16,165 research outputs found

    Broadband universal service in Europe:A review of policy consultations 2005-2010

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    Recognition of the growing importance of broadband to the public presents challenges for policy-makers in introducing efficient strategies, not only to serve the increasing demand for broadband among people in society but also to increase their economic contribution both in the short run and in the long run. Different measures and strategies have been implemented in many countries and regions in order to encourage broadband deployment. Among them, the inclusion of broadband in the scope of universal service has been discussed.In the European Union, the discussion on broadening the scope of the Universal Service Directive (USD) to include broadband has been raised since the first periodical review in 2005. At that time, the European Commission concluded that only a small, although rapidly growing, minority of European consumers currently make use of broadband services. Therefore, the conditions for including broadband services within the scope of universal service as set out in the USD were not fulfilled. Later, the European Commission launched the second periodical review of universal service in 2008 with the preliminary conclusion that broadband has not yet reached the majority of people, implying that the conditions of the USD for expanding the scope of universal service were not yet fulfilled. However, the public consultation on broadening the scope of the USD to include broadband has been opened since March 2010 and was last on May 7, 2010. In the meantime, the public workshop organized in the context of the public consultation on universal service principles in e-communications was held on March 30, 2010. The workshop provided wide-ranging views on the topic, including an assessment of the cost of broadband availability and also the rapid change of broadband penetration rate throughout Europe. Against this background, this paper provides an analytical survey of the current state and trends of universal service with focus on broadband access in the European Union. First it presents an overview of broadband deployment and regulation in Europe. Then, it analyzes the USD reviews by taking into account the previous and the recent review, in particular by comparing the discourse evolution of the public submissions from stakeholders in the two consultations. A framework to evaluate broadband universal service will be provided. In conclusion, the paper will identify selected issues regarding broadband universal service in Europe, especially the pros and cons of broadband universal serviceuniversal service obligation, broadband, legislations, public consultaitons

    Proximity Dependent Ligation Selection: A New Approach to Generating DNA Aptamers

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    Nucleic acid aptamers are a group of molecules which emerge from large random sequence pools through in vitro selection, a process called Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX). These recognition molecules are a potential alternative to antibodies and offer a greater thermal stability, robustness and chemical versatility. The first part of this thesis describes the selection of an aptamer against acetylcholinesterase (AChE) using conventional in vitro selection process. The pool enrichment was observed during 15 rounds of selection and a chosen aptamer, R15/19, was characterized. The R15/19 binds with dissociation constant of 55±8pM but does not inhibit the enzyme. This aptamer can be used as a part of immobilization mediator. However, this manual in vitro selection procedure is time consuming as it needs multiple rounds of selection. Therefore, a novel aptamer selection method has been developed that is aimed at shortening selection times. Taking an advantage of multiple interactions, it is possible to generate a single sequence that contains two binding sites through a single selection process. The approach is adopted from proximity dependent DNA ligation assay (PLA) and called ‘proximity ligation selection’ (PLS). Instead of using one random pool for selection, with PLS, we use two. These two starting pools were designed to contain different additional sequences, apart from the primer and random regions, at either the 5’ or the 3’ end. The basis of this method is only in the presence of target protein molecules, is there a close proximity of pairs of bound sequences. And only if those pairs are in an appropriate orientation in which the 3’ hydroxyl terminal of one sequence is sufficiently close to the 5’-phosphate terminal of the other sequence, are the extended free ends of each member of the proximity oligonucleotide pairs were brought closely by base-pairing to subsequently added connector oligonucleotide. The hybridized complexes are then joined using a DNA ligase, allowing the formation of a ligated product that contains a dual binding site on the target. Thrombin and lysozyme were used as model targets. For thrombin, none of the PLS products showed a G-quadruplex signature in CD spectroscopy. Using the SPR, the Kd of the aptamer dimer 2/19-5 (from F and R pool) and 4/19-7 (from TBA29plus and R pool) are 1.6M and 1.2M, respectively. The ELONA test was used to measure a Kd for each monomer and there was no binding observed from each monomer of the aptamer against thrombin. In the case of lysozyme, the SPR and ELONA revealed the Kd of the aptamer dimer (from two starting pools) of 8.7M and 9nM, respectively. The Kd of each constitute of anti-lysozyme aptamer dimer using ELONA showed the Kd of 35.5 and 51.5nM. The Kd obtained from SPR was high, suggesting a low binding affinity. We assume that the aptamer molecule can freely fold into a favored structure once it meets the target and thus can perform binding better than in the SPR. Although we did not succeed in generating aptamer dimers that had higher affinity than monomers, there are several steps in the procedure that need to be further improved.Open Acces

    Evolution of the EU broadband policy: Towards an integrated framework?

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    Since more than two decades, broadband has been recognized in the EU as having great benefits to economic and social development.This recognition is evident in the first EU policy document on the telecommunications market - the 1987 Green Paper - which assumed that harmonization and liberalization through competition mechanism could be used as the tools to bring all those benefits to the European citizens. Although the policy in the following years emphasized the competition mechanism, many additional instruments were developed and implemented in order to make broadband available to all European citizen. Some instruments can be seen in the form of Directives, and some instruments are shown in many policy strategies. All of them have a considerable contribution to the growth of broadband deployment in the EU. However, with globalization, the policy impetus for broadband has shifted toward a means to increase competitiveness of a nation or region.This changing emphasis due to globalization and competitiveness impacts the design of policy instruments. A question can be raised which instruments can serve a new concept of future broadband policy. Against this background, the paper will present an evolutionary concept of broadband policy in the EU by providing a model to integrate the related broadband policy instruments. A timeline of all instruments and initiatives being implemented will be explored. This evolution will be analyzed in order to see what kind of future model is applicable when broadband policy is based on a perspective of globalization and regional competitiveness. The analysis will address how well the existing instruments can serve a new concept of broadband policy and what the needs are for new policy instruments and working structures. --network society,post-industrial society,broadband policy,the EU,sector,agenda,strategic agenda

    Will Broadband Networks Make the World Greener? Evaluating Pros and Cons of Broadband Development

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    The environmental issue has generally received much attention from the public for decades, especially as a result of heavy industry - electrical energy, oil and gas, mining, steel and metals. Recently, attention has been paid to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its effect on the knowledge and related industries. Broadband, both fixed and mobile, is not an exception. Even though it has been recognized as a factor that has contributed to social and economic development, anegative effect can also be seen in particular regarding the environment. This paper provides a review of how government policy, in particular by the EU and Japan, are moving towards the transition to sustainability by utilizing ICT, as well as an evaluation of the pros and cons of broadband development. There are many complex effects on sustainability due to ICT. Since ICT can have environmental effects both as enabling energy efficiency and causing rebound effects, the policies should respond to both direct and indirect effects. To facilitate policy analysis and recommendations, this paper categorizes ICT impacts by five orders of aggregation. These five orders of aggregation may contribute both positively and negatively to sustainability, and each level will need targeted policies. The five orders of aggregation suggest a comprehensive and long term view of policy development, encompassing even policies that seek to improve the quality of decision making in our societies, by utilizing ICTs.broadband, sustainable development, green ICT.

    La balandra "Orada"

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    Mineralizações de magnetite e sulfuretos de Monges (Santiago do Escoural, Montemor-o-Novo), Vale de Pães (Cuba-Vidigueira) e Orada (Pedrógão, Serpa) : Síntese de ensaio comparativo

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    As mineralizações Monges (Montemor-o-Novo), Vale de Pães (Cuba-Vidigueira) e Orada (Serpa), incluídas na Faixa Magnetítico-Zincífera da Zona de Ossa-Morena (ZOM), evidenciam características mineralógicas e geoquímicas diferentes, não obstante partilharem uma constituição dominada por magnetite ± sulfuretos (pirite, pirrotite e calcopirite). A diferença é tanto mais notória quando se compara Monges (possivelmente um sistema misto do tipo SEDEX-VMS) com Vale de Pães ou Orada, as duas últimas representando sistemas do tipo Skarn-Fe(Mg/Ca). Os dados disponíveis permitem ainda posicionar o desenvolvimento destes sistemas mineralizantes em contextos geológicos distintos, correlacionáveis com diferentes estádios da evolução geodinâmica/metalogenética da ZOM

    La Biblia orada y vivida: “Lectio divina”

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    El trabajo pretende un acercamiento a la “Lectio Divina”, es decir, una aproximación a la Escritura como Palabra de Dios. Después de presentar brevemente el inicio y los principales hitos de esta forma de lectura, el artículo se ocupa de las raíces de este acercamiento: la lectura espiritual de la Escritura que se percibe ya tanto en el judaísmo formativo (rabínico) como en el cristianismo primitivo y los Santos Padres. Al final, el trabajo presenta tres ejemplos de “Lectio Divina”.The target of this essay is an approach to the Lectio Divina, that is to say, an approximation to the Scriptures as the Word of God. After briefly introducing the beginning and the main milestones of this this kind of reading, the article tackles the root causes of the following approach: a spiritual reading of the Scriptures can already be felt in formative (Rabbinical) Judaism as well as in the primitive forms of Christianity and the Early Church Fathers. Finally, the essay puts forward three instances of “Lectio Divina”

    Yine orada

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    Fazlı Necip'in Yeni Asır'da tefrika edilen Yine Orada adlı romanıArşivdeki eksikler nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiştir. Bkz. "Tefrika bilgi formu

    2018 Yılında gerçekleştirilen cami konulu iki akademik faaliyet üzerine

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    MakaleBugünlerde konunun hangi yönlerine özellikle odaklanıldığını, nasıl bir anlatım yolu takip edildiğini pek net tanımlayamam ama şundan kesinlikle eminim ki; bir zamanlar İmam-Hatip liselerinde öğrenim gören pek çok öğrencinin muttali olduğu en önemli bilgilerden biri, Müslümanın hayatında caminin konumunun olması gerektiği yerde durmadığıydı. Bu konu açıldığında Hz. Peygamber’in hayatında mescidin hayatın merkezinde yer aldığı, pek çok önemli kararın orada alındığı, onun hayatındaki pek çok kritik anın yine orada yaşandığı üzerinde ısrarla durulurdu. Detaylarıyla öğrencilere anlatılırdı ki; ilk müminler sadece günde beş kez namaz kılmak için biraraya gelmemişti mescidde, orada kıyılan nikâhlar vardı, başkomutan vasfıyla savaşa dair detaylar orada görüşülmüştü. Peygamber mescidi hapishane de olmuştu, hazine de, okul da. Bu minvaldeki bilgi çoğu kez Peygamber uygulamasının ne yazık ki korunamadığı, yaşanan çağda korunamadığı vb. bir dizi ifadeyle son bulurdu

    Rantı Yüksek Mahalleler Afet Kapsamına Alındı

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    Rantı yüksek mahalleler afet kapsamına alındı: Emekçiler kent merkezlerinden sürülüyor.Şehircilik Bakanlığı, "afet riski" kapsamına rantı yüksek merkezleri aldı. Uzmanlar ise, uygulamayı merkezden sürgün diye yorumladı. Bakanlık "konutlar yapılınca öncelikli olarak orada yaşayanlara teklif sunuluyor" dese de yapılacak evlerin fiyatı orada yaşayanların karşılayamayacağı boyutlarda