6 research outputs found

    Evaluating Software-based Hardening Techniques for General-Purpose Registers on a GPGPU

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are considered a promising solution for high-performance safety-critical applications, such as self-driving cars. In this application domain, the use of fault tolerance techniques is mandatory to detect or correct faults, since they must work properly even in the presence of faults. GPUs are designed with aggressive technology scaling, which makes them susceptible to faults caused by radiation interference, such as the Single Event Upsets (SEUs), which can lead the system to fail, and that is unacceptable in safety-critical applications. In this paper, we evaluate different software-based hardening techniques developed to detect SEUs in GPUs general-purpose registers and propose optimizations to improve performance and memory utilization. The techniques are implemented in three case-study applications and evaluated in a general-purpose soft-core GPU based on the NVIDIA G80 architecture. A fault injection campaign is performed at register transfer level to assess the fault detection potential of the implemented techniques. Results show that the proposed improvements can be tailored for different scenarios, helping engineers in navigating the design space of hardened GPGPU applications

    Software-only triple diverse redundancy on GPUs for autonomous driving platforms

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    Autonomous driving (AD) imposes the need for safe computations in high-performance computing (HPC) components such as GPUs, thus with capabilities to detect and recover from errors since a safe state may not exist anymore. This can be achieved with Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) for computation components. Furthermore, error detection capabilities need to provide some form of diversity to avoid the case where a single fault leads all redundant executions lead to the same error, which would go undetected. In our past work, we assessed GPUs against dual modular redundancy (DMR) with diversity, showing their potential and limitations to provide diverse redundancy building on reset and restart for recovery. However, such recovery scheme may be too slow for some applications. This paper proposes a software-only solution to deliver diverse TMR on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) GPUs. Our work details how staggered execution can be achieved and assesses the performance of TMR on COTS GPUs. Moreover, we identify those elements where diversity cannot be guaranteed and provide some discussion comparing the case of DMR and TMR for those elements.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871467 (SELENE). Leonidas Kosmidis has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under a Juan de la Cierva Formacion postdoctoral fellowship with number FJCI-2017-34095.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Software-only diverse redundancy on GPUs for autonomous driving platforms

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    Autonomous driving (AD) builds upon high-performance computing platforms including (1) general purpose CPUs as well as (2) specific accelerators, being GPUs one of the main representatives. Microcontrollers have reached ASIL-D compliance by implementing diverse redundancy with lockstep execution. However, ASIL-D compliant GPUs rely on either fully redundant lockstep GPUs (i.e. 2 GPUs), which doubles hardware costs, or fully redundant systems with a GPU and another accelerator, which virtually doubles design and validation/verification (V&V) costs. In this paper we analyze the degree of diversity achieved when implementing redundancy on a single GPU, showing that diverse redundancy is not achieved in many cases, and propose software strategies that guarantee achieving diverse redundancy for any kernel on systems using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) GPUs, thus showing how to achieve ASIL-D compliance on a single COTS GPU in controlled scenarios.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC2013-14717Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Using precision reduction to efficiently improve mixed-precision GPUs reliability

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    Duplication With Comparison (DWC) is a traditional and accepted method for improving systems’ reliability. DWC consists of duplicating critical regions in Software or in Hardware level by creating redundant operations in order to decrease the probability of an unwanted event. However, this technique introduces an expensive overhead in power consumption, processing time and in resources allocation. This obstacle is due to the fact that the critical operations are computed at least two times in this process. Reduced Precision Duplication With Comparison (RP-DWC) is an effective software level solution to improve the performance of the conventional DWC. RP-DWC aims to mitigate these overheads by enabling parallel processing in underused Floating Point Units (FPUs) in mixed precision Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). By making use of precision reduction to efficiently improve the reliability in mixed precision GPUs, RPDWC extends the DWC technique, introducing proper ways to handle redundancy with different precision operations. Improving GPUs reliability is an extremely valuable challenge in the fault tolerance field since GPUs are adopted in both High-Performance Computing (HPC) and in automotive real-time applications. When GPUs are exposed to a natural environment, such as the surface of the Earth at sea level, they are also exposed to the Earth’s surface radiation. Furthermore, this exposure can be critical, given that these radiation particles may hit the GPU’s internal circuit, corrupt sensitive data and consequently generate undesired outputs. Introducing duplication with reduced precision in a trustworthy manner to maintain reliability in safety-critical systems is an arduous task that we propose to further investigate in this work

    GPU devices for safety-critical systems: a survey

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    Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) devices and their associated software programming languages and frameworks can deliver the computing performance required to facilitate the development of next-generation high-performance safety-critical systems such as autonomous driving systems. However, the integration of complex, parallel, and computationally demanding software functions with different safety-criticality levels on GPU devices with shared hardware resources contributes to several safety certification challenges. This survey categorizes and provides an overview of research contributions that address GPU devices’ random hardware failures, systematic failures, and independence of execution.This work has been partially supported by the European Research Council with Horizon 2020 (grant agreements No. 772773 and 871465), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant PID2019-107255GB, the HiPEAC Network of Excellence and the Basque Government under grant KK-2019-00035. The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has also partially supported Leonidas Kosmidis with a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2020- 045931-I).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft