562 research outputs found

    Qualitative and Quantitative Security Analyses for ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks

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    IoMT Supported COVID Care – Technologies and Challenges

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has sparked substantial progress in the recent days of pandemic and achieved several milestones especially in healthcare. Wearable technologies have gained in popularity as a means of ensuring the health and safety of users in medical and disaster relief activities, facilitating the evolution of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). The IoMT is a phenomenon in which computer networks and medical equipment are linked over the Internet to allow physicians and patients to interact in real time. This coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated how unprepared our systems are for a disaster of this magnitude, as well as the necessity for robust, computationally intelligent, and profound meddling. This study piece looks at the many IoT-enabled smart solutions that could be used to respond to various aspects of this rising epidemic, from diagnosis to treatment to prevention. The paper provides a retrospective survey and identifies several obstacles and obstructions to IoT integration as an attempt to deal with coronavirus pandemic. The work concludes with a discussion of challenges and future scope to the difficulties mentioned in the bench marked works

    Enable Reliable and Secure Data Transmission in Resource-Constrained Emerging Networks

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    The increasing deployment of wireless devices has connected humans and objects all around the world, benefiting our daily life and the entire society in many aspects. Achieving those connectivity motivates the emergence of different types of paradigms, such as cellular networks, large-scale Internet of Things (IoT), cognitive networks, etc. Among these networks, enabling reliable and secure data transmission requires various resources including spectrum, energy, and computational capability. However, these resources are usually limited in many scenarios, especially when the number of devices is considerably large, bringing catastrophic consequences to data transmission. For example, given the fact that most of IoT devices have limited computational abilities and inadequate security protocols, data transmission is vulnerable to various attacks such as eavesdropping and replay attacks, for which traditional security approaches are unable to address. On the other hand, in the cellular network, the ever-increasing data traffic has exacerbated the depletion of spectrum along with the energy consumption. As a result, mobile users experience significant congestion and delays when they request data from the cellular service provider, especially in many crowded areas. In this dissertation, we target on reliable and secure data transmission in resource-constrained emerging networks. The first two works investigate new security challenges in the current heterogeneous IoT environment, and then provide certain countermeasures for reliable data communication. To be specific, we identify a new physical-layer attack, the signal emulation attack, in the heterogeneous environment, such as smart home IoT. To defend against the attack, we propose two defense strategies with the help of a commonly found wireless device. In addition, to enable secure data transmission in large-scale IoT network, e.g., the industrial IoT, we apply the amply-and-forward cooperative communication to increase the secrecy capacity by incentivizing relay IoT devices. Besides security concerns in IoT network, we seek data traffic alleviation approaches to achieve reliable and energy-efficient data transmission for a group of users in the cellular network. The concept of mobile participation is introduced to assist data offloading from the base station to users in the group by leveraging the mobility of users and the social features among a group of users. Following with that, we deploy device-to-device data offloading within the group to achieve the energy efficiency at the user side while adapting to their increasing traffic demands. In the end, we consider a perpendicular topic - dynamic spectrum access (DSA) - to alleviate the spectrum scarcity issue in cognitive radio network, where the spectrum resource is limited to users. Specifically, we focus on the security concerns and further propose two physical-layer schemes to prevent spectrum misuse in DSA in both additive white Gaussian noise and fading environments

    Throughput Maximization in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks

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    The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) swarms in civilian applications such as surveillance, agriculture, search and rescue, and border patrol is becoming popular. UAVs have also found use as mobile or portable base stations. In these applications, communication requirements for UAVs are generally stricter as compared to conventional aircrafts. Hence, there needs to be an efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol that ensures UAVs experience low channel access delays and high throughput. Some challenges when designing UAVs MAC protocols include interference and rapidly changing channel states, which require a UAV to adapt its data rate to ensure data transmission success. Other challenges include Quality of Service (QoS) requirements and multiple contending UAVs that result in collisions and channel access delays. To this end, this thesis aims to utilize Multi-Packet Reception (MPR) technology. In particular, it considers nodes that are equipped with a Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) radio, and thereby, allowing them to receive multiple transmissions simultaneously. A key problem is to identify a suitable a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) transmission schedule that allows UAVs to transmit successfully and frequently. Moreover, in order for SIC to operate, there must be a sufficient difference in received power. However, in practice, due to the location and orientation of nodes, the received power of simultaneously transmitting nodes may cause SIC decoding to fail at a receiver. Consequently, a key problem concerns the placement and orientation of UAVs to ensure there is diversity in received signal strength at a receiving node. Lastly, interference between UAVs serving as base station is a critical issue. In particular, their respective location may have excessive interference or cause interference to other UAVs; all of which have an impact on the schedule used by these UAVs to serve their respective users

    On the design of smart parking networks in the smart cities: an optimal sensor placement model

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    Smart parking is a typical IoT application that can benefit from advances in sensor, actuator and RFID technologies to provide many services to its users and parking owners of a smart city. This paper considers a smart parking infrastructure where sensors are laid down on the parking spots to detect car presence and RFID readers are embedded into parking gates to identify cars and help in the billing of the smart parking. Both types of devices are endowed with wired and wireless communication capabilities for reporting to a gateway where the situation recognition is performed. The sensor devices are tasked to play one of the three roles: (1) slave sensor nodes located on the parking spot to detect car presence/absence; (2) master nodes located at one of the edges of a parking lot to detect presence and collect the sensor readings from the slave nodes; and (3) repeater sensor nodes, also called ''anchor'' nodes, located strategically at specific locations in the parking lot to increase the coverage and connectivity of the wireless sensor network. While slave and master nodes are placed based on geographic constraints, the optimal placement of the relay/anchor sensor nodes in smart parking is an important parameter upon which the cost and e ciency of the parking system depends. We formulate the optimal placement of sensors in smart parking as an integer linear programming multi-objective problem optimizing the sensor network engineering e ciency in terms of coverage and lifetime maximization, as well as its economic gain in terms of the number of sensors deployed for a specific coverage and lifetime. We propose an exact solution to the node placement problem using single-step and two-step solutions implemented in the Mosel language based on the Xpress-MPsuite of libraries. Experimental results reveal the relative e ciency of the single-step compared to the two-step model on di erent performance parameters. These results are consolidated by simulation results, which reveal that our solution outperforms a random placement in terms of both energy consumption, delay and throughput achieved by a smart parking network

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2016

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    This Research Report presents the FY16 research statistics and contributions of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management (EN) at AFIT. AFIT research interests and faculty expertise cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to USAF needs, as reflected by the range of topics addressed in the faculty and student publications listed in this report. In most cases, the research work reported herein is directly sponsored by one or more USAF or DOD agencies. AFIT welcomes the opportunity to conduct research on additional topics of interest to the USAF, DOD, and other federal organizations when adequate manpower and financial resources are available and/or provided by a sponsor. In addition, AFIT provides research collaboration and technology transfer benefits to the public through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)
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