten die Neuankömmlinge in den folgenden Jahren ihr materielles Auskommen sowie ein kulturelles Gemeindeleben zu organisieren. Die im vorliegenden Band edierten 184 Quellen dokumentieren nicht nur diese Bemühungen, sondern auch die Unterstützung vonseiten lokaler jüdischer Hilfskomitees sowie anderer, zumeist jüdischer internationaler Hilfsorganisationen. Zudem werden die Reaktionen von Nazi-Behörden in Deutschland und ihren Shanghaier Vertretungen sowie von japanischer und chinesischer Seite auf die Ereignisse beleuchtet. Die Dokumente auf Deutsch, Englisch, Jiddisch, Hebräisch, Russisch und Chinesisch sind annotiert, teilweise übersetzt und von Einleitungen, Karten und Fotografien begleitet.Around 20,000 Jews, mostly from Germany and Austria, escaped Nazi persecution at the end of the 1930s and fled to Shanghai. In the face of generally difficult conditions and increasing harassment from the Japanese occupation authorities, they sought to both secure their material livelihood and organize their social and cultural life. The 184 sources in German, English, Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish and Chinese of this volume document these efforts, as well as the support work by local relief committees and other, mostly Jewish, international aid organizations. In addition, some describe the reactions of the Nazi authorities to their Shanghai escape, while others reflect Chinese attitudes to the events

    Jewish Refugees in Shanghai 1933–1947

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    Rund 20.000 Juden, zumeist aus Deutschland und Österreich, flohen seit Mitte der 1930er Jahre vor nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung nach Shanghai, wo sie trotz zunehmender Bedrängung durch die japanischen Besatzungsbehörden einen sicheren Zufluchtsort fanden. Unter schwierigen Bedingungen versuchten die Neuankömmlinge in den folgenden Jahren ihr materielles Auskommen sowie ein kulturelles Gemeindeleben zu organisieren. Die im vorliegenden Band edierten 184 Quellen dokumentieren nicht nur diese Bemühungen, sondern auch die Unterstützung vonseiten lokaler jüdischer Hilfskomitees sowie anderer, zumeist jüdischer internationaler Hilfsorganisationen. Zudem werden die Reaktionen von Nazi-Behörden in Deutschland und ihren Shanghaier Vertretungen sowie von japanischer und chinesischer Seite auf die Ereignisse beleuchtet. Die Dokumente auf Deutsch, Englisch, Jiddisch, Hebräisch, Russisch und Chinesisch sind annotiert, teilweise übersetzt und von Einleitungen, Karten und Fotografien begleitet.Around 20,000 Jews, mostly from Germany and Austria, escaped Nazi persecution at the end of the 1930s and fled to Shanghai. In the face of generally difficult conditions and increasing harassment from the Japanese occupation authorities, they sought to both secure their material livelihood and organize their social and cultural life. The 184 sources in German, English, Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish and Chinese of this volume document these efforts, as well as the support work by local relief committees and other, mostly Jewish, international aid organizations. In addition, some describe the reactions of the Nazi authorities to their Shanghai escape, while others reflect Chinese attitudes to the events

    Psychiatry and Colonialism: The Treatment of European Lunatics in British India, 1800-1858.

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    This is a study of the transfer of European concepts of mental illness to India and of the concomitant transplantation of specialized institutions for the confinement and treatment of the mentally ill to a colonial society. Government policies will be analysed in relation to British attempts to control the deviant behaviour of Europeans in India and to guarantee the maintenance of the imperial power structure by keeping social distance between the various classes and races of Anglo-Indian and Indian society. The emergence of psychiatry as a medical discipline, the humanitarian campaigns and subsequent legislation for reformed asylum management and the establishment of large-scale public institutions for the insane in Britain will be set against developments in the presidencies in Bengal, Madras and Bombay. The specific history of the 'Lunatic Asylums for the European Insane' in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay respectively will be analysed in relation to the various presidencies' social conditions and politico-ideological orientations. The involvement of medical experts, private madhouse-owners and public boards of inspection in the management of the three main institutions will be evaluated and compared. An attempt will be made to assess the condition of asylum inmates of different social and racial backgrounds and to reconstruct the diagnostic and therapeutic concepts and methods used by various asylum superintendents. Asylum statistics will be compiled for the Calcutta Asylum and reference to specific cases and to details of institutional arrangements for patients will be made for the Bombay Asylum