2,214 research outputs found

    A comprehensive literature classification of simulation optimisation methods

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    Simulation Optimization (SO) provides a structured approach to the system design and configuration when analytical expressions for input/output relationships are unavailable. Several excellent surveys have been written on this topic. Each survey concentrates on only few classification criteria. This paper presents a literature survey with all classification criteria on techniques for SO according to the problem of characteristics such as shape of the response surface (global as compared to local optimization), objective functions (single or multiple objectives) and parameter spaces (discrete or continuous parameters). The survey focuses specifically on the SO problem that involves single per-formance measureSimulation Optimization, classification methods, literature survey

    Incremental Sparse Bayesian Ordinal Regression

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    Ordinal Regression (OR) aims to model the ordering information between different data categories, which is a crucial topic in multi-label learning. An important class of approaches to OR models the problem as a linear combination of basis functions that map features to a high dimensional non-linear space. However, most of the basis function-based algorithms are time consuming. We propose an incremental sparse Bayesian approach to OR tasks and introduce an algorithm to sequentially learn the relevant basis functions in the ordinal scenario. Our method, called Incremental Sparse Bayesian Ordinal Regression (ISBOR), automatically optimizes the hyper-parameters via the type-II maximum likelihood method. By exploiting fast marginal likelihood optimization, ISBOR can avoid big matrix inverses, which is the main bottleneck in applying basis function-based algorithms to OR tasks on large-scale datasets. We show that ISBOR can make accurate predictions with parsimonious basis functions while offering automatic estimates of the prediction uncertainty. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real word datasets demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of ISBOR compared to other basis function-based OR approaches

    Multilevel mixed-type data analysis for validating partitions of scrapie isolates

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    The dissertation arises from a joint study with the Department of Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The aim is to investigate and validate the existence of distinct strains of the scrapie disease taking into account the availability of a priori benchmark partition formulated by researchers. Scrapie of small ruminants is caused by prions, which are unconventional infectious agents of proteinaceous nature a ecting humans and animals. Due to the absence of nucleic acids, which precludes direct analysis of strain variation by molecular methods, the presence of di erent sheep scrapie strains is usually investigated by bioassay in laboratory rodents. Data are collected by an experimental study on scrapie conducted at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità by experimental transmission of scrapie isolates to bank voles. We aim to discuss the validation of a given partition in a statistical classification framework using a multi-step procedure. Firstly, we use unsupervised classification to see how alternative clustering results match researchers’ understanding of the heterogeneity of the isolates. We discuss whether and how clustering results can be eventually exploited to extend the preliminary partition elicited by researchers. Then we motivate the subsequent partition validation based on the predictive performance of several supervised classifiers. Our data-driven approach contains two main methodological original contributions. We advocate the use of partition validation measures to investigate a given benchmark partition: firstly we discuss the issue of how the data can be used to evaluate a preliminary benchmark partition and eventually modify it with statistical results to find a conclusive partition that could be used as a “gold standard” in future studies. Moreover, collected data have a multilevel structure and for each lower-level unit, mixed-type data are available. Each step in the procedure is then adapted to deal with multilevel mixed-type data. We extend distance-based clustering algorithms to deal with multilevel mixed-type data. Whereas in supervised classification we propose a two-step approach to classify the higher-level units starting from the lower-level observations. In this framework, we also need to define an ad-hoc cross validation algorithm

    Multiple testing for SNP-SNP interactions

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    Most genetic diseases are complex, i.e. associated to combinations of SNPs rather than individual SNPs. In the last few years, this topic has often been addressed in terms of SNP-SNP interaction patterns given as expressions linked by logical operators. Methods for multiple testing in high-dimensional settings can be applied when many SNPs are considered simultaneously. However, another less well-known multiple testing problem arises within a fixed subset of SNPs when the logic expression is chosen optimally. In this article, we propose a general asymptotic approach for deriving the distribution of the maximally selected chi-square statistic in various situations. We show how this result can be used for testing logic expressions - in particular SNP-SNP interaction patterns - while controlling for multiple comparisons. Simulations show that our method provides multiple testing adjustment when the logic expression is chosen such as to maximize the statistic. Its benefit is demonstrated through an application to a real dataset from a large population-based study considering allergy and asthma in KORA. An implementation of our method is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) as R package 'SNPmaxsel'

    Cost-sensitive ordinal classification methods to predict SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia severity

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    Objective: To study the suitability of cost-sensitive ordinal artificial intelligence-machine learning (AI-ML) strategies in the prognosis of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia severity. Materials & methods: Observational, retrospective, longitudinal, cohort study in 4 hospitals in Spain. Information regarding demographic and clinical status was supplemented by socioeconomic data and air pollution exposures. We proposed AI-ML algorithms for ordinal classification via ordinal decomposition and for cost-sensitive learning via resampling techniques. For performance-based model selection, we defined a custom score including per-class sensitivities and asymmetric misprognosis costs. 260 distinct AI-ML models were evaluated via 10 repetitions of 5×5 nested cross-validation with hyperparameter tuning. Model selection was followed by the calibration of predicted probabilities. Final overall performance was compared against five well-established clinical severity scores and against a ‘standard’ (non-cost sensitive, non-ordinal) AI-ML baseline. In our best model, we also evaluated its explainability with respect to each of the input variables. Results: The study enrolled nn=1548 patients: 712 experienced low, 238 medium, and 598 high clinical severity. dd=131 variables were collected, becoming dâ€Čdâ€Č=148 features after categorical encoding. Model selection resulted in our best-performing AI-ML pipeline having: a) no imputation of missing data, b) no feature selection (i.e. using the full set of dâ€Čdâ€Č features), c) ‘Ordered Partitions’ ordinal decomposition, d) cost-based reimbalance, and e) a Histogram-based Gradient Boosting classifier. This best model (calibrated) obtained a median accuracy of 68.1% [67.3%, 68.8%] (95% confidence interval), a balanced accuracy of 57.0% [55.6%, 57.9%], and an overall area under the curve (AUC) 0.802 [0.795, 0.808]. In our dataset, it outperformed all five clinical severity scores and the ‘standard’ AI-ML baseline. Discussion & conclusion: We conducted an exhaustive exploration of AI-ML methods designed for both ordinal and cost-sensitive classification, motivated by a real-world application domain (clinical severity prognosis) in which these topics arise naturally. Our model with the best classification performance exploited successfully the ordering information of ground truth classes, coping with imbalance and asymmetric costs. However, these ordinal and cost-sensitive aspects are seldom explored in the literature

    Approximate likelihood inference in generalized linear latent variable models based on the dimension-wise quadrature

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    We propose a new method to perform approximate likelihood inference in latent variable models. Our approach provides an approximation of the integrals involved in the likelihood function through a reduction of their dimension that makes the computation feasible in situations in which classical and adaptive quadrature based methods are not applicable. We derive new theoretical results on the accuracy of the obtained estimators. We show that the proposed approximation outperforms several existing methods in simulations, and it can be successfully applied in presence of multidimensional longitudinal data when standard techniques are not applicable or feasible

    An Empirical Comparison of Multiple Imputation Methods for Categorical Data

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    Multiple imputation is a common approach for dealing with missing values in statistical databases. The imputer fills in missing values with draws from predictive models estimated from the observed data, resulting in multiple, completed versions of the database. Researchers have developed a variety of default routines to implement multiple imputation; however, there has been limited research comparing the performance of these methods, particularly for categorical data. We use simulation studies to compare repeated sampling properties of three default multiple imputation methods for categorical data, including chained equations using generalized linear models, chained equations using classification and regression trees, and a fully Bayesian joint distribution based on Dirichlet Process mixture models. We base the simulations on categorical data from the American Community Survey. In the circumstances of this study, the results suggest that default chained equations approaches based on generalized linear models are dominated by the default regression tree and Bayesian mixture model approaches. They also suggest competing advantages for the regression tree and Bayesian mixture model approaches, making both reasonable default engines for multiple imputation of categorical data. A supplementary material for this article is available online
