21 research outputs found

    orchestrating softwarized networks with a marketplace approach

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    Abstract In the last years, network softwarization is gaining increasing popularity since it allows to achieve dinamicity and flexibility in network management, stimulating a lot of interest by both academia and industry. Cloud computing paradigm together with the new networking paradigms of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) are supporting this evolution, by providing network services as single Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) or chains of them. The main problem is scalability of both infrastructure and management. In fact, in order to support the SDN/NFV paradigm, the Telco Operator should deploy huge data centers, which have to be geographically distributed to guarantee low latencies to time-constrained flows, and implement complex orchestration policies. To this purpose, this paper proposes to extend the SDN/NFV framework with a marketplace where Telco Operator customers behave as third-party sellers with their hardware and software resources providing VNF as a service (VNFaaS), so helping the Telco Operator in providing network services in an efficient and scalable way

    Network Service Orchestration: A Survey

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    Business models of network service providers are undergoing an evolving transformation fueled by vertical customer demands and technological advances such as 5G, Software Defined Networking~(SDN), and Network Function Virtualization~(NFV). Emerging scenarios call for agile network services consuming network, storage, and compute resources across heterogeneous infrastructures and administrative domains. Coordinating resource control and service creation across interconnected domains and diverse technologies becomes a grand challenge. Research and development efforts are being devoted to enabling orchestration processes to automate, coordinate, and manage the deployment and operation of network services. In this survey, we delve into the topic of Network Service Orchestration~(NSO) by reviewing the historical background, relevant research projects, enabling technologies, and standardization activities. We define key concepts and propose a taxonomy of NSO approaches and solutions to pave the way towards a common understanding of the various ongoing efforts around the realization of diverse NSO application scenarios. Based on the analysis of the state of affairs, we present a series of open challenges and research opportunities, altogether contributing to a timely and comprehensive survey on the vibrant and strategic topic of network service orchestration.Comment: Accepted for publication at Computer Communications Journa

    End-to-end slices to orchestrate resources and services in the cloud-to-edge continuum

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    Fog computing, combined with traditional cloud computing, offers an inherently distributed infrastructure – referred to as the cloud-to-edge continuum – that can be used for the execution of low-latency and location-aware IoT services. The management of such an infrastructure is complex: resources in multiple domains need to be accessed by several tenants, while an adequate level of isolation and performance has to be guaranteed. This paper proposes the dynamic allocation of end-to-end slices to perform the orchestration of resources and services in such a scenario. These end-to-end slices require a unified resource management approach that encompasses both data centre and network resources. Currently, fog orchestration is mainly focused on the management of compute resources, likewise, the slicing domain is specifically centred solely on the creation of isolated network partitions. A unified resource orchestration strategy, able to integrate the selection, configuration and management of compute and network resources, as part of a single abstracted object, is missing. This work aims to minimise the silo-effect, and proposes end-to-end slices as the foundation for the comprehensive orchestration of compute resources, network resources, and services in the cloud-to-edge continuum, as well acting as the basis for a system implementation. The concept of the end-to-end slice is formally described via a graph-based model that allows for dynamic resource discovery, selection and mapping via different algorithms and optimisation goals; and a working system is presented as the way to build slices across multiple domains dynamically, based on that model. These are independently accessible objects that abstract resources of various providers – traded via a Marketplace – with compute slices, allocated using the bare-metal cloud approach, being interconnected to each other via the connectivity of network slices. Experiments, carried out on a real testbed, demonstrate three features of the end-to-end slices: resources can be selected, allocated and controlled in a softwarised fashion; tenants can instantiate distributed IoT services on those resources transparently; the performance of a service is absolutely not affected by the status of other slices that share the same resource infrastructure

    End-to-end slices to orchestrate resources and services in the cloud-to-edge continuum

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    Fog computing, combined with traditional cloud computing, offers an inherently distributed infrastructure – referred to as the cloud-to-edge continuum – that can be used for the execution of low-latency and location-aware IoT services. The management of such an infrastructure is complex: resources in multiple domains need to be accessed by several tenants, while an adequate level of isolation and performance has to be guaranteed. This paper proposes the dynamic allocation of end-to-end slices to perform the orchestration of resources and services in such a scenario. These end-to-end slices require a unified resource management approach that encompasses both data centre and network resources. Currently, fog orchestration is mainly focussed on the management of compute resources, likewise, the slicing domain is specifically centred solely on the creation of isolated network partitions. A unified resource orchestration strategy, able to integrate the selection, configuration and management of compute and network resources, as part of a single abstracted object, is missing. This work aims to minimise the silo-effect, and proposes end-to-end slices as the foundation for the comprehensive orchestration of compute resources, network resources, and services in the cloud-to-edge continuum, as well acting as the basis for a system implementation. The concept of the end-to-end slice is formally described via a graph-based model that allows for dynamic resource discovery, selection and mapping via different algorithms and optimisation goals; and a working system is presented as the way to build slices across multiple domains dynamically, based on that model. These are independently accessible objects that abstract resources of various providers – traded via a Marketplace – with compute slices, allocated using the bare-metal cloud approach, being interconnected to each other via the connectivity of network slices. Experiments, carried out on a real testbed, demonstrate three features of the end-to-end slices: resources can be selected, allocated and controlled in a softwarised fashion; tenants can instantiate distributed IoT services on those resources transparently; the performance of a service is absolutely not affected by the status of other slices that share the same resource infrastructure

    5G Network Slicing using SDN and NFV: A Survey of Taxonomy, Architectures and Future Challenges

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    In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review and updated solutions related to 5G network slicing using SDN and NFV. Firstly, we present 5G service quality and business requirements followed by a description of 5G network softwarization and slicing paradigms including essential concepts, history and different use cases. Secondly, we provide a tutorial of 5G network slicing technology enablers including SDN, NFV, MEC, cloud/Fog computing, network hypervisors, virtual machines & containers. Thidly, we comprehensively survey different industrial initiatives and projects that are pushing forward the adoption of SDN and NFV in accelerating 5G network slicing. A comparison of various 5G architectural approaches in terms of practical implementations, technology adoptions and deployment strategies is presented. Moreover, we provide a discussion on various open source orchestrators and proof of concepts representing industrial contribution. The work also investigates the standardization efforts in 5G networks regarding network slicing and softwarization. Additionally, the article presents the management and orchestration of network slices in a single domain followed by a comprehensive survey of management and orchestration approaches in 5G network slicing across multiple domains while supporting multiple tenants. Furthermore, we highlight the future challenges and research directions regarding network softwarization and slicing using SDN and NFV in 5G networks.Comment: 40 Pages, 22 figures, published in computer networks (Open Access

    Provisioning Ultra-Low Latency Services in Softwarized Network for the Tactile Internet

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    The Internet has made several giant leaps over the years, from a fixed to a mobile Internet, then to the Internet of Things, and now to a Tactile Internet. The Tactile Internet is envisioned to deliver real-time control and physical tactile experiences remotely in addition to conventional audiovisual data to enable immersive human-to-machine interaction and allow skill-set delivery over networks. To realize the Tactile Internet, two key performance requirements, namely ultra-low latency and ultra-high reliability need to be achieved. However, currently deployed networks are far from meeting these stringent requirements and cannot efficiently cope with dynamic service arrivals/departures and the significant growth of traffic demands. To fulfill these requirements, a softwarized network enabled by network function virtualization (NFV) and software-defined network (SDN) technologies is introduced as a new promising concept of a future network due to its flexibility, agility, scalability and cost efficiency. Despite these benefits, provisioning Tactile Internet network services (NSs) in an NFV-based infrastructure remains a challenge, as network resources must be allocated for virtual network function (VNF) deployment and traffic routing in such a way that the stringent requirements are met, and network operator’s objectives are optimized. This problem is also well-known, as NFV resource allocation (NFV-RA) and can be further divided into three stages: (i) VNF composition, (ii) VNF embedding/placement and (iii) VNF scheduling. This thesis addresses challenges on NFV-RA for Tactile Internet NSs, especially ultra-low latency NSs. We first conduct a survey on architectural and algorithmic solutions proposed so far for the Tactile Internet. Second, we propose a joint VNF composition and embedding algorithm to efficiently determine the number of VNF instances to form a VNF forward graph (VNF-FG) and their embedding locations to serve ultra-low latency NSs, as in some cases, multiple instances of each VNF type with proper embedding may be needed to guarantee the stringent latency requirements. The proposed algorithm relies on a Tabu search method to solve the problem with a reasonable time. Third, we introduce real-time VNF embedding algorithms to efficiently support ultra-low latency NSs that require fast service provisioning. By assuming that a VNF-FG is given, our proposed algorithms aim to minimize the cost while meeting the stringent latency requirement. Finally, we focus on a joint VNF embedding and scheduling problem, assuming that ultra-low latency NSs can arrive in the network any time and have specific service deadlines. Moreover, VNF instances once deployed can be shared by multiple NSs. With these assumptions, we aim to optimally determine whether to schedule NSs on already deployed VNFs or to deploy new VNFs and schedule them on newly deployed VNFs to maximize profits while guaranteeing the stringent service deadlines. Two efficient heuristics are introduced to solve this problem with a feasible time